blob: cd12a91298b78fe3de0bf3cec396e3e1d06cb3dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A library to generate Dart source code.
library src_gen_dart;
import '../common/src_gen_common.dart';
/// A class used to generate Dart source code. This class facilitates writing out
/// dartdoc comments, automatically manages indent by counting curly braces, and
/// automatically wraps doc comments on 80 char column boundaries.
class DartGenerator {
static const defaultColumnBoundary = 80;
final int colBoundary;
String _indent = '';
final StringBuffer _buf = StringBuffer();
bool _previousWasEol = false;
DartGenerator({this.colBoundary = defaultColumnBoundary});
/// Write out the given dartdoc text, wrapping lines as necessary to flow
/// along the column boundary. If [preferSingle] is true, and the docs would
/// fit on a single line, use `///` dartdoc style.
void writeDocs(String? docs) {
if (docs == null) return;
docs = wrap(docs.trim(), colBoundary - _indent.length - 4);
// docs = docs.replaceAll('*/', '/');
// docs = docs.replaceAll('/*', r'/\*');
docs.split('\n').forEach((line) => _writeln('/// $line'.trimRight()));
// if (!docs.contains('\n') && preferSingle) {
// _writeln("/// ${docs}", true);
// } else {
// _writeln("/**", true);
// _writeln(" * ${docs.replaceAll("\n", "\n * ")}", true);
// _writeln(" */", true);
// }
/// Write out the given Dart statement and terminate it with an eol. If the
/// statement will overflow the column boundary, attempt to wrap it at
/// reasonable places.
void writeStatement(String str) {
if (_indent.length + str.length > colBoundary) {
// Split the line on the first '('. Currently, we don't do anything
// fancier then that. This takes the edge off the long lines.
int index = str.indexOf('(');
if (index == -1) {
} else {
writeln(str.substring(0, index + 1));
writeln(' ${str.substring(index + 1)}');
} else {
void writeln([String str = '']) => _write('$str\n');
void write(String str) => _write(str);
void out(String str) => _buf.write(str);
void _writeln([String str = '', bool ignoreCurlies = false]) =>
_write('$str\n', ignoreCurlies);
void _write(String str, [bool ignoreCurlies = false]) {
for (final int rune in str.runes) {
if (!ignoreCurlies) {
if (rune == $leftCurly) {
_indent = '$_indent ';
} else if (rune == $rightCurly && _indent.length >= 2) {
_indent = _indent.substring(2);
if (_previousWasEol && rune != $eol) {
_previousWasEol = rune == $eol;
String toString() => _buf.toString();