blob: 3796e54096599e5e10f03add56b3a96a7a3ed591 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart' as semver;
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../../asset_handler.dart';
import '../../dwds.dart' show LogWriter;
import '../connections/app_connection.dart';
import '../debugging/debugger.dart';
import '../debugging/inspector.dart';
import '../debugging/location.dart';
import '../debugging/modules.dart';
import '../debugging/remote_debugger.dart';
import '../debugging/sources.dart';
import '../utilities/dart_uri.dart';
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import '../utilities/wrapped_service.dart';
/// Adds [event] to the stream with [streamId] if there is anybody listening
/// on that stream.
typedef StreamNotify = void Function(String streamId, Event event);
/// Returns the [AppInspector] for the current tab.
/// This may be null during a hot restart or page refresh.
typedef AppInspectorProvider = AppInspector Function();
/// A proxy from the chrome debug protocol to the dart vm service protocol.
class ChromeProxyService implements VmServiceInterface {
/// Cache of all existing StreamControllers.
/// These are all created through [onEvent].
final _streamControllers = <String, StreamController<Event>>{};
/// The root `VM` instance. There can only be one of these, but its isolates
/// are dynamic and roughly map to chrome tabs.
final VM _vm;
final _initializedCompleter = Completer<void>();
Future<void> get isInitialized => _initializedCompleter.future;
/// The root URI at which we're serving.
final String uri;
final RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger;
/// Provides debugger-related functionality.
Future<Debugger> get _debugger => _debuggerCompleter.future;
final AssetHandler _assetHandler;
final Locations _locations;
final Modules _modules;
final _debuggerCompleter = Completer<Debugger>();
AppInspector _inspector;
/// Public only for testing.
/// Returns the [AppInspector] this service uses.
AppInspector appInspectorProvider() => _inspector;
StreamSubscription<ConsoleAPIEvent> _consoleSubscription;
Sources sources,
) {
static Future<ChromeProxyService> create(
RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger,
String tabUrl,
AssetHandler assetHandler,
AppConnection appConnection,
LogWriter logWriter,
) async {
// TODO: What about `architectureBits`, `targetCPU`, `hostCPU` and `pid`?
final vm = VM()
..isolates = [] = 'ChromeDebugProxy'
..startTime =
..version = Platform.version;
var modules = Modules(remoteDebugger, tabUrl);
var sources = Sources(assetHandler, logWriter);
var locations = Locations(sources, modules, tabUrl);
var service = ChromeProxyService._(
vm, tabUrl, assetHandler, remoteDebugger, sources, modules, locations);
return service;
/// Creates a new isolate.
/// Only one isolate at a time is supported, but they should be cleaned up
/// with [destroyIsolate] and recreated with this method there is a hot
/// restart or full page refresh.
Future<void> createIsolate(AppConnection appConnection) async {
if (_inspector?.isolate != null) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'Cannot create multiple isolates for the same app');
(await _debugger).notifyPausedAtStart();
_inspector = await AppInspector.initialize(
await _debugger,
unawaited(appConnection.onStart.then((_) async {
await (await _debugger).resumeFromStart();
var isolateRef = _inspector.isolateRef;
var timestamp =;
// Listen for `registerExtension` and `postEvent` calls.
kind: EventKind.kIsolateStart,
timestamp: timestamp,
isolate: isolateRef));
kind: EventKind.kIsolateRunnable,
timestamp: timestamp,
isolate: isolateRef));
// TODO: We shouldn't need to fire these events since they exist on the
// isolate, but devtools doesn't recognize extensions after a page refresh
// otherwise.
for (var extensionRpc in _inspector.isolate.extensionRPCs) {
kind: EventKind.kServiceExtensionAdded,
timestamp: timestamp,
isolate: isolateRef)
..extensionRPC = extensionRpc);
// The service is considered initialized when the first isolate is created.
if (!_initializedCompleter.isCompleted) _initializedCompleter.complete();
/// Should be called when there is a hot restart or full page refresh.
/// Clears out the [_inspector] and all related cached information.
void destroyIsolate() {
var isolate = _inspector?.isolate;
if (isolate == null) return;
kind: EventKind.kIsolateExit,
isolate: _inspector.isolateRef));
_vm.isolates.removeWhere((ref) => ==;
_inspector = null;
_consoleSubscription = null;
Future<Breakpoint> addBreakpoint(String isolateId, String scriptId, int line,
{int column}) async =>
(await _debugger)
.addBreakpoint(isolateId, scriptId, line, column: column);
Future<Breakpoint> addBreakpointAtEntry(String isolateId, String functionId) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Breakpoint> addBreakpointWithScriptUri(
String isolateId, String scriptUri, int line,
{int column}) async {
var dartUri = DartUri(scriptUri, uri);
var ref = await _inspector.scriptRefFor(dartUri.serverPath);
return (await _debugger)
.addBreakpoint(isolateId,, line, column: column);
Future<Response> callServiceExtension(String method,
{String isolateId, Map args}) async {
// Validate the isolate id is correct, _getIsolate throws if not.
