blob: 9d8ea0e343157a3e1628df58b495fabb22d56a0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' hide VoidCallback;
import 'dart:js';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../framework/framework.dart';
import 'elements.dart';
import 'fake_flutter/fake_flutter.dart';
import 'ui_utils.dart';
// Generally, chunkSize should be a power of 2 for more efficient GPU handling
// of canvases.
// Using a smaller chunk size results in lower overall memory usage at the cost
// of creating more tiles.
const int chunkSize = 512;
// Enable this flag to help debug viewport canvas rendering.
const bool _debugChunks = false;
int _nextChunkId = 0;
/// Helper class managing a [chunkSize] x [chunkSize] canvas used to render a
/// single tile of the [ViewportCanvas].
class _CanvasChunk {
_CanvasChunk(_ChunkPosition position)
: canvas = createHighDpiCanvas(chunkSize, chunkSize) { = 'absolute';
_context =;
this.position = position;
_dirty = true;
if (_debugChunks) {
canvas.dataset['chunkId'] = '$_nextChunkId';
final CanvasElement canvas;
CanvasRenderingContext2D get context => _context;
CanvasRenderingContext2D _context;
bool _empty = true;
bool get dirty => _dirty;
bool _dirty;
bool attached = false;
int _lastFrameRendered = -1;
Rect rect;
_ChunkPosition get position => _position;
_ChunkPosition _position;
set position(_ChunkPosition p) {
if (_position == p) return;
_position = p;
rect = Rect.fromLTWH(
(position.x * chunkSize).toDouble(),
(position.y * chunkSize).toDouble(),
); = 'translate(${rect.left}px, ${}px)';
// Modify the canvas's coordinate system to match the global coordinates.
// This allows user code to paint to the canvas without knowledge of what
// the coordinate system of the chunk is.
void markNeedsPaint() {
_dirty = true;
void markPainted() {
_dirty = false;
_empty = false;
void clear() {
if (_empty) return;
_context.clearRect(rect.left,, chunkSize, chunkSize);
_empty = true;
void _debugPaint() {
if (_debugChunks) {
..strokeStyle = 'red'
..fillStyle = 'red'
..fillStyle = '#DDDDDD'
..fillRect(rect.left + 2, + 2, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 2)
..fillText('$rect', rect.left + 50, + 50)
class _ChunkPosition {
_ChunkPosition(this.x, this.y);
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! _ChunkPosition) return false;
return y == other.y && x == other.x;
int get hashCode => y * 37 + x;
final int x;
final int y;
typedef CanvasPaintCallback = void Function(
CanvasRenderingContext2D context, Rect rect);
typedef MouseCallback = void Function(Offset offset);
/// The callback returns whether the content needs to be rebuilt to reflect
/// the new size.
typedef SizeChangeCallback = void Function(Size size);
/// Class that enables efficient rendering of an arbitrarily large canvas by
/// managing a set of [chunkSize] x [chunkSize] tiles and only rendering tiles
/// for content within the current viewport.
/// This class is only compatible with browsers that support
/// [ResizeObserver].
class ViewportCanvas extends Object with SetStateMixin {
@required CanvasPaintCallback paintCallback,
MouseCallback onTap,
MouseCallback onMouseMove,
VoidCallback onMouseLeave,
SizeChangeCallback onSizeChange,
String classes,
this.addBuffer = true,
}) : _paintCallback = paintCallback,
_onTap = onTap,
_onMouseMove = onMouseMove,
_onMouseLeave = onMouseLeave,
_onSizeChange = onSizeChange,
_element = div(
a: 'flex',
c: classes,
_content = div() {
// This styling is added directly instead of via CSS as it is critical for
// correctness of the viewport calculations. = 'scroll';
..position = 'relative'
..width = '0'
..height = '0'
..overflow = 'hidden';
// TODO(jacobr): clean this code up when
// is fixed.
_resizeObserver = ResizeObserver(allowInterop((List<dynamic> entries, _) {
element.onScroll.listen((_) {
if (_currentMouseHover != null) {
// Add a buffer when mouse wheel scrolling as that event is unfortunately
// async so we risk flickering UI if we don't render with a buffer.
rebuild(force: false);
if (_onTap != null) {
_content.onClick.listen((e) {
// We do not have a simple `onTouch` method to use, so we use
// `onTouchStart`, `onTouchMove`, and `onTouchEnd` to accomplish the same
// end as well as disambiguate between touch-drags and touches.
_content.onTouchStart.listen((e) {
// If there are multiple touches, always use the first.
_activeTouch = e.touches.first;
_content.onTouchMove.listen((_) {
_wasDraggedByTouch = true;
_content.onTouchEnd.listen((_) {
if (!_wasDraggedByTouch && _activeTouch != null) {
_wasDraggedByTouch = false;
_activeTouch = null;
_content.element.onMouseLeave.listen((_) {
_currentMouseHover = null;
if (_onMouseLeave != null) {
_content.element.onMouseMove.listen((e) {
_currentMouseHover = e.client;
Point _currentMouseHover;
Touch _activeTouch;
bool _wasDraggedByTouch = false;
/// Id used to help debug what was rendered as part of the current frame.
int _frameId = 0;
final CanvasPaintCallback _paintCallback;
final MouseCallback _onTap;
final MouseCallback _onMouseMove;
final VoidCallback _onMouseLeave;
final SizeChangeCallback _onSizeChange;
final Map<_ChunkPosition, _CanvasChunk> _chunks = {};
static const int maxChunks = 50;
/// Resize observer used to detect when the viewport needs to be
/// recomputed.
