blob: 95ecafd50263623d4c9a94305ef7c09bf74f9f10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
/// A constraint on the type [parameter] that we're inferring.
/// We require that `lower <: parameter <: upper`.
class TypeConstraint {
final TypeParameterElement parameter;
final DartType lower;
final DartType upper;
TypeConstraint._(this.parameter, this.lower, this.upper);
bool get isEmpty {
return identical(lower, UnknownInferredType.instance) &&
identical(upper, UnknownInferredType.instance);
String toString() {
var lowerStr = lower.getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
var upperStr = upper.getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
return '$lowerStr <: ${} <: $upperStr';
/// Creates sets of [TypeConstraint]s for type parameters, based on an attempt
/// to make one type schema a subtype of another.
class TypeConstraintGatherer {
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final Set<TypeParameterElement> _typeParameters = Set.identity();
final List<TypeConstraint> _constraints = [];
required TypeSystemImpl typeSystem,
required Iterable<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters,
}) : _typeSystem = typeSystem {
bool get isConstraintSetEmpty => _constraints.isEmpty;
DartType get _defaultTypeParameterBound {
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault) {
return _typeSystem.objectQuestion;
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// Returns the set of type constraints that was gathered.
Map<TypeParameterElement, TypeConstraint> computeConstraints() {
var result = <TypeParameterElement, TypeConstraint>{};
for (var parameter in _typeParameters) {
result[parameter] = TypeConstraint._(
for (var constraint in _constraints) {
var parameter = constraint.parameter;
var mergedConstraint = result[parameter]!;
var lower = _typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(
var upper = _typeSystem.getGreatestLowerBound(
result[parameter] = TypeConstraint._(parameter, lower, upper);
return result;
/// Tries to match [P] as a subtype for [Q].
/// If the match succeeds, the resulting type constraints are recorded for
/// later use by [computeConstraints]. If the match fails, the set of type
/// constraints is unchanged.
bool trySubtypeMatch(DartType P, DartType Q, bool leftSchema) {
// If `P` is `_` then the match holds with no constraints.
if (identical(P, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return true;
// If `Q` is `_` then the match holds with no constraints.
if (identical(Q, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return true;
// If `P` is a type variable `X` in `L`, then the match holds:
// Under constraint `_ <: X <: Q`.
var P_nullability = P.nullabilitySuffix;
if (P is TypeParameterType &&
P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none &&
_typeParameters.contains(P.element)) {
_addUpper(P.element, Q);
return true;
// If `Q` is a type variable `X` in `L`, then the match holds:
// Under constraint `P <: X <: _`.
var Q_nullability = Q.nullabilitySuffix;
if (Q is TypeParameterType &&
Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none &&
_typeParameters.contains(Q.element)) {
_addLower(Q.element, P);
return true;
// If `P` and `Q` are identical types, then the subtype match holds
// under no constraints.
if (P == Q) {
return true;
// If `P` is a legacy type `P0*` then the match holds under constraint
// set `C`:
// Only if `P0` is a subtype match for `Q` under constraint set `C`.
if (P_nullability == {
var P0 = (P as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
return trySubtypeMatch(P0, Q, leftSchema);
// If `Q` is a legacy type `Q0*` then the match holds under constraint
// set `C`:
if (Q_nullability == {
// If `P` is `dynamic` or `void` and `P` is a subtype match
// for `Q0` under constraint set `C`.
if (identical(P, DynamicTypeImpl.instance) ||
identical(P, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
var rewind = _constraints.length;
var Q0 = (Q as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
if (trySubtypeMatch(P, Q0, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Q0?` under constraint set `C`.
var Qq = (Q as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.question);
return trySubtypeMatch(P, Qq, leftSchema);
// If `Q` is `FutureOr<Q0>` the match holds under constraint set `C`:
if (Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none &&
Q is InterfaceType &&
Q.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var Q0 = Q.typeArguments[0];
var rewind = _constraints.length;
// If `P` is `FutureOr<P0>` and `P0` is a subtype match for `Q0` under
// constraint set `C`.
if (P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none &&
P is InterfaceType &&
P.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var P0 = P.typeArguments[0];
if (trySubtypeMatch(P0, Q0, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Future<Q0>` under non-empty
// constraint set `C`.