if (isolateId != null) _getIsolate(isolateId);
args ??= <String, String>{};
var stringArgs =, v) => MapEntry(
k is String ? k : jsonEncode(k), v is String ? v : jsonEncode(v)));
var expression = '''
"$method", JSON.stringify(${jsonEncode(stringArgs)}));
var response =
await remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', params: {
'expression': expression,
'awaitPromise': true,
handleErrorIfPresent(response, evalContents: expression);
var decodedResponse =
jsonDecode(response.result['result']['value'] as String)
as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (decodedResponse.containsKey('code') &&
decodedResponse.containsKey('message') &&
decodedResponse.containsKey('data')) {
// ignore: only_throw_errors
throw RPCError(method, decodedResponse['code'] as int,
decodedResponse['message'] as String, decodedResponse['data'] as Map);
} else {
return Response()..json = decodedResponse;
Future<Success> clearVMTimeline() {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future evaluate(String isolateId, String targetId, String expression,
{Map<String, String> scope, bool disableBreakpoints}) async {
var remote = await _inspector?.evaluate(isolateId, targetId, expression,
scope: scope, disableBreakpoints: disableBreakpoints);
return _inspector?.instanceHelper?.instanceRefFor(remote);
Future evaluateInFrame(String isolateId, int frameIndex, String expression,
{Map<String, String> scope, bool disableBreakpoints}) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<AllocationProfile> getAllocationProfile(String isolateId,
{bool gc, bool reset}) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<FlagList> getFlagList() async {
// VM flags do not apply to web apps.
return FlagList()..flags = [];
Future<InstanceSet> getInstances(
String isolateId, String classId, int limit) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Sync version of [getIsolate] for internal use, also has stronger typing
/// than the public one which has to be dynamic.
Isolate _getIsolate(String isolateId) {
var isolate = _inspector?.isolate;
if (isolate?.id == isolateId) return isolate;
throw ArgumentError.value(
isolateId, 'isolateId', 'Unrecognized isolate id');
Future<Isolate> getIsolate(String isolateId) async => _getIsolate(isolateId);
Future<dynamic> getMemoryUsage(String isolateId) async {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future getObject(String isolateId, String objectId,
{int offset, int count}) =>
_inspector?.getObject(isolateId, objectId, offset: offset, count: count);
Future<ScriptList> getScripts(String isolateId) =>
Future<SourceReport> getSourceReport(String isolateId, List<String> reports,
{String scriptId, int tokenPos, int endTokenPos, bool forceCompile}) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Returns the current stack.
/// Returns null if the corresponding isolate is not paused.
Future<Stack> getStack(String isolateId) async =>
(await _debugger).getStack(isolateId);
Future<VM> getVM() async {
await isInitialized;
return _vm;
Future<Timeline> getVMTimeline({int timeOriginMicros, int timeExtentMicros}) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<TimelineFlags> getVMTimelineFlags() {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Version> getVersion() async {
var version = semver.Version.parse(vmServiceVersion);
return Version()
..major = version.major
..minor = version.minor;
Future invoke(
String isolateId, String targetId, String selector, List argumentIds,
{bool disableBreakpoints}) async {
if (disableBreakpoints != null) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'The "disableBreakpoints" parameter to "invoke" is not supported');
var remote =
await _inspector?.invoke(isolateId, targetId, selector, argumentIds);
var result = _inspector?.instanceHelper?.instanceRefFor(remote);
if (result == null) {
throw ChromeDebugException(
{'text': 'null result from invoke of $selector'});
return result;
Future<Success> kill(String isolateId) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Stream<Event> onEvent(String streamId) {
return _streamControllers.putIfAbsent(streamId, () {
switch (streamId) {
case 'Extension':
// TODO: right now we only support the `ServiceExtensionAdded` event for
// the Isolate stream.
case 'Isolate':
case 'VM':
// TODO:
case 'GC':
// TODO:
case 'Timeline':
case '_Service':
return StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
case 'Debug':
return StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
case 'Stdout':
return _chromeConsoleStreamController(
(e) => _stdoutTypes.contains(e.type));
case 'Stderr':
return _chromeConsoleStreamController(
(e) => _stderrTypes.contains(e.type),
includeExceptions: true);
throw UnimplementedError('The stream `$streamId` is not supported.');
Future<Success> pause(String isolateId) async => (await _debugger).pause();
Future<Success> registerService(String service, String alias) async {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<ReloadReport> reloadSources(String isolateId,
{bool force, bool pause, String rootLibUri, String packagesUri}) async {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Success> removeBreakpoint(
String isolateId, String breakpointId) async =>
(await _debugger).removeBreakpoint(isolateId, breakpointId);
Future<Success> resume(String isolateId,
{String step, int frameIndex}) async {
if (_inspector.appConnection.isStarted) {
return await (await _debugger)
.resume(isolateId, step: step, frameIndex: frameIndex);
} else {
return Success();
Future<Success> setExceptionPauseMode(String isolateId, String mode) async =>
(await _debugger).setExceptionPauseMode(isolateId, mode);
Future<Success> setFlag(String name, String value) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Success> setLibraryDebuggable(
String isolateId, String libraryId, bool isDebuggable) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Success> setName(String isolateId, String name) async {
var isolate = _getIsolate(isolateId); = name;
return Success();
Future<Success> setVMName(String name) async { = name;
kind: EventKind.kVMUpdate,
// We are not guaranteed to have an isolate at this point an time.
