blob: ac01366d74b723b82eb58184d487050e1f17b757 [file] [log] [blame]
part of archive;
* Decompress data with the gzip format decoder.
class GZipDecoder {
static const int SIGNATURE = 0x8b1f;
static const int DEFLATE = 8;
static const int FLAG_TEXT = 0x01;
static const int FLAG_HCRC = 0x02;
static const int FLAG_EXTRA = 0x04;
static const int FLAG_NAME = 0x08;
static const int FLAG_COMMENT = 0x10;
List<int> decodeBytes(List<int> data, {bool verify: false}) {
return decodeBuffer(new InputStream(data), verify: verify);
void decodeStream(dynamic input, dynamic output) {
new, output);
List<int> decodeBuffer(dynamic input, {bool verify: false}) {
// Inflate
List<int> buffer = new Inflate.buffer(input).getBytes();
if (verify) {
int crc = input.readUint32();
int computedCrc = getCrc32(buffer);
if (crc != computedCrc) {
throw new ArchiveException('Invalid CRC checksum');
int size = input.readUint32();
if (size != buffer.length) {
throw new ArchiveException('Size of decompressed file not correct');
return buffer;
void _readHeader(dynamic input) {
// The GZip format has the following structure:
// Offset Length Contents
// 0 2 bytes magic header 0x1f, 0x8b (\037 \213)
// 2 1 byte compression method
// 0: store (copied)
// 1: compress
// 2: pack
// 3: lzh
// 4..7: reserved
// 8: deflate
// 3 1 byte flags
// bit 0 set: file probably ascii text
// bit 1 set: continuation of multi-part gzip file, part number present
// bit 2 set: extra field present
// bit 3 set: original file name present
// bit 4 set: file comment present
// bit 5 set: file is encrypted, encryption header present
// bit 6,7: reserved
// 4 4 bytes file modification time in Unix format
// 8 1 byte extra flags (depend on compression method)
// 9 1 byte OS type
// [
// 2 bytes optional part number (second part=1)
// ]?
// [
// 2 bytes optional extra field length (e)
// (e)bytes optional extra field
// ]?
// [
// bytes optional original file name, zero terminated
// ]?
// [
// bytes optional file comment, zero terminated
// ]?
// [
// 12 bytes optional encryption header
// ]?
// bytes compressed data
// 4 bytes crc32
// 4 bytes uncompressed input size modulo 2^32
int signature = input.readUint16();
if (signature != SIGNATURE) {
throw new ArchiveException('Invalid GZip Signature');
int compressionMethod = input.readByte();
if (compressionMethod != DEFLATE) {
throw new ArchiveException('Invalid GZip Compression Methos');
int flags = input.readByte();
/*int fileModTime =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int extraFlags =*/ input.readByte();
/*int osType =*/ input.readByte();
if (flags & FLAG_EXTRA != 0) {
int t = input.readUint16();
if (flags & FLAG_NAME != 0) {
if (flags & FLAG_COMMENT != 0) {
// just throw away for now
if (flags & FLAG_HCRC != 0) {