blob: 8c539def9964db174ff88f2c811c4f19a531df35 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:archive/archive.dart';
import '../../color.dart';
import '../../image.dart';
import '../../image_exception.dart';
import '../../formats/jpeg_decoder.dart';
import '../../hdr/hdr_image.dart';
import '../../internal/bit_operators.dart';
import '../../util/input_buffer.dart';
import 'tiff_bit_reader.dart';
import 'tiff_entry.dart';
import 'tiff_fax_decoder.dart';
import 'tiff_lzw_decoder.dart';
class TiffImage {
Map<int, TiffEntry> tags = {};
int width;
int height;
int photometricType;
int compression = 1;
int bitsPerSample = 1;
int samplesPerPixel = 1;
int imageType = TYPE_UNSUPPORTED;
bool isWhiteZero = false;
int predictor = 1;
int chromaSubH;
int chromaSubV;
bool tiled = false;
int tileWidth;
int tileHeight;
List<int> tileOffsets;
List<int> tileByteCounts;
int tilesX;
int tilesY;
int tileSize;
int fillOrder = 1;
int t4Options = 0;
int t6Options = 0;
int extraSamples;
List<int> colorMap;
/// Starting index in the [colorMap] for the red channel.
int colorMapRed;
/// Starting index in the [colorMap] for the green channel.
int colorMapGreen;
/// Starting index in the [colorMap] for the blue channel.
int colorMapBlue;
Image image;
HdrImage hdrImage;
TiffImage(InputBuffer p) {
InputBuffer p3 = new InputBuffer.from(p);
int numDirEntries = p.readUint16();
for (int i = 0; i < numDirEntries; ++i) {
int tag = p.readUint16();
int type = p.readUint16();
int numValues = p.readUint32();
TiffEntry entry = new TiffEntry(tag, type, numValues);
// The value for the tag is either stored in another location,
// or within the tag itself (if the size fits in 4 bytes).
// We're not reading the data here, just storing offsets.
if (entry.numValues * entry.typeSize > 4) {
entry.valueOffset = p.readUint32();
} else {
entry.valueOffset = p.offset;
p.offset += 4;
tags[entry.tag] = entry;
if (entry.tag == TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH) {
width = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH) {
height = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION) {
photometricType = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_COMPRESSION) {
compression = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_BITS_PER_SAMPLE) {
bitsPerSample = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL) {
samplesPerPixel = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_PREDICTOR) {
predictor = entry.readValue(p3);
} else if (entry.tag == TAG_COLOR_MAP) {
colorMap = entry.readValues(p3);
colorMapRed = 0;
colorMapGreen = colorMap.length ~/ 3;
colorMapBlue = colorMapGreen * 2;
if (width == null || height == null ||
bitsPerSample == null || compression == null) {
if (colorMap != null && bitsPerSample == 8) {
for (int i = 0, len = colorMap.length; i < len; ++i) {
colorMap[i] >>= 8;
if (photometricType == 0) {
isWhiteZero = true;
if (hasTag(TAG_TILE_OFFSETS)) {
tiled = true;
// Image is in tiled format
tileWidth = _readTag(p3, TAG_TILE_WIDTH);
tileHeight = _readTag(p3, TAG_TILE_LENGTH);
tileOffsets = _readTagList(p3, TAG_TILE_OFFSETS);
tileByteCounts = _readTagList(p3, TAG_TILE_BYTE_COUNTS);
} else {
tiled = false;
tileWidth = _readTag(p3, TAG_TILE_WIDTH, width);
if (!hasTag(TAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP)) {
tileHeight = _readTag(p3, TAG_TILE_LENGTH, height);
} else {
int l = _readTag(p3, TAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP);
int infinity = 1;
infinity = (infinity << 32) - 1;
if (l == infinity) {
// 2^32 - 1 (effectively infinity, entire image is 1 strip)
tileHeight = height;
} else {
tileHeight = l;
tileOffsets = _readTagList(p3, TAG_STRIP_OFFSETS);
tileByteCounts = _readTagList(p3, TAG_STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS);
// Calculate number of tiles and the tileSize in bytes
tilesX = (width + tileWidth - 1) ~/ tileWidth;
tilesY = (height + tileHeight - 1) ~/ tileHeight;
tileSize = tileWidth * tileHeight * samplesPerPixel;
fillOrder = _readTag(p3, TAG_FILL_ORDER, 1);
t4Options = _readTag(p3, TAG_T4_OPTIONS, 0);
t6Options = _readTag(p3, TAG_T6_OPTIONS, 0);
extraSamples = _readTag(p3, TAG_EXTRA_SAMPLES, 0);
// Determine which kind of image we are dealing with.
