blob: cdfa9a5c89592cb06b379b586ef3c39005cbcdcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../utilities/dart_uri.dart';
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import 'remote_debugger.dart';
/// Contains meta data and helpful methods for DDC modules.
class Modules {
final String _root;
final RemoteDebugger _remoteDebugger;
// The Dart server path to containing module.
final _sourceToModule = <String, String>{};
// The Chrome script ID to corresponding module.
final _scriptIdToModule = <String, String>{};
// The module to corresponding Chrome script ID.
final _moduleToScriptId = <String, String>{};
final _moduleExtensionCompleter = Completer<String>();
Modules(this._remoteDebugger, this._root);
/// Completes with the module extension i.e. `.ddc.js` or `.ddk.js`.
/// We use the script parsed events from Chrome to determine this information.
// TODO(grouma) - Do something better here.
Future<String> get moduleExtension => _moduleExtensionCompleter.future;
/// Initializes the mapping from source to module.
/// Intended to be called multiple times throughout the development workflow,
/// e.g. after a hot-reload.
void initialize() {
// We only clear the source to module mapping as script IDs may persist
// across hot reloads.
/// Returns the module for the Chrome script ID.
Future<String> moduleForScriptId(String scriptId) async =>
/// Returns the Chrome script ID for the provided module.
Future<String> scriptIdForModule(String module) async =>
/// Returns the containing module for the provided Dart server path.
Future<String> moduleForSource(String serverPath) async {
if (_sourceToModule.isEmpty) {
await _initializeMapping();
return _sourceToModule[serverPath];
/// Checks if the [url] correspond to a module and stores meta data.
Future<Null> noteModule(String url, String scriptId) async {
var path = Uri.parse(url).path;
if (path == null ||
!(path.endsWith('.ddc.js') || path.endsWith('.ddk.js'))) {
// TODO(grouma) - This is wonky. Find a better way.
if (!_moduleExtensionCompleter.isCompleted) {
if (path.endsWith('.ddc.js')) {
} else {
var module =
// Remove the DDC extension (e.g. .ddc.js) from the path.
_scriptIdToModule[scriptId] = module;
_moduleToScriptId[module] = scriptId;
/// Initializes [_sourceToModule].
Future<void> _initializeMapping() async {
var expression = '''
(function() {
var dart = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart;
var result = {};
result[script] = '/' + module;
return result;
var response = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate',
params: {'expression': expression, 'returnByValue': true});
var value = response.result['result']['value'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (var dartScript in value.keys) {
if (!dartScript.endsWith('.dart')) continue;
_sourceToModule[DartUri(dartScript, _root).serverPath] = _moduleFor(
value[dartScript] as String,
skipRoot: dartScript.startsWith('org-dartlang-app:///'));
/// Returns the module for the provided path.
/// Module are of the following form:
/// packages/foo/bar/module
/// some/root/bar/module
String _moduleFor(String path, {bool skipRoot}) {
skipRoot ??= false;
var result = '';
if (path.contains('/packages/')) {
result = 'packages/${path.split('/packages/').last}';
} else if (path.contains('/lib/')) {
var splitModule = path.split('/lib/').first.substring(1).split('/');
// Special case third_party/dart for Google3.
if (path.startsWith('/third_party/dart/')) {
splitModule = splitModule.skip(2).toList();
result = 'packages/${splitModule.join(".")}/${p.basename(path)}';
} else if (path.startsWith('/')) {
path = path.substring(1);
if (skipRoot) {
path = path.split('/').skip(1).join('/');
result = path;
return result;