blob: fd91dc7145159118cfd5a1e3f0c5847b47fe53fe [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../../color.dart';
import '../../image.dart';
import '../../image_exception.dart';
import '../../util/output_buffer.dart';
import 'pvrtc_bit_utility.dart';
import 'pvrtc_color.dart';
import 'pvrtc_color_bounding_box.dart';
import 'pvrtc_packet.dart';
* Ported from Jeffrey Lim's PVRTC encoder/decoder,
class PvrtcEncoder {
// PVR Format
static const int PVR_AUTO = -1;
static const int PVR_RGB_2BPP = 0;
static const int PVR_RGBA_2BPP = 1;
static const int PVR_RGB_4BPP = 2;
static const int PVR_RGBA_4BPP = 3;
Uint8List encodePvr(Image bitmap, {int format: PVR_AUTO}) {
OutputBuffer output = new OutputBuffer();
var pvrtc;
if (format == PVR_AUTO) {
if (bitmap.format == Image.RGB) {
pvrtc = encodeRgb4Bpp(bitmap);
format = PVR_RGB_4BPP;
} else {
pvrtc = encodeRgba4Bpp(bitmap);
format = PVR_RGBA_4BPP;
} else if (format == PVR_RGB_2BPP) {
//pvrtc = encodeRgb2Bpp(bitmap);
pvrtc = encodeRgb4Bpp(bitmap);
} else if (format == PVR_RGBA_2BPP) {
//pvrtc = encodeRgba2Bpp(bitmap);
pvrtc = encodeRgba4Bpp(bitmap);
} else if (format == PVR_RGB_4BPP) {
pvrtc = encodeRgb4Bpp(bitmap);
} else if (format == PVR_RGBA_4BPP) {
pvrtc = encodeRgba4Bpp(bitmap);
int version = 55727696;
int flags = 0;
int pixelFormat = format;
int channelOrder = 0;
int colorSpace = 0;
int channelType = 0;
int height = bitmap.height;
int width = bitmap.width;
int depth = 1;
int numSurfaces = 1;
int numFaces = 1;
int mipmapCount = 1;
int metaDataSize = 0;
return output.getBytes();
Uint8List encodeRgb4Bpp(Image bitmap) {
if (bitmap.width != bitmap.height) {
throw new ImageException('PVRTC requires a square image.');
if (!BitUtility.isPowerOf2(bitmap.width)) {
throw new ImageException('PVRTC requires a power-of-two sized image.');
final int size = bitmap.width;
final int blocks = size ~/ 4;
final int blockMask = blocks - 1;
var bitmapData = bitmap.getBytes();
// Allocate enough data for encoding the image.
var outputData = new Uint8List((bitmap.width * bitmap.height) ~/ 2);
var packet = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p0 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p1 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p2 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p3 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
for (int y = 0; y < blocks; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < blocks; ++x) {
packet.setBlock(x, y);
packet.usePunchthroughAlpha = 0;
var cbb = _calculateBoundingBoxRgb(bitmap, x, y);
const factors = PvrtcPacket.BILINEAR_FACTORS;
for (int y = 0; y < blocks; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < blocks; ++x) {
int factorIndex = 0;
final pixelIndex = (y * 4 * size + x * 4) * 4;
int modulationData = 0;
for (int py = 0; py < 4; ++py) {
final int yOffset = (py < 2) ? -1 : 0;
final int y0 = (y + yOffset) & blockMask;
final int y1 = (y0 + 1) & blockMask;
for(int px = 0; px < 4; ++px) {
final int xOffset = (px < 2) ? -1 : 0;
final int x0 = (x + xOffset) & blockMask;
final int x1 = (x0 + 1) & blockMask;
p0.setBlock(x0, y0);
p1.setBlock(x1, y0);
p2.setBlock(x0, y1);
p3.setBlock(x1, y1);
var ca = p0.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][3];
var cb = p0.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][3];
int pi = pixelIndex + ((py * size + px) * 4);
int r = bitmapData[pi];
int g = bitmapData[pi + 1];
int b = bitmapData[pi + 2];
var d = cb - ca;
var p = new PvrtcColorRgb(r * 16, g * 16, b * 16);
var v = p - ca;
// PVRTC uses weightings of 0, 3/8, 5/8 and 1
// The boundaries for these are 3/16, 1/2 (=8/16), 13/16
int projection = v.dotProd(d) * 16;
int lengthSquared = d.dotProd(d);
if (projection > 3 * lengthSquared) {
if (projection > 8 * lengthSquared) {
if (projection > 13 * lengthSquared) {
modulationData = BitUtility.rotateRight(modulationData, 2);
packet.setBlock(x, y);
packet.modulationData = modulationData;
return outputData;
Uint8List encodeRgba4Bpp(Image bitmap) {
if (bitmap.width != bitmap.height) {
throw new ImageException('PVRTC requires a square image.');
if (!BitUtility.isPowerOf2(bitmap.width)) {
throw new ImageException('PVRTC requires a power-of-two sized image.');
final int size = bitmap.width;
final int blocks = size ~/ 4;
final int blockMask = blocks - 1;
var bitmapData = bitmap.getBytes();
// Allocate enough data for encoding the image.
