blob: 4f56293beb272a53b0677af1ba13a5debbac4770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart'
hide StackTrace;
import '../loaders/strategy.dart';
import '../services/chrome_debug_exception.dart';
import '../utilities/conversions.dart';
import '../utilities/dart_uri.dart';
import '../utilities/domain.dart';
import '../utilities/objects.dart' show Property;
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import 'dart_scope.dart';
import 'frame_computer.dart';
import 'location.dart';
import 'remote_debugger.dart';
import 'skip_list.dart';
/// Adds [event] to the stream with [streamId] if there is anybody listening
/// on that stream.
typedef StreamNotify = void Function(String streamId, Event event);
/// Converts from ExceptionPauseMode strings to [PauseState] enums.
/// Values defined in:
const _pauseModePauseStates = {
'none': PauseState.none,
'all': PauseState.all,
'unhandled': PauseState.uncaught,
class Debugger extends Domain {
static final logger = Logger('Debugger');
final RemoteDebugger _remoteDebugger;
final StreamNotify _streamNotify;
final Locations _locations;
final SkipLists _skipLists;
final String _root;
) : _breakpoints = _Breakpoints(
locations: _locations,
remoteDebugger: _remoteDebugger,
root: _root);
/// The breakpoints we have set so far, indexable by either
/// Dart or JS ID.
final _Breakpoints _breakpoints;
PauseState _pauseState = PauseState.none;
// TODO(elliette): Re-enable
// after checking with Chrome team if there is a way to check if the Chrome
// DevTools is showing an overlay. Both cannot be shown at the same time:
// bool _pausedOverlayVisible = false;
String get pauseState => _pauseModePauseStates.entries
.firstWhere((entry) => entry.value == _pauseState)
/// The JS frames at the current paused location.
/// The most important thing here is that frames are identified by
/// frameIndex in the Dart API, but by frame Id in Chrome, so we need
/// to keep the JS frames and their Ids around.
FrameComputer? stackComputer;
bool _isStepping = false;
void updateInspector(AppInspectorInterface appInspector) {
inspector = appInspector;
_breakpoints.inspector = appInspector;
Future<Success> pause() async {
_isStepping = false;
final result = await _remoteDebugger.pause();
return Success();
Future<Success> setExceptionPauseMode(String mode) async {
mode = mode.toLowerCase();
final state = _pauseModePauseStates[mode];
if (state == null) {
throwInvalidParam('setExceptionPauseMode', 'Unsupported mode: $mode');
} else {
_pauseState = state;
await _remoteDebugger.setPauseOnExceptions(_pauseState);
return Success();
/// Resumes the debugger.
/// Step parameter options:
/// If the step parameter is not provided, the program will resume regular
/// execution.
/// If the step parameter is provided, it indicates what form of
/// single-stepping to use.
/// Note that stepping will automatically continue until Chrome is paused at
/// a location for which we have source information.
Future<Success> resume({String? step, int? frameIndex}) async {
if (frameIndex != null) {
throw ArgumentError('FrameIndex is currently unsupported.');
WipResponse? result;
if (step != null) {
_isStepping = true;
switch (step) {
case 'Over':
result = await _remoteDebugger.stepOver();
case 'Out':
result = await _remoteDebugger.stepOut();
case 'Into':
result = await _remoteDebugger.stepInto();
throwInvalidParam('resume', 'Unexpected value for step: $step');
} else {
_isStepping = false;
result = await _remoteDebugger.resume();
return Success();
/// Returns the current Dart stack for the paused debugger.
/// Throws RPCError if the debugger is not paused.
/// The returned stack will contain up to [limit] frames if provided.
Future<Stack> getStack({int? limit}) async {
if (stackComputer == null) {
throw RPCError('getStack', RPCError.kInternalError,
'Cannot compute stack when application is not paused');
final frames = await stackComputer!.calculateFrames(limit: limit);
return Stack(
frames: frames,
messages: [],
truncated: limit != null && frames.length == limit);
static Future<Debugger> create(
RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger,
StreamNotify streamNotify,
Locations locations,
SkipLists skipLists,
String root,
) async {
final debugger = Debugger._(
await debugger._initialize();
return debugger;
Future<void> _initialize() async {
// We must add a listener before enabling the debugger otherwise we will
// miss events.