switch (photometricType) {
case 0: // WhiteIsZero
case 1: // BlackIsZero
if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplesPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = TYPE_BILEVEL;
} else if (bitsPerSample == 4 && samplesPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = TYPE_GRAY_4BIT;
} else if (bitsPerSample % 8 == 0) {
if (samplesPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = TYPE_GRAY;
} else if (samplesPerPixel == 2) {
imageType = TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA;
} else {
imageType = TYPE_GENERIC;
case 2: // RGB
if (bitsPerSample % 8 == 0) {
if (samplesPerPixel == 3) {
imageType = TYPE_RGB;
} else if (samplesPerPixel == 4) {
imageType = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
} else {
imageType = TYPE_GENERIC;
case 3: // RGB Palette
if (samplesPerPixel == 1 &&
(bitsPerSample == 4 || bitsPerSample == 8 ||
bitsPerSample == 16)) {
imageType = TYPE_PALETTE;
case 4: // Transparency mask
if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplesPerPixel == 1) {
imageType = TYPE_BILEVEL;
case 6: // YCbCr
if (compression == COMPRESSION_JPEG &&
bitsPerSample == 8 && samplesPerPixel == 3) {
imageType = TYPE_RGB;
} else {
List<int> v = tags[TAG_YCBCR_SUBSAMPLING].readValues(p3);
chromaSubH = v[0];
chromaSubV = v[1];
} else {
chromaSubH = 2;
chromaSubV = 2;
if (chromaSubH * chromaSubV == 1) {
imageType = TYPE_GENERIC;
} else if (bitsPerSample == 8 && samplesPerPixel == 3) {
imageType = TYPE_YCBCR_SUB;
default: // Other including CMYK, CIE L*a*b*, unknown.
if (bitsPerSample % 8 == 0) {
imageType = TYPE_GENERIC;
bool get isValid => width != null && height != null &&
samplesPerPixel != null &&
bitsPerSample != null &&
compression != null;
Image decode(InputBuffer p) {
image = new Image(width, height);
for (int tileY = 0, ti = 0; tileY < tilesY; ++tileY) {
for (int tileX = 0; tileX < tilesX; ++tileX, ++ti) {
_decodeTile(p, tileX, tileY);
return image;
HdrImage decodeHdr(InputBuffer p) {
hdrImage = new HdrImage.create(width, height, 4, HdrImage.HALF);
for (int tileY = 0, ti = 0; tileY < tilesY; ++tileY) {
for (int tileX = 0; tileX < tilesX; ++tileX, ++ti) {
_decodeTile(p, tileX, tileY);
return hdrImage;
bool hasTag(int tag) => tags.containsKey(tag);
void _decodeTile(InputBuffer p, int tileX, int tileY) {
// Read the data, uncompressing as needed. There are four cases:
// bilevel, palette-RGB, 4-bit grayscale, and everything else.
