blob: 11435235e779aa4d17859b832feba88c5a5af467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
import '../backend/declarer.dart';
import '../backend/group.dart';
import '../backend/invoker.dart';
import '../backend/live_test.dart';
import '../backend/metadata.dart';
import '../backend/operating_system.dart';
import '../backend/stack_trace_formatter.dart';
import '../backend/suite.dart';
import '../backend/test.dart';
import '../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../util/remote_exception.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'suite_channel_manager.dart';
class RemoteListener {
/// The test suite to run.
final Suite _suite;
/// The zone to forward prints to, or `null` if prints shouldn't be forwarded.
final Zone _printZone;
/// Extracts metadata about all the tests in the function returned by
/// [getMain] and returns a channel that will send information about them.
/// The main function is wrapped in a closure so that we can handle it being
/// undefined here rather than in the generated code.
/// Once that's done, this starts listening for commands about which tests to
/// run.
/// If [hidePrints] is `true` (the default), calls to `print()` within this
/// suite will not be forwarded to the parent zone's print handler. However,
/// the caller may want them to be forwarded in (for example) a browser
/// context where they'll be visible in the development console.
/// If [beforeLoad] is passed, it's called before the tests have been declared
/// for this worker.
static StreamChannel start(AsyncFunction getMain(),
{bool hidePrints: true, Future beforeLoad()}) {
// This has to be synchronous to work around sdk#25745. Otherwise, there'll
// be an asynchronous pause before a syntax error notification is sent,
// which will cause the send to fail entirely.
var controller =
new StreamChannelController(allowForeignErrors: false, sync: true);
var channel = new MultiChannel(controller.local);
var verboseChain = true;
var printZone = hidePrints ? null : Zone.current;
var spec = new ZoneSpecification(print: (_, __, ___, line) {
if (printZone != null) printZone.print(line);
channel.sink.add({"type": "print", "line": line});
new SuiteChannelManager().asCurrent(() {
new StackTraceFormatter().asCurrent(() {
runZoned(() async {
var main;
try {
main = getMain();
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (_) {
channel, "No top-level main() function defined.");
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
_sendError(channel, error, stackTrace, verboseChain);
if (main is! Function) {
channel, "Top-level main getter is not a function.");
} else if (main is! AsyncFunction) {
channel, "Top-level main() function takes arguments.");
var queue = new StreamQueue(;
var message = await;
assert(message['type'] == 'initial'); {
assert(message["type"] == "suiteChannel");
message['name'], channel.virtualChannel(message['id']));
if (message['asciiGlyphs'] ?? false) glyph.ascii = true;
var metadata = new Metadata.deserialize(message['metadata']);
verboseChain = metadata.verboseTrace;
var declarer = new Declarer(
metadata: metadata,
platformVariables: new Set.from(message['platformVariables']),
collectTraces: message['collectTraces'],
noRetry: message['noRetry']);
except: _deserializeSet(message['foldTraceExcept']),
only: _deserializeSet(message['foldTraceOnly']));
if (beforeLoad != null) await beforeLoad();
await declarer.declare(main);
var suite = new Suite(,
platform: new TestPlatform.deserialize(message['platform']),
os: message['os'] == null
? null
: OperatingSystem.find(message['os']),
path: message['path']);
runZoned(() {
() => new RemoteListener._(suite, printZone)._listen(channel));
// Make the declarer visible to running tests so that they'll throw
// useful errors when calling `test()` and `group()` within a test,
// and so they can add to the declarer's `tearDownAll()` list.
zoneValues: {#test.declarer: declarer});
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
_sendError(channel, error, stackTrace, verboseChain);
}, zoneSpecification: spec);
return controller.foreign;
/// Returns a [Set] from a JSON serialized list of strings.
static Set<String> _deserializeSet(List list) {
if (list == null) return null;
if (list.isEmpty) return null;
return new Set.from(list);
/// Sends a message over [channel] indicating that the tests failed to load.
/// [message] should describe the failure.
static void _sendLoadException(StreamChannel channel, String message) {
channel.sink.add({"type": "loadException", "message": message});
/// Sends a message over [channel] indicating an error from user code.
static void _sendError(
StreamChannel channel, error, StackTrace stackTrace, bool verboseChain) {
"type": "error",
"error": RemoteException.serialize(
.formatStackTrace(stackTrace, verbose: verboseChain))
RemoteListener._(this._suite, this._printZone);
/// Send information about [_suite] across [channel] and start listening for
/// commands to run the tests.
void _listen(MultiChannel channel) {
"type": "success",
"root": _serializeGroup(channel,, [])
/// Serializes [group] into a JSON-safe map.
/// [parents] lists the groups that contain [group].
Map _serializeGroup(
MultiChannel channel, Group group, Iterable<Group> parents) {
parents = parents.toList()..add(group);
return {
"type": "group",
"metadata": group.metadata.serialize(),
"trace": group.trace?.toString(),
"setUpAll": _serializeTest(channel, group.setUpAll, parents),
"tearDownAll": _serializeTest(channel, group.tearDownAll, parents),
"entries": {
return entry is Group
? _serializeGroup(channel, entry, parents)
: _serializeTest(channel, entry, parents);
/// Serializes [test] into a JSON-safe map.
/// [groups] lists the groups that contain [test]. Returns `null` if [test]
/// is `null`.
Map _serializeTest(MultiChannel channel, Test test, Iterable<Group> groups) {
if (test == null) return null;
var testChannel = channel.virtualChannel(); {
assert(message['command'] == 'run');
_runLiveTest(test.load(_suite, groups: groups),
return {
"type": "test",
"metadata": test.metadata.serialize(),
"trace": test.trace?.toString(),
/// Runs [liveTest] and sends the results across [channel].
void _runLiveTest(LiveTest liveTest, MultiChannel channel) { {
assert(message['command'] == 'close');
liveTest.onStateChange.listen((state) {
"type": "state-change",
liveTest.onError.listen((asyncError) {
"type": "error",
"error": RemoteException.serialize(
verbose: liveTest.test.metadata.verboseTrace))
liveTest.onMessage.listen((message) {
if (_printZone != null) _printZone.print(message.text);
"type": "message",
"text": message.text
runZoned(() { => channel.sink.add({"type": "complete"}));
}, zoneValues: {#test.runner.test_channel: channel});