blob: 3b76b845bd89bfbd681684a9c745ae218f409977 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'adapters/dart.dart';
import 'protocol_generated.dart';
/// A reporter that can send progress notifications to the client.
abstract class DapProgressReporter {
final DartDebugAdapter adapter;
/// The ID for the this progress, used by the client to distinguish between
/// any overlapping progress.
final String id;
/// A suffix to use for the next token to ensure all IDs are unique.
static int nextIdSuffix = 1;
DapProgressReporter(this.adapter, String idPrefix)
: id = '${idPrefix}_${nextIdSuffix++}';
void _start(String title, String? message) {
progressId: id,
title: title,
message: message,
void update({required String message}) {
sendUpdate(ProgressUpdateEventBody(progressId: id, message: message));
void end([String? message]) {
sendEnd(ProgressEndEventBody(progressId: id, message: message));
/// Creates a progress reporter and sends the start event.
factory DapProgressReporter.start(
DartDebugAdapter adapter,
String idPrefix,
String title, {
String? message,
}) {
final supportsStandardProgress =
adapter.initializeArgs?.supportsProgressReporting ?? false;
final useCustomProgress = adapter.args.sendCustomProgressEvents ?? false;
final reporter = useCustomProgress
? _CustomDapProgressReporter(adapter, idPrefix)
: supportsStandardProgress
? _StandardDapProgressReporter(adapter, idPrefix)
: _NoopDapProgressReporter(adapter, idPrefix);
return reporter.._start(title, message);
void sendStart(ProgressStartEventBody body);
void sendUpdate(ProgressUpdateEventBody body);
void sendEnd(ProgressEndEventBody body);
/// Sends progress notifications using custom events.
/// Custom events are used by VS Code to allow the Dart extension to control the
/// notifications instead of VS Code, which allows them to be shown immediately
/// instead of after a 500ms debounce which can cause fast Hot Reload
/// notifications to never be shown and provide no user feedback.
class _CustomDapProgressReporter extends DapProgressReporter {
_CustomDapProgressReporter(DartDebugAdapter adapter, String idPrefix)
: super(adapter, idPrefix);
void sendStart(ProgressStartEventBody body) {
adapter.sendEvent(body, eventType: 'dart.progressStart');
void sendUpdate(ProgressUpdateEventBody body) {
adapter.sendEvent(body, eventType: 'dart.progressUpdate');
void sendEnd(ProgressEndEventBody body) {
adapter.sendEvent(body, eventType: 'dart.progressEnd');
/// Sends progress notifications using standard events.
class _StandardDapProgressReporter extends DapProgressReporter {
_StandardDapProgressReporter(DartDebugAdapter adapter, String idPrefix)
: super(adapter, idPrefix);
void sendStart(ProgressStartEventBody body) {
void sendUpdate(ProgressUpdateEventBody body) {
void sendEnd(ProgressEndEventBody body) {
/// A [DapProgressReporter] that does not send any events.
class _NoopDapProgressReporter extends DapProgressReporter {
_NoopDapProgressReporter(DartDebugAdapter adapter, String idPrefix)
: super(adapter, idPrefix);
void sendStart(ProgressStartEventBody body) {}
void sendUpdate(ProgressUpdateEventBody body) {}
void sendEnd(ProgressEndEventBody body) {}