blob: 27722d91b0a58db487d774922037e3ea68270b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../type_inference/assigned_variables.dart';
import '../type_inference/promotion_key_store.dart';
import '../type_inference/type_operations.dart';
/// Non-promotion reason describing the situation where a variable was not
/// promoted due to an explicit write to the variable appearing somewhere in the
/// source code.
class DemoteViaExplicitWrite<Variable extends Object>
extends NonPromotionReason {
/// The local variable that was not promoted.
final Variable variable;
/// The node that wrote to the variable; this corresponds to a node that was
/// passed to [FlowAnalysis.write].
final Object node;
DemoteViaExplicitWrite(this.variable, this.node);
String get documentationLink => '';
String get shortName => 'explicitWrite';
R accept<R, Node extends Object, Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object>(
NonPromotionReasonVisitor<R, Node, Variable, Type> visitor) =>
this as DemoteViaExplicitWrite<Variable>);
String toString() => 'DemoteViaExplicitWrite($node)';
/// Information gathered by flow analysis about an argument to either
/// `identical` or `operator ==`.
class EqualityInfo<Type extends Object> {
/// The [ExpressionInfo] for the expression. This is used to determine
/// whether the expression is a `null` literal.
final ExpressionInfo<Type>? _expressionInfo;
/// The type of the expression on the LHS of `==` or `!=`.
final Type _type;
/// If the LHS of `==` or `!=` is a reference, the thing being referred to.
/// Otherwise `null`.
final ReferenceWithType<Type>? _reference;
EqualityInfo._(this._expressionInfo, this._type, this._reference);
String toString() =>
'EqualityInfo(expressionInfo: $_expressionInfo, type: $_type, reference: '
/// A collection of flow models representing the possible outcomes of evaluating
/// an expression that are relevant to flow analysis.
class ExpressionInfo<Type extends Object> {
/// The state after the expression evaluates, if we don't care what it
/// evaluates to.
final FlowModel<Type> after;
/// The state after the expression evaluates, if it evaluates to `true`.
final FlowModel<Type> ifTrue;
/// The state after the expression evaluates, if it evaluates to `false`.
final FlowModel<Type> ifFalse;
{required this.after, required this.ifTrue, required this.ifFalse});
/// Computes a new [ExpressionInfo] based on this one, but with the roles of
/// [ifTrue] and [ifFalse] reversed.
ExpressionInfo<Type> invert() =>
new ExpressionInfo<Type>(after: after, ifTrue: ifFalse, ifFalse: ifTrue);
ExpressionInfo<Type>? rebaseForward(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations, FlowModel<Type> base) =>
new ExpressionInfo(
after: base,
ifTrue: ifTrue.rebaseForward(typeOperations, base),
ifFalse: ifFalse.rebaseForward(typeOperations, base));
String toString() =>
'ExpressionInfo(after: $after, _ifTrue: $ifTrue, ifFalse: $ifFalse)';
/// Implementation of flow analysis to be shared between the analyzer and the
/// front end.
/// The client should create one instance of this class for every method, field,
/// or top level variable to be analyzed, and call the appropriate methods
/// while visiting the code for type inference.
abstract class FlowAnalysis<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Object, Variable extends Object, Type extends Object> {
factory FlowAnalysis(Operations<Variable, Type> operations,
AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> assignedVariables,
{required bool respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers}) {
return new _FlowAnalysisImpl(operations, assignedVariables,
factory FlowAnalysis.legacy(Operations<Variable, Type> operations,
AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> assignedVariables) =
/// Return `true` if the current state is reachable.
bool get isReachable;
TypeOperations<Type> get operations;
/// Call this method after visiting an "as" expression.
/// [subExpression] should be the expression to which the "as" check was
/// applied. [type] should be the type being checked.
void asExpression_end(Expression subExpression, Type type);
/// Call this method after visiting the condition part of an assert statement
/// (or assert initializer).
/// [condition] should be the assert statement's condition.
/// See [assert_begin] for more information.
void assert_afterCondition(Expression condition);
/// Call this method before visiting the condition part of an assert statement
/// (or assert initializer).
/// The order of visiting an assert statement with no "message" part should
/// be:
/// - Call [assert_begin]
/// - Visit the condition
/// - Call [assert_afterCondition]
/// - Call [assert_end]
/// The order of visiting an assert statement with a "message" part should be:
/// - Call [assert_begin]
/// - Visit the condition
/// - Call [assert_afterCondition]
/// - Visit the message
/// - Call [assert_end]
void assert_begin();
/// Call this method after visiting an assert statement (or assert
/// initializer).
