blob: 7130eb58271825407f4bdeb1576f8377c193879e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
/// Converts the given [documentation] string into a list of
/// [ErrorCodeDocumentationPart] objects. These objects represent
/// user-publishable documentation about the given [errorCode], along with code
/// blocks illustrating when the error occurs and how to fix it.
List<ErrorCodeDocumentationPart>? parseErrorCodeDocumentation(
String errorCode, String? documentation) {
if (documentation == null) {
return null;
var documentationLines = documentation.split('\n');
if (documentationLines.isEmpty) {
return null;
var parser = _ErrorCodeDocumentationParser(errorCode, documentationLines);
return parser.result;
/// Enum representing the different documentation sections in which an
/// [ErrorCodeDocumentationBlock] might appear.
enum BlockSection {
// The "Examples" section, where we give examples of code that generates the
// error.
// The "Common fixes" section, where we give examples of code that doesn't
// generate the error.
/// An [ErrorCodeDocumentationPart] containing a block of code.
class ErrorCodeDocumentationBlock extends ErrorCodeDocumentationPart {
/// The code itself.
final String text;
/// The section this block is contained in.
final BlockSection containingSection;
/// A list of the experiments that need to be enabled for this code to behave
/// as expected (if any).
final List<String> experiments;
/// The file type of this code block (e.g. `dart` or `yaml`).
final String fileType;
/// The language version that must be active for this code to behave as
/// expected (if any).
final String? languageVersion;
/// If this code is an auxiliary file that supports other blocks, the URI of
/// the file.
final String? uri;
{required this.containingSection,
this.experiments = const [],
required this.fileType,
String formatForDocumentation() => fileType == 'dart'
? ['{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}', text, '{% endprettify %}']
: ['```$fileType', text, '```'].join('\n');
/// A portion of an error code's documentation. This could be free form
/// markdown text ([ErrorCodeDocumentationText]) or a code block
/// ([ErrorCodeDocumentationBlock]).
abstract class ErrorCodeDocumentationPart {
/// Formats this documentation part as text suitable for inclusion in the
/// analyzer's `` file.
String formatForDocumentation();
/// An [ErrorCodeDocumentationPart] containing free form markdown text.
class ErrorCodeDocumentationText extends ErrorCodeDocumentationPart {
/// The text, in markdown format.
final String text;
String formatForDocumentation() => text;
class _ErrorCodeDocumentationParser {
/// The prefix used on directive lines to specify the experiments that should
/// be enabled for a snippet.
static const String experimentsPrefix = '%experiments=';
/// The prefix used on directive lines to specify the language version for
/// the snippet.
static const String languagePrefix = '%language=';
/// The prefix used on directive lines to indicate the URI of an auxiliary
/// file that is needed for testing purposes.
static const String uriDirectivePrefix = '%uri="';
final String errorCode;
final List<String> commentLines;
final List<ErrorCodeDocumentationPart> result = [];
int currentLineNumber = 0;
String? currentSection;
_ErrorCodeDocumentationParser(this.errorCode, this.commentLines);
bool get done => currentLineNumber >= commentLines.length;
String get line => commentLines[currentLineNumber];
BlockSection computeCurrentBlockSection() {
switch (currentSection) {
case '#### Example':
case '#### Examples':
return BlockSection.examples;
case '#### Common fixes':
return BlockSection.commonFixes;
case null:
problem('Code block before section header');
problem('Code block in invalid section ${json.encode(currentSection)}');
void parse() {
var textLines = <String>[];
void flushText() {
if (textLines.isNotEmpty) {
textLines = [];
while (!done) {
if (line.startsWith('TODO')) {
// Everything after the "TODO" is ignored.
} else if (line.startsWith('%')) {
problem('% directive outside code block');
} else if (line.startsWith('```')) {
} else {
if (line.startsWith('#') && !line.startsWith('#####')) {
currentSection = line;
Never problem(String explanation) {
throw 'In documentation for $errorCode, at line ${currentLineNumber + 1}, '
void processCodeBlock() {
var containingSection = computeCurrentBlockSection();
var codeLines = <String>[];
String? languageVersion;
String? uri;
List<String>? experiments;
var fileType = line.substring(3);
if (fileType.isEmpty) {
problem('Code blocks should have a file type, e.g. "```dart"');
while (true) {
if (done) {
problem('Unterminated code block');
} else if (line.startsWith('```')) {
if (line != '```') {
problem('Code blocks should end with "```"');
containingSection: containingSection,
experiments: experiments ?? const [],
fileType: fileType,
languageVersion: languageVersion,
uri: uri));
} else if (line.startsWith('%')) {
if (line.startsWith(languagePrefix)) {
if (languageVersion != null) {
problem('Multiple language version directives');
languageVersion = line.substring(languagePrefix.length);
} else if (line.startsWith(uriDirectivePrefix)) {
if (uri != null) {
problem('Multiple URI directives');
if (!line.endsWith('"')) {
problem('URI directive should be surrounded by double quotes');
uri = line.substring(uriDirectivePrefix.length, line.length - 1);
} else if (line.startsWith(experimentsPrefix)) {
if (experiments != null) {
problem('Multiple experiments directives');
experiments = line
.map((e) => e.trim())
} else {
problem('Unrecognized directive ${json.encode(line)}');
} else {