blob: 74556efad927e5973c20d064c2089ca6eb6fe5c8 [file] [log] [blame]
library eventsource.io_server;
import "dart:io" as io;
import "package:sync/waitgroup.dart";
import "publisher.dart";
import "src/event.dart";
import "src/encoder.dart";
/// Create a handler to serve [io.HttpRequest] objects for the specified
/// channel.
/// This method can be passed to the [io.HttpServer.listen] method.
Function createIoHandler(EventSourcePublisher publisher,
{String channel: "", bool gzip: false}) {
void ioHandler(io.HttpRequest request) {
io.HttpResponse response = request.response;
// set content encoding to gzip if we allow it and the request supports it
bool useGzip = gzip &&
(request.headers.value(io.HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING) ?? "")
// set headers and status code
response.statusCode = 200;
response.headers.set("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8");
.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
response.headers.set("Connection", "keep-alive");
if (useGzip) response.headers.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
// a wait group to keep track of flushes in order not to close while
// flushing
WaitGroup flushes = new WaitGroup();
// flush the headers
response.flush().then((_) => flushes.done());
// create encoder for this connection
var encodedSink = new EventSourceEncoder(compressed: useGzip)
// define the methods for pushing events and closing the connection
void onEvent(Event event) {
response.flush().then((_) => flushes.done());
void onClose() {
flushes.wait().then((_) => response.close());
// initialize the new subscription
onEvent: onEvent,
onClose: onClose,
channel: channel,
lastEventId: request.headers.value("Last-Event-ID"));
return ioHandler;