blob: c739f2a50bb19ec493f9794d7887aeff38a5aa41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dwds/src/utilities/shared.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../../dwds.dart' show LogWriter;
import '../handlers/asset_handler.dart';
import '../services/chrome_proxy_service.dart';
import '../utilities/dart_uri.dart';
import '../utilities/domain.dart';
import '../utilities/objects.dart';
import 'dart_scope.dart';
import 'location.dart';
import 'remote_debugger.dart';
import 'sources.dart';
/// Converts from ExceptionPauseMode strings to [PauseState] enums.
/// Values defined in:
const _pauseModePauseStates = {
'none': PauseState.none,
'all': PauseState.all,
'unhandled': PauseState.uncaught,
class Debugger extends Domain {
final AssetHandler _assetHandler;
final LogWriter _logWriter;
final RemoteDebugger _remoteDebugger;
/// The root URI from which the application is served.
final String _root;
final StreamNotify _streamNotify;
AppInspectorProvider provider,
// TODO(401) - Remove.
) : _breakpoints = _Breakpoints(provider),
/// The scripts and sourcemaps for the application, both JS and Dart.
Sources sources;
/// The breakpoints we have set so far, indexable by either
/// Dart or JS ID.
final _Breakpoints _breakpoints;
/// Allocates Dart breakpoint IDs
int _nextBreakpointId = 1;
Stack _pausedStack;
/// The JS frames corresponding to [_pausedStack].
/// The most important thing here is that frames are identified by
/// frameIndex in the Dart API, but by frame Id in Chrome, so we need
/// to keep the JS frames and their Ids around.
// TODO(alanknight): It would be nice to keep these as CallFrame instances,
// but they don't map enough of the data yet.
List<Map<String, dynamic>> _pausedJsStack;
bool _isStepping = false;
Future<Success> pause() async {
_isStepping = false;
var result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.pause');
return Success();
Future<Success> setExceptionPauseMode(String isolateId, String mode) async {
var pauseState = _pauseModePauseStates[mode.toLowerCase()] ??
(throw ArgumentError.value('mode', 'Unsupported mode `$mode`'));
await _remoteDebugger.setPauseOnExceptions(pauseState);
return Success();
/// Resumes the debugger.
/// Step parameter options:
/// If the step parameter is not provided, the program will resume regular
/// execution.
/// If the step parameter is provided, it indicates what form of
/// single-stepping to use.
/// Note that stepping will automatically continue until Chrome is paused at
/// a location for which we have source information.
Future<Success> resume(String isolateId,
{String step, int frameIndex}) async {
if (frameIndex != null) {
throw ArgumentError('FrameIndex is currently unsupported.');
WipResponse result;
if (step != null) {
_isStepping = true;
switch (step) {
case 'Over':
result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.stepOver');
case 'Out':
result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.stepOut');
case 'Into':
result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.stepInto');
throw ArgumentError('Unexpected value for step: $step');
} else {
_isStepping = false;
result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.resume');
return Success();
/// Returns the current Dart stack for the paused debugger.
/// Returns null if the debugger is not paused.
Future<Stack> getStack(String isolateId) async {
return _pausedStack;
static Future<Debugger> create(
AssetHandler assetHandler,
RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger,
StreamNotify streamNotify,
AppInspectorProvider appInspectorProvider,
String root,
LogWriter logWriter,
) async {
var debugger = Debugger._(
// TODO(401) - Remove.
await debugger._initialize();
return debugger;
Future<Null> _initialize() async {
sources = Sources(_assetHandler, _remoteDebugger, _logWriter);
// We must add a listener before enabling the debugger otherwise we will
// miss events.
// Allow a null debugger/connection for unit tests.
handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger?.sendCommand('Page.enable'));
handleErrorIfPresent(await _remoteDebugger?.enable() as WipResponse);
/// Add a breakpoint at the given position.
/// Note that line and column are Dart source locations and one-based.
Future<Breakpoint> addBreakpoint(String isolateId, String scriptId, int line,
{int column}) async {
var isolate = checkIsolate(isolateId);
var dartScript = await inspector.scriptWithId(scriptId);
var dartUri = DartUri(dartScript.uri, _root);
var location = _locationForDart(dartUri, line);
// TODO: Handle cases where a breakpoint can't be set exactly at that line.
if (location == null) return null;
var jsBreakpointId = await _setBreakpoint(location);
var dartBreakpoint = _dartBreakpoint(dartScript, location, isolate);
_breakpoints.noteBreakpoint(js: jsBreakpointId, bp: dartBreakpoint);
return dartBreakpoint;
/// Create a Dart breakpoint at [location] in [dartScript].
