blob: 1b6c2097e9b88ff67f49f78b3cbb29f63a32e5f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import '../loaders/strategy.dart';
import '../utilities/dart_uri.dart';
/// Tracks modules for the compiled application.
class Modules {
final String _root;
// The Dart server path to containing module.
final _sourceToModule = <String, String>{};
// The Dart server path to library import uri
final _sourceToLibrary = <String, Uri>{};
var _moduleMemoizer = AsyncMemoizer<void>();
// The Chrome script ID to corresponding module.
final _scriptIdToModule = <String, String>{};
final Map<String, String> _libraryToModule = {};
String _entrypoint;
Modules(String root) : _root = root == '' ? '/' : root;
/// Initializes the mapping from source to module.
/// Intended to be called multiple times throughout the development workflow,
/// e.g. after a hot-reload.
void initialize(String entrypoint) {
// We only clear the source to module mapping as script IDs may persist
// across hot reloads.
_moduleMemoizer = AsyncMemoizer();
_entrypoint = entrypoint;
/// Returns the module for the Chrome script ID.
String moduleForScriptId(String scriptId) => _scriptIdToModule[scriptId];
/// Returns the containing module for the provided Dart server path.
Future<String> moduleForSource(String serverPath) async {
await _moduleMemoizer.runOnce(_initializeMapping);
return _sourceToModule[serverPath];
/// Returns the containing library importUri for the provided Dart server path.
Future<Uri> libraryForSource(String serverPath) async {
await _moduleMemoizer.runOnce(_initializeMapping);
return _sourceToLibrary[serverPath];
Future<String> moduleForlibrary(String libraryUri) async {
await _moduleMemoizer.runOnce(_initializeMapping);
return _libraryToModule[libraryUri];
// Returns mapping from server paths to library paths
Future<Map<String, String>> modules() async {
await _moduleMemoizer.runOnce(_initializeMapping);
return _sourceToModule;
/// Initializes [_sourceToModule] and [_sourceToLibrary].
Future<void> _initializeMapping() async {
var provider = globalLoadStrategy.metadataProviderFor(_entrypoint);
var libraryToScripts = await provider.scripts;
var scriptToModule = await provider.scriptToModule;
for (var library in libraryToScripts.keys) {
var libraryServerPath = library.startsWith('dart:')
? library
: DartUri(library, _root).serverPath;
_sourceToModule[libraryServerPath] = scriptToModule[library];
_sourceToLibrary[libraryServerPath] = Uri.parse(library);
_libraryToModule[library] = scriptToModule[library];
for (var script in libraryToScripts[library]) {
var scriptServerPath = script.startsWith('dart:')
? script
: DartUri(script, _root).serverPath;
_sourceToModule[scriptServerPath] = scriptToModule[library];
_sourceToLibrary[scriptServerPath] = Uri.parse(library);