if (imageType == TYPE_BILEVEL) {
_decodeBilevelTile(p, tileX, tileY);
int tileIndex = tileY * tilesX + tileX;
p.offset = tileOffsets[tileIndex];
int outX = tileX * tileWidth;
int outY = tileY * tileHeight;
int byteCount = tileByteCounts[tileIndex];
int bytesInThisTile = tileWidth * tileHeight * samplesPerPixel;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
bytesInThisTile *= 2;
InputBuffer bdata;
if (bitsPerSample == 8 || bitsPerSample == 16) {
if (compression == COMPRESSION_NONE) {
bdata = p;
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_LZW) {
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(bytesInThisTile));
LzwDecoder decoder = new LzwDecoder();
try {
decoder.decode(new InputBuffer.from(p, offset: 0, length: byteCount),
} catch (e) {
// Horizontal Differencing Predictor
if (predictor == 2) {
int count;
for (int j = 0; j < tileHeight; j++) {
count = samplesPerPixel * (j * tileWidth + 1);
for (int i = samplesPerPixel, len = tileWidth * samplesPerPixel;
i < len; i++) {
bdata[count] += bdata[count - samplesPerPixel];
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_PACKBITS) {
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(bytesInThisTile));
_decodePackbits(p, bytesInThisTile, bdata.buffer);
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) {
List<int> data = p.toList(0, byteCount);
List<int> outData = new Inflate(data).getBytes();
bdata = new InputBuffer(outData);
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_ZIP) {
List<int> data = p.toList(0, byteCount);
List<int> outData = new ZLibDecoder().decodeBytes(data);
bdata = new InputBuffer(outData);
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_OLD_JPEG) {
if (image == null) {
image = new Image(width, height);
List<int> data = p.toList(0, byteCount);
Image tile = new JpegDecoder().decodeImage(data);
_jpegToImage(tile, image, outX, outY, tileWidth, tileHeight);
if (hdrImage != null) {
hdrImage = new HdrImage.fromImage(image);
} else {
throw new ImageException('Unsupported Compression Type: $compression');
if (bdata == null) {
int pi = 0;
for (int y = 0, py = outY; y < tileHeight && py < height; ++y, ++py) {
for (int x = 0, px = outX; x < tileWidth && px < width; ++x, ++px) {
if (samplesPerPixel == 1) {
int gray = bdata[pi++];
int gray16 = gray;
// down-sample 16-bit to 8-bit..
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
if (!p.bigEndian) {
gray = bdata[pi++];
gray16 = gray << 8 | gray16;
} else {
gray16 = gray16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
if (photometricType == 0) {
gray = 255 - gray;
gray16 = 0xffff - gray16;
if (hdrImage != null) {
double fg = gray16 / 0xffff;
hdrImage.setRed(px, py, fg);
hdrImage.setGreen(px, py, fg);
hdrImage.setBlue(px, py, fg);
hdrImage.setAlpha(px, py, 1.0);
if (image != null) {
int c;
if (photometricType == 3 && colorMap != null) {
c = getColor(colorMap[colorMapRed + gray],
colorMap[colorMapGreen + gray],
colorMap[colorMapBlue + gray]);
} else {
c = getColor(gray, gray, gray, 255);
image.setPixel(px, py, c);
} else if (samplesPerPixel == 2) {
int gray = bdata[pi++];
int gray16 = gray;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
gray16 = gray16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
int alpha = bdata[pi++];
int alpha16 = alpha;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
alpha16 = alpha16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
if (hdrImage != null) {
double fg = gray16 / 0xffff;
double fa = alpha16 / 0xffff;
hdrImage.setRed(px, py, fg);
hdrImage.setGreen(px, py, fg);
hdrImage.setBlue(px, py, fg);
hdrImage.setAlpha(px, py, fa);
if (image != null) {
int c = getColor(gray, gray, gray, alpha);
image.setPixel(px, py, c);
} else if (samplesPerPixel == 3) {
int r = bdata[pi++];
int r16 = r;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
r16 = r16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
int g = bdata[pi++];
int g16 = r;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
g16 = g16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
int b = bdata[pi++];
int b16 = r;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
b16 = b16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
if (hdrImage != null) {
hdrImage.setRed(px, py, r16 / 0xffff);
