blob: ebc14b831768b294304d1a9fcb16b5cc3cfb3dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.import 'dart:async';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../debugging/classes.dart';
import '../debugging/inspector.dart';
import '../services/chrome_proxy_service.dart';
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import '../utilities/wrapped_service.dart';
import 'remote_debugger.dart';
/// Meta data for a remote Dart class in Chrome.
class ClassMetaData {
/// The name of the JS constructor for the object.
/// This may be a constructor for a Dart, but it's still a JS name. For
/// example, 'Number', 'JSArray', 'Object'.
final String jsName;
/// The length of the object, if applicable.
final int length;
/// The dart type name for the object.
/// For example, 'int', 'List<String>', 'Null'
final String dartName;
/// The library identifier, which is the URI of the library.
final String libraryId;
factory ClassMetaData(
{Object jsName, Object libraryId, Object dartName, Object length}) {
return ClassMetaData._(jsName as String, libraryId as String,
dartName as String, length as int);
ClassMetaData._(this.jsName, this.libraryId, this.dartName, this.length);
/// Returns the ID of the class.
/// Takes the form of 'libraryId:name'.
String get id => '$libraryId:$jsName';
/// Returns the [ClassMetaData] for the Chrome [remoteObject].
/// Returns null if the [remoteObject] is not a Dart class.
static Future<ClassMetaData> metaDataFor(RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger,
RemoteObject remoteObject, AppInspector inspector) async {
try {
var evalExpression = '''
function(arg) {
const sdkUtils = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart;
const classObject = sdkUtils.getReifiedType(arg);
const isFunction =;
const result = {};
result['name'] = isFunction ? 'Function' :;
result['dartName'] = sdkUtils.typeName(classObject);
result['length'] = arg['length'];
result['libraryId'] = sdkUtils.getLibraryUri(classObject);
return result;
var result = await inspector.jsCallFunctionOn(
remoteObject, evalExpression, [remoteObject],
returnByValue: true);
var metadata = result.value as Map;
return ClassMetaData(
jsName: metadata['name'],
libraryId: metadata['libraryId'],
dartName: metadata['dartName'],
length: metadata['length']);
} on ChromeDebugException {
return null;
/// Return a [ClassRef] appropriate to this metadata.
ClassRef get classRef => classRefFor(libraryId, dartName);
/// Meta data for a remote Dart function in Chrome.
class FunctionMetaData {
final String name;
/// Returns the [FunctionMetaData] for the Chrome [remoteObject].
static Future<FunctionMetaData> metaDataFor(
RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger, RemoteObject remoteObject) async {
var evalExpression = '''
function(remoteObject) {
var sdkUtils = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart;
var name =;
if(remoteObject._boundObject) {
name = sdkUtils.getType(remoteObject._boundObject).name +
'.' +;
return name;
var arguments = [
{'objectId': remoteObject.objectId}
var response =
await remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.callFunctionOn', params: {
'functionDeclaration': evalExpression,
'arguments': arguments,
'objectId': remoteObject.objectId,
'returnByValue': true,
evalContents: evalExpression,
var name = response.result['result']['value'] as String;
if (name.isEmpty) name = 'Closure';
return FunctionMetaData(name);