blob: 00574008ca7bb435e035648b61f8240a85080991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// A stand-in for another object which cannot be used except for specifically
/// overridden methods.
/// A fake has a default behavior for every field and method of throwing
/// [UnimplementedError]. Fields and methods that are exercised by the code
/// under test should be manually overridden in the implementing class.
/// A fake does not have any support for verification or defining behavior from
/// the test, it cannot be used as a mock.
/// In most cases a shared full fake implementation without a `noSuchMethod` is
/// preferable to `extends Fake`, however `extends Fake` is preferred against
/// `extends Mock` mixed with manual `@override` implementations.
/// __Example use__:
/// // Real class.
/// class Cat {
/// String meow(String suffix) => 'Meow$suffix';
/// String hiss(String suffix) => 'Hiss$suffix';
/// }
/// // Fake class.
/// class FakeCat extends Fake implements Cat {
/// @override
/// String meow(String suffix) => 'FakeMeow$suffix';
/// }
/// void main() {
/// // Create a new fake Cat at runtime.
/// var cat = new FakeCat();
/// // Try making a Cat sound...
/// print(cat.meow('foo')); // Prints 'FakeMeowfoo'
/// print(cat.hiss('foo')); // Throws
/// }
/// **WARNING**: [Fake] uses [noSuchMethod](, which is a _form_ of
/// runtime reflection, and causes sub-standard code to be generated. As such,
/// [Fake] should strictly _not_ be used in any production code, especially if
/// used within the context of Dart for Web (dart2js, DDC) and Dart for Mobile
/// (Flutter).
abstract class Fake {
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw UnimplementedError(invocation.memberName.toString().split('"')[1]);