blob: 0d04fdbac8ac91e3c75d49a897cb6f43f959a036 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:boolean_selector/boolean_selector.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/frontend/timeout.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import '../runtime_selection.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import 'reporters.dart';
import 'values.dart';
/// The parser used to parse the command-line arguments.
final ArgParser _parser = (() {
var parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
var allRuntimes = Runtime.builtIn.toList()..remove(Runtime.vm);
if (!Platform.isMacOS) allRuntimes.remove(Runtime.safari);
if (!Platform.isWindows) allRuntimes.remove(Runtime.internetExplorer);
abbr: "h", negatable: false, help: "Shows this usage information.");
negatable: false, help: "Shows the package's version.");
// Note that defaultsTo declarations here are only for documentation purposes.
// We pass null values rather than defaults to [new Configuration] so that it
// merges properly with the config file.
parser.addSeparator("======== Selecting Tests");
abbr: 'n',
help: 'A substring of the name of the test to run.\n'
'Regular expression syntax is supported.\n'
'If passed multiple times, tests must match all substrings.',
splitCommas: false);
abbr: 'N',
help: 'A plain-text substring of the name of the test to run.\n'
'If passed multiple times, tests must match all substrings.',
splitCommas: false);
abbr: 't',
help: 'Run only tests with all of the specified tags.\n'
'Supports boolean selector syntax.');
parser.addMultiOption("tag", hide: true);
abbr: 'x',
help: "Don't run tests with any of the specified tags.\n"
"Supports boolean selector syntax.");
parser.addMultiOption("exclude-tag", hide: true);
help: 'Run skipped tests instead of skipping them.');
parser.addSeparator("======== Running Tests");
// The UI term "platform" corresponds with the implementation term "runtime".
// The [Runtime] class used to be called [TestPlatform], but it was changed to
// avoid conflicting with [SuitePlatform]. We decided not to also change the
// UI to avoid a painful migration.
abbr: 'p',
help: 'The platform(s) on which to run the tests.\n'
'[vm (default), '
'${ => runtime.identifier).join(", ")}]');
abbr: 'P', help: 'The configuration preset(s) to use.');
abbr: 'j',
help: 'The number of concurrent test suites run.',
defaultsTo: defaultConcurrency.toString(),
valueHelp: 'threads');
help: 'The total number of invocations of the test runner being run.');
help: 'The index of this test runner invocation (of --total-shards).');
help: 'The port of a pub serve instance serving "test/".',
valueHelp: 'port');
help: 'The default test timeout. For example: 15s, 2x, none',
defaultsTo: '30s');
help: 'Pauses for debugging before any tests execute.\n'
'Implies --concurrency=1, --debug, and --timeout=none.\n'
'Currently only supported for browser tests.',
negatable: false);
help: 'Runs the VM and Chrome tests in debug mode.', negatable: false);
help: 'Gathers coverage and outputs it to the specified directory.\n'
'Implies --debug.',
valueHelp: 'directory');
help: 'Chained stack traces to provide greater exception details\n'
'especially for asynchronous code. It may be useful to disable\n'
'to provide improved test performance but at the cost of\n'
defaultsTo: true);
help: "Don't re-run tests that have retry set.",
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false);
help: 'If positive, use this as a seed to randomize the execution\n'
'of test cases (must be a 32bit unsigned integer).\n'
'If "random", pick a random seed to use.\n'
'If 0 or not set, do not randomize test case execution order.\n');
var reporterDescriptions = <String, String>{};
for (var reporter in allReporters.keys) {
reporterDescriptions[reporter] = allReporters[reporter].description;
parser.addSeparator("======== Output");
abbr: 'r',
help: 'The runner used to print test results.',
defaultsTo: defaultReporter,
allowed: reporterDescriptions.keys.toList(),
allowedHelp: reporterDescriptions);
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to emit stack traces with core library frames.');
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to emit raw JavaScript stack traces for browser tests.');
help: 'Whether to use terminal colors.\n(auto-detected by default)');
/// The following options are used only by the internal Google test runner.
/// They're hidden and not supported as stable API surface outside Google.
help: 'The path to the configuration file.', hide: true);
help: 'The path to the dart2js executable.', hide: true);
help: 'Extra arguments to pass to dart2js.', hide: true);
// If we're running test/dir/my_test.dart, we'll look for
// test/dir/my_test.dart.html in the precompiled directory.
help: 'The path to a mirror of the package directory containing HTML '
'that points to precompiled JS.',
hide: true);
return parser;
/// The usage string for the command-line arguments.
