blob: efbda5cff78c41a0636e2571b29e5c206353644f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show UnmodifiableSetView;
import 'package:graphs/graphs.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'module_builder.dart';
import 'module_cache.dart';
import 'platform.dart';
part 'modules.g.dart';
/// A collection of Dart libraries in a strongly connected component of the
/// import graph.
/// Modules track their sources and the other modules they depend on.
/// modules they depend on.
/// Modules can span pub package boundaries when there are import cycles across
/// packages.
class Module {
/// Merge the sources and dependencies from [modules] into a single module.
/// All modules must have the same [platform].
/// [primarySource] will be the earliest value from the combined [sources] if
/// they were sorted.
/// [isMissing] will be true if any input module is missing.
/// [isSupported] will be true if all input modules are supported.
/// [directDependencies] will be merged for all modules, but if any module
/// depended on a source from any other they will be filtered out.
static Module merge(List<Module> modules) {
if (modules.length == 1) return modules.single;
assert(modules.every((m) => m.platform == modules.first.platform));
final allSources = HashSet.of(modules.expand((m) => m.sources));
final allDependencies =
HashSet.of(modules.expand((m) => m.directDependencies))
final primarySource =
allSources.reduce((a, b) => a.compareTo(b) < 0 ? a : b);
final isMissing = modules.any((m) => m.isMissing);
final isSupported = modules.every((m) => m.isSupported);
return Module(primarySource, allSources, allDependencies,
modules.first.platform, isSupported,
isMissing: isMissing);
/// The library which will be used to reference any library in [sources].
/// The assets which are built once per module, such as DDC compiled output or
/// Analyzer summaries, will be named after the primary source and will
/// encompass everything in [sources].
@JsonKey(name: 'p', nullable: false)
final AssetId primarySource;
/// The libraries in the strongly connected import cycle with [primarySource].
/// In most cases without cyclic imports this will contain only the primary
/// source. For libraries with an import cycle all of the libraries in the
/// cycle will be contained in `sources`. For example:
/// ```dart
/// library foo;
/// import 'bar.dart';
/// ```
/// ```dart
/// library bar;
/// import 'foo.dart';
/// ```
/// Libraries `foo` and `bar` form an import cycle so they would be grouped in
/// the same module. Every Dart library will only be contained in a single
/// [Module].
@JsonKey(name: 's', nullable: false, toJson: _toJsonAssetIds)
final Set<AssetId> sources;
/// The [primarySource]s of the [Module]s which contain any library imported
/// from any of the [sources] in this module.
@JsonKey(name: 'd', nullable: false, toJson: _toJsonAssetIds)
final Set<AssetId> directDependencies;
/// Missing modules are created if a module depends on another non-existent
/// module.
/// We want to report these errors lazily to allow for builds to succeed if it
/// won't actually impact any apps negatively.
@JsonKey(name: 'm', nullable: true, defaultValue: false)
final bool isMissing;
/// Whether or not this module is supported for [platform].
/// Note that this only indicates support for the [sources] within this
/// module, and not its transitive (or direct) dependencies.
/// Compilers can use this to either silently skip compilation of this module
/// or throw early errors or warnings.
/// Modules are allowed to exist even if they aren't supported, which can help
/// with discovering root causes of incompatibility.
@JsonKey(name: 'is', nullable: false)
final bool isSupported;
@JsonKey(name: 'pf', nullable: false)
final DartPlatform platform;
Module(this.primarySource, Iterable<AssetId> sources,
Iterable<AssetId> directDependencies, this.platform, this.isSupported,
{bool isMissing})
: sources = UnmodifiableSetView(HashSet.of(sources)),
directDependencies =
isMissing = isMissing ?? false;
/// Generated factory constructor.
factory Module.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ModuleFromJson(json);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ModuleToJson(this);
/// Returns all [Module]s in the transitive dependencies of this module in
/// reverse dependency order.
/// Throws a [MissingModulesException] if there are any missing modules. This
/// typically means that somebody is trying to import a non-existing file.
/// If [throwIfUnsupported] is `true`, then an [UnsupportedModules]
/// will be thrown if there are any modules that are not supported.
Future<List<Module>> computeTransitiveDependencies(BuildStep buildStep,
{bool throwIfUnsupported = false}) async {
throwIfUnsupported ??= false;
final modules = await buildStep.fetchResource(moduleCache);
var transitiveDeps = <AssetId, Module>{};
var modulesToCrawl = directDependencies.toSet();
var missingModuleSources = Set<AssetId>();
var unsupportedModules = Set<Module>();
while (modulesToCrawl.isNotEmpty) {
var next = modulesToCrawl.last;
if (transitiveDeps.containsKey(next)) continue;
var nextModuleId = next.changeExtension(moduleExtension(platform));
var module = await modules.find(nextModuleId, buildStep);
if (module == null || module.isMissing) {
if (throwIfUnsupported && !module.isSupported) {
transitiveDeps[next] = module;
if (missingModuleSources.isNotEmpty) {
throw await MissingModulesException.create(missingModuleSources,
transitiveDeps.values.toList()..add(this), buildStep);
if (throwIfUnsupported && unsupportedModules.isNotEmpty) {
throw UnsupportedModules(unsupportedModules);
var orderedModules = stronglyConnectedComponents<Module>(
(m) => => transitiveDeps[s]),
equals: (a, b) => a.primarySource == b.primarySource,
hashCode: (m) => m.primarySource.hashCode);
return => c.single).toList();
class _AssetIdConverter implements JsonConverter<AssetId, List> {
const _AssetIdConverter();
AssetId fromJson(List json) => AssetId.deserialize(json);
List toJson(AssetId object) => object.serialize() as List;
class _DartPlatformConverter implements JsonConverter<DartPlatform, String> {
const _DartPlatformConverter();
DartPlatform fromJson(String json) => DartPlatform.byName(json);
String toJson(DartPlatform object) =>;
/// Ensure sets of asset IDs are sorted before writing them for a consistent
/// output.
List<List> _toJsonAssetIds(Set<AssetId> ids) =>
(ids.toList()..sort()).map((i) => i.serialize() as List).toList();