blob: 3c0412aad59d39225a75dc09aa2abc4c4ed15a34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:build_runner/src/logging/std_io_logging.dart';
import 'package:build_runner_core/build_runner_core.dart';
import 'package:io/io.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../generate/build.dart';
import 'base_command.dart';
import 'options.dart';
class RunCommand extends BuildRunnerCommand {
String get name => 'run';
String get description => 'Performs a single build, and executes '
'a Dart script with the given arguments.';
String get invocation =>
'${super.invocation.replaceFirst('[arguments]', '[build-arguments]')} '
'<executable> [-- [script-arguments]]';
SharedOptions readOptions() {
// Here we validate that [] is exactly equal to all the
// arguments after the `--`.
var separatorPos = argResults.arguments.indexOf('--');
if (separatorPos >= 0) {
void throwUsageException() {
throw UsageException(
'The `run` command does not support positional args before the '
'`--` separator which should separate build args from script args.',
var expectedRest = argResults.arguments.skip(separatorPos + 1).toList();
// Since we expect the first argument to be the name of a script,
// we should skip it when comparing extra arguments.
var effectiveRest =;
if (effectiveRest.length != expectedRest.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < effectiveRest.length; i++) {
if (expectedRest[i] != effectiveRest[i]) {
return SharedOptions.fromParsedArgs(
argResults, [],, this);
FutureOr<int> run() async {
var options = readOptions();
var logSubscription =
Logger.root.onRecord.listen(stdIOLogListener(verbose: options.verbose));
try {
// Ensure that the user passed the name of a file to run.
if ( {
logger..severe('Must specify an executable to run.')..severe(usage);
return ExitCode.usage.code;
var scriptName =[0];
var passedArgs =;
// Ensure the extension is .dart.
if (p.extension(scriptName) != '.dart') {
logger.severe('$scriptName is not a valid Dart file '
'and cannot be run in the VM.');
return ExitCode.usage.code;
// Create a temporary directory in which to execute the script.
var tempPath = Directory.systemTemp
// Create two ReceivePorts, so that we can quit when the isolate is done.
// Define these before starting the isolate, so that we can close
// them if there is a spawn exception.
ReceivePort onExit, onError;
// Use a completer to determine the exit code.
var exitCodeCompleter = Completer<int>();
try {
var buildDirs = (options.buildDirs ?? Set<BuildDirectory>())
outputLocation: OutputLocation(tempPath,
useSymlinks: options.outputSymlinksOnly, hoist: false)));
var result = await build(
deleteFilesByDefault: options.deleteFilesByDefault,
enableLowResourcesMode: options.enableLowResourcesMode,
configKey: options.configKey,
buildDirs: buildDirs,
packageGraph: packageGraph,
verbose: options.verbose,
builderConfigOverrides: options.builderConfigOverrides,
isReleaseBuild: options.isReleaseBuild,
trackPerformance: options.trackPerformance,
skipBuildScriptCheck: options.skipBuildScriptCheck,
logPerformanceDir: options.logPerformanceDir,
if (result.status == BuildStatus.failure) {
logger.warning('Skipping script run due to build failure');
return result.failureType.exitCode;
// Find the path of the script to run.
var scriptPath = p.join(tempPath, scriptName);
var packageConfigPath = p.join(tempPath, '.packages');
onExit = ReceivePort();
onError = ReceivePort();
// Cleanup after exit.
onExit.listen((_) {
// If no error was thrown, return 0.
if (!exitCodeCompleter.isCompleted) exitCodeCompleter.complete(0);
// On an error, kill the isolate, and log the error.
onError.listen((e) {
logger.severe('Unhandled error from script: $scriptName', e[0],
if (!exitCodeCompleter.isCompleted) exitCodeCompleter.complete(1);
await Isolate.spawnUri(
errorsAreFatal: true,
onExit: onExit.sendPort,
onError: onError.sendPort,
packageConfig: p.toUri(packageConfigPath),
return await exitCodeCompleter.future;
} on IsolateSpawnException catch (e) {
'Could not spawn isolate. Ensure that your file is in a valid directory (i.e. "bin", "benchmark", "example", "test", "tool").',
return ExitCode.ioError.code;
} finally {
// Clean up the output dir.
var dir = Directory(tempPath);
if (await dir.exists()) await dir.delete(recursive: true);
if (!exitCodeCompleter.isCompleted) {
} finally {
await logSubscription.cancel();