var futureQ0 = _futureNone(Q0);
var P_matches_FutureQ0 = trySubtypeMatch(P, futureQ0, leftSchema);
if (P_matches_FutureQ0 && _constraints.length != rewind) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Q0` under constraint set `C`.
if (trySubtypeMatch(P, Q0, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Future<Q0>` under empty
// constraint set `C`.
if (P_matches_FutureQ0) {
return true;
// If `Q` is `Q0?` the match holds under constraint set `C`:
if (Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var Q0 = (Q as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var rewind = _constraints.length;
// If `P` is `P0?` and `P0` is a subtype match for `Q0` under
// constraint set `C`.
if (P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var P0 = (P as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
if (trySubtypeMatch(P0, Q0, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is `dynamic` or `void` and `Object` is a subtype match
// for `Q0` under constraint set `C`.
if (identical(P, DynamicTypeImpl.instance) ||
identical(P, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
if (trySubtypeMatch(_typeSystem.objectNone, Q0, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Q0` under non-empty
// constraint set `C`.
var P_matches_Q0 = trySubtypeMatch(P, Q0, leftSchema);
if (P_matches_Q0 && _constraints.length != rewind) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Null` under constraint set `C`.
if (trySubtypeMatch(P, _typeSystem.nullNone, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// Or if `P` is a subtype match for `Q0` under empty
// constraint set `C`.
if (P_matches_Q0) {
return true;
// If `P` is `FutureOr<P0>` the match holds under constraint set `C1 + C2`:
if (P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none &&
P is InterfaceType &&
P.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var P0 = P.typeArguments[0];
var rewind = _constraints.length;
// If `Future<P0>` is a subtype match for `Q` under constraint set `C1`.
// And if `P0` is a subtype match for `Q` under constraint set `C2`.
var future_P0 = _futureNone(P0);
if (trySubtypeMatch(future_P0, Q, leftSchema) &&
trySubtypeMatch(P0, Q, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// If `P` is `P0?` the match holds under constraint set `C1 + C2`:
if (P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
var P0 = (P as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var rewind = _constraints.length;
// If `P0` is a subtype match for `Q` under constraint set `C1`.
// And if `Null` is a subtype match for `Q` under constraint set `C2`.
if (trySubtypeMatch(P0, Q, leftSchema) &&
trySubtypeMatch(_typeSystem.nullNone, Q, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
// If `Q` is `dynamic`, `Object?`, or `void` then the match holds under
// no constraints.
if (identical(Q, DynamicTypeImpl.instance) ||
identical(Q, VoidTypeImpl.instance) ||
Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question && Q.isDartCoreObject) {
return true;
// If `P` is `Never` then the match holds under no constraints.
if (identical(P, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
return true;
// If `Q` is `Object`, then the match holds under no constraints:
// Only if `P` is non-nullable.
if (Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && Q.isDartCoreObject) {
return _typeSystem.isNonNullable(P);
// If `P` is `Null`, then the match holds under no constraints:
// Only if `Q` is nullable.
if (P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && P.isDartCoreNull) {
return _typeSystem.isNullable(Q);
// If `P` is a type variable `X` with bound `B` (or a promoted type
// variable `X & B`), the match holds with constraint set `C`:
// If `B` is a subtype match for `Q` with constraint set `C`.
// Note: we have already eliminated the case that `X` is a variable in `L`.
if (P_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && P is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
var rewind = _constraints.length;
var B = P.promotedBound ?? P.element.bound;
if (B != null && trySubtypeMatch(B, Q, leftSchema)) {
return true;
_constraints.length = rewind;
if (P is InterfaceType && Q is InterfaceType) {
return _interfaceType(P, Q, leftSchema);
// If `Q` is `Function` then the match holds under no constraints:
// If `P` is a function type.
if (Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && Q.isDartCoreFunction) {
if (P is FunctionType) {
return true;
if (P is FunctionType && Q is FunctionType) {
return _functionType(P, Q, leftSchema);
// A type `P` is a subtype match for `Record` with respect to `L` under no
// constraints:
// If `P` is a record type or `Record`.