Breakpoint _dartBreakpoint(
ScriptRef dartScript, Location location, Isolate isolate) {
var breakpoint = Breakpoint()
..resolved = true = '${_nextBreakpointId++}'
..location = (SourceLocation()
..script = dartScript
..tokenPos = location.tokenPos);
..kind = EventKind.kBreakpointAdded
..isolate = inspector.isolateRef
..breakpoint = breakpoint);
return breakpoint;
/// Remove a Dart breakpoint.
Future<Success> removeBreakpoint(
String isolateId, String breakpointId) async {
if (breakpointId == null) {
throw ArgumentError.notNull('breakpointId');
var jsId = _breakpoints.jsId(breakpointId);
var bp = _breakpoints.removeBreakpoint(js: jsId, dartId: breakpointId);
if (bp == null) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
breakpointId, 'Breakpoint not found with this id.');
..kind = EventKind.kBreakpointRemoved
..isolate = inspector.isolateRef
..breakpoint = bp);
await _removeBreakpoint(jsId);
return Success();
/// Call the Chrome protocol setBreakpoint and return the breakpoint ID.
Future<String> _setBreakpoint(Location location) async {
// Location is 0 based according to:
var response =
await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.setBreakpoint', params: {
'location': {
'scriptId': location.jsLocation.scriptId,
'lineNumber': location.jsLocation.line - 1,
return response.result['breakpointId'] as String;
/// Call the Chrome protocol removeBreakpoint.
Future<void> _removeBreakpoint(String breakpointId) async {
var response = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand(
params: {'breakpointId': breakpointId});
/// Find the [Location] for the given Dart source position.
/// The [line] number is 1-based.
Location _locationForDart(DartUri uri, int line) => sources
.firstWhere((location) => location.dartLocation.line == line,
orElse: () => null);
/// Find the [Location] for the given JS source position.
/// The [line] number is 1-based.
Location _locationForJs(String scriptId, int line) => sources
.firstWhere((location) => location.jsLocation.line == line,
orElse: () => null);
/// Returns source [Location] for the paused event.
/// If we do not have [Location] data for the embedded JS location, null is
/// returned.
Location _sourceLocation(DebuggerPausedEvent e) {
var frame = e.params['callFrames'][0];
var location = frame['location'];
var jsLocation = JsLocation.fromZeroBased(location['scriptId'] as String,
location['lineNumber'] as int, location['columnNumber'] as int);
return _locationForJs(jsLocation.scriptId, jsLocation.line);
/// Translates Chrome callFrames contained in [DebuggerPausedEvent] into Dart
/// [Frame]s.
Future<List<Frame>> dartFramesFor(List<Map<String, dynamic>> frames) async {
var dartFrames = <Frame>[];
var index = 0;
for (var frame in frames) {
var location = frame['location'];
var functionName = frame['functionName'] as String ?? '';
functionName = functionName.split('.').last;
// Chrome is 0 based. Account for this.
var jsLocation = JsLocation.fromZeroBased(location['scriptId'] as String,
location['lineNumber'] as int, location['columnNumber'] as int);
var dartFrame = await _frameFor(jsLocation);
if (dartFrame != null) { = functionName.isEmpty ? '<closure>' : functionName;
dartFrame.index = index++;
dartFrame.vars = await variablesFor(
frame['scopeChain'] as List<dynamic>,
frame['callFrameId'] as String);
return dartFrames;
/// The variables visible in a frame in Dart protocol [BoundVariable] form.
Future<List<BoundVariable>> variablesFor(
List<dynamic> scopeChain, String callFrameId) async {
// TODO(alanknight): Can these be moved to dart_scope.dart?
var properties = await visibleProperties(
scopeList: scopeChain.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>().toList(),
debugger: this,
callFrameId: callFrameId);
var boundVariables = await Future.wait( async => await _boundVariable(property)));
boundVariables = boundVariables.where((bv) => bv != null).toList();
boundVariables.sort((a, b) =>;
return boundVariables;
Future<BoundVariable> _boundVariable(Property property) async {
// We return one level of properties from this object. Sub-properties are
// another round trip.
var instanceRef =
await inspector.instanceHelper.instanceRefFor(property.value);
// Skip null instance refs, which we get for weird objects, e.g.
// properties that are getter/setter pairs.
// TODO(alanknight): Handle these properly.
if (instanceRef == null) return null;
return BoundVariable() =
..value = instanceRef
// TODO(grouma) - Provide an actual token position.
..declarationTokenPos = -1;
/// Calls the Chrome Runtime.getProperties API for the object with [id].
/// Note that the property names are JS names, e.g.
/// Symbol(DartClass.actualName) and will need to be converted.
