blob: aed40498a24af833a43f1d733bf8ded77ce5a032 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/export.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/reference.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/uri_cache.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
final _logRing = Queue<String>();
void addToLogRing(String entry) {
if (_logRing.length > 10) {
class LinkedElementFactory {
static final _dartCoreUri = uriCache.parse('dart:core');
static final _dartAsyncUri = uriCache.parse('dart:async');
final AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext;
AnalysisSessionImpl analysisSession;
final Reference rootReference;
final Map<Uri, LibraryReader> _libraryReaders = {};
bool isApplyingInformativeData = false;
) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(analysisContext, 'analysisContext');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(analysisSession, 'analysisSession');
LibraryElementImpl get dartAsyncElement {
return libraryOfUri2(_dartAsyncUri);
LibraryElementImpl get dartCoreElement {
return libraryOfUri2(_dartCoreUri);
Reference get dynamicRef {
return rootReference.getChild('dart:core').getChild('dynamic');
/// Returns URIs for which [LibraryElementImpl] is ready.
List<Uri> get uriListWithLibraryElements {
return rootReference.children
.map((reference) => reference.element)
.map((e) => e.source.uri)
/// Returns URIs for which we have readers, but not elements.
List<Uri> get uriListWithLibraryReaders {
return _libraryReaders.keys.toList();
void addBundle(BundleReader bundle) {
void addLibraries(Map<Uri, LibraryReader> libraries) {
Namespace buildExportNamespace(
Uri uri,
List<ExportedReference> exportedReferences,
) {
var exportedNames = <String, Element>{};
for (var exportedReference in exportedReferences) {
var element = elementOfReference(exportedReference.reference);
// TODO(scheglov) Remove after
if (element == null) {
throw StateError(
'[No element]'
'[uri: $uri]'
'[exportedReferences: $exportedReferences]'
'[exportedReference: $exportedReference]',
exportedNames[!] = element;
return Namespace(exportedNames);
LibraryElementImpl? createLibraryElementForReading(Uri uri) {
var sourceFactory = analysisContext.sourceFactory;
var librarySource = sourceFactory.forUri2(uri);
// The URI cannot be resolved, we don't know the library.
if (librarySource == null) return null;
var reader = _libraryReaders[uri];
if (reader == null) {
var rootChildren = =>;
if (rootChildren.length > 100) {
rootChildren = [
'... (${rootChildren.length} total)'
throw ArgumentError(
'Missing library: $uri\n'
'Libraries: $uriListWithLibraryElements\n'
'Root children: $rootChildren\n'
'Readers: ${_libraryReaders.keys.toList()}\n'
'Log: ${_logRing.join('\n')}\n',
var libraryElement = reader.readElement(
librarySource: librarySource,
return libraryElement;
void createTypeProviders(
LibraryElementImpl dartCore,
LibraryElementImpl dartAsync,
) {
if (analysisContext.hasTypeProvider) {
legacy: TypeProviderImpl(
coreLibrary: dartCore,
asyncLibrary: dartAsync,
isNonNullableByDefault: false,
nonNullableByDefault: TypeProviderImpl(
coreLibrary: dartCore,
asyncLibrary: dartAsync,
isNonNullableByDefault: true,
// During linking we create libraries when typeProvider is not ready.
// Update these libraries now, when typeProvider is ready.
for (var reference in rootReference.children) {
var libraryElement = reference.element as LibraryElementImpl?;
if (libraryElement != null && !libraryElement.hasTypeProviderSystemSet) {
void dispose() {
for (var libraryReference in rootReference.children) {
/// TODO(scheglov) Why would this method return `null`?
Element? elementOfReference(Reference reference) {
if (reference.element != null) {
return reference.element;
if (reference.parent == null) {
return null;
if (reference.isLibrary) {
final uri = uriCache.parse(;
return createLibraryElementForReading(uri);
var parent = reference.parent!.parent!;
var parentElement = elementOfReference(parent);
if (parentElement is ClassElementImpl) {
var linkedData = parentElement.linkedData;
if (linkedData is ClassElementLinkedData) {
var element = reference.element;
if (element == null) {
throw StateError('Expected existing element: $reference');
return element;
bool hasLibrary(Uri uri) {
// We already have the element, linked or read.
if (rootReference['$uri']?.element is LibraryElementImpl) {
return true;
// No element yet, but we know how to read it.
return _libraryReaders[uri] != null;
LibraryElementImpl? libraryOfUri(Uri uri) {
var reference = rootReference.getChild('$uri');
return elementOfReference(reference) as LibraryElementImpl?;
LibraryElementImpl libraryOfUri2(Uri uri) {
var element = libraryOfUri(uri);
if (element == null) {
throw StateError('No library: $uri');
return element;
/// We have linked the bundle, and need to disconnect its libraries, so
/// that the client can re-add the bundle, this time read from bytes.
void removeBundle(Set<Uri> uriSet) {
/// Remove libraries with the specified URIs from the reference tree, and
/// any session level caches.
void removeLibraries(Set<Uri> uriSet) {
addToLogRing('[removeLibraries][uriSet: $uriSet][${StackTrace.current}]');
for (final uri in uriSet) {
final libraryReference = rootReference.removeChild('$uri');
// If we discard `dart:core` and `dart:async`, we should also discard
// the type provider.
if (uriSet.contains(_dartCoreUri)) {
if (!uriSet.contains(_dartAsyncUri)) {
throw StateError(
'Expected to link dart:core and dart:async together: '
if (_libraryReaders.isNotEmpty) {
throw StateError(
'Expected to link dart:core and dart:async first: '
void replaceAnalysisSession(AnalysisSessionImpl newSession) {
analysisSession = newSession;
for (var libraryReference in rootReference.children) {
var libraryElement = libraryReference.element;
if (libraryElement is LibraryElementImpl) {
libraryElement.session = newSession;
void setLibraryTypeSystem(LibraryElementImpl libraryElement) {
// During linking we create libraries when typeProvider is not ready.
// And if we link dart:core and dart:async, we cannot create it.
// We will set typeProvider later, during [createTypeProviders].
if (!analysisContext.hasTypeProvider) {
var isNonNullable = libraryElement.isNonNullableByDefault;
libraryElement.typeProvider = isNonNullable
? analysisContext.typeProviderNonNullableByDefault
: analysisContext.typeProviderLegacy;
libraryElement.typeSystem = isNonNullable
? analysisContext.typeSystemNonNullableByDefault
: analysisContext.typeSystemLegacy;
libraryElement.hasTypeProviderSystemSet = true;
void _disposeLibrary(Element? libraryElement) {
if (libraryElement is LibraryElementImpl) {