blob: 0c0dffe29a3aa6b662c13e59386b64db5d0d081e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as md;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'style_sheet.dart';
final Set<String> _kBlockTags = new Set<String>.from(<String>[
const List<String> _kListTags = const <String>['ul', 'ol'];
bool _isBlockTag(String tag) => _kBlockTags.contains(tag);
bool _isListTag(String tag) => _kListTags.contains(tag);
class _BlockElement {
final String tag;
final List<Widget> children = <Widget>[];
int nextListIndex = 0;
/// A collection of widgets that should be placed adjacent to (inline with)
/// other inline elements in the same parent block.
/// Inline elements can be textual (a/em/strong) represented by [RichText]
/// widgets or images (img) represented by [] widgets.
/// Inline elements can be nested within other inline elements, inheriting their
/// parent's style along with the style of the block they are in.
/// When laying out inline widgets, first, any adjacent RichText widgets are
/// merged, then, all inline widgets are enclosed in a parent [Wrap] widget.
class _InlineElement {
_InlineElement(this.tag, {});
final String tag;
/// Created by merging the style defined for this element's [tag] in the
/// delegate's [MarkdownStyleSheet] with the style of its parent.
final TextStyle style;
final List<Widget> children = <Widget>[];
/// A delegate used by [MarkdownBuilder] to control the widgets it creates.
abstract class MarkdownBuilderDelegate {
/// Returns a gesture recognizer to use for an `a` element with the given
/// `href` attribute.
GestureRecognizer createLink(String href);
/// Returns formatted text to use to display the given contents of a `pre`
/// element.
/// The `styleSheet` is the value of [MarkdownBuilder.styleSheet].
TextSpan formatText(MarkdownStyleSheet styleSheet, String code);
/// Builds a [Widget] tree from parsed Markdown.
/// See also:
/// * [Markdown], which is a widget that parses and displays Markdown.
class MarkdownBuilder implements md.NodeVisitor {
/// Creates an object that builds a [Widget] tree from parsed Markdown.
MarkdownBuilder({ this.delegate, this.styleSheet, this.imageDirectory });
/// A delegate that controls how link and `pre` elements behave.
final MarkdownBuilderDelegate delegate;
/// Defines which [TextStyle] objects to use for each type of element.
final MarkdownStyleSheet styleSheet;
/// The base directory holding images referenced by Img tags with local file paths.
final Directory imageDirectory;
final List<String> _listIndents = <String>[];
final List<_BlockElement> _blocks = <_BlockElement>[];
final List<_InlineElement> _inlines = <_InlineElement>[];
final List<GestureRecognizer> _linkHandlers = <GestureRecognizer>[];
/// Returns widgets that display the given Markdown nodes.
/// The returned widgets are typically used as children in a [ListView].
List<Widget> build(List<md.Node> nodes) {
_blocks.add(new _BlockElement(null));
for (md.Node node in nodes) {
assert(_blocks.length == 1);
return _blocks.single.children;
void visitText(md.Text text) {
if (_blocks.last.tag == null) // Don't allow text directly under the root.
final TextSpan span = _blocks.last.tag == 'pre'
? delegate.formatText(styleSheet, text.text)
: new TextSpan(
text: text.text,
recognizer: _linkHandlers.isNotEmpty ? _linkHandlers.last : null,
_inlines.last.children.add(new RichText(text: span));
bool visitElementBefore(md.Element element) {
final String tag = element.tag;
if (_isBlockTag(tag)) {
if (_isListTag(tag))
_blocks.add(new _BlockElement(tag));
} else {
TextStyle parentStyle =;
_inlines.add(new _InlineElement(
style: parentStyle.merge(styleSheet.styles[tag]),
if (tag == 'a') {
return true;
void visitElementAfter(md.Element element) {
final String tag = element.tag;
if (_isBlockTag(tag)) {
final _BlockElement current = _blocks.removeLast();
Widget child;
if (current.children.isNotEmpty) {
child = new Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: current.children,
} else {
child = const SizedBox();
if (_isListTag(tag)) {
} else if (tag == 'li') {
if (_listIndents.isNotEmpty) {
child = new Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
new SizedBox(
width: styleSheet.listIndent,
child: _buildBullet(_listIndents.last),
new Expanded(child: child)
} else if (tag == 'blockquote') {
child = new DecoratedBox(
decoration: styleSheet.blockquoteDecoration,
child: new Padding(
padding: new EdgeInsets.all(styleSheet.blockquotePadding),
child: child,
} else if (tag == 'pre') {
child = new DecoratedBox(
decoration: styleSheet.codeblockDecoration,
child: new Padding(
padding: new EdgeInsets.all(styleSheet.codeblockPadding),
child: child,
} else if (tag == 'hr') {
child = new DecoratedBox(
decoration: styleSheet.horizontalRuleDecoration,
child: child,
} else {
final _InlineElement current = _inlines.removeLast();
final _InlineElement parent = _inlines.last;
if (tag == 'img') {
// create an image widget for this image
} else if (tag == 'a') {
if (current.children.isNotEmpty) {
Widget _buildImage(String src) {
final List<String> parts = src.split('#');
if (parts.isEmpty)
return const SizedBox();
final String path = parts.first;
double width;
double height;
if (parts.length == 2) {
final List<String> dimensions = parts.last.split('x');
if (dimensions.length == 2) {
width = double.parse(dimensions[0]);
height = double.parse(dimensions[1]);
Uri uri = Uri.parse(path);
Widget child;
if (uri.scheme == 'http' || uri.scheme == 'https') {
child = new, width: width, height: height);
} else {
String filePath = (imageDirectory == null
? uri.toFilePath()
: p.join(imageDirectory.path, uri.toFilePath()));
child = new Image.file(new File(filePath), width: width, height: height);
if (_linkHandlers.isNotEmpty) {
TapGestureRecognizer recognizer = _linkHandlers.last;
return new GestureDetector(child: child, onTap: recognizer.onTap);
} else {
return child;
Widget _buildBullet(String listTag) {
if (listTag == 'ul')
return const Text('•', textAlign:;
final int index = _blocks.last.nextListIndex;
return new Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 5.0),
child: new Text('${index + 1}.', textAlign: TextAlign.right),
void _addParentInlineIfNeeded(String tag) {
if (_inlines.isEmpty) {
_inlines.add(new _InlineElement(
style: styleSheet.styles[tag],
void _addBlockChild(Widget child) {
final _BlockElement parent = _blocks.last;
if (parent.children.isNotEmpty)
parent.children.add(new SizedBox(height: styleSheet.blockSpacing));
parent.nextListIndex += 1;
void _addAnonymousBlockIfNeeded(TextStyle style) {
if (_inlines.isEmpty) {
final _InlineElement inline = _inlines.single;
if (inline.children.isNotEmpty) {
List<Widget> mergedInlines = _mergeInlineChildren(inline);
final Wrap wrap = new Wrap(children: mergedInlines);
/// Merges adjacent [TextSpan] children of the given [_InlineElement]
List<Widget> _mergeInlineChildren(_InlineElement inline) {
List<Widget> mergedTexts = <Widget>[];
for (Widget child in inline.children) {
if (mergedTexts.isNotEmpty && mergedTexts.last is RichText && child is RichText) {
RichText previous = mergedTexts.removeLast();
List<TextSpan> children = previous.text.children != null
? new List.from(previous.text.children)
: [previous.text];
TextSpan mergedSpan = new TextSpan(children: children);
mergedTexts.add(new RichText(text: mergedSpan));
} else {
return mergedTexts;