blob: 4f0abeaf9e591dfbaf7b0424b09251a5c91d64fc [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'listenable_provider.dart' show ListenableProvider;
import 'provider.dart';
/// Listens to a [ValueListenable] and expose its current value.
class ValueListenableProvider<T>
extends DeferredInheritedProvider<ValueListenable<T>, T> {
/// Creates a [ValueNotifier] using [create] and automatically dispose it
/// when [ValueListenableProvider] is removed from the tree.
/// [create] must not be `null`.
/// {@macro provider.updateshouldnotify}
/// See also:
/// * [ValueListenable]
/// * [ListenableProvider], similar to [ValueListenableProvider] but for any
/// kind of [Listenable].
'Will be removed in 5.0.0. '
'Instead use a StatefulWidget and manually create/dispose the ValueNotifier, '
'then use ValueListenableProvider.value()',
Key key,
@required Create<ValueNotifier<T>> create,
UpdateShouldNotify<T> updateShouldNotify,
bool lazy,
TransitionBuilder builder,
Widget child,
}) : super(
key: key,
create: create,
lazy: lazy,
builder: builder,
updateShouldNotify: updateShouldNotify,
startListening: _startListening(),
dispose: _dispose,
child: child,
/// Listens to [value] and exposes its current value.
/// Changing [value] will stop listening to the previous [value] and listen
/// the new one. Removing [ValueListenableProvider] from the tree will also
/// stop listening to [value].
/// ```dart
/// ValueListenable<int> foo;
/// ValueListenableProvider<int>.value(
/// valueListenable: foo,
/// child: Container(),
/// );
/// ```
Key key,
@required ValueListenable<T> value,
UpdateShouldNotify<T> updateShouldNotify,
TransitionBuilder builder,
Widget child,
}) : super.value(
key: key,
builder: builder,
value: value,
updateShouldNotify: updateShouldNotify,
startListening: _startListening(),
child: child,
static void _dispose(BuildContext context, ValueListenable<Object> notifier) {
if (notifier is ValueNotifier) {
static DeferredStartListening<ValueListenable<T>, T> _startListening<T>() {
return (_, setState, controller, __) {
void listener() => setState(controller.value);
return () => controller.removeListener(listener);