ResizeObserver _resizeObserver;
CoreElement get element => _element;
final CoreElement _element;
/// Element containing all content that scrolls within the viewport.
final CoreElement _content;
double _contentWidth = 0;
double _contentHeight = 0;
bool _contentSizeChanged = true;
bool _hasPendingRebuild = false;
Rect get viewport => _viewport;
/// Whether to add an extra buffer of canvas tiles around the viewport to
/// reduce flicker when mouse wheel scrolling where the scroll events are
/// async.
final bool addBuffer;
/// The rendered viewport may be larger than _viewport if we have rendered
/// additional content outside the real viewport to avoid flicker on
/// scrollwheel events which may trigger scrolling.
Rect _renderedViewport;
Rect _viewport =;
void _dispatchMouseMoveEvent() {
if (_onMouseMove != null) {
Offset _clientToGlobal(Point client) {
final elementRect = _content.element.getBoundingClientRect();
return Offset(client.x - elementRect.left, client.y -;
void dispose() {
void _scheduleRebuild() {
if (!_hasPendingRebuild) {
// Set a flag to ensure we don't schedule rebuilds if there's already one
// in the queue.
_hasPendingRebuild = true;
setState(() {
_hasPendingRebuild = false;
rebuild(force: false);
// If [addBuffer] is true, a buffer of content is added around the visible
// content to reduce flicker when mouse wheel scrolling.
void rebuild({@required bool force}) {
final lastViewport = _viewport;
final rawElement = _element.element;
_viewport = Rect.fromLTWH(
if (_viewport.size != lastViewport.size && _onSizeChange != null) {
if (addBuffer) {
// Expand the viewport by a chunk in each direction to reduce flicker on
// mouse wheel scroll.
// TODO(jacobr): initially render a smaller viewport and then expand the
// viewport on idle.
_renderedViewport = _viewport
// Avoid extending the viewport outside of the actual content area.
.intersect(Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, _contentWidth, _contentHeight));
} else {
_renderedViewport = _viewport;
// TODO(jacobr): round viewport to the nearest chunk multiple so we
// don't get notifications until we actually need them.
_contentSizeChanged = false;
void setContentSize(double width, double height) {
if (width == _contentWidth && height == _contentHeight) {
_contentWidth = width;
_contentHeight = height;
..width = '${width}px'
..height = '${height}px';
if (!_contentSizeChanged) {
_contentSizeChanged = true;
// Trigger a re-render of all content matching rect.
void markNeedsPaint(Rect rect) {
final start = _getChunkPosition(rect.topLeft);
final end = _getChunkPosition(rect.bottomRight);
for (int y = start.y; y <= end.y; y++) {
for (int x = start.x; x <= end.x; x++) {
_chunks[_ChunkPosition(x, y)]?.markNeedsPaint();
setState(() {
rebuild(force: false);
_ChunkPosition _getChunkPosition(Offset offset) {
return _ChunkPosition(offset.dx ~/ chunkSize, offset.dy ~/ chunkSize);
_CanvasChunk _getChunk(_ChunkPosition position) {
var existing = _chunks[position];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing.dirty) {
return existing;
// Find an unused chunk. TODO(jacobr): consider using a LRU cache.
// The number of chunks is small so there is no need to really optimize this
// case.
for (_CanvasChunk chunk in _chunks.values) {
if (!_isVisible(chunk)) {
existing = chunk;
final removed = _chunks.remove(chunk.position);
assert(removed == existing);
existing.position = position;
_chunks[position] = existing;
if (existing.dirty) {
return existing;
assert(existing == null);
final chunk = _CanvasChunk(position);
_chunks[position] = chunk;
return chunk;
void _render(bool force) {
if (force) {
for (var chunk in _chunks.values) {
final start = _getChunkPosition(_renderedViewport.topLeft);
final end = _getChunkPosition(_renderedViewport.bottomRight);
for (int y = start.y; y <= end.y; y++) {
for (int x = start.x; x <= end.x; x++) {
final chunk = _getChunk(_ChunkPosition(x, y));
if (chunk.dirty) {
try {
_paintCallback(chunk.canvas.context2D, chunk.rect);
} catch (e, st) {
chunk._lastFrameRendered = _frameId;
for (_CanvasChunk chunk in _chunks.values) {
final attach = chunk._lastFrameRendered == _frameId;
if (attach != chunk.attached) {
if (attach) {
} else {
chunk.attached = attach;
bool _isVisible(_CanvasChunk chunk) => chunk.rect.overlaps(_renderedViewport);
void scrollToRect(Rect target) {
setState(() {
// This rebuild is for convenience to make sure the UI is in a sensible
// state before we start scrolling. Rebuilding is generally incremental
// so there is little cost due to triggering an extra rebuild.
rebuild(force: false);
// We have to reimplement some scrolling functionality as modifying the
// dom like this class does while a scroll is in progress interferes with
// built in scrolling into view logic.
if (_viewport.contains(target.topLeft) &&
_viewport.contains(target.bottomLeft)) {
// Already fully in view. Do nothing.
final bool overlaps = _viewport.overlaps(target);
num x = _viewport.left;
num y =;
if ( > {
// Scroll up
y =;
} else if (viewport.bottom < target.bottom) {
// Scroll down only as much as needed if the viewport overlaps
y = overlaps ? target.bottom - viewport.height :;
if (viewport.left > target.left) {
// Scroll left.
x = target.left.toInt();
} else if (viewport.right < target.right) {
// Scroll right
x = (target.right - viewport.width).toInt();
_element.element.scrollTo(x, y);