blob: dedf1bf7e745b2735de9ef2654aa026c24a38262 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
/// A class for parsing and representing test code that contains special markup
/// to simplify marking up positions and ranges in test code.
/// Positions and ranges are marked with brackets inside block comments:
/// ```
/// position ::= '/*' integer '*/
/// rangeStart ::= '/*[' integer '*/
/// rangeEnd ::= '/*' integer ']*/
/// ```
/// Numbers start at 0 and positions and range starts must be consecutive.
/// The same numbers can be used to represent both positions and ranges.
/// For convenience, a single position can also be marked with a `^` (which
/// behaves the same as `/*0*/).
class TestCode {
static final _positionShorthand = '^';
static final _rangeStartShorthand = '[!';
static final _rangeEndShorthand = '!]';
static final _positionPattern = RegExp(r'\/\*(\d+)\*\/');
static final _rangeStartPattern = RegExp(r'\/\*\[(\d+)\*\/');
static final _rangeEndPattern = RegExp(r'\/\*(\d+)\]\*\/');
final String code;
final String rawCode;
/// A map of positions marked in code, indexed by their number.
final List<TestCodePosition> positions;
/// A map of ranges marked in code, indexed by their number.
final List<TestCodeRange> ranges;
required this.rawCode,
required this.code,
required this.positions,
required this.ranges,
TestCodePosition get position => positions.single;
TestCodeRange get range => ranges.single;
static TestCode parse(
String rawCode, {
bool positionShorthand = true,
bool rangeShorthand = true,
}) {
final scanner = _StringScanner(rawCode);
final codeBuffer = StringBuffer();
final positionOffsets = <int, int>{};
final rangeStartOffsets = <int, int>{};
final rangeEndOffsets = <int, int>{};
late int start;
int scannedNumber() => int.parse(scanner.lastMatch!.group(1)!);
void recordPosition(int number) {
if (positionOffsets.containsKey(number)) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains multiple positions numbered $number');
} else if (number > positionOffsets.length) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains position numbered $number but expected ${positionOffsets.length}');
positionOffsets[number] = start;
void recordRangeStart(int number) {
if (rangeStartOffsets.containsKey(number)) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains multiple range starts numbered $number');
} else if (number > rangeStartOffsets.length) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains range start numbered $number but expected ${rangeStartOffsets.length}');
rangeStartOffsets[number] = start;
void recordRangeEnd(int number) {
if (rangeEndOffsets.containsKey(number)) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains multiple range ends numbered $number');
if (!rangeStartOffsets.containsKey(number)) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains range end numbered $number without a preceeding start');
rangeEndOffsets[number] = start;
while (!scanner.isDone) {
start = codeBuffer.length;
if (positionShorthand && scanner.scan(_positionShorthand)) {
} else if (scanner.scan(_positionPattern)) {
} else if (rangeShorthand && scanner.scan(_rangeStartShorthand)) {
} else if (rangeShorthand && scanner.scan(_rangeEndShorthand)) {
} else if (scanner.scan(_rangeStartPattern)) {
} else if (scanner.scan(_rangeEndPattern)) {
} else {
final unendedRanges =
if (unendedRanges.isNotEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Code contains range starts numbered $unendedRanges without ends');
final code = codeBuffer.toString();
final lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(code);
final positions =
(number, offset) => MapEntry(
TestCodePosition(lineInfo, offset),
final ranges =
(number, offset) => MapEntry(
code.substring(offset, rangeEndOffsets[number]!),
SourceRange(offset, rangeEndOffsets[number]! - offset),
return TestCode._(
code: code,
rawCode: rawCode,
positions: positions.values.toList(),
ranges: ranges.values.toList(),
/// A marked position in the test code.
class TestCodePosition {
/// Line break information for the test code.
final LineInfo lineInfo;
/// The 0-based offset of the marker.
/// Offsets are based on [TestCode.code], with all parsed markers removed.
final int offset;
TestCodePosition(this.lineInfo, this.offset);
class TestCodeRange {
/// Line break information for the test code.
final LineInfo lineInfo;
/// The text from [TestCode.code] covered by this range.
final String text;
/// The [SourceRange] indicated by the markers.
/// Offsets/lengths are based on [TestCode.code], with all parsed markers
/// removed.
final SourceRange sourceRange;
TestCodeRange(this.lineInfo, this.text, this.sourceRange);
/// A simple scanner to read characters and [Pattern]s from a source string.
class _StringScanner {
final String _source;
int _position = 0;
int? _lastMatchPosition;
Match? _lastMatch;
/// Returns whether the end of the string has been reached.
bool get isDone => _position == _source.length;
/// Returns the last match from scaling [scan] if the position has not
/// advanced since.
Match? get lastMatch {
return _position == _lastMatchPosition ? _lastMatch : null;
/// Scans forwards a single character, returning its character code.
int readChar() {
if (isDone) {
throw StateError('Unable to scan past the end of string');
return _source.codeUnitAt(_position++);
/// Scans forwards to the end of the match if the string from the current
/// position starts with [pattern].
/// Returns whether any match occurred.
bool scan(Pattern pattern) {
if (isDone) {
throw StateError('Unable to scan past the end of string');
final match = pattern.matchAsPrefix(_source, _position);
if (match != null) {
_position = match.end;
_lastMatch = match;
_lastMatchPosition = _position;
return true;
return false;