blob: 8c9feb3ededaf3d86848d45bf0419e8eb6406c22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/resolve_relative_uri.dart';
/// The instance of [UriCache] that should be used in the analyzer.
final UriCache uriCache = UriCache();
/// The object that provides the [Uri] instance for each unique string,
/// representing either relative or absolute URI.
/// In a package it is usual to have multiple libraries, which import same
/// other libraries. This means that when we process import directives,
/// we get the same URIs. We don't want to create new instances of [Uri] for
/// each such URI string. So, each method of this class returns either the
/// already cached instance of [Uri], or creates a new instance, puts it into
/// the cache, and returns.
/// When a [Uri] instance is not used anymore, it will be garbage collected,
/// because the cache uses [WeakReference]s.
class UriCache {
static const _getCountBeforePruning = 10000;
static const _minLengthForPruning = 1000;
final Map<String, WeakReference<Uri>> _map = {};
int _getCount = 0;
/// Returns the [Uri] for [uriStr].
Uri parse(String uriStr) {
return _parse(uriStr);
/// Resolves [contained] against [base].
Uri resolveRelative(Uri base, Uri contained) {
if (contained.isAbsolute) {
return contained;
var result = resolveRelativeUri(base, contained);
return _unique(result);
/// Returns the [Uri] for [uriStr], or `null` if it cannot be parsed.
Uri? tryParse(String uriStr) {
var result = _map[uriStr]?.target;
if (result == null) {
result = Uri.tryParse(uriStr);
if (result != null) {
_put(uriStr, result);
return result;
/// Returns the [Uri] for [uriStr], or given [uri] if provided.
Uri _parse(String uriStr, {Uri? uri}) {
var result = _map[uriStr]?.target;
if (result == null) {
result = uri ?? Uri.parse(uriStr);
_put(uriStr, result);
return result;
void _prune() {
if (_getCount++ < _getCountBeforePruning) {
_getCount = 0;
if (_map.length < _minLengthForPruning) {
final keysToRemove = <String>[];
for (final entry in _map.entries) {
if ( == null) {
for (final key in keysToRemove) {
void _put(String uriStr, Uri uri) {
_map[uriStr] = WeakReference(uri);
/// Returns the shared [Uri] for the given [uri].
Uri _unique(Uri uri) {
var uriStr = uri.toString();
return _parse(uriStr, uri: uri);