// Allow a null debugger/connection for unit tests.
runZonedGuarded(() {
}, (e, StackTrace s) {
logger.warning('Error handling Chrome event', e, s);
handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger.enablePage());
await _remoteDebugger.enable();
// Enable collecting information about async frames when paused.
handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger
.sendCommand('Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth', params: {
'maxDepth': 128,
/// Resumes the Isolate from start.
/// The JS VM is technically not paused at the start of the Isolate so there
/// will not be a corresponding [DebuggerResumedEvent].
Future<void> resumeFromStart() => _resumeHandler(null);
/// Notify the debugger the [Isolate] is paused at the application start.
void notifyPausedAtStart() async {
stackComputer = FrameComputer(this, []);
/// Add a breakpoint at the given position.
/// Note that line and column are Dart source locations and are one-based.
Future<Breakpoint> addBreakpoint(
String scriptId,
int line, {
int? column,
}) async {
column ??= 0;
final breakpoint = await _breakpoints.add(scriptId, line, column);
return breakpoint;
Future<ScriptRef?> _updatedScriptRefFor(Breakpoint breakpoint) async {
final oldRef = (breakpoint.location as SourceLocation).script;
final uri = oldRef?.uri;
if (uri == null) return null;
final dartUri = DartUri(uri, _root);
return await inspector.scriptRefFor(dartUri.serverPath);
Future<void> reestablishBreakpoints(
Set<Breakpoint> previousBreakpoints,
Set<Breakpoint> disabledBreakpoints,
) async {
// Previous breakpoints were never removed from Chrome since we use
// `setBreakpointByUrl`. We simply need to update the references.
for (var breakpoint in previousBreakpoints) {
final dartBpId =!;
final scriptRef = await _updatedScriptRefFor(breakpoint);
final scriptUri = scriptRef?.uri;
if (scriptRef != null && scriptUri != null) {
final jsBpId = _breakpoints.jsIdFor(dartBpId)!;
final updatedLocation = await _locations.locationForDart(
DartUri(scriptUri, _root),
if (updatedLocation != null) {
final updatedBreakpoint = _breakpoints._dartBreakpoint(
scriptRef, updatedLocation, dartBpId);
_breakpoints._note(bp: updatedBreakpoint, jsId: jsBpId);
} else {
logger.warning('Cannot update breakpoint $dartBpId:'
' cannot update location.');
} else {
logger.warning('Cannot update breakpoint $dartBpId:'
' cannot find script ref.');
// Disabled breakpoints were actually removed from Chrome so simply add
// them back.
for (var breakpoint in disabledBreakpoints) {
final scriptRef = await _updatedScriptRefFor(breakpoint);
final scriptId = scriptRef?.id;
if (scriptId != null) {
await addBreakpoint(scriptId, _lineNumberFor(breakpoint),
column: _columnNumberFor(breakpoint));
} else {
logger.warning('Cannot update disabled breakpoint ${}:'
' cannot find script ref.');
void _notifyBreakpoint(Breakpoint breakpoint) {
final event = Event(
kind: EventKind.kBreakpointAdded,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef,
event.breakpoint = breakpoint;
_streamNotify('Debug', event);
/// Remove a Dart breakpoint.
Future<Success> removeBreakpoint(String breakpointId) async {
if (_breakpoints.breakpointFor(breakpointId) == null) {
'removeBreakpoint', 'invalid breakpoint id $breakpointId');
final jsId = _breakpoints.jsIdFor(breakpointId);
if (jsId == null) {
throw RPCError('removeBreakpoint', RPCError.kInternalError,
'invalid JS breakpoint id $jsId');
await _removeBreakpoint(jsId);
final bp = await _breakpoints.remove(jsId: jsId, dartId: breakpointId);
if (bp != null) {
kind: EventKind.kBreakpointRemoved,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef)
..breakpoint = bp,
return Success();
/// Call the Chrome protocol removeBreakpoint.
