blob: ba10b51121e38aad3c4536c8151b0a8dde59be16 [file] [log] [blame]
part of archive;
* File Header (512 bytes)
* Offst Size Field
* Pre-POSIX Header
* 0 100 File name
* 100 8 File mode
* 108 8 Owner's numeric user ID
* 116 8 Group's numeric user ID
* 124 12 File size in bytes (octal basis)
* 136 12 Last modification time in numeric Unix time format (octal)
* 148 8 Checksum for header record
* 156 1 Type flag
* 157 100 Name of linked file
* UStar Format
* 257 6 UStar indicator "ustar"
* 263 2 UStar version "00"
* 265 32 Owner user name
* 297 32 Owner group name
* 329 8 Device major number
* 337 8 Device minor number
* 345 155 Filename prefix
class TarFile {
static const String TYPE_NORMAL_FILE = '0';
static const String TYPE_HARD_LINK = '1';
static const String TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK = '2';
static const String TYPE_CHAR_SPEC = '3';
static const String TYPE_BLOCK_SPEC = '4';
static const String TYPE_DIRECTORY = '5';
static const String TYPE_FIFO = '6';
static const String TYPE_CONT_FILE = '7';
// global extended header with meta data (POSIX.1-2001)
static const String TYPE_G_EX_HEADER = 'g';
static const String TYPE_G_EX_HEADER2 = 'G';
// extended header with meta data for the next file in the archive
// (POSIX.1-2001)
static const String TYPE_EX_HEADER = 'x';
static const String TYPE_EX_HEADER2 = 'X';
// Pre-POSIX Format
String filename; // 100 bytes
int mode = 644; // 8 bytes
int ownerId = 0; // 8 bytes
int groupId = 0; // 8 bytes
int fileSize = 0; // 12 bytes
int lastModTime = 0; // 12 bytes
int checksum = 0; // 8 bytes
String typeFlag = '0'; // 1 byte
String nameOfLinkedFile; // 100 bytes
// UStar Format
String ustarIndicator = ''; // 6 bytes (ustar)
String ustarVersion = ''; // 2 bytes (00)
String ownerUserName = ''; // 32 bytes
String ownerGroupName = ''; // 32 bytes
int deviceMajorNumber = 0; // 8 bytes
int deviceMinorNumber = 0; // 8 bytes
String filenamePrefix = ''; // 155 bytes
InputStream _rawContent;
List<int> _content;
TarFile() {
} input) {
InputStream header = input.readBytes(512);
// The name, linkname, magic, uname, and gname are null-terminated
// character strings. All other fields are zero-filled octal numbers in
// ASCII. Each numeric field of width w contains w minus 1 digits, and a
// null.
filename = _parseString(header, 100);
mode = _parseInt(header, 8);
ownerId = _parseInt(header, 8);
groupId = _parseInt(header, 8);
fileSize = _parseInt(header, 12);
lastModTime = _parseInt(header, 12);
checksum = _parseInt(header, 8);
typeFlag = _parseString(header, 1);
nameOfLinkedFile = _parseString(header, 100);
ustarIndicator = _parseString(header, 6);
if (ustarIndicator == 'ustar') {
ustarVersion = _parseString(header, 2);
ownerUserName = _parseString(header, 32);
ownerGroupName = _parseString(header, 32);
deviceMajorNumber = _parseInt(header, 8);
deviceMinorNumber = _parseInt(header, 8);
_rawContent = input.readBytes(fileSize);
if (isFile && fileSize > 0) {
int remainder = fileSize % 512;
int skiplen = 0;
if (remainder != 0) {
skiplen = 512 - remainder;
bool get isFile => typeFlag != TYPE_DIRECTORY;
List<int> get content {
if (_content == null) {
_content = _rawContent.toUint8List();
return _content;
int get size => _content != null ? _content.length :
_rawContent != null ? _rawContent.length :
String toString() => '[${filename}, ${mode}, ${fileSize}]';
void write(OutputStream output) {
fileSize = size;
// The name, linkname, magic, uname, and gname are null-terminated
// character strings. All other fields are zero-filled octal numbers in
// ASCII. Each numeric field of width w contains w minus 1 digits, and a null.
OutputStream header = new OutputStream();
_writeString(header, filename, 100);
_writeInt(header, mode, 8);
_writeInt(header, ownerId, 8);
_writeInt(header, groupId, 8);
_writeInt(header, fileSize, 12);
_writeInt(header, lastModTime, 12);
_writeString(header, ' ', 8); // checksum placeholder
_writeString(header, typeFlag, 1);
int remainder = 512 - header.length;
var nulls = new Uint8List(remainder); // typed arrays default to 0.
List<int> headerBytes = header.getBytes();
// The checksum is calculated by taking the sum of the unsigned byte values
// of the header record with the eight checksum bytes taken to be ascii
// spaces (decimal value 32). It is stored as a six digit octal number
// with leading zeroes followed by a NUL and then a space.
int sum = 0;
for (int b in headerBytes) {
sum += b;
String sum_str = sum.toRadixString(8); // octal basis
while (sum_str.length < 6) {
sum_str = '0' + sum_str;
int checksum_index = 148; // checksum is at 148th byte
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
headerBytes[checksum_index++] = sum_str.codeUnits[i];
headerBytes[154] = 0;
headerBytes[155] = 32;
if (_content != null) {
} else if (_rawContent != null) {
if (isFile && fileSize > 0) {
// Padd to 512-byte boundary
int remainder = fileSize % 512;
if (remainder != 0) {
int skiplen = 512 - remainder;
nulls = new Uint8List(skiplen); // typed arrays default to 0.
int _parseInt(InputStream input, int numBytes) {
String s = _parseString(input, numBytes);
if (s.isEmpty) {
return 0;
int x = 0;
try {
x = int.parse(s, radix: 8);
} catch(e) {
// Catch to fix a crash with bad group_id and owner_id values.
// This occurs for POSIX archives, where some attributes like uid and
// gid are stored in a separate PaxHeader file.
return x;
String _parseString(InputStream input, int numBytes) {
InputStream codes = input.readBytes(numBytes);
int r = codes.indexOf(0);
InputStream s = codes.subset(0, r < 0 ? null : r);
List<int> b = s.toUint8List();
String str = new String.fromCharCodes(b).trim();
return str;
void _writeString(OutputStream output, String value, int numBytes) {
List<int> codes = new List<int>.filled(numBytes, 0);
int end = numBytes < value.length ? numBytes : value.length;
codes.setRange(0, end, value.codeUnits);
void _writeInt(OutputStream output, int value, int numBytes) {
String s = value.toRadixString(8);
while (s.length < numBytes - 1) {
s = '0' + s;
_writeString(output, s, numBytes);