blob: db1d0e33b5038722b21340bc495ea9b982289524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/ast_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/link.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/linking_node_scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/inference_error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/strong_mode.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
/// Resolver for typed constant top-level variables and fields initializers.
/// Initializers of untyped variables are resolved during [TopLevelInference].
class ConstantInitializersResolver {
final Linker linker;
late CompilationUnitElementImpl _unitElement;
late LibraryElement _library;
bool _enclosingClassHasConstConstructor = false;
late Scope _scope;
void perform() {
for (var builder in {
_library = builder.element;
for (var unit in _library.units) {
_unitElement = unit as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
_scope = unit.enclosingElement.scope;
void _resolveExtensionFields(ExtensionElement extension_) {
var node = linker.getLinkingNode(extension_)!;
_scope = LinkingNodeContext.get(node).scope;
for (var element in extension_.fields) {
void _resolveInterfaceFields(InterfaceElement class_) {
_enclosingClassHasConstConstructor =
class_.constructors.any((c) => c.isConst);
var node = linker.getLinkingNode(class_)!;
_scope = LinkingNodeContext.get(node).scope;
for (var element in class_.fields) {
_enclosingClassHasConstConstructor = false;
void _resolveVariable(PropertyInducingElement element) {
element as PropertyInducingElementImpl;
var variable = linker.getLinkingNode(element);
if (variable is! VariableDeclaration) return;
if (variable.initializer == null) return;
var declarationList = variable.parent as VariableDeclarationList;
if (declarationList.isConst ||
declarationList.isFinal && _enclosingClassHasConstConstructor) {
var astResolver = AstResolver(linker, _unitElement, _scope);
astResolver.resolveExpression(() => variable.initializer!,
contextType: element.type);
if (element is ConstVariableElement) {
var constElement = element as ConstVariableElement;
constElement.constantInitializer = variable.initializer;
class TopLevelInference {
final Linker linker;
void infer() {
var initializerInference = _InitializerInference(linker);
void _performOverrideInference() {
var inferrer = InstanceMemberInferrer(linker.inheritance);
for (var builder in {
for (var unit in builder.element.units) {
enum _InferenceStatus { notInferred, beingInferred, inferred }
class _InitializerInference {
final Linker _linker;
final List<PropertyInducingElementImpl> _toInfer = [];
final List<_PropertyInducingElementTypeInference> _inferring = [];
late CompilationUnitElementImpl _unitElement;
late Scope _scope;
void createNodes() {
for (var builder in {
for (var unit in builder.element.units) {
_unitElement = unit;
_scope = unit.enclosingElement.scope;
for (var element in unit.topLevelVariables) {
/// Perform type inference for variables for which it was not done yet.
void perform() {
for (var element in _toInfer) {
// Will perform inference, if not done yet.
void _addClassElementFields(InterfaceElement class_) {
var node = _linker.getLinkingNode(class_)!;
_scope = LinkingNodeContext.get(node).scope;
for (var element in class_.fields) {
void _addExtensionElementFields(ExtensionElement extension_) {
var node = _linker.getLinkingNode(extension_)!;
_scope = LinkingNodeContext.get(node).scope;
for (var element in extension_.fields) {
void _addVariableNode(PropertyInducingElement element) {
element as PropertyInducingElementImpl;
if (element.isSynthetic &&
!(element is FieldElementImpl && element.isSyntheticEnumField)) {
if (!element.hasImplicitType) return;
var node = _linker.getLinkingNode(element) as VariableDeclaration;
element.typeInference = _PropertyInducingElementTypeInference(
_linker, _inferring, _unitElement, _scope, element, node);
class _PropertyInducingElementTypeInference
implements PropertyInducingElementTypeInference {
final Linker _linker;
/// The stack of objects performing inference now. A new object is pushed
/// when we start resolving the initializer, and popped when we are done.
final List<_PropertyInducingElementTypeInference> _inferring;
/// The status is used to identify a cycle, when we are asked to infer the
/// type, but the status is already [_InferenceStatus.beingInferred].
_InferenceStatus _status = _InferenceStatus.notInferred;
final CompilationUnitElementImpl _unitElement;
final Scope _scope;
final PropertyInducingElementImpl _element;
final VariableDeclaration _node;
_PropertyInducingElementTypeInference(this._linker, this._inferring,
this._unitElement, this._scope, this._element, this._node);
DartType perform() {
if (_node.initializer == null) {
_status = _InferenceStatus.inferred;
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
// With this status the type must be already set.
// So, the element knows the type, ans should not call the inferrer.
if (_status == _InferenceStatus.inferred) {
assert(false, 'Should not happen: $_element');
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
// If we are already inferring this element, we found a cycle.
if (_status == _InferenceStatus.beingInferred) {
var startIndex = _inferring.indexOf(this);
var cycle = _inferring.slice(startIndex);
var inferenceError = TopLevelInferenceError(
kind: TopLevelInferenceErrorKind.dependencyCycle,
arguments: =>,
for (var inference in cycle) {
if (inference._status == _InferenceStatus.beingInferred) {
var element = inference._element;
element.typeInferenceError = inferenceError;
element.type = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
inference._status = _InferenceStatus.inferred;
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
assert(_status == _InferenceStatus.notInferred);
// Push self into the stack, and mark.
_status = _InferenceStatus.beingInferred;
final enclosingElement = _element.enclosingElement;
final enclosingClassElement =
enclosingElement is ClassElement ? enclosingElement : null;
var astResolver = AstResolver(_linker, _unitElement, _scope,
enclosingClassElement: enclosingClassElement);
astResolver.resolveExpression(() => _node.initializer!);
// Pop self from the stack.
var self = _inferring.removeLast();
assert(identical(self, this));
// We might have found a cycle, and already set the type.
// Anyway, we are done.
if (_status == _InferenceStatus.inferred) {
return _element.type;
} else {
_status = _InferenceStatus.inferred;
var initializerType = _node.initializer!.typeOrThrow;
return _refineType(initializerType);
DartType _refineType(DartType type) {
if (type.isDartCoreNull) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
var typeSystem = _unitElement.library.typeSystem;
if (typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault) {
return typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(type);
} else {
if (type.isBottom) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return type;