Future<void> _removeBreakpoint(String breakpointId) async {
try {
final response = await _remoteDebugger.removeBreakpoint(breakpointId);
} on WipError catch (e) {
throw RPCError('removeBreakpoint', 102, '$e');
/// Returns Chrome script uri for Chrome script ID.
String? urlForScriptId(String scriptId) =>
/// Returns source [Location] for the paused event.
/// If we do not have [Location] data for the embedded JS location, null is
/// returned.
Future<Location?> _sourceLocation(DebuggerPausedEvent e) async {
final frame = e.params?['callFrames']?[0];
final location = frame?['location'];
if (location == null) return null;
final scriptId = location['scriptId'] as String?;
final line = location['lineNumber'] as int?;
if (scriptId == null || line == null) return null;
final column = location['columnNumber'] as int?;
final url = urlForScriptId(scriptId);
if (url == null) return null;
return _locations.locationForJs(url, line, column);
/// Returns script ID for the paused event.
String? _frameScriptId(DebuggerPausedEvent e) {
final frame = e.params?['callFrames']?[0];
return frame?['location']?['scriptId'] as String?;
/// The variables visible in a frame in Dart protocol [BoundVariable] form.
Future<List<BoundVariable>> variablesFor(WipCallFrame frame) async {
// TODO(alanknight): Can these be moved to dart_scope.dart?
final properties = await visibleProperties(debugger: this, frame: frame);
final boundVariables = await Future.wait( async => await _boundVariable(property)),
// Filter out variables that do not come from dart code, such as native
// JavaScript objects
return boundVariables
.where((bv) => bv != null && !isNativeJsObject(bv.value as InstanceRef))
Future<BoundVariable?> _boundVariable(Property property) async {
// TODO(annagrin): value might be null in the future for variables
// optimized by V8. Return appropriate sentinel values for them.
if (property.value != null) {
final value = property.value!;
// We return one level of properties from this object. Sub-properties are
// another round trip.
final instanceRef = await inspector.instanceRefFor(value);
// Skip null instance refs, which we get for weird objects, e.g.
// properties that are getter/setter pairs.
// TODO(alanknight): Handle these properly.
if (instanceRef == null) return null;
return BoundVariable(
value: instanceRef,
// TODO(grouma) - Provide actual token positions.
declarationTokenPos: -1,
scopeStartTokenPos: -1,
scopeEndTokenPos: -1,
return null;
/// Find a sub-range of the entries for a Map/List when offset and/or count
/// have been specified on a getObject request.
/// If the object referenced by [id] is not a system List or Map then this
/// will just return a RemoteObject for it and ignore [offset], [count] and
/// [length]. If it is, then [length] should be the number of entries in the
/// List/Map and [offset] and [count] should indicate the desired range.
Future<RemoteObject> _subrange(
String id, int offset, int? count, int length) async {
// TODO(#809): Sometimes we already know the type of the object, and
// we could take advantage of that to short-circuit.
final receiver = remoteObjectFor(id);
final end = count == null ? null : math.min(offset + count, length);
final actualCount = count ?? length - offset;
final args =
[offset, actualCount, end].map(dartIdFor).map(remoteObjectFor).toList();
// If this is a List, just call sublist. If it's a Map, get the entries, but
// avoid doing a toList on a large map using skip/take to get the section we
// want. To make those alternatives easier in JS, pass both count and end.
final expression = '''
function (offset, count, end) {
const sdk = ${globalLoadStrategy.loadModuleSnippet}("dart_sdk");
if ( {
const entries = sdk.dart.dload(this, "entries");
const skipped = sdk.dart.dsend(entries, "skip", [offset])
const taken = sdk.dart.dsend(skipped, "take", [count]);
return sdk.dart.dsend(taken, "toList", []);
} else if ( {
return sdk.dart.dsendRepl(this, "sublist", [offset, end]);
} else {
return this;
return await inspector.jsCallFunctionOn(receiver, expression, args);
// TODO(elliette): Re-enable
// after checking with Chrome team if there is a way to check if the Chrome
// DevTools is showing an overlay. Both cannot be shown at the same time:
// Renders the paused at breakpoint overlay over the application.
