blob: 518e50fdf5892dcef204bb413fcf1994c06d8afb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'breakpoint.dart';
import 'frame.dart';
import 'instance.dart';
import 'scope.dart';
VMPauseEvent newVMPauseEvent(Scope scope, Map json) {
if (json == null) return null;
assert(json["type"] == "Event");
switch (json["kind"]) {
case "PauseStart": return new VMPauseStartEvent._(scope, json);
case "PauseExit": return new VMPauseExitEvent._(scope, json);
case "PauseBreakpoint": return new VMPauseBreakpointEvent._(scope, json);
case "PauseInterrupted": return new VMPauseInterruptedEvent._(scope, json);
case "PauseException": return new VMPauseExceptionEvent._(scope, json);
case "Resume": return new VMResumeEvent._(scope, json);
case "None": return new VMNoneEvent._(scope, json);
default: return null;
/// An event indicating that an isolate has been paused or resumed.
abstract class VMPauseEvent {
/// The top stack frame associated with this event.
/// This is `null` for [VMPauseInterruptedEvent]s when the interrupt arrived
/// while the Isolate was idle, and for pause events that don't occur while
/// the isolate is running code.
final VMFrame topFrame;
/// The time at which the event fired.
/// This is only available in version 3.0 or greater of the VM service
/// protocol.
final DateTime time;
VMPauseEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: topFrame = newVMFrame(scope, json["frame"]),
time = json["timestamp"] == null
? null
: new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(json["timestamp"]);
/// An event indicating that an isolate was paused as it started, before it
/// executed any code.
class VMPauseStartEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
VMPauseStartEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "pause before start";
/// An event indicating that an isolate was paused as it exited, before it
/// terminated.
class VMPauseExitEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
VMPauseExitEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "pause before exit";
/// An event indicating that an isolate was paused at a breakpoint or due to
/// stepping through code.
class VMPauseBreakpointEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
/// The breakpoint that caused this pause event.
final VMBreakpoint breakpoint;
/// The list of breakpoints at the current execution point.
final List<VMBreakpoint> breakpoints;
VMPauseBreakpointEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: breakpoint = newVMBreakpoint(scope, json["breakpoint"]),
breakpoints = new List.unmodifiable(json["pauseBreakpoints"]
.map((breakpoint) => newVMBreakpoint(scope, breakpoint))),
super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "pause at $breakpoint";
/// An event indicating that an isolate was paused due to an interruption.
/// This usually means its process received `SIGQUIT`.
class VMPauseInterruptedEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
VMPauseInterruptedEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "pause on interrupt";
/// An event indicating that an isolate was paused due to an exception.
class VMPauseExceptionEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
/// The exception that caused the isolate to become paused.
final VMInstanceRef exception;
VMPauseExceptionEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: exception = newVMInstanceRef(scope, json["exception"]),
super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "pause on exception";
/// An event indicating that an isolate was unpaused.
class VMResumeEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
VMResumeEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "resume";
/// An event indicating that an isolate was unpaused.
class VMNoneEvent extends VMPauseEvent {
VMNoneEvent._(Scope scope, Map json)
: super._(scope, json);
String toString() => "none";