blob: b683522227904adef4843876b9eacddb2f05a407 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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import 'null_value.dart' show NullValue;
/// [ValueKind] is used in [StackListener.checkState] to document and check the
/// expected values of the stack.
/// Add new value kinds as needed for documenting and checking the various stack
/// listener implementations.
abstract class ValueKind {
const ValueKind();
/// Checks the [value] an returns `true` if the value is of the expected kind.
bool check(Object? value);
/// A [ValueKind] for a particular type [T], optionally with a recognized
/// [NullValue].
class SingleValueKind<T> implements ValueKind {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Type this as `NullValue<T>?`.
final NullValue<Object>? nullValue;
const SingleValueKind([this.nullValue]);
bool check(Object? value) {
if (nullValue != null && value == nullValue) {
return true;
return value is T;
String toString() {
if (nullValue != null) {
return '$T or $nullValue';
return '$T';
/// A [ValueKind] for the union of a list of [ValueKind]s.
class UnionValueKind implements ValueKind {
final List<ValueKind> kinds;
const UnionValueKind(this.kinds);
bool check(Object? value) {
for (ValueKind kind in kinds) {
if (kind.check(value)) {
return true;
return false;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String or = '';
for (ValueKind kind in kinds) {
or = ' or ';
return sb.toString();
/// Helper method for creating a list of [ValueKind]s of the given length
/// [count].
List<ValueKind> repeatedKind(ValueKind kind, int count) {
return new List.generate(count, (_) => kind);
/// Helper method for creating a list of [count] repetitions of a sequence of
/// [ValueKind]s.
List<ValueKind> repeatedKinds(List<ValueKind> kinds, int count) {
List<ValueKind> list = [];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return list;
/// Helper method for creating a union of a list of [ValueKind]s.
ValueKind unionOfKinds(List<ValueKind> kinds) {
return new UnionValueKind(kinds);