// void _showPausedOverlay() async {
// if (_pausedOverlayVisible) return;
// handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger?.sendCommand('DOM.enable'));
// handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger?.sendCommand('Overlay.enable'));
// handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger
// ?.sendCommand('Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessage', params: {
// 'message': 'Paused',
// }));
// _pausedOverlayVisible = true;
// }
// Removes the paused at breakpoint overlay from the application.
// void _hidePausedOverlay() async {
// if (!_pausedOverlayVisible) return;
// handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger?.sendCommand('Overlay.disable'));
// _pausedOverlayVisible = false;
// }
/// Calls the Chrome Runtime.getProperties API for the object with [objectId].
/// Note that the property names are JS names, e.g.
/// Symbol(DartClass.actualName) and will need to be converted. For a system
/// List or Map, [offset] and/or [count] can be provided to indicate a desired
/// range of entries. They will be ignored if there is no [length].
Future<List<Property>> getProperties(String objectId,
{int? offset, int? count, int? length}) async {
String rangeId = objectId;
if (length != null && (offset != null || count != null)) {
final range = await _subrange(objectId, offset ?? 0, count ?? 0, length);
rangeId = range.objectId ?? rangeId;
final jsProperties = await sendCommandAndValidateResult<List>(
method: 'Runtime.getProperties',
resultField: 'result',
params: {
'objectId': rangeId,
'ownProperties': true,
return jsProperties
.map<Property>((each) => Property(each as Map<String, dynamic>))
/// Returns a Dart [Frame] for a JS [frame].
Future<Frame?> calculateDartFrameFor(
WipCallFrame frame,
int frameIndex, {
bool populateVariables = true,
}) async {
final location = frame.location;
final line = location.lineNumber;
final column = location.columnNumber;
final url = urlForScriptId(location.scriptId);
if (url == null) {
logger.fine('Failed to create dart frame for ${frame.functionName}: '
'cannot find url for script ${location.scriptId}');
return null;
final bestLocation = await _locations.locationForJs(url, line, column ?? 0);
if (bestLocation == null) return null;
final script =
await inspector.scriptRefFor(bestLocation.dartLocation.uri.serverPath);
// We think we found a location, but for some reason we can't find the
// script. Just drop the frame.
// TODO(#700): Understand when this can happen and have a better fix.
if (script == null) return null;
final functionName = _prettifyMember((frame.functionName).split('.').last);
final codeRefName = functionName.isEmpty ? '<closure>' : functionName;
final dartFrame = Frame(
index: frameIndex,
code: CodeRef(
name: codeRefName,
kind: CodeKind.kDart,
id: createId(),
location: SourceLocation(
line: bestLocation.dartLocation.line,
column: bestLocation.dartLocation.column,
tokenPos: bestLocation.tokenPos,
script: script),
kind: FrameKind.kRegular,
// Don't populate variables for async frames.
if (populateVariables) {
dartFrame.vars = await variablesFor(frame);
return dartFrame;
/// Handles pause events coming from the Chrome connection.
Future<void> _pauseHandler(DebuggerPausedEvent e) async {
final isolate = inspector.isolate;
Event event;
final timestamp =;
final jsBreakpointIds = e.hitBreakpoints ?? [];
if (jsBreakpointIds.isNotEmpty) {
final breakpointIds = jsBreakpointIds
.map((id) => _breakpoints._dartIdByJsId[id])
// In case the breakpoint was set in Chrome DevTools outside of
// package:dwds.
