blob: ab917f2e9b82187a526aab029a2b603d3466de8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
export 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart' show LineInfo;
export 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
/// Base class providing implementations for the methods in [Source] that don't
/// require filesystem access.
abstract class BasicSource extends Source {
final Uri uri;
String get fullName => '$uri';
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
String get shortName => pathos.basename(fullName);
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Source && other.uri == uri;
/// Instances of the class `DartUriResolver` resolve `dart` URI's.
class DartUriResolver extends UriResolver {
/// The name of the `dart` scheme.
static String DART_SCHEME = "dart";
/// The Dart SDK against which URI's are to be resolved.
final DartSdk _sdk;
/// Initialize a newly created resolver to resolve Dart URI's against the
/// given platform within the given Dart SDK.
/// Return the [DartSdk] against which URIs are to be resolved.
/// @return the [DartSdk] against which URIs are to be resolved.
DartSdk get dartSdk => _sdk;
Uri? pathToUri(String path) {
return _sdk.pathToUri(path);
Source? resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) {
if (!isDartUri(uri)) {
return null;
return _sdk.mapDartUri(uri.toString());
/// Return `true` if the given URI is a `dart:` URI.
/// @param uri the URI being tested
/// @return `true` if the given URI is a `dart:` URI
static bool isDartUri(Uri uri) => DART_SCHEME == uri.scheme;
/// An implementation of an non-existing [Source].
class NonExistingSource extends Source {
static final unknown = NonExistingSource(
final String fullName;
final Uri uri;
NonExistingSource(this.fullName, this.uri);
TimestampedData<String> get contents {
throw UnsupportedError('$fullName does not exist.');
int get hashCode => fullName.hashCode;
String get shortName => pathos.basename(fullName);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is NonExistingSource) {
return other.uri == uri && other.fullName == fullName;
return false;
bool exists() => false;
String toString() => 'NonExistingSource($uri, $fullName)';
/// The interface `Source` defines the behavior of objects representing source
/// code that can be analyzed by the analysis engine.
/// Implementations of this interface need to be aware of some assumptions made
/// by the analysis engine concerning sources:
/// * Sources are not required to be unique. That is, there can be multiple
/// instances representing the same source.
/// * Sources are long lived. That is, the engine is allowed to hold on to a
/// source for an extended period of time and that source must continue to
/// report accurate and up-to-date information.
/// Because of these assumptions, most implementations will not maintain any
/// state but will delegate to an authoritative system of record in order to
/// implement this API. For example, a source that represents files on disk
/// would typically query the file system to determine the state of the file.
/// If the instances that implement this API are the system of record, then they
/// will typically be unique. In that case, sources that are created that
/// represent nonexistent files must also be retained so that if those files
/// are created at a later date the long-lived sources representing those files
/// will know that they now exist.
abstract class Source {
/// Get the contents and timestamp of this source.
/// Clients should consider using the method [AnalysisContext.getContents]
/// because contexts can have local overrides of the content of a source that
/// the source is not aware of.
/// @return the contents and timestamp of the source
/// @throws Exception if the contents of this source could not be accessed
TimestampedData<String> get contents;
/// Return the full (long) version of the name that can be displayed to the
/// user to denote this source. For example, for a source representing a file
/// this would typically be the absolute path of the file.
/// @return a name that can be displayed to the user to denote this source
String get fullName;
/// Return a hash code for this source.
/// @return a hash code for this source
/// See [Object.hashCode].
int get hashCode;
/// Return a short version of the name that can be displayed to the user to
/// denote this source. For example, for a source representing a file this
/// would typically be the name of the file.
/// @return a name that can be displayed to the user to denote this source
String get shortName;
/// Return the URI from which this source was originally derived.
/// @return the URI from which this source was originally derived
Uri get uri;
/// Return `true` if the given object is a source that represents the same
/// source code as this source.
/// @param object the object to be compared with this object
/// @return `true` if the given object is a source that represents the same
/// source code as this source
/// See [Object.==].
bool operator ==(Object other);
/// Return `true` if this source exists.
