blob: 2ae8b09fb4b1aaa9fa2d3204a5efea4084db8673 [file] [log] [blame]
part of '../observable_collections.dart';
Atom _observableSetAtom<T>(ReactiveContext context, String? name) =>
Atom(name: name ?? context.nameFor('ObservableSet<$T>'), context: context);
/// ObservableSet provides a reactive set that notifies changes when a member is added or removed.
/// ```dart
/// final set = ObservableSet.of([1, 2, 3]);
/// const disposer = autorun((_){
/// print(set);
/// });
/// set.add(4); // prints {1, 2, 3, 4}
/// ```
class ObservableSet<T>
// ignore:prefer_mixin
Listenable<SetChange<T>> {
ObservableSet({ReactiveContext? context, String? name})
: this._(context ?? mainContext, HashSet(), name);
ObservableSet.of(Iterable<T> other, {ReactiveContext? context, String? name})
: this._(context ?? mainContext, HashSet.of(other), name);
ObservableSet.linkedHashSetFrom(Iterable<T> other,
{bool Function(T, T)? equals,
int Function(T)? hashCode,
// ignore:avoid_annotating_with_dynamic
bool Function(dynamic)? isValidKey,
ReactiveContext? context,
String? name})
: this._(
context ?? mainContext,
// ignore: prefer_collection_literals
equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode, isValidKey: isValidKey)
ObservableSet.splayTreeSetFrom(Iterable<T> other,
{int Function(T, T)? compare,
// ignore:avoid_annotating_with_dynamic
bool Function(dynamic)? isValidKey,
ReactiveContext? context,
String? name})
: this._(context ?? mainContext,
SplayTreeSet.of(other, compare, isValidKey), name);
ObservableSet._wrap(this._context, this._atom, this._set);
ObservableSet._(this._context, Set<T> wrapped, String? name)
: _atom = _observableSetAtom(_context, name),
_set = wrapped;
final ReactiveContext _context;
final Atom _atom;
final Set<T> _set;
String get name =>;
Listeners<SetChange<T>>? _listenersField;
Listeners<SetChange<T>> get _listeners =>
_listenersField ??= Listeners(_context);
bool get _hasListeners =>
_listenersField != null && _listenersField!.hasHandlers;
bool add(T value) {
var result = false;
_context.conditionallyRunInAction(() {
result = _set.add(value);
if (result && _hasListeners) {
if (result) {
}, _atom);
return result;
bool contains(Object? element) {
return _set.contains(element);
Iterator<T> get iterator => ObservableIterator(_atom, _set.iterator);
int get length {
return _set.length;
T? lookup(Object? element) {
return _set.lookup(element);
bool remove(Object? value) {
var removed = false;
_context.conditionallyRunInAction(() {
removed = _set.remove(value);
if (removed && _hasListeners) {
_reportRemove(value as T?);
if (removed) {
}, _atom);
return removed;
void clear() {
_context.conditionallyRunInAction(() {
if (_hasListeners) {
final items = _set.toList(growable: false);
} else {
}, _atom);
Set<R> cast<R>() => ObservableSet<R>._wrap(_context, _atom, _set.cast<R>());
Set<T> toSet() {
return Set.from(_set);
/// Attaches a listener to changes happening in the [ObservableSet]. You have
/// the option to be notified immediately ([fireImmediately]) or wait for until the first change.
Dispose observe(SetChangeListener<T> listener,
{bool fireImmediately = false}) {
final dispose = _listeners.add(listener);
if (fireImmediately == true) {
return dispose;
void _reportAdd(T value) {
object: this,
type: OperationType.add,
value: value,
void _reportRemove(T? value) {
object: this,
type: OperationType.remove,
value: value,
/// A convenience method used during unit testing. It creates an [ObservableSet] with a custom instance
/// of an [Atom]
ObservableSet<T> wrapInObservableSet<T>(Atom atom, Set<T> set) =>
ObservableSet._wrap(mainContext, atom, set);
/// An internal iterator used to ensure that every read is tracked as part of the
/// MobX reactivity system.
/// It does this be keeping an instance of an [Atom] and calling the [Atom.reportObserved]
/// method for every read.
class ObservableIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
ObservableIterator(this._atom, this._iterator);
final Iterator<T> _iterator;
final Atom _atom;
T get current {
return _iterator.current;
bool moveNext() {
return _iterator.moveNext();
typedef SetChangeListener<T> = void Function(SetChange<T>);
/// Capture the change related information for an [ ObservableSet]. This is used
/// as the notification instance.
class SetChange<T> {
required this.object,
required this.type,
required this.value,
final ObservableSet<T> object;
final OperationType type;
final T? value;