blob: 4c896d7e072750403b69dce074481342d54ef18b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of code_builder.src.specs.expression;
/// Converts a runtime Dart [literal] value into an [Expression].
/// Unsupported inputs invoke the [onError] callback.
Expression literal(Object? literal, {Expression Function(Object)? onError}) {
if (literal is bool) {
return literalBool(literal);
if (literal is num) {
return literalNum(literal);
if (literal is String) {
return literalString(literal);
if (literal is List) {
return literalList(literal);
if (literal is Set) {
return literalSet(literal);
if (literal is Map) {
return literalMap(literal);
if (literal == null) {
return literalNull;
if (onError != null) {
return onError(literal);
throw UnsupportedError('Not a supported literal type: $literal.');
/// Represents the literal value `true`.
const Expression literalTrue = LiteralExpression._('true');
/// Represents the literal value `false`.
const Expression literalFalse = LiteralExpression._('false');
/// Create a literal expression from a boolean [value].
Expression literalBool(bool value) => value ? literalTrue : literalFalse;
/// Represents the literal value `null`.
const Expression literalNull = LiteralExpression._('null');
/// Create a literal expression from a number [value].
Expression literalNum(num value) => LiteralExpression._('$value');
/// Create a literal expression from a string [value].
/// **NOTE**: The string is always formatted `'<value>'`.
/// If [raw] is `true`, creates a raw String formatted `r'<value>'` and the
/// value may not contain a single quote.
/// Escapes single quotes and newlines in the value.
Expression literalString(String value, {bool raw = false}) {
if (raw && value.contains('\'')) {
throw ArgumentError('Cannot include a single quote in a raw string');
final escaped = value.replaceAll('\'', '\\\'').replaceAll('\n', '\\n');
return LiteralExpression._("${raw ? 'r' : ''}'$escaped'");
/// Creates a literal list expression from [values].
LiteralListExpression literalList(Iterable<Object?> values,
[Reference? type]) =>
LiteralListExpression._(false, values.toList(), type);
/// Creates a literal `const` list expression from [values].
LiteralListExpression literalConstList(List<Object?> values,
[Reference? type]) =>
LiteralListExpression._(true, values, type);
/// Creates a literal set expression from [values].
LiteralSetExpression literalSet(Iterable<Object?> values, [Reference? type]) =>
LiteralSetExpression._(false, values.toSet(), type);
/// Creates a literal `const` set expression from [values].
LiteralSetExpression literalConstSet(Set<Object?> values, [Reference? type]) =>
LiteralSetExpression._(true, values, type);
/// Create a literal map expression from [values].
LiteralMapExpression literalMap(
Map<Object?, Object?> values, [
Reference? keyType,
Reference? valueType,
]) =>
LiteralMapExpression._(false, values, keyType, valueType);
/// Create a literal `const` map expression from [values].
LiteralMapExpression literalConstMap(
Map<Object?, Object?> values, [
Reference? keyType,
Reference? valueType,
]) =>
LiteralMapExpression._(true, values, keyType, valueType);
/// Represents a literal value in Dart source code.
/// For example, `LiteralExpression('null')` should emit `null`.
/// Some common literals and helpers are available as methods/fields:
/// * [literal]
/// * [literalBool] and [literalTrue], [literalFalse]
/// * [literalNull]
/// * [literalList] and [literalConstList]
/// * [literalSet] and [literalConstSet]
class LiteralExpression extends Expression {
final String literal;
const LiteralExpression._(this.literal);
R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitLiteralExpression(this, context);
String toString() => literal;
class LiteralListExpression extends Expression {
final bool isConst;
final List<Object?> values;
final Reference? type;
const LiteralListExpression._(this.isConst, this.values, this.type);
R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitLiteralListExpression(this, context);
String toString() => '[${', ')}]';
class LiteralSetExpression extends Expression {
final bool isConst;
final Set<Object?> values;
final Reference? type;
const LiteralSetExpression._(this.isConst, this.values, this.type);
R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitLiteralSetExpression(this, context);
String toString() => '{${', ')}}';
class LiteralMapExpression extends Expression {
final bool isConst;
final Map<Object?, Object?> values;
final Reference? keyType;
final Reference? valueType;
const LiteralMapExpression._(
R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitLiteralMapExpression(this, context);
String toString() => '{$values}';