hdrImage.setGreen(px, py, g16 / 0xffff);
hdrImage.setBlue(px, py, b16 / 0xffff);
hdrImage.setAlpha(px, py, 1.0);
if (image != null) {
int c = getColor(r, g, b, 255);
image.setPixel(px, py, c);
} else if (samplesPerPixel >= 4) {
int r = bdata[pi++];
int r16 = r;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
r16 = r16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
int g = bdata[pi++];
int g16 = g;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
g16 = g16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
int b = bdata[pi++];
int b16 = b;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
b16 = b16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
int a = bdata[pi++];
int a16 = a;
if (bitsPerSample == 16) {
a16 = a16 << 8 | bdata[pi++];
if (hdrImage != null) {
hdrImage.setRed(px, py, r16 / 0xffff);
hdrImage.setGreen(px, py, g16 / 0xffff);
hdrImage.setBlue(px, py, b16 / 0xffff);
hdrImage.setAlpha(px, py, a16 / 0xffff);
if (image != null) {
int c = getColor(r, g, b, a);
image.setPixel(px, py, c);
} else {
throw new ImageException('Unsupported bitsPerSample: $bitsPerSample');
void _jpegToImage(Image tile, Image image, int outX, int outY,
int tileWidth, int tileHeight) {
int width = tileWidth;
int height = tileHeight;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
image.setPixel(x + outX, y + outY, tile.getPixel(x, y));
/*Uint8List data = jpeg.getData(width, height);
List components = jpeg.components;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
switch (components.length) {
case 1: // Luminance
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int Y = data[i++];
image.setPixel(x + outX, y + outY, getColor(Y, Y, Y, 255));
case 3: // RGB
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int R = data[i++];
int G = data[i++];
int B = data[i++];
int c = getColor(R, G, B, 255);
image.setPixel(x + outX, y + outY, c);
case 4: // CMYK
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int C = data[i++];
int M = data[i++];
int Y = data[i++];
int K = data[i++];
int R = 255 - _clamp(C * (1 - K ~/ 255) + K);
int G = 255 - _clamp(M * (1 - K ~/ 255) + K);
int B = 255 - _clamp(Y * (1 - K ~/ 255) + K);
image.setPixel(x + outX, y + outY, getColor(R, G, B, 255));
throw 'Unsupported color mode';
/*int _clamp(int i) {
return i < 0 ? 0 : i > 255 ? 255 : i;
void _decodeBilevelTile(InputBuffer p, int tileX, int tileY) {
int tileIndex = tileY * tilesX + tileX;
p.offset = tileOffsets[tileIndex];
int outX = tileX * tileWidth;
int outY = tileY * tileHeight;
int byteCount = tileByteCounts[tileIndex];
InputBuffer bdata;
if (compression == COMPRESSION_PACKBITS) {
// Since the decompressed data will still be packed
// 8 pixels into 1 byte, calculate bytesInThisTile
int bytesInThisTile;
if ((tileWidth % 8) == 0) {
bytesInThisTile = (tileWidth ~/ 8) * tileHeight;
} else {
bytesInThisTile = (tileWidth ~/ 8 + 1) * tileHeight;
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(tileWidth * tileHeight));
_decodePackbits(p, bytesInThisTile, bdata.buffer);
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_LZW) {
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(tileWidth * tileHeight));
LzwDecoder decoder = new LzwDecoder();
decoder.decode(new InputBuffer.from(p, length: byteCount), bdata.buffer);
// Horizontal Differencing Predictor
if (predictor == 2) {
int count;
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
count = samplesPerPixel * (j * width + 1);
for (int i = samplesPerPixel; i < width * samplesPerPixel; i++) {
bdata[count] += bdata[count - samplesPerPixel];
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_CCITT_RLE) {
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(tileWidth * tileHeight));
try {
new TiffFaxDecoder(fillOrder, tileWidth, tileHeight).
decode1D(bdata, p, 0, tileHeight);
} catch (_) {
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_CCITT_FAX3) {
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(tileWidth * tileHeight));
try {
new TiffFaxDecoder(fillOrder, tileWidth, tileHeight).
decode2D(bdata, p, 0, tileHeight, t4Options);
} catch (_) {
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_CCITT_FAX4) {
bdata = new InputBuffer(new Uint8List(tileWidth * tileHeight));
try {
new TiffFaxDecoder(fillOrder, tileWidth, tileHeight).