.where((entry) => entry != null)
final pauseBreakpoints = isolate.breakpoints
?.where((bp) => breakpointIds.contains(
event = Event(
kind: EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint,
timestamp: timestamp,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef)
..pauseBreakpoints = pauseBreakpoints;
} else if (e.reason == 'exception' || e.reason == 'assert') {
InstanceRef? exception;
if ( is Map<String, dynamic>) {
final map = as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (map['type'] == 'object') {
// The className here is generally 'DartError'.
final obj = RemoteObject(map);
exception = await inspector.instanceRefFor(obj);
if (exception != null && isNativeJsObject(exception)) {
if (obj.description != null) {
// Create a string exception object.
final description =
await inspector.mapExceptionStackTrace(obj.description!);
exception = await inspector.instanceRefFor(description);
} else {
exception = null;
event = Event(
kind: EventKind.kPauseException,
timestamp: timestamp,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef,
exception: exception,
} else {
// Continue stepping until we hit a dart location,
// avoiding stepping through library loading code.
if (_isStepping) {
final scriptId = _frameScriptId(e);
if (scriptId == null) {
logger.severe('Stepping failed: '
'cannot find script id for event $e');
throw StateError('Stepping failed on event $e');
final url = urlForScriptId(scriptId);
if (url == null) {
logger.severe('Stepping failed: '
'cannot find url for script $scriptId');
throw StateError('Stepping failed in script $scriptId');
if (url.contains(globalLoadStrategy.loadLibrariesModule)) {
await _remoteDebugger.stepOut();
} else if ((await _sourceLocation(e)) == null) {
// TODO(grouma) - In the future we should send all previously computed
// skipLists.
await _remoteDebugger.stepInto(params: {
'skipList': await _skipLists.compute(
await _locations.locationsForUrl(url),
event = Event(
kind: EventKind.kPauseInterrupted,
timestamp: timestamp,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef);
// Calculate the frames (and handle any exceptions that may occur).
stackComputer = FrameComputer(
asyncStackTrace: e.asyncStackTrace,
try {
final frames = await stackComputer!.calculateFrames(limit: 1);
event.topFrame = frames.isNotEmpty ? frames.first : null;
} catch (e, s) {
// TODO: Return information about the error to the user.
logger.warning('Error calculating Dart frames', e, s);
// TODO(elliette): Re-enable
// after checking with Chrome team if there is a way to check if the Chrome
// DevTools is showing an overlay. Both cannot be shown at the same time.
// _showPausedOverlay();
isolate.pauseEvent = event;
_streamNotify('Debug', event);
/// Handles resume events coming from the Chrome connection.
Future<void> _resumeHandler(DebuggerResumedEvent? _) async {
// We can receive a resume event in the middle of a reload which will result
// in a null isolate.
final isolate = inspector.isolate;
stackComputer = null;
final event = Event(
kind: EventKind.kResume,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef);
// TODO(elliette): Re-enable
// after checking with Chrome team if there is a way to check if the Chrome
// DevTools is showing an overlay. Both cannot be shown at the same time.
// _hidePausedOverlay();
isolate.pauseEvent = event;
_streamNotify('Debug', event);
/// Handles targetCrashed events coming from the Chrome connection.
Future<void> _crashHandler(TargetCrashedEvent _) async {
// We can receive a resume event in the middle of a reload which will result
// in a null isolate.
final isolate = inspector.isolate;
stackComputer = null;
final event = Event(
kind: EventKind.kIsolateExit,
isolate: inspector.isolateRef);
isolate.pauseEvent = event;
_streamNotify('Isolate', event);
logger.severe('Target crashed!');
WipCallFrame? jsFrameForIndex(int frameIndex) {
final computer = stackComputer;
if (computer == null) {
throw RPCError('evaluateInFrame', 106,
'Cannot evaluate on a call frame when the program is not paused');
return computer.jsFrameForIndex(frameIndex);
/// Evaluate [expression] by calling Chrome's Runtime.evaluateOnCallFrame on
/// the call frame with index [frameIndex] in the currently saved stack.
/// If the program is not paused, so there is no current stack, throws a
/// [StateError].