isolate: null)
..vm = toVMRef(_vm));
return Success();
Future<Success> setVMTimelineFlags(List<String> recordedStreams) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Success> streamCancel(String streamId) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Success> streamListen(String streamId) async {
return Success();
Future<Success> clearCpuSamples(String isolateId) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<CpuSamples> getCpuSamples(
String isolateId, int timeOriginMicros, int timeExtentMicros) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Returns a streamController that listens for console logs from chrome and
/// adds all events passing [filter] to the stream.
StreamController<Event> _chromeConsoleStreamController(
bool Function(ConsoleAPIEvent) filter,
{bool includeExceptions = false}) {
StreamController<Event> controller;
StreamSubscription chromeConsoleSubscription;
StreamSubscription exceptionsSubscription;
// This is an edge case for this lint apparently
// ignore: join_return_with_assignment
controller = StreamController<Event>.broadcast(onCancel: () {
}, onListen: () {
chromeConsoleSubscription = remoteDebugger.onConsoleAPICalled.listen((e) {
var isolate = _inspector?.isolate;
if (isolate == null) return;
if (!filter(e)) return;
var args = e.params['args'] as List;
var item = args[0] as Map;
var value = '${item["value"]}\n';
kind: EventKind.kWriteEvent,
isolate: _inspector.isolateRef)
..bytes = base64.encode(utf8.encode(value))
..timestamp = e.timestamp.toInt());
if (includeExceptions) {
exceptionsSubscription = remoteDebugger.onExceptionThrown.listen((e) {
var isolate = _inspector?.isolate;
if (isolate == null) return;
kind: EventKind.kWriteEvent,
isolate: _inspector.isolateRef)
..bytes = base64.encode(
utf8.encode(e.exceptionDetails.exception.description ?? '')));
return controller;
/// Listens for chrome console events and handles the ones we care about.
void _setUpChromeConsoleListeners(IsolateRef isolateRef) {
_consoleSubscription =
remoteDebugger.onConsoleAPICalled.listen((event) async {
var isolate = _inspector?.isolate;
if (isolate == null) return;
if (event.type != 'debug') return;
var firstArgValue = event.args[0].value as String;
switch (firstArgValue) {
case 'dart.developer.registerExtension':
var service = event.args[1].value as String;
kind: EventKind.kServiceExtensionAdded,
isolate: isolateRef)
..extensionRPC = service);
case 'dart.developer.postEvent':
kind: EventKind.kExtension,
isolate: isolateRef)
..extensionKind = event.args[1].value as String
..extensionData = ExtensionData.parse(
jsonDecode(event.args[2].value as String) as Map));
case 'dart.developer.inspect':
// All inspected objects should be real objects.
if (event.args[1].type != 'object') break;
var inspectee =
await _inspector.instanceHelper.instanceRefFor(event.args[1]);
kind: EventKind.kInspect,
isolate: isolateRef)
..inspectee = inspectee
..timestamp = event.timestamp.toInt());
void _streamNotify(String streamId, Event event) {
var controller = _streamControllers[streamId];
if (controller == null) return;
Future<Timestamp> getVMTimelineMicros() {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future getInboundReferences(String isolateId, String targetId, int limit) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<RetainingPath> getRetainingPath(
String isolateId, String targetId, int limit) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Success> requestHeapSnapshot(String isolateId) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// The `type`s of [ConsoleAPIEvent]s that are treated as `stderr` logs.
const _stderrTypes = ['error'];
/// The `type`s of [ConsoleAPIEvent]s that are treated as `stdout` logs.
const _stdoutTypes = ['log', 'info', 'warning'];
class ChromeDebugException extends ExceptionDetails implements Exception {
/// Optional, additional information about the exception.
final Object additionalDetails;
/// Optional, the exact contents of the eval that was attempted.
final String evalContents;
ChromeDebugException(Map<String, dynamic> exceptionDetails,
{this.additionalDetails, this.evalContents})
: super(exceptionDetails);
String toString() {
var description = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Unexpected error from chrome devtools:');
if (text != null) {
description.writeln('text: $text');
if (exception != null) {
description.writeln(' description: ${exception.description}');
description.writeln(' type: ${exception.type}');
description.writeln(' value: ${exception.value}');
if (evalContents != null) {
description.writeln('attempted JS eval: `$evalContents`');
if (additionalDetails != null) {
description.writeln('additional details:\n $additionalDetails');
return description.toString();