blob: 9ac6f4e6c877305ece227b02ad8b117dce8270a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
/// A version describing Dart language version 2.12.0.
final Version dart2_12 = Version(2, 12, 0);
/// A version describing Dart language version 3.0.0.
final Version dart3 = Version(3, 0, 0);
/// A state that marks a lint as deprecated.
class DeprecatedState extends State {
/// An optional lint name that replaces the rule with this state.
final String? replacedBy;
/// Initialize a newly created deprecated state with given values.
const DeprecatedState({super.since, this.replacedBy})
: super(label: 'deprecated');
/// A state that marks a lint as experimental.
class ExperimentalState extends State {
/// Initialize a newly created experimental state with given values.
const ExperimentalState({super.since}) : super(label: 'experimental');
/// A state that identifies a lint as having been removed.
class RemovedState extends State {
/// An optional lint name that replaces the rule with this state.
final String? replacedBy;
/// Initialize a newly created removed state with given values.
const RemovedState({super.since, this.replacedBy}) : super(label: 'removed');
/// A state that marks a lint as stable.
class StableState extends State {
/// Initialize a newly created stable state with given values.
const StableState({super.since}) : super(label: 'stable');
/// Describes the state of a lint.
abstract class State {
static const _undatedStable = StableState();
static const _undatedDeprecated = DeprecatedState();
static const _undatedExperimental = ExperimentalState();
/// An Optional Dart language version that identifies the start of this state.
final Version? since;
/// A short description, suitable for displaying in documentation or a
/// diagnostic message.
final String label;
/// Initialize a newly created State object.
const State({required this.label, this.since});
/// Initialize a newly created deprecated state with given values.
factory State.deprecated({Version? since, String? replacedBy}) =>
since == null && replacedBy == null
? _undatedDeprecated
: DeprecatedState(since: since, replacedBy: replacedBy);
/// Initialize a newly created experimental state with given values.
factory State.experimental({Version? since}) =>
since == null ? _undatedExperimental : ExperimentalState(since: since);
/// Initialize a newly created removed state with given values.
factory State.removed({Version? since, String? replacedBy}) =>
RemovedState(since: since, replacedBy: replacedBy);
/// Initialize a newly created stable state with given values.
factory State.stable({Version? since}) =>
since == null ? _undatedStable : StableState(since: since);
/// An optional description that can be used in documentation or diagnostic
/// reporting.
String? getDescription() => null;
extension StateExtension on State {
bool get isDeprecated => this is DeprecatedState;
bool get isExperimental => this is ExperimentalState;
bool get isRemoved => this is RemovedState;
bool get isStable => this is StableState;