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateJsOnCallFrameIndex(
int frameIndex, String expression) {
final index = jsFrameForIndex(frameIndex)?.callFrameId;
if (index == null) {
// This might happen on async frames.
throw StateError('No frame for frame index: $index');
return evaluateJsOnCallFrame(index, expression);
/// Evaluate [expression] by calling Chrome's Runtime.evaluateOnCallFrame on
/// the call frame with id [callFrameId].
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateJsOnCallFrame(
String callFrameId, String expression) async {
// TODO(alanknight): Support a version with arguments if needed.
try {
return await _remoteDebugger.evaluateOnCallFrame(callFrameId, expression);
} on ExceptionDetails catch (e) {
throw ChromeDebugException(
evalContents: expression,
Future<T> sendCommandAndValidateResult<T>(
RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger, {
required String method,
required String resultField,
Map<String, dynamic>? params,
}) async {
final response = await remoteDebugger.sendCommand(method, params: params);
final result = response.result?[resultField];
if (result == null) {
throw RPCError(method, RPCError.kInternalError,
'$resultField not found in result from sendCommand', params);
return result;
bool isNativeJsObject(InstanceRef instanceRef) {
// New type representation of JS objects reifies them to a type suffixed with
// JavaScriptObject.
final className = instanceRef.classRef?.name;
return (className != null &&
className.endsWith('JavaScriptObject') &&
instanceRef.classRef?.library?.uri == 'dart:_interceptors') ||
// Old type representation still needed to support older SDK versions.
className == 'NativeJavaScriptObject';
/// Returns the Dart line number for the provided breakpoint.
int _lineNumberFor(Breakpoint breakpoint) =>
/// Returns the Dart column number for the provided breakpoint.
int _columnNumberFor(Breakpoint breakpoint) =>
/// Returns the breakpoint ID for the provided Dart script ID and Dart line
/// number.
String breakpointIdFor(String scriptId, int line, int column) =>
/// Keeps track of the Dart and JS breakpoint Ids that correspond.
class _Breakpoints extends Domain {
final _logger = Logger('Breakpoints');
final _dartIdByJsId = <String, String>{};
final _jsIdByDartId = <String, String>{};
final _bpByDartId = <String, Future<Breakpoint>>{};
final _pool = Pool(1);
final Locations locations;
final RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger;
/// The root URI from which the application is served.
final String root;
required this.locations,
required this.remoteDebugger,
required this.root,
Future<Breakpoint> _createBreakpoint(
String id, String scriptId, int line, int column) async {
final dartScript = inspector.scriptWithId(scriptId);
final dartScriptUri = dartScript?.uri;
Location? location;
if (dartScriptUri != null) {
final dartUri = DartUri(dartScriptUri, root);
location = await locations.locationForDart(dartUri, line, column);
// TODO: Handle cases where a breakpoint can't be set exactly at that line.
if (location == null) {
_logger.fine('Failed to set breakpoint $id '
'($scriptId:$line:$column): '
'cannot find Dart location.');
throw RPCError(
'The VM is unable to add a breakpoint $id '
'at the specified line or function: ($scriptId:$line:$column): '
' cannot find Dart location.');
try {
final dartBreakpoint = _dartBreakpoint(dartScript!, location, id);
final jsBreakpointId = await _setJsBreakpoint(location);
if (jsBreakpointId == null) {
_logger.fine('Failed to set breakpoint $id '
'($scriptId:$line:$column): '
'cannot set JS breakpoint.');
throw RPCError(
'The VM is unable to add a breakpoint $id '
'at the specified line or function: ($scriptId:$line:$column): '
'cannot set JS breakpoint at $location');
_note(jsId: jsBreakpointId, bp: dartBreakpoint);
return dartBreakpoint;
} on WipError catch (wipError) {
throw RPCError('addBreakpoint', 102, '$wipError');
/// Adds a breakpoint at [scriptId] and [line] or returns an existing one if
/// present.
Future<Breakpoint> add(String scriptId, int line, int column) async {
final id = breakpointIdFor(scriptId, line, column);
return _bpByDartId.putIfAbsent(
id, () => _createBreakpoint(id, scriptId, line, column));
/// Create a Dart breakpoint at [location] in [dartScript] with [id].