/// Clients should consider using the method [AnalysisContext.exists] because
/// contexts can have local overrides of the content of a source that the
/// source is not aware of and a source with local content is considered to
/// exist even if there is no file on disk.
/// @return `true` if this source exists
bool exists();
/// Instances of the class `SourceFactory` resolve possibly relative URI's
/// against an existing [Source].
abstract class SourceFactory {
/// Initialize a newly created source factory with the given absolute URI
/// [resolvers].
factory SourceFactory(List<UriResolver> resolvers) = SourceFactoryImpl;
/// Return the [DartSdk] associated with this [SourceFactory], or `null` if
/// there is no such SDK.
/// @return the [DartSdk] associated with this [SourceFactory], or `null` if
/// there is no such SDK
DartSdk? get dartSdk;
/// A table mapping package names to paths of directories containing
/// the package (or [null] if there is no registered package URI resolver).
Map<String, List<Folder>>? get packageMap;
/// Return a source object representing the given absolute URI, or `null` if
/// the URI is not a valid URI or if it is not an absolute URI.
/// @param absoluteUri the absolute URI to be resolved
/// @return a source object representing the absolute URI
Source? forUri(String absoluteUri);
/// Return a source object representing the given absolute URI, or `null` if
/// the URI is not an absolute URI.
/// @param absoluteUri the absolute URI to be resolved
/// @return a source object representing the absolute URI
Source? forUri2(Uri absoluteUri);
/// Return the URI that should be used to reference the file at the absolute
/// [path], or `null` if there is no valid way to reference the file.
/// The file at that path is not required to exist.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if the [path] is not a valid path.
Uri? pathToUri(String path);
/// Return a source representing the URI that results from resolving the given
/// (possibly relative) [containedUri] against the URI associated with the
/// [containingSource], whether or not the resulting source exists, or `null`
/// if either the [containedUri] is invalid or if it cannot be resolved
/// against the [containingSource]'s URI.
Source? resolveUri(Source? containingSource, String? containedUri);
/// The enumeration `SourceKind` defines the different kinds of sources that are
/// known to the analysis engine.
class SourceKind implements Comparable<SourceKind> {
/// A source containing HTML. The HTML might or might not contain Dart
/// scripts.
static const SourceKind HTML = SourceKind('HTML', 0);
/// A Dart compilation unit that is not a part of another library. Libraries
/// might or might not contain any directives, including a library directive.
static const SourceKind LIBRARY = SourceKind('LIBRARY', 1);
/// A Dart compilation unit that is part of another library. Parts contain a
/// part-of directive.
static const SourceKind PART = SourceKind('PART', 2);
/// An unknown kind of source. Used both when it is not possible to identify
/// the kind of a source and also when the kind of a source is not known
/// without performing a computation and the client does not want to spend the
/// time to identify the kind.
static const SourceKind UNKNOWN = SourceKind('UNKNOWN', 3);
static const List<SourceKind> values = [HTML, LIBRARY, PART, UNKNOWN];
/// The name of this source kind.
final String name;
/// The ordinal value of the source kind.
final int ordinal;
const SourceKind(, this.ordinal);
int get hashCode => ordinal;
int compareTo(SourceKind other) => ordinal - other.ordinal;
String toString() => name;
/// The abstract class `UriResolver` defines the behavior of objects that are
/// used to resolve URI's for a source factory. Subclasses of this class are
/// expected to resolve a single scheme of absolute URI.
abstract class UriResolver {
/// Return the absolute URI that should be used to reference the file at the
/// absolute [path], or `null` if this resolver cannot reference this file.
/// The file at that path is not required to exist.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if the [path] is not a valid path.
Uri? pathToUri(String path);
/// Resolve the given absolute [uri]. Return a [Source] representing the file
/// to which it was resolved, whether or not the resulting source exists, or
/// `null` if it could not be resolved because the URI is invalid.
Source? resolveAbsolute(Uri uri);