blob: 03851d9335858347302a34633cf2bda9212b051c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../loaders/strategy.dart';
import '../utilities/conversions.dart';
import '../utilities/domain.dart';
import '../utilities/objects.dart';
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import 'debugger.dart';
import 'metadata/class.dart';
import 'metadata/function.dart';
/// Contains a set of methods for getting [Instance]s and [InstanceRef]s.
class InstanceHelper extends Domain {
InstanceHelper(AppInspectorInterface appInspector, this.debugger) {
inspector = appInspector;
final Debugger debugger;
static final InstanceRef kNullInstanceRef =
_primitiveInstanceRef(InstanceKind.kNull, null);
/// Creates an [InstanceRef] for a primitive [RemoteObject].
static InstanceRef _primitiveInstanceRef(
String kind, RemoteObject? remoteObject) {
final classRef = classRefFor('dart:core', kind);
return InstanceRef(
identityHashCode: dartIdFor(remoteObject?.value).hashCode,
kind: kind,
classRef: classRef,
id: dartIdFor(remoteObject?.value))
..valueAsString = '${remoteObject?.value}';
/// Creates an [Instance] for a primitive [RemoteObject].
Instance? _primitiveInstance(String kind, RemoteObject? remote) {
final objectId = remote?.objectId;
if (objectId == null) return null;
return Instance(
identityHashCode: objectId.hashCode,
id: objectId,
kind: kind,
classRef: classRefFor('dart:core', kind))
..valueAsString = '${remote?.value}';
Instance? _stringInstanceFor(
RemoteObject? remoteObject, int? offset, int? count) {
// TODO(#777) Consider a way of not passing the whole string around (in the
// ID) in order to find a substring.
final objectId = remoteObject?.objectId;
if (objectId == null) return null;
final fullString = stringFromDartId(objectId);
var preview = fullString;
var truncated = false;
if (offset != null || count != null) {
truncated = true;
final start = offset ?? 0;
final end = count == null ? null : min(start + count, fullString.length);
preview = fullString.substring(start, end);
return Instance(
identityHashCode: createId().hashCode,
kind: InstanceKind.kString,
classRef: classRefForString,
id: createId())
..valueAsString = preview
..valueAsStringIsTruncated = truncated
..length = fullString.length
..count = (truncated ? preview.length : null)
..offset = (truncated ? offset : null);
Future<Instance?> _closureInstanceFor(RemoteObject remoteObject) async {
final objectId = remoteObject.objectId;
if (objectId == null) return null;
final result = Instance(
kind: InstanceKind.kClosure,
id: objectId,
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
classRef: classRefForClosure);
return result;
/// Create an [Instance] for the given [remoteObject].
/// Does a remote eval to get instance information. Returns null if there
/// isn't a corresponding instance. For enumerable objects, [offset] and
/// [count] allow retrieving a sub-range of properties.
Future<Instance?> instanceFor(RemoteObject? remoteObject,
{int? offset, int? count}) async {
final primitive = _primitiveInstanceOrNull(remoteObject, offset, count);
if (primitive != null) {
return primitive;
final objectId = remoteObject?.objectId;
if (remoteObject == null || objectId == null) return null;
// TODO: This is checking the JS object ID for the dart pattern we use for
// VM objects, which seems wrong (and, we catch 'string' types above).
if (isStringId(objectId)) {
return _stringInstanceFor(remoteObject, offset, count);
final metaData = await ClassMetaData.metaDataFor(
inspector.remoteDebugger, remoteObject, inspector);
final classRef = metaData?.classRef;
if (metaData == null || classRef == null) return null;
if (metaData.jsName == 'Function') {
return _closureInstanceFor(remoteObject);
final properties = await debugger.getProperties(objectId,
offset: offset, count: count, length: metaData.length);
if (metaData.isSystemList) {
return await _listInstanceFor(
classRef, remoteObject, properties, offset, count);
} else if (metaData.isSystemMap) {
return await _mapInstanceFor(
classRef, remoteObject, properties, offset, count);
} else {
return await _plainInstanceFor(classRef, remoteObject, properties);
/// If [remoteObject] represents a primitive, return an [Instance] for it,
/// otherwise return null.
Instance? _primitiveInstanceOrNull(
RemoteObject? remoteObject, int? offset, int? count) {
switch (remoteObject?.type ?? 'undefined') {
case 'string':
return _stringInstanceFor(remoteObject, offset, count);
case 'number':
return _primitiveInstance(InstanceKind.kDouble, remoteObject);
case 'boolean':
return _primitiveInstance(InstanceKind.kBool, remoteObject);
case 'undefined':
return _primitiveInstance(InstanceKind.kNull, remoteObject);
return null;
/// Create a bound field for [property] in an instance of [classRef].