decodeT6(bdata, p, 0, tileHeight, t6Options);
} catch (_) {
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_ZIP) {
List<int> data = p.toList(0, byteCount);
List<int> outData = new ZLibDecoder().decodeBytes(data);
bdata = new InputBuffer(outData);
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) {
List<int> data = p.toList(0, byteCount);
List<int> outData = new Inflate(data).getBytes();
bdata = new InputBuffer(outData);
} else if (compression == COMPRESSION_NONE) {
bdata = p;
} else {
throw new ImageException('Unsupported Compression Type: $compression');
if (bdata == null) {
TiffBitReader br = new TiffBitReader(bdata);
final int white = isWhiteZero ? 0xff000000 : 0xffffffff;
final int black = isWhiteZero ? 0xffffffff : 0xff000000;
for (int y = 0, py = outY; y < tileHeight; ++y, ++py) {
for (int x = 0, px = outX; x < tileWidth; ++x, ++px) {
if (br.readBits(1) == 0) {
image.setPixel(px, py, black);
} else {
image.setPixel(px, py, white);
* Uncompress packbits compressed image data.
void _decodePackbits(InputBuffer data, int arraySize, List<int> dst) {
int srcCount = 0;
int dstCount = 0;
while (dstCount < arraySize) {
int b = uint8ToInt8(data[srcCount++]);
if (b >= 0 && b <= 127) {
// literal run packet
for (int i = 0; i < (b + 1); ++i) {
dst[dstCount++] = data[srcCount++];
} else if (b <= -1 && b >= -127) {
// 2 byte encoded run packet
int repeat = data[srcCount++];
for (int i = 0; i < (-b + 1); ++i) {
dst[dstCount++] = repeat;
} else {
// no-op packet. Do nothing
int _readTag(InputBuffer p, int type, [int defaultValue = 0]) {
if (!hasTag(type)) {
return defaultValue;
return tags[type].readValue(p);
List<int> _readTagList(InputBuffer p, int type) {
if (!hasTag(type)) {
return null;
return tags[type].readValues(p);
// Compression types
static const int COMPRESSION_NONE = 1;
static const int COMPRESSION_CCITT_RLE = 2;
static const int COMPRESSION_CCITT_FAX3 = 3;
static const int COMPRESSION_CCITT_FAX4 = 4;
static const int COMPRESSION_LZW = 5;
static const int COMPRESSION_OLD_JPEG = 6;
static const int COMPRESSION_JPEG = 7;
static const int COMPRESSION_NEXT = 32766;
static const int COMPRESSION_CCITT_RLEW = 32771;
static const int COMPRESSION_PACKBITS = 32773;
static const int COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN = 32809;
static const int COMPRESSION_IT8CTPAD = 32895;
static const int COMPRESSION_IT8LW = 32896;
static const int COMPRESSION_IT8MP = 32897;
static const int COMPRESSION_IT8BL = 32898;
static const int COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM = 32908;
static const int COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG = 32909;
static const int COMPRESSION_DEFLATE = 32946;
static const int COMPRESSION_ZIP = 8;
static const int COMPRESSION_DCS = 32947;
static const int COMPRESSION_JBIG = 34661;
static const int COMPRESSION_SGILOG = 34676;
static const int COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 = 34677;
static const int COMPRESSION_JP2000 = 34712;
// Image types
static const int TYPE_UNSUPPORTED = -1;
static const int TYPE_BILEVEL = 0;
static const int TYPE_GRAY_4BIT = 1;
static const int TYPE_GRAY = 2;
static const int TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA = 3;
static const int TYPE_PALETTE = 4;
static const int TYPE_RGB = 5;
static const int TYPE_RGB_ALPHA = 6;
static const int TYPE_YCBCR_SUB = 7;
static const int TYPE_GENERIC = 8;
// Tag types
static const int TAG_ARTIST = 315;
static const int TAG_BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 258;
static const int TAG_CELL_LENGTH = 265;
static const int TAG_CELL_WIDTH = 264;
static const int TAG_COLOR_MAP = 320;
static const int TAG_COMPRESSION = 259;
static const int TAG_DATE_TIME = 306;
static const int TAG_EXIF_IFD = 34665;
static const int TAG_EXTRA_SAMPLES = 338;
static const int TAG_FILL_ORDER = 266;
static const int TAG_FREE_BYTE_COUNTS = 289;
static const int TAG_FREE_OFFSETS = 288;
static const int TAG_GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE = 291;