Future<List<Property>> getProperties(String id) async {
var response =
await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.getProperties', params: {
'objectId': id,
'ownProperties': true,
var jsProperties = response.result['result'];
var properties = (jsProperties as List)
.map<Property>((each) => Property(each as Map<String, dynamic>))
return properties;
/// Returns a Dart [Frame] for a [JsLocation].
Future<Frame> _frameFor(JsLocation jsLocation) async {
// TODO(sdk/issues/37240) - ideally we look for an exact location instead
// of the closest location on a given line.
Location bestLocation;
for (var location in sources.locationsForJs(jsLocation.scriptId)) {
if (location.jsLocation.line == jsLocation.line) {
bestLocation ??= location;
if ((location.jsLocation.column - jsLocation.column).abs() <
(bestLocation.jsLocation.column - jsLocation.column).abs()) {
bestLocation = location;
if (bestLocation == null) return null;
var script =
await inspector?.scriptRefFor(bestLocation.dartLocation.uri.serverPath);
return Frame()
..code = (CodeRef() = createId()
..kind = CodeKind.kDart)
..location = (SourceLocation()
..tokenPos = bestLocation.tokenPos
..script = script)
..kind = FrameKind.kRegular;
/// Handles pause events coming from the Chrome connection.
Future<void> _pauseHandler(DebuggerPausedEvent e) async {
var isolate = inspector.isolate;
if (isolate == null) return;
var event = Event()..isolate = inspector.isolateRef;
var params = e.params;
var breakpoints = params['hitBreakpoints'] as List;
if (breakpoints.isNotEmpty) {
event.kind = EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint;
} else if (e.reason == 'exception' || e.reason == 'assert') {
event.kind = EventKind.kPauseException;
} else {
// If we don't have source location continue stepping.
if (_isStepping && _sourceLocation(e) == null) {
await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.stepInto');
event.kind = EventKind.kPauseInterrupted;
var jsFrames =
(e.params['callFrames'] as List).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
var frames = await dartFramesFor(jsFrames);
_pausedStack = Stack()
..frames = frames
..messages = [];
_pausedJsStack = jsFrames;
if (frames.isNotEmpty) event.topFrame = frames.first;
isolate.pauseEvent = event;
_streamNotify('Debug', event);
/// Handles resume events coming from the Chrome connection.
Future<void> _resumeHandler(DebuggerResumedEvent e) async {
// We can receive a resume event in the middle of a reload which will
// result in a null isolate.
var isolate = inspector?.isolate;
if (isolate == null) return;
_pausedStack = null;
_pausedJsStack = null;
var event = Event()
..kind = EventKind.kResume
..isolate = inspector.isolateRef;
isolate.pauseEvent = event;
_streamNotify('Debug', event);
/// Evaluate [expression] by calling Chrome's Runtime.evaluateOnCallFrame on
/// the call frame with index [frameIndex] in the currently saved stack.
/// If the program is not paused, so there is no current stack, throws a
/// [StateError].
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateJsOnCallFrameIndex(
int frameIndex, String expression) {
if (_pausedJsStack == null) {
throw StateError(
'Cannot evaluate on a call frame when the program is not paused');
return evaluateJsOnCallFrame(
_pausedJsStack[frameIndex]['callFrameId'] as String, expression);
/// Evaluate [expression] by calling Chrome's Runtime.evaluateOnCallFrame on
/// the call frame with id [callFrameId].
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateJsOnCallFrame(
String callFrameId, String expression) async {
// TODO(alanknight): Support a version with arguments if needed.
WipResponse result;
result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame',
params: {'callFrameId': callFrameId, 'expression': expression});
handleErrorIfPresent(result, evalContents: expression, additionalDetails: {
'Dart expression': expression,
return RemoteObject(result.result['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
/// Keeps track of the Dart and JS breakpoint Ids that correspond.
class _Breakpoints extends Domain {
final Map<String, String> _byJsId = {};
final Map<String, String> _byDartId = {};
_Breakpoints(AppInspectorProvider provider) : super(provider);
/// Record the breakpoint.
/// Either [dartId] or the Dart breakpoint [bp] must be provided.
void noteBreakpoint({String js, String dartId, Breakpoint bp}) {
_byJsId[js] = dartId ?? bp?.id;
_byDartId[dartId ?? bp?.id] = js;
var isolate = inspector.isolate;
if (bp != null) {
Breakpoint removeBreakpoint({String js, String dartId, Breakpoint bp}) {
var isolate = inspector.isolate;
_byDartId.remove(dartId ?? bp?.id);
Breakpoint dartBp;
// TODO: Do something better than the default throw when it's not found.
dartBp = bp ??
.firstWhere((b) => == dartId, orElse: () => null);
return dartBp;
String dartId(String jsId) => _byJsId[jsId];
String jsId(String dartId) => _byDartId[dartId];