blob: 5cc52f5e7e1be369b39fbc15730e165e5c6904ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../allocator.dart';
import '../base.dart';
import '../emitter.dart';
import '../visitors.dart';
import 'expression.dart';
import 'reference.dart';
part 'code.g.dart';
/// Returns a scoped symbol to [Reference], with an import prefix if needed.
/// This is short-hand for [Allocator.allocate] in most implementations.
typedef Allocate = String Function(Reference);
/// Represents arbitrary Dart code (either expressions or statements).
/// See the various constructors for details.
abstract class Code implements Spec {
/// Create a simple code body based on a static string.
const factory Code(String code) = StaticCode._;
/// Create a code based that may use a provided [Allocator] for scoping:
/// ```dart
/// // Emits `_i123.FooType()`, where `_i123` is the import prefix.
/// Code.scope((a) {
/// return '${a.allocate(fooType)}()'
/// });
/// ```
const factory Code.scope(
String Function(Allocate) scope,
) = ScopedCode._;
R accept<R>(covariant CodeVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]);
/// Represents blocks of statements of Dart code.
abstract class Block implements Built<Block, BlockBuilder>, Code, Spec {
factory Block([void Function(BlockBuilder) updates]) = _$Block;
factory Block.of(Iterable<Code> statements) =>
Block((b) => b..statements.addAll(statements));
R accept<R>(covariant CodeVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitBlock(this, context);
BuiltList<Code> get statements;
abstract class BlockBuilder implements Builder<Block, BlockBuilder> {
factory BlockBuilder() = _$BlockBuilder;
/// Adds an [expression] to [statements].
/// **NOTE**: Not all expressions are _useful_ statements.
void addExpression(Expression expression) {
ListBuilder<Code> statements = ListBuilder<Code>();
/// Knowledge of different types of blocks of code in Dart.
abstract class CodeVisitor<T> implements SpecVisitor<T> {
T visitBlock(Block code, [T? context]);
T visitStaticCode(StaticCode code, [T? context]);
T visitScopedCode(ScopedCode code, [T? context]);
/// Knowledge of how to write valid Dart code from [CodeVisitor].
abstract class CodeEmitter implements CodeVisitor<StringSink> {
Allocator get allocator;
StringSink visitBlock(Block block, [StringSink? output]) {
output ??= StringBuffer();
return visitAll<Code>(block.statements, output, (statement) {
statement.accept(this, output);
}, '\n');
StringSink visitStaticCode(StaticCode code, [StringSink? output]) {
output ??= StringBuffer();
return output..write(code.code);
StringSink visitScopedCode(ScopedCode code, [StringSink? output]) {
output ??= StringBuffer();
return output..write(code.code(allocator.allocate));
/// Represents a code block that requires lazy visiting.
class LazyCode implements Code {
final Spec Function(SpecVisitor) generate;
const LazyCode._(this.generate);
R accept<R>(CodeVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
generate(visitor).accept(visitor, context);
/// Returns a generic [Code] that is lazily generated when visited.
Code lazyCode(Code Function() generate) => _LazyCode(generate);
class _LazyCode implements Code {
final Code Function() generate;
const _LazyCode(this.generate);
R accept<R>(CodeVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
generate().accept(visitor, context);
/// Represents a simple, literal code block to be inserted as-is.
class StaticCode implements Code {
final String code;
const StaticCode._(this.code);
R accept<R>(CodeVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitStaticCode(this, context);
String toString() => code;
/// Represents a code block that may require scoping.
class ScopedCode implements Code {
final String Function(Allocate) code;
const ScopedCode._(this.code);
R accept<R>(CodeVisitor<R> visitor, [R? context]) =>
visitor.visitScopedCode(this, context);
String toString() => code((ref) => ref.symbol!);