blob: 1bb509e63a71695a138371f86d0fd05e01615234 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Returns a simplified version of a package url, replacing "path/to/flutter"
/// with "package:".
/// This is a bit of a hack, as we have file paths instead of the explicit
/// "package:uris" we'd like to have. This will be problematic for a use case
/// such as "packages/my_package/src/utils/packages/flutter/".
String getSimplePackageUrl(String url) {
const newPackagePrefix = 'package:';
const originalPackagePrefix = 'packages/';
const flutterPrefix = 'packages/flutter/';
const flutterWebPrefix = 'packages/flutter_web/';
final flutterPrefixIndex = url.indexOf(flutterPrefix);
final flutterWebPrefixIndex = url.indexOf(flutterWebPrefix);
if (flutterPrefixIndex != -1) {
return newPackagePrefix +
url.substring(flutterPrefixIndex + originalPackagePrefix.length);
} else if (flutterWebPrefixIndex != -1) {
return newPackagePrefix +
url.substring(flutterWebPrefixIndex + originalPackagePrefix.length);
return url;
/// Returns a trimmed vm service uri without any trailing characters.
/// For example, given a [value] of,
/// this method will return the URI
Uri getNormalizedTrimmedUri(String value) {
final uri = Uri.parse(value.trim()).removeFragment();
if (uri.path.endsWith('/')) return uri;
return uri.replace(path: uri.path);