blob: acd0dc51d917adea7a4bc1193ee422f11efa19fc [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../context/context.dart';
import '../context/result.dart';
import '../core/parser.dart';
import '../parser/action/continuation.dart';
import '../reflection/transform.dart';
import '../shared/types.dart';
/// Returns a transformed [Parser] that when being used to read input prints a
/// trace of all activated parsers and their respective parse results.
/// For example, the snippet
/// final parser = letter() & word().star();
/// trace(parser).parse('f1');
/// produces the following output:
/// Instance of 'SequenceParser<dynamic>'
/// Instance of 'CharacterParser'[letter expected]
/// Success[1:2]: f
/// Instance of 'PossessiveRepeatingParser<String>'[0..*]
/// Instance of 'CharacterParser'[letter or digit expected]
/// Success[1:3]: 1
/// Instance of 'CharacterParser'[letter or digit expected]
/// Failure[1:3]: letter or digit expected
/// Success[1:3]: [1]
/// Success[1:3]: [f, [1]]
/// Indentation signifies the activation of a parser object. Reverse indentation
/// signifies the returning of a parse result either with a success or failure
/// context.
/// The optional [output] callback can be used to continuously receive
/// [TraceEvent] objects with current enter and exit data.
Parser<T> trace<T>(Parser<T> root,
{VoidCallback<TraceEvent> output = print, Predicate<Parser>? predicate}) {
TraceEvent? parent;
return transformParser(root, <T>(parser) {
if (predicate == null || predicate(parser)) {
return parser.callCC((continuation, context) {
final currentParent = parent;
output(parent = _TraceEvent(currentParent, parser, context));
final result = continuation(context);
output(_TraceEvent(currentParent, parser, context, result));
parent = currentParent;
return result;
} else {
return parser;
/// Encapsulates the entry and exit data around a parser trace.
abstract class TraceEvent {
/// Returns the parent trace event.
TraceEvent? get parent;
/// Returns the parser of this event.
Parser get parser;
/// Returns the activation context of this event.
Context get context;
/// Returns the result if this is a exit event, otherwise `null`.
Result? get result;
/// Returns the nesting level of this event.
int get level => parent != null ? parent!.level + 1 : 0;
class _TraceEvent extends TraceEvent {
_TraceEvent(this.parent, this.parser, this.context, [this.result]);
final TraceEvent? parent;
final Parser parser;
final Context context;
final Result? result;
String toString() => '${' ' * level}${result ?? parser}';