if (Q_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && Q.isDartCoreRecord) {
if (P is RecordType) {
return true;
if (P is RecordTypeImpl && Q is RecordTypeImpl) {
return _recordType(P, Q, leftSchema);
return false;
void _addLower(TypeParameterElement element, DartType lower) {
TypeConstraint._(element, lower, UnknownInferredType.instance),
void _addUpper(TypeParameterElement element, DartType upper) {
TypeConstraint._(element, UnknownInferredType.instance, upper),
bool _functionType(FunctionType P, FunctionType Q, bool leftSchema) {
if (P.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
if (Q.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
var P_typeFormals = P.typeFormals;
var Q_typeFormals = Q.typeFormals;
if (P_typeFormals.length != Q_typeFormals.length) {
return false;
if (P_typeFormals.isEmpty && Q_typeFormals.isEmpty) {
return _functionType0(P, Q, leftSchema);
// We match two generic function types:
// `<T0 extends B00, ..., Tn extends B0n>F0`
// `<S0 extends B10, ..., Sn extends B1n>F1`
// with respect to `L` under constraint set `C2`:
var rewind = _constraints.length;
// If `B0i` is a subtype match for `B1i` with constraint set `Ci0`.
// If `B1i` is a subtype match for `B0i` with constraint set `Ci1`.
// And `Ci2` is `Ci0 + Ci1`.
for (var i = 0; i < P_typeFormals.length; i++) {
var B0 = P_typeFormals[i].bound ?? _defaultTypeParameterBound;
var B1 = Q_typeFormals[i].bound ?? _defaultTypeParameterBound;
if (!trySubtypeMatch(B0, B1, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
if (!trySubtypeMatch(B1, B0, !leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
// And `Z0...Zn` are fresh variables with bounds `B20, ..., B2n`.
// Where `B2i` is `B0i[Z0/T0, ..., Zn/Tn]` if `P` is a type schema.
// Or `B2i` is `B1i[Z0/S0, ..., Zn/Sn]` if `Q` is a type schema.
// In other words, we choose the bounds for the fresh variables from
// whichever of the two generic function types is a type schema and does
// not contain any variables from `L`.
var newTypeParameters = <TypeParameterElement>[];
for (var i = 0; i < P_typeFormals.length; i++) {
var Z = TypeParameterElementImpl('Z$i', -1);
if (leftSchema) {
Z.bound = P_typeFormals[i].bound;
} else {
Z.bound = Q_typeFormals[i].bound;
// And `F0[Z0/T0, ..., Zn/Tn]` is a subtype match for
// `F1[Z0/S0, ..., Zn/Sn]` with respect to `L` under constraints `C0`.
var typeArguments = newTypeParameters
.map((e) => e.instantiate(nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none))
var P_instantiated = P.instantiate(typeArguments);
var Q_instantiated = Q.instantiate(typeArguments);
if (!_functionType0(P_instantiated, Q_instantiated, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
// And `C1` is `C02 + ... + Cn2 + C0`.
// And `C2` is `C1` with each constraint replaced with its closure
// with respect to `[Z0, ..., Zn]`.
// TODO(scheglov) do closure
return true;
/// A function type `(M0,..., Mn, [M{n+1}, ..., Mm]) -> R0` is a subtype
/// match for a function type `(N0,..., Nk, [N{k+1}, ..., Nr]) -> R1` with
/// respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Cr + C`.
bool _functionType0(FunctionType f, FunctionType g, bool leftSchema) {
var rewind = _constraints.length;
// If `R0` is a subtype match for a type `R1` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`.
if (!trySubtypeMatch(f.returnType, g.returnType, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
var fParameters = f.parameters;
var gParameters = g.parameters;
// And for `i` in `0...r`, `Ni` is a subtype match for `Mi` with respect
// to `L` under constraints `Ci`.
