blob: c0f802b3b862ecf7e81bdb1248025a6bcccd0724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../../dwds.dart' show ChromeDebugException, ModuleStrategy;
import '../utilities/wrapped_service.dart';
VMRef toVMRef(VM vm) => VMRef() =;
int _nextId = 0;
String createId() {
return '$_nextId';
/// Returns a port that is probably, but not definitely, not in use.
/// This has a built-in race condition: another process may bind this port at
/// any time after this call has returned.
Future<int> findUnusedPort() async {
int port;
ServerSocket socket;
try {
socket =
await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6, 0, v6Only: true);
} on SocketException {
socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0);
port = socket.port;
await socket.close();
return port;
String _fetchModuleStrategy(ModuleStrategy config) {
switch (config) {
case ModuleStrategy.legacy:
return 'dart_library.import';
case ModuleStrategy.requireJS:
return 'require';
throw StateError('Unreachable code');
ModuleStrategy globalModuleStrategy;
String get loadModule => _fetchModuleStrategy(globalModuleStrategy);
String get getLibraries {
var expression = '';
if (globalModuleStrategy == ModuleStrategy.legacy) {
expression += 'for(let module of dart_library.libraries()) {\n'
return expression +=
"let libs = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart.getLibraries();\n";
/// Creates a snippet of JS code that initializes a `library` variable that has
/// the actual library object in DDC for [libraryUri].
/// In DDC we have module libraries indexed by names of the form
/// 'packages/package/mainFile' with no .dart suffix on the file, or
/// 'directory/packageName/mainFile', also with no .dart suffix, and relative to
/// the serving root, normally /web within the package. These modules have a map
/// from the URI with a Dart-specific scheme (package: or org-dartlang-app:) to
/// the library objects. The [libraryUri] parameter should be one of these
/// Dart-specific scheme URIs, and we set `library` the corresponding library.
String getLibrarySnippet(String libraryUri) => '''
var sdkUtils = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart;
var library = sdkUtils.getLibrary('$libraryUri');
if (!library) throw 'cannot find library for $libraryUri';
/// Throws an [ExceptionDetails] object if `exceptionDetails` is present on the
/// result.
void handleErrorIfPresent(WipResponse response,
{String evalContents, Object additionalDetails}) {
if (response == null) return;
if (response.result.containsKey('exceptionDetails')) {
throw ChromeDebugException(
response.result['exceptionDetails'] as Map<String, dynamic>,
evalContents: evalContents,
additionalDetails: additionalDetails);