blob: ed790edca1bd335560ae4893707afde3b65b33d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
bool _doNothing(String from, String to) {
if (p.canonicalize(from) == p.canonicalize(to)) {
return true;
if (p.isWithin(from, to)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot copy from $from to $to');
return false;
/// Copies all of the files in the [from] directory to [to].
/// This is similar to `cp -R <from> <to>`:
/// * Symlinks are supported.
/// * Existing files are over-written, if any.
/// * If [to] is within [from], throws [ArgumentError] (an infinite operation).
/// * If [from] and [to] are canonically the same, no operation occurs.
/// Returns a future that completes when complete.
Future<Null> copyPath(String from, String to) async {
if (_doNothing(from, to)) {
await new Directory(to).create(recursive: true);
await for (final file in new Directory(from).list(recursive: true)) {
final copyTo = p.join(to, p.relative(file.path, from: from));
if (file is Directory) {
await new Directory(copyTo).create(recursive: true);
} else if (file is File) {
await new File(file.path).copy(copyTo);
} else if (file is Link) {
await new Link(copyTo).create(await, recursive: true);
/// Copies all of the files in the [from] directory to [to].
/// This is similar to `cp -R <from> <to>`:
/// * Symlinks are supported.
/// * Existing files are over-written, if any.
/// * If [to] is within [from], throws [ArgumentError] (an infinite operation).
/// * If [from] and [to] are canonically the same, no operation occurs.
/// This action is performed synchronously (blocking I/O).
void copyPathSync(String from, String to) {
if (_doNothing(from, to)) {
new Directory(to).createSync(recursive: true);
for (final file in new Directory(from).listSync(recursive: true)) {
final copyTo = p.join(to, p.relative(file.path, from: from));
if (file is Directory) {
new Directory(copyTo).createSync(recursive: true);
} else if (file is File) {
new File(file.path).copySync(copyTo);
} else if (file is Link) {
new Link(copyTo).createSync(file.targetSync(), recursive: true);