blob: c8543d2425401966b077c14edc17eaa976a96250 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:devtools_shared/devtools_server.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/src/peer.dart' as json_rpc;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:sse/src/server/sse_handler.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
class LoggingMiddlewareSink<S> implements StreamSink<S> {
void add(S event) {
print('DevTools SSE response: $event');
void addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
print('DevTools SSE error response: $error');
Future addStream(Stream<S> stream) {
return sink.addStream(stream);
Future close() => sink.close();
Future get done => sink.done;
final StreamSink sink;
/// A connection between a DevTools front-end app and the DevTools server.
/// see `packages/devtools_app/lib/src/server_connection.dart`.
class ClientManager {
ClientManager({required this.requestNotificationPermissions});
/// The timeout to wait for a ping when verifying a client is still
/// responsive.
/// Usually clients are removed from the set once they disconnect, but due
/// to SSE timeouts (to handle proxies dropping connections) a client may
/// appear connected for up to 30s after they disconnected.
/// In cases where we need to know quickly if a client is active (for example
/// when trying to reuse it), we will ping it and wait only this period to see
/// if it responds before assuming it is not available.
static const _clientResponsivenessTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 500);
/// Whether to immediately request notification permissions when a client connects.
/// Otherwise permission will be requested only with the first notification.
final bool requestNotificationPermissions;
final List<DevToolsClient> _clients = [];
void acceptClient(SseConnection connection, {bool enableLogging = false}) {
final client = DevToolsClient.fromSSEConnection(
if (requestNotificationPermissions) {
connection.sink.done.then((_) => _clients.remove(client));
/// Finds an active DevTools instance that is not already connecting to
/// a VM service that we can reuse (for example if a user stopped debugging
/// and it disconnected, then started debugging again, we want to reuse
/// the open DevTools window).
/// Candidate clients will be pinged first to ensure they are responsive, to
/// avoid trying to reuse a client that is in an SSE timeout where we don't
/// know if it is refreshing or gone.
Future<DevToolsClient?> findReusableClient() {
final candidates =
_clients.where((c) => !c.hasConnection && !c.embedded).toList();
return _firstResponsiveClient(candidates);
/// Finds a client that may already be connected to this VM Service.
/// Candidate clients will be pinged first to ensure they are responsive, to
/// avoid trying to reuse a client that is in an SSE timeout where we don't
/// know if it is refreshing or gone.
Future<DevToolsClient?> findExistingConnectedReusableClient(
Uri vmServiceUri) {
final candidates = _clients
.where((c) =>
c.hasConnection &&
!c.embedded &&
_areSameVmServices(c.vmServiceUri!, vmServiceUri))
return _firstResponsiveClient(candidates);
/// Pings [candidates] and returns the first one that responds.
/// If no clients respond within a short period, returns `null` because all
/// clients have likely been closed (but are in an SSE timeout period).
Future<DevToolsClient?> _firstResponsiveClient(
List<DevToolsClient> candidates) async {
if (candidates.isEmpty) {
return null;
// Use `Future.any` to get the first client that responds to its
// ping.
final firstRespondingClient = Future.any(
candidates.cast<DevToolsClient?>().map((client) async {
await client?.ping();
return client;
final client = await firstRespondingClient.timeout(
onTimeout: () => null,
return client;
String toString() {
return {
return '${c.hasConnection.toString().padRight(5)} '
'${c.currentPage?.padRight(12)} ${c.vmServiceUri.toString()}';
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(dynamic id) => {
'id': id,
'result': {
'clients': => e.toJson()).toList(),
/// Checks whether two VM Services are equivalent.
/// Checking the whole URI will fail if DevTools converted it from HTTP to
/// WS, so just checks the host, port and first segment of path (token).
bool _areSameVmServices(Uri uri1, Uri uri2) {
return == &&
uri1.port == uri2.port &&
uri1.pathSegments.isNotEmpty &&
uri2.pathSegments.isNotEmpty &&
uri1.pathSegments[0] == uri2.pathSegments[0];
/// Represents a DevTools client connection to the DevTools server API.
class DevToolsClient {
factory DevToolsClient.fromSSEConnection(
SseConnection sse,
bool loggingEnabled,
) {
Stream<String> stream =;
StreamSink sink = sse.sink;
return DevToolsClient(
stream: stream,
sink: sink,
loggingEnabled: loggingEnabled,
required Stream<String> stream,
required StreamSink sink,
bool loggingEnabled = false,
}) {
if (loggingEnabled) {
stream =<String>((String e) {
print('DevTools SSE request: $e');
return e;
sink = LoggingMiddlewareSink<String>(sink);
_devToolsPeer = json_rpc.Peer(
StreamChannel(stream, sink as StreamSink<String>),
strictProtocolChecks: false,
void _registerJsonRpcMethods() {
_devToolsPeer.registerMethod('connected', (parameters) {
_vmServiceUri = Uri.parse(parameters['uri'].asString);
_devToolsPeer.registerMethod('disconnected', (parameters) {
_vmServiceUri = null;
_devToolsPeer.registerMethod('currentPage', (parameters) {
_currentPage = parameters['id'].asString;
_embedded = parameters['embedded'].asBool;
_devToolsPeer.registerMethod('getPreferenceValue', (parameters) {
final key = parameters['key'].asString;
final value =[key];
return value;
_devToolsPeer.registerMethod('setPreferenceValue', (parameters) {
final key = parameters['key'].asString;
final value = parameters['value'].value;[key] = value;
_devToolsPeer.registerMethod('pingResponse', (parameters) {
_nextPingResponse = Completer();
/// A completer that completes when the client next responds to a ping.
/// See [ping].
Completer<void> _nextPingResponse = Completer();
/// Notify the DevTools client to connect to a specific VM service instance.
void connectToVmService(Uri uri, bool notifyUser) {
_devToolsPeer.sendNotification('connectToVm', {
'uri': uri.toString(),
'notify': notifyUser,
void notify() => _devToolsPeer.sendNotification('notify');
/// Pings the client and waits for it to respond.
Future<void> ping() {
return _nextPingResponse.future;
/// Enable notifications to the user from this DevTools client.
void enableNotifications() =>
/// Notify the DevTools client to show a specific page.
void showPage(String pageId) {
_devToolsPeer.sendNotification('showPage', {
'page': pageId,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'hasConnection': hasConnection,
'currentPage': currentPage,
'embedded': embedded,
'vmServiceUri': vmServiceUri?.toString(),
/// The current DevTools page displayed by this client.
String? get currentPage => _currentPage;
String? _currentPage;
/// Returns true if this DevTools client is embedded.
bool get embedded => _embedded;
bool _embedded = false;
/// Returns the VM service URI that the DevTools client is currently
/// connected to. Returns null if the client is not connected to a process.
Uri? get vmServiceUri => _vmServiceUri;
Uri? _vmServiceUri;
bool get hasConnection => _vmServiceUri != null;
late json_rpc.Peer _devToolsPeer;