var outputData = new Uint8List((bitmap.width * bitmap.height) ~/ 2);
var packet = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p0 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p1 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p2 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
var p3 = new PvrtcPacket(outputData);
for (int y = 0; y < blocks; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < blocks; ++x) {
packet.setBlock(x, y);
packet.usePunchthroughAlpha = 0;
var cbb = _calculateBoundingBoxRgba(bitmap, x, y);
const factors = PvrtcPacket.BILINEAR_FACTORS;
for (int y = 0; y < blocks; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < blocks; ++x) {
int factorIndex = 0;
final pixelIndex = (y * 4 * size + x * 4) * 4;
int modulationData = 0;
for (int py = 0; py < 4; ++py) {
final int yOffset = (py < 2) ? -1 : 0;
final int y0 = (y + yOffset) & blockMask;
final int y1 = (y0 + 1) & blockMask;
for(int px = 0; px < 4; ++px) {
final int xOffset = (px < 2) ? -1 : 0;
final int x0 = (x + xOffset) & blockMask;
final int x1 = (x0 + 1) & blockMask;
p0.setBlock(x0, y0);
p1.setBlock(x1, y0);
p2.setBlock(x0, y1);
p3.setBlock(x1, y1);
var ca = p0.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][3];
var cb = p0.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][3];
int pi = pixelIndex + ((py * size + px) * 4);
int r = bitmapData[pi];
int g = bitmapData[pi + 1];
int b = bitmapData[pi + 2];
int a = bitmapData[pi + 3];
var d = cb - ca;
var p = new PvrtcColorRgba(r * 16, g * 16, b * 16, a * 16);
var v = p - ca;
// PVRTC uses weightings of 0, 3/8, 5/8 and 1
// The boundaries for these are 3/16, 1/2 (=8/16), 13/16
int projection = v.dotProd(d) * 16;
int lengthSquared = d.dotProd(d);
if (projection > 3 * lengthSquared) {
if (projection > 8 * lengthSquared) {
if (projection > 13 * lengthSquared) {
modulationData = BitUtility.rotateRight(modulationData, 2);
packet.setBlock(x, y);
packet.modulationData = modulationData;
return outputData;
static PvrtcColorBoundingBox _calculateBoundingBoxRgb(Image bitmap,
int blockX,
int blockY) {
int size = bitmap.width;
int pi = (blockY * 4 * size + blockX * 4);
_pixel(i) {
int c = bitmap[pi + i];
return new PvrtcColorRgb(getRed(c), getGreen(c), getBlue(c));
var cbb = new PvrtcColorBoundingBox(_pixel(0), _pixel(0));
cbb.add(_pixel(size + 1));
cbb.add(_pixel(size + 2));
cbb.add(_pixel(size + 3));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size + 1));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size + 2));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size + 3));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size + 1));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size + 2));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size + 3));
return cbb;
static PvrtcColorBoundingBox _calculateBoundingBoxRgba(Image bitmap,
int blockX,
int blockY) {
int size = bitmap.width;
int pi = (blockY * 4 * size + blockX * 4);
_pixel(i) {
int c = bitmap[pi + i];
return new PvrtcColorRgba(getRed(c), getGreen(c), getBlue(c), getAlpha(c));
var cbb = new PvrtcColorBoundingBox(_pixel(0), _pixel(0));
cbb.add(_pixel(size + 1));
cbb.add(_pixel(size + 2));
cbb.add(_pixel(size + 3));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size + 1));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size + 2));
cbb.add(_pixel(2 * size + 3));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size + 1));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size + 2));
cbb.add(_pixel(3 * size + 3));
return cbb;
/*static void _getPacket(packet, packetData, index) {
index *= 2;
packet.modulationData = packetData[index];
packet.colorData = packetData[index + 1];
static const MODULATION_LUT =
const [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 ];