Future<BoundField> _fieldFor(Property property, ClassRef classRef) async {
final instance = await _instanceRefForRemote(property.value);
return BoundField(
decl: FieldRef(
// TODO(grouma) - Convert JS name to Dart.
declaredType: InstanceRef(
kind: InstanceKind.kType,
classRef: instance?.classRef,
identityHashCode: createId().hashCode,
id: createId()),
owner: classRef,
// TODO(grouma) - Fill these in.
isConst: false,
isFinal: false,
isStatic: false,
id: createId(),
value: instance);
/// Create a plain instance of [classRef] from [remoteObject] and the JS
/// properties [properties].
Future<Instance?> _plainInstanceFor(ClassRef classRef,
RemoteObject remoteObject, List<Property> properties) async {
final objectId = remoteObject.objectId;
if (objectId == null) return null;
final dartProperties = await _dartFieldsFor(properties, remoteObject);
var boundFields = await Future.wait(<Future<BoundField>>((p) => _fieldFor(p, classRef)));
boundFields = boundFields
.where((bv) => !isNativeJsObject(bv.value as InstanceRef))
final result = Instance(
kind: InstanceKind.kPlainInstance,
id: objectId,
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
classRef: classRef)
..fields = boundFields;
return result;
int _compareBoundFields(BoundField a, BoundField b) {
final aName = a.decl?.name;
final bName = b.decl?.name;
if (aName == null) return bName == null ? 0 : -1;
if (bName == null) return 1;
return aName.compareTo(bName);
/// The associations for a Dart Map or IdentityMap.
Future<List<MapAssociation>> _mapAssociations(
RemoteObject map, int? offset, int? count) async {
// We do this in in awkward way because we want the keys and values, but we
// can't return things by value or some Dart objects will come back as
// values that we need to be RemoteObject, e.g. a List of int.
final expression = '''
function() {
var sdkUtils = ${globalLoadStrategy.loadModuleSnippet}('dart_sdk').dart;
var entries = sdkUtils.dloadRepl(this, "entries");
entries = sdkUtils.dsendRepl(entries, "toList", []);
function asKey(entry) {
return sdkUtils.dloadRepl(entry, "key");
function asValue(entry) {
return sdkUtils.dloadRepl(entry, "value");
return {
final keysAndValues = await inspector.jsCallFunctionOn(map, expression, []);
final keys = await inspector.loadField(keysAndValues, 'keys');
final values = await inspector.loadField(keysAndValues, 'values');
final keysInstance = await instanceFor(keys, offset: offset, count: count);
final valuesInstance =
await instanceFor(values, offset: offset, count: count);
final associations = <MapAssociation>[];
final keyElements = keysInstance?.elements;
final valueElements = valuesInstance?.elements;
if (keyElements != null && valueElements != null) {
Map.fromIterables(keyElements, valueElements).forEach((key, value) {
associations.add(MapAssociation(key: key, value: value));
return associations;
/// Create a Map instance with class [classRef] from [remoteObject].
Future<Instance?> _mapInstanceFor(
ClassRef classRef,
RemoteObject remoteObject,
List<Property> _,
int? offset,
int? count) async {
final objectId = remoteObject.objectId;
if (objectId == null) return null;
// Maps are complicated, do an eval to get keys and values.
final associations = await _mapAssociations(remoteObject, offset, count);
final length = (offset == null && count == null)
? associations.length
: (await instanceRefFor(remoteObject))?.length;
return Instance(
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
kind: InstanceKind.kMap,
id: objectId,
classRef: classRef)
..length = length
..offset = offset
..count = (associations.length == length) ? null : associations.length
..associations = associations;
/// Create a List instance of [classRef] from [remoteObject] with the JS
/// properties [properties].
Future<Instance?> _listInstanceFor(
ClassRef classRef,
RemoteObject remoteObject,
List<Property> properties,
int? offset,
int? count) async {
final objectId = remoteObject.objectId;
if (objectId == null) return null;
/// TODO(annagrin): split into cases to make the logic clear.
/// TODO(annagrin): make sure we use offset correctly.
final numberOfProperties = _lengthOf(properties) ?? 0;
final length = (offset == null && count == null)
? numberOfProperties
: (await instanceRefFor(remoteObject))?.length;
final indexed = properties.sublist(
0, min(count ?? length ?? numberOfProperties, numberOfProperties));
final fields = await Future.wait(indexed
.map((property) async => await _instanceRefForRemote(property.value)));
return Instance(
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
kind: InstanceKind.kList,
id: objectId,
classRef: classRef)
..length = length
..elements = fields
..offset = offset
..count = (numberOfProperties == length) ? null : numberOfProperties;
/// Return the value of the length attribute from [properties], if present.
/// This is only applicable to Lists or Maps, where we expect a length
/// attribute. Even if a plain instance happens to have a length field, we
/// don't use it to determine the properties to display.
int? _lengthOf(List<Property> properties) {
final lengthProperty = properties.firstWhere((p) => == 'length');
return lengthProperty.value?.value as int?;
/// Filter [allJsProperties] and return a list containing only those
/// that correspond to Dart fields on [remoteObject].
