blob: 07a38103e65f415def62cef9a4d1b04977459335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/utilities/shared.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import '../../dwds.dart';
/// File extension that build_web_compilers will place the
/// [entrypointExtensionMarker] in.
const bootstrapJsExtension = '.bootstrap.js';
/// Marker placed by build_web_compilers for where to put injected JS code.
const entrypointExtensionMarker = '/* ENTRYPOINT_EXTENTION_MARKER */';
/// Marker placed by build_web_compilers for where to put injected JS code.
const mainExtensionMarker = '/* MAIN_EXTENSION_MARKER */';
const _clientScript = 'dwds/src/injected/client';
Handler Function(Handler) createInjectedHandler(
ReloadConfiguration configuration,
{String extensionHostname,
int extensionPort}) =>
(innerHandler) {
return (Request request) async {
if (request.url.path == '$_clientScript.js') {
var uri = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(
var result = await File(uri.toFilePath()).readAsString();
return Response.ok(result, headers: {
HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'application/javascript'
} else if (request.url.path.endsWith(bootstrapJsExtension)) {
var ifNoneMatch = request.headers[HttpHeaders.ifNoneMatchHeader];
if (ifNoneMatch != null) {
// Disable caching of the inner hander by manually modifying the
// if-none-match header before forwarding the request.
request = request.change(headers: {
HttpHeaders.ifNoneMatchHeader: '$ifNoneMatch\$injected',
var response = await innerHandler(request);
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.notFound) return response;
var body = await response.readAsString();
var etag = response.headers[HttpHeaders.etagHeader];
var newHeaders = Map.of(response.headers);
if (body.startsWith(entrypointExtensionMarker)) {
// The requestedUri contains the hostname and port which gaurantees
// uniqueness.
var requestedUri = request.requestedUri;
var appId =
var bodyLines = body.split('\n');
var extensionIndex = bodyLines
.indexWhere((line) => line.contains(mainExtensionMarker));
body = bodyLines.sublist(0, extensionIndex).join('\n');
// The line after the marker calls `main`. We prevent `main` from
// being called and make it runnable through a global variable.
var mainFunction = bodyLines[extensionIndex + 1]
.replaceAll('main()', 'main')
body += _injectedClientJs(configuration, appId, mainFunction,
extensionHostname: extensionHostname,
extensionPort: extensionPort);
body += bodyLines.sublist(extensionIndex + 2).join('\n');
// Change the hot restart handler to re-assign
// `window.$dartRunMain` to the new main, instead of invoking it.
body = body.replaceFirst(
'child.main()', r'window.$dartRunMain = child.main');
etag = base64.encode(md5.convert(body.codeUnits).bytes);
newHeaders[HttpHeaders.etagHeader] = etag;
if (ifNoneMatch == etag) {
return Response.notModified(headers: newHeaders);
return response.change(body: body, headers: newHeaders);
} else {
return innerHandler(request);
String _injectedClientJs(
ReloadConfiguration configuration, String appId, String mainFunction,
{String extensionHostname, int extensionPort}) {
var injectedBody = '''\n
// Injected by webdev for build results support.
window.\$dartAppId = "$appId";
window.\$dartRunMain = $mainFunction;
window.\$dartReloadConfiguration = "$configuration";
window.\$loadModuleConfig = "$loadModule";
if (extensionPort != null && extensionHostname != null) {
injectedBody += '''
window.\$extensionHostname = "$extensionHostname";
window.\$extensionPort = "$extensionPort";
return injectedBody;