blob: 838c981dbf7d7870580bef9a6727cfaa874993ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import '../asset/id.dart';
import '../builder/build_step.dart';
/// Standard interface for resolving Dart source code as part of a build.
abstract class Resolver {
/// Returns whether [assetId] represents an Dart library file.
/// This will be `false` in the case where the file is not Dart source code,
/// or is a `part of` file (not a standalone Dart library).
Future<bool> isLibrary(AssetId assetId);
/// All libraries accessible from the entry point, recursively.
/// **NOTE**: This includes all Dart SDK libraries as well.
Stream<LibraryElement> get libraries;
/// Returns a resolved library representing the file defined in [assetId].
/// * Throws [NonLibraryAssetException] if [assetId] is not a Dart library.
Future<LibraryElement> libraryFor(AssetId assetId);
/// Returns the first library identified by [libraryName].
/// If no library can be found, returns `null`.
/// **NOTE**: In general, its recommended to use [libraryFor] with an absolute
/// asset id instead of a named identifier that has the possibility of not
/// being unique.
Future<LibraryElement> findLibraryByName(String libraryName);
/// Returns the [AssetId] of the Dart library or part declaring [element].
/// If [element] is defined in the SDK or in a summary throws
/// `UnresolvableAssetException`, although a non-throwing return here does not
/// guarantee that the asset is readable.
/// The returned asset is not necessarily the asset that should be imported to
/// use the element, it may be a part file instead of the library.
Future<AssetId> assetIdForElement(Element element);
/// A resolver that should be manually released at the end of a build step.
abstract class ReleasableResolver implements Resolver {
/// Release this resolver so it can be updated by following build steps.
void release();
/// A factory that returns a resolver for a given [BuildStep].
abstract class Resolvers {
const Resolvers();
Future<ReleasableResolver> get(BuildStep buildStep);
/// Reset the state of any caches within [Resolver] instances produced by
/// this [Resolvers].
/// In between calls to [reset] no Assets should change, so every call to
/// `BuildStep.readAsString` for a given AssetId should return identical
/// contents. Any time an Asset's contents may change [reset] must be called.
void reset() {}
/// Thrown when attempting to read a non-Dart library in a [Resolver].
class NonLibraryAssetException implements Exception {
final AssetId assetId;
const NonLibraryAssetException(this.assetId);
String toString() => 'Asset [$assetId] is not a Dart library. '
'It may be a part file or a file without Dart source code.';