/// This only applies to objects with named fields, not Lists or Maps.
Future<List<Property>> _dartFieldsFor(
List<Property> allJsProperties, RemoteObject remoteObject) async {
// An expression to find the field names from the types, extract both
// private (named by symbols) and public (named by strings) and return them
// as a comma-separated single string, so we can return it by value and not
// need to make multiple round trips.
// For maps and lists it's more complicated. Treat the actual SDK versions
// of these as special.
final fieldNameExpression = '''function() {
const sdk = ${globalLoadStrategy.loadModuleSnippet}("dart_sdk");
const sdk_utils = sdk.dart;
const fields = sdk_utils.getFields(sdk_utils.getType(this)) || [];
if (!fields && ( || {
// Trim off the 'length' property.
const fields = allJsProperties.slice(0, allJsProperties.length -1);
return fields.join(',');
const privateFields = sdk_utils.getOwnPropertySymbols(fields);
const nonSymbolNames = privateFields
.map(sym => sym.description
const publicFieldNames = sdk_utils.getOwnPropertyNames(fields);
const symbolNames = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this)
.map(sym => sym.description
return nonSymbolNames
final allNames = (await inspector
.jsCallFunctionOn(remoteObject, fieldNameExpression, []))
.value as String;
final names = allNames.split(',');
// TODO(#761): Better support for large collections.
return allJsProperties
.where((property) => names.contains(
/// Create an InstanceRef for an object, which may be a RemoteObject, or may
/// be something returned by value from Chrome, e.g. number, boolean, or
/// String.
Future<InstanceRef?> instanceRefFor(Object value) {
final remote = value is RemoteObject
? value
: RemoteObject({'value': value, 'type': _chromeType(value)});
return _instanceRefForRemote(remote);
/// The Chrome type for a value.
String? _chromeType(Object? value) {
if (value == null) return null;
if (value is String) return 'string';
if (value is num) return 'number';
if (value is bool) return 'boolean';
if (value is Function) return 'function';
return 'object';
/// Create an [InstanceRef] for the given Chrome [remoteObject].
Future<InstanceRef?> _instanceRefForRemote(RemoteObject? remoteObject) async {
// If we have a null result, treat it as a reference to null.
if (remoteObject == null) {
return kNullInstanceRef;
switch (remoteObject.type) {
case 'string':
final stringValue = remoteObject.value as String?;
// TODO: Support truncation for long strings.
// TODO(#777): dartIdFor() will return an ID containing the entire
// string, even if we're truncating the string value here.
return InstanceRef(
identityHashCode: dartIdFor(remoteObject.value).hashCode,
id: dartIdFor(remoteObject.value),
classRef: classRefForString,
kind: InstanceKind.kString)
..valueAsString = stringValue
..length = stringValue?.length;
case 'number':
return _primitiveInstanceRef(InstanceKind.kDouble, remoteObject);
case 'boolean':
return _primitiveInstanceRef(InstanceKind.kBool, remoteObject);
case 'undefined':
return _primitiveInstanceRef(InstanceKind.kNull, remoteObject);
case 'object':
final objectId = remoteObject.objectId;
if (objectId == null) {
return _primitiveInstanceRef(InstanceKind.kNull, remoteObject);
final metaData = await ClassMetaData.metaDataFor(
inspector.remoteDebugger, remoteObject, inspector);
if (metaData == null) return null;
if (metaData.isSystemList) {
return InstanceRef(
kind: InstanceKind.kList,
id: objectId,
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
classRef: metaData.classRef)
..length = metaData.length;
if (metaData.isSystemMap) {
return InstanceRef(
kind: InstanceKind.kMap,
id: objectId,
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
classRef: metaData.classRef)
..length = metaData.length;
return InstanceRef(
kind: InstanceKind.kPlainInstance,
id: objectId,
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
classRef: metaData.classRef);
case 'function':
final functionMetaData = await FunctionMetaData.metaDataFor(
inspector.remoteDebugger, remoteObject);
final objectId = remoteObject.objectId;
if (objectId == null) {
return _primitiveInstanceRef(InstanceKind.kNull, remoteObject);
return InstanceRef(
kind: InstanceKind.kClosure,
id: objectId,
identityHashCode: remoteObject.objectId.hashCode,
classRef: classRefForClosure)
// TODO(grouma) - fill this in properly.
..closureFunction = FuncRef(
id: createId(),
// TODO(alanknight): The right ClassRef
owner: classRefForUnknown,
isConst: false,
isStatic: false,
// TODO(annagrin): get information about getters and setters from symbols.
implicit: false)
..closureContext = (ContextRef(length: 0, id: createId()));
// Return null for an unsupported type. This is likely a JS construct.
return null;