static const int TAG_GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT = 290;
static const int TAG_HOST_COMPUTER = 316;
static const int TAG_ICC_PROFILE = 34675;
static const int TAG_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION = 270;
static const int TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH = 257;
static const int TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH = 256;
static const int TAG_IPTC = 33723;
static const int TAG_MAKE = 271;
static const int TAG_MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE = 281;
static const int TAG_MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE = 280;
static const int TAG_MODEL = 272;
static const int TAG_NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE = 254;
static const int TAG_ORIENTATION = 274;
static const int TAG_PHOTOSHOP = 34377;
static const int TAG_PLANAR_CONFIGURATION = 284;
static const int TAG_PREDICTOR = 317;
static const int TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT = 296;
static const int TAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP = 278;
static const int TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL = 277;
static const int TAG_SOFTWARE = 305;
static const int TAG_STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS = 279;
static const int TAG_STRIP_OFFSETS = 273;
static const int TAG_SUBFILE_TYPE = 255;
static const int TAG_T4_OPTIONS = 292;
static const int TAG_T6_OPTIONS = 293;
static const int TAG_THRESHOLDING = 263;
static const int TAG_TILE_WIDTH = 322;
static const int TAG_TILE_LENGTH = 323;
static const int TAG_TILE_OFFSETS = 324;
static const int TAG_TILE_BYTE_COUNTS = 325;
static const int TAG_XMP = 700;
static const int TAG_X_RESOLUTION = 282;
static const int TAG_Y_RESOLUTION = 283;
static const int TAG_YCBCR_COEFFICIENTS = 529;
static const int TAG_YCBCR_SUBSAMPLING = 530;
static const int TAG_YCBCR_POSITIONING = 531;
static const Map<int, String> TAG_NAME = const {
TAG_ARTIST: 'artist',
TAG_BITS_PER_SAMPLE: 'bitsPerSample',
TAG_CELL_LENGTH: 'cellLength',
TAG_CELL_WIDTH: 'cellWidth',
TAG_COLOR_MAP: 'colorMap',
TAG_COMPRESSION: 'compression',
TAG_DATE_TIME: 'dateTime',
TAG_EXTRA_SAMPLES: 'extraSamples',
TAG_FILL_ORDER: 'fillOrder',
TAG_FREE_BYTE_COUNTS: 'freeByteCounts',
TAG_FREE_OFFSETS: 'freeOffsets',
TAG_GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE: 'grayResponseCurve',
TAG_GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT: 'grayResponseUnit',
TAG_HOST_COMPUTER: 'hostComputer',
TAG_ICC_PROFILE: 'iccProfile',
TAG_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION: 'imageDescription',
TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH: 'imageLength',
TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH: 'imageWidth',
TAG_IPTC: 'iptc',
TAG_MAKE: 'make',
TAG_MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE: 'maxSampleValue',
TAG_MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE: 'minSampleValue',
TAG_MODEL: 'model',
TAG_NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE: 'newSubfileType',
TAG_ORIENTATION: 'orientation',
TAG_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION: 'photometricInterpretation',
TAG_PHOTOSHOP: 'photoshop',
TAG_PLANAR_CONFIGURATION: 'planarConfiguration',
TAG_PREDICTOR: 'predictor',
TAG_RESOLUTION_UNIT: 'resolutionUnit',
TAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP: 'rowsPerStrip',
TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL: 'samplesPerPixel',
TAG_SOFTWARE: 'software',
TAG_STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS: 'stripByteCounts',
TAG_STRIP_OFFSETS: 'stropOffsets',
TAG_SUBFILE_TYPE: 'subfileType',
TAG_T4_OPTIONS: 't4Options',
TAG_T6_OPTIONS: 't6Options',
TAG_THRESHOLDING: 'thresholding',
TAG_TILE_WIDTH: 'tileWidth',
TAG_TILE_LENGTH: 'tileLength',
TAG_TILE_OFFSETS: 'tileOffsets',
TAG_TILE_BYTE_COUNTS: 'tileByteCounts',
TAG_XMP: 'xmp',
TAG_X_RESOLUTION: 'xResolution',
TAG_Y_RESOLUTION: 'yResolution',