blob: 1f943213819b9477310d2c74ae0fc990f12668b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../asset/reader.dart';
import '../asset_graph/graph.dart';
import '../package_graph/package_graph.dart';
class BuildScriptUpdates {
final Set<AssetId> _allSources;
final bool _supportsIncrementalRebuilds;
BuildScriptUpdates._(this._supportsIncrementalRebuilds, this._allSources);
static Future<BuildScriptUpdates> create(RunnerAssetReader reader,
PackageGraph packageGraph, AssetGraph graph) async {
var supportsIncrementalRebuilds = true;
var rootPackage =;
Set<AssetId> allSources;
var logger = Logger('BuildScriptUpdates');
try {
allSources = _urisForThisScript
.map((id) => _idForUri(id, rootPackage))
.where((id) => id != null)
var missing = allSources.firstWhere((id) => !graph.contains(id),
orElse: () => null);
if (missing != null) {
supportsIncrementalRebuilds = false;
logger.warning('$missing was not found in the asset graph, '
'incremental builds will not work.\n This probably means you '
'don\'t have your dependencies specified fully in your '
} else {
// Make sure we are tracking changes for all ids in [allSources].
for (var id in allSources) {
graph.get(id).lastKnownDigest ??= await reader.digest(id);
} on ArgumentError catch (_) {
supportsIncrementalRebuilds = false;
allSources = Set<AssetId>();
return BuildScriptUpdates._(supportsIncrementalRebuilds, allSources);
static Iterable<Uri> get _urisForThisScript =>
/// Checks if the current running program has been updated, based on
/// [updatedIds].
bool hasBeenUpdated(Set<AssetId> updatedIds) {
if (!_supportsIncrementalRebuilds) return true;
return updatedIds.intersection(_allSources).isNotEmpty;
/// Attempts to return an [AssetId] for [uri].
/// Returns `null` if the uri should be ignored, or throws an [ArgumentError]
/// if the [uri] is not recognized.
static AssetId _idForUri(Uri uri, String _rootPackage) {
switch (uri.scheme) {
case 'dart':
// TODO: check for sdk updates!
case 'package':
var parts = uri.pathSegments;
return AssetId(parts[0],
p.url.joinAll(['lib']..addAll(parts.getRange(1, parts.length))));
case 'file':
var relativePath = p.relative(uri.toFilePath(), from: p.current);
return AssetId(_rootPackage, relativePath);
case 'data':
// Test runner uses a `data` scheme, don't invalidate for those.
if (uri.path.contains('package:test')) break;
continue unsupported;
case 'http':
continue unsupported;
throw ArgumentError('Unsupported uri scheme `${uri.scheme}` found for '
'library in build script.\n'
'This probably means you are running in an unsupported '
'context, such as in an isolate or via `pub run`.\n'
'Full uri was: $uri.');
return null;