String get usage => _parser.usage;
/// Parses the configuration from [args].
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [args] are invalid.
Configuration parse(List<String> args) => _Parser(args).parse();
/// A class for parsing an argument list.
/// This is used to provide access to the arg results across helper methods.
class _Parser {
/// The parsed options.
final ArgResults _options;
_Parser(List<String> args) : _options = _parser.parse(args);
/// Returns the parsed configuration.
Configuration parse() {
var patterns = (_options['name'] as List<String>)
(value) => _wrapFormatException('name', () => RegExp(value)))
..addAll(_options['plain-name'] as List<String>);
var includeTagSet = Set.from(_options['tags'] as Iterable ?? [])
..addAll(_options['tag'] as Iterable ?? []);
var includeTags = includeTagSet.fold(BooleanSelector.all,
(BooleanSelector selector, tag) {
var tagSelector = BooleanSelector.parse(tag as String);
return selector.intersection(tagSelector);
var excludeTagSet = Set.from(_options['exclude-tags'] as Iterable ?? [])
..addAll(_options['exclude-tag'] as Iterable ?? []);
var excludeTags = excludeTagSet.fold(BooleanSelector.none,
(BooleanSelector selector, tag) {
var tagSelector = BooleanSelector.parse(tag as String);
return selector.union(tagSelector);
var shardIndex = _parseOption('shard-index', int.parse);
var totalShards = _parseOption('total-shards', int.parse);
if ((shardIndex == null) != (totalShards == null)) {
throw FormatException(
"--shard-index and --total-shards may only be passed together.");
} else if (shardIndex != null) {
if (shardIndex < 0) {
throw FormatException("--shard-index may not be negative.");
} else if (shardIndex >= totalShards) {
throw FormatException(
"--shard-index must be less than --total-shards.");
var testRandomizeOrderingSeed =
_parseOption('test-randomize-ordering-seed', (value) {
var seed = value == 'random'
? Random().nextInt(4294967295)
: int.parse(value).toUnsigned(32);
if (seed != null && seed > 0) {
print('Shuffling test order with --test-randomize-ordering-seed=$seed');
return seed;
return Configuration(
help: _ifParsed('help'),
version: _ifParsed('version'),
verboseTrace: _ifParsed('verbose-trace'),
chainStackTraces: _ifParsed('chain-stack-traces'),
jsTrace: _ifParsed('js-trace'),
pauseAfterLoad: _ifParsed('pause-after-load'),
debug: _ifParsed('debug'),
color: _ifParsed('color'),
configurationPath: _ifParsed('configuration'),
dart2jsPath: _ifParsed('dart2js-path'),
dart2jsArgs: _ifParsed('dart2js-args'),
precompiledPath: _ifParsed('precompiled'),
reporter: _ifParsed('reporter'),
coverage: _ifParsed('coverage'),
pubServePort: _parseOption('pub-serve', int.parse),
concurrency: _parseOption('concurrency', int.parse),
shardIndex: shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards,
timeout: _parseOption('timeout', (value) => Timeout.parse(value)),
patterns: patterns,
runtimes: _ifParsed<List<String>>('platform')
?.map((runtime) => RuntimeSelection(runtime))
runSkipped: _ifParsed('run-skipped'),
chosenPresets: _ifParsed('preset'),
paths: ? null :,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
noRetry: _ifParsed('no-retry'),
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: testRandomizeOrderingSeed);
/// Returns the parsed option for [name], or `null` if none was parsed.
/// If the user hasn't explicitly chosen a value, we want to pass null values
/// to [new Configuration] so that it considers those fields unset when
/// merging with configuration from the config file.
T _ifParsed<T>(String name) =>
_options.wasParsed(name) ? _options[name] as T : null;
/// Runs [parse] on the value of the option [name], and wraps any
/// [FormatException] it throws with additional information.
T _parseOption<T>(String name, T parse(String value)) {
if (!_options.wasParsed(name)) return null;
var value = _options[name];
if (value == null) return null;
return _wrapFormatException(name, () => parse(value as String));
/// Runs [parse], and wraps any [FormatException] it throws with additional
/// information.
T _wrapFormatException<T>(String name, T parse()) {
try {
return parse();
} on FormatException catch (error) {
throw FormatException('Couldn\'t parse --$name "${_options[name]}": '