var fIndex = 0;
var gIndex = 0;
while (fIndex < fParameters.length && gIndex < gParameters.length) {
var fParameter = fParameters[fIndex];
var gParameter = gParameters[gIndex];
if (fParameter.isRequiredPositional) {
if (gParameter.isRequiredPositional) {
if (trySubtypeMatch(gParameter.type, fParameter.type, leftSchema)) {
} else {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else if (fParameter.isOptionalPositional) {
if (gParameter.isPositional) {
if (trySubtypeMatch(gParameter.type, fParameter.type, leftSchema)) {
} else {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else if (fParameter.isNamed) {
if (gParameter.isNamed) {
var compareNames =;
if (compareNames == 0) {
if (trySubtypeMatch(gParameter.type, fParameter.type, leftSchema)) {
} else {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else if (compareNames < 0) {
if (fParameter.isRequiredNamed) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else {
} else {
assert(compareNames > 0);
// The subtype must accept all parameters of the supertype.
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
} else {
// The supertype must provide all required parameters to the subtype.
while (fIndex < fParameters.length) {
var fParameter = fParameters[fIndex++];
if (fParameter.isRequired) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
// The subtype must accept all parameters of the supertype.
assert(fIndex == fParameters.length);
if (gIndex < gParameters.length) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
return true;
InterfaceType _futureNone(DartType valueType) {
var element = _typeSystem.typeProvider.futureElement;
return element.instantiate(
typeArguments: fixedTypeList(valueType),
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
bool _interfaceType(InterfaceType P, InterfaceType Q, bool leftSchema) {
if (P.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
if (Q.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
// If `P` is `C<M0, ..., Mk> and `Q` is `C<N0, ..., Nk>`, then the match
// holds under constraints `C0 + ... + Ck`:
// If `Mi` is a subtype match for `Ni` with respect to L under
// constraints `Ci`.
if (P.element == Q.element) {
if (!_interfaceType_arguments(P, Q, leftSchema)) {
return false;
return true;
// If `P` is `C0<M0, ..., Mk>` and `Q` is `C1<N0, ..., Nj>` then the match
// holds with respect to `L` under constraints `C`:
// If `C1<B0, ..., Bj>` is a superinterface of `C0<M0, ..., Mk>` and
// `C1<B0, ..., Bj>` is a subtype match for `C1<N0, ..., Nj>` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C`.
var C0 = P.element;
var C1 = Q.element;
for (var interface in C0.allSupertypes) {
if (interface.element == C1) {
var substitution = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(P);
return _interfaceType_arguments(
substitution.substituteType(interface) as InterfaceType,
return false;
/// Match arguments of [P] against arguments of [Q].
/// If returns `false`, the constraints are unchanged.
bool _interfaceType_arguments(
InterfaceType P,
InterfaceType Q,
bool leftSchema,
) {
assert(P.element == Q.element);
var rewind = _constraints.length;
for (var i = 0; i < P.typeArguments.length; i++) {
var variance =
(P.element.typeParameters[i] as TypeParameterElementImpl).variance;
var M = P.typeArguments[i];
var N = Q.typeArguments[i];
if ((variance.isCovariant || variance.isInvariant) &&
!trySubtypeMatch(M, N, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
if ((variance.isContravariant || variance.isInvariant) &&
!trySubtypeMatch(N, M, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
return true;
/// If `P` is `(M0, ..., Mk)` and `Q` is `(N0, ..., Nk)`, then the match
/// holds under constraints `C0 + ... + Ck`:
/// If `Mi` is a subtype match for `Ni` with respect to L under
/// constraints `Ci`.
bool _recordType(RecordTypeImpl P, RecordTypeImpl Q, bool leftSchema) {
if (P.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
if (Q.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
return false;
final positionalP = P.positionalFields;
final positionalQ = Q.positionalFields;
if (positionalP.length != positionalQ.length) {
return false;
final namedP = P.namedFields;
final namedQ = Q.namedFields;
if (namedP.length != namedQ.length) {
return false;
final rewind = _constraints.length;
for (var i = 0; i < positionalP.length; i++) {
final fieldP = positionalP[i];
final fieldQ = positionalQ[i];
if (!trySubtypeMatch(fieldP.type, fieldQ.type, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < namedP.length; i++) {
final fieldP = namedP[i];
final fieldQ = namedQ[i];
if ( != {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
if (!trySubtypeMatch(fieldP.type, fieldQ.type, leftSchema)) {
_constraints.length = rewind;
return false;
return true;