Breakpoint _dartBreakpoint(
ScriptRef dartScript, Location location, String id) {
final breakpoint = Breakpoint(
id: id,
breakpointNumber: int.parse(createId()),
resolved: true,
location: SourceLocation(
script: dartScript,
tokenPos: location.tokenPos,
line: location.dartLocation.line,
column: location.dartLocation.column,
enabled: true,
) = id;
return breakpoint;
/// Calls the Chrome protocol setBreakpoint and returns the remote ID.
Future<String?> _setJsBreakpoint(Location location) async {
// The module can be loaded from a nested path and contain an ETAG suffix.
final urlRegex = '.*${location.jsLocation.module}.*';
// Prevent `Aww, snap!` errors when setting multiple breakpoints
// simultaneously by serializing the requests.
return _pool.withResource(() async {
final breakPointId = await sendCommandAndValidateResult<String>(
method: 'Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl',
resultField: 'breakpointId',
params: {
'urlRegex': urlRegex,
'lineNumber': location.jsLocation.line,
'columnNumber': location.jsLocation.column,
return breakPointId;
/// Records the internal Dart <=> JS breakpoint id mapping and adds the
/// breakpoint to the current isolates list of breakpoints.
void _note({required Breakpoint bp, required String jsId}) {
final bpId =;
if (bpId != null) {
_dartIdByJsId[jsId] = bpId;
_jsIdByDartId[bpId] = jsId;
final isolate = inspector.isolate;
Future<Breakpoint?> remove({
required String jsId,
required String dartId,
}) async {
final isolate = inspector.isolate;
isolate.breakpoints?.removeWhere((b) => == dartId);
return await _bpByDartId.remove(dartId);
Future<Breakpoint>? breakpointFor(String dartId) => _bpByDartId[dartId];
String? jsIdFor(String dartId) => _jsIdByDartId[dartId];
final escapedPipe = '\$124';
final escapedPound = '\$35';
/// Reformats a JS member name to make it look more Dart-like.
/// Logic copied from build/build_web_compilers/web/stack_trace_mapper.dart.
/// TODO( Remove this logic when
/// DDC stack trace deobfuscation is overhauled.
String _prettifyMember(String member) {
member = member.replaceAll(escapedPipe, '|');
if (member.contains('|')) {
return _prettifyExtension(member);
} else {
if (member.startsWith('[') && member.endsWith(']')) {
member = member.substring(1, member.length - 1);
return member;
/// Reformats a JS member name as an extension method invocation.
String _prettifyExtension(String member) {
var isSetter = false;
final pipeIndex = member.indexOf('|');
final spaceIndex = member.indexOf(' ');
final poundIndex = member.indexOf(escapedPound);
if (spaceIndex >= 0) {
// Here member is a static field or static getter/setter.
isSetter = member.substring(0, spaceIndex) == 'set';
member = member.substring(spaceIndex + 1, member.length);
} else if (poundIndex >= 0) {
// Here member is a tear-off or local property getter/setter.
isSetter = member.substring(pipeIndex + 1, poundIndex) == 'set';
member = member.replaceRange(pipeIndex + 1, poundIndex + 3, '');
} else {
final body = member.substring(pipeIndex + 1, member.length);
if (body.startsWith('unary') || body.startsWith('\$')) {
// Here member's an operator, so it's safe to unescape everything lazily.
member = _unescape(member);
member = member.replaceAll('|', '.');
return isSetter ? '$member=' : member;
/// Un-escapes a DDC-escaped JS identifier name.
/// Identifier names that contain illegal JS characters are escaped by DDC to a
/// decimal representation of the symbol's UTF-16 value.
/// Warning: this greedily escapes characters, so it can be unsafe in the event
/// that an escaped sequence precedes a number literal in the JS name.
String _unescape(String name) {
return name.replaceAllMapped(
(m) =>
String.fromCharCode(int.parse(name.substring(m.start + 1, m.end))));