/// See [assert_begin] for more information.
void assert_end();
/// Call this method after visiting a reference to a variable inside a pattern
/// assignment. [node] is the pattern, [variable] is the referenced variable,
/// and [writtenType] is the type that's written to that variable by the
/// assignment.
void assignedVariablePattern(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType);
/// Call this method when the temporary variable holding the result of a
/// pattern match is assigned to a user-accessible variable. (Depending on
/// the client's model, this might happen right after a variable pattern is
/// matched, or later, after one or more logical-or patterns have been
/// handled).
/// [promotionKey] is the promotion key used by flow analysis to represent the
/// temporary variable holding the result of the pattern match, and [variable]
/// is the user-accessible variable that the value is being assigned to.
/// Returns the promotion key used by flow analysis to represent [variable].
/// This may be used in future calls to [assignMatchedPatternVariable] to
/// handle nested logical-ors, or logical-ors nested within switch cases that
/// share a body.
void assignMatchedPatternVariable(Variable variable, int promotionKey);
/// Call this method when visiting a boolean literal expression.
void booleanLiteral(Expression expression, bool value);
/// Call this method just before visiting a conditional expression ("?:").
void conditional_conditionBegin();
/// Call this method upon reaching the ":" part of a conditional expression
/// ("?:"). [thenExpression] should be the expression preceding the ":".
void conditional_elseBegin(Expression thenExpression);
/// Call this method when finishing the visit of a conditional expression
/// ("?:"). [elseExpression] should be the expression preceding the ":", and
/// [conditionalExpression] should be the whole conditional expression.
void conditional_end(
Expression conditionalExpression, Expression elseExpression);
/// Call this method upon reaching the "?" part of a conditional expression
/// ("?:"). [condition] should be the expression preceding the "?".
/// [conditionalExpression] should be the entire conditional expression.
void conditional_thenBegin(Expression condition, Node conditionalExpression);
/// Call this method after processing a constant pattern. [expression] should
/// be the pattern's constant expression, and [type] should be its static
/// type.
/// If [patternsEnabled] is `true`, pattern support is enabled and this is an
/// ordinary constant pattern. if [patternsEnabled] is `false`, pattern
/// support is disabled and this constant pattern is one of the cases of a
/// legacy switch statement.
void constantPattern_end(Expression expression, Type type,
{required bool patternsEnabled});
/// Copy promotion data associated with one promotion key to another. This
/// is used after analyzing a branch of a logical-or pattern, to move the
/// promotion data associated with the result of a pattern match on the left
/// hand and right hand sides of the logical-or into a common promotion key,
/// so that promotions will be properly unified when the control flow paths
/// are joined.
void copyPromotionData({required int sourceKey, required int destinationKey});
/// Register a declaration of the [variable] in the current state.
/// Should also be called for function parameters.
/// [staticType] should be the static type of the variable (after type
/// inference).
/// A local variable is [initialized] if its declaration has an initializer.
/// A function parameter is always initialized, so [initialized] is `true`.
/// In debug builds, an assertion will normally verify that no variable gets
/// declared more than once. This assertion may be disabled by passing `true`
/// to [skipDuplicateCheck].
/// TODO(paulberry): try to remove all uses of skipDuplicateCheck
void declare(Variable variable, Type staticType,
{required bool initialized, bool skipDuplicateCheck = false});
/// Call this method after visiting a variable pattern in a non-assignment
/// context (or a wildcard pattern).
/// [matchedType] should be the static type of the value being matched.
/// [staticType] should be the static type of the variable pattern itself.
/// [initializerExpression] should be the initializer expression being matched
/// (or `null` if there is no expression being matched to this variable).
/// [isFinal] indicates whether the variable is final, and [isImplicitlyTyped]
/// indicates whether the variable has an explicit type annotation.
/// Although pattern variables in Dart cannot be late, the client is allowed
/// to model a traditional (non-patterned) variable declaration statement
/// using the same flow analysis machinery as it uses for pattern variable
/// declaration statements; when it does so, it may use [isLate] to indicate
/// whether the variable in question is a `late` variable.
/// Returns the promotion key used by flow analysis to track the temporary
/// variable that holds the matched value.
int declaredVariablePattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type staticType,
Expression? initializerExpression,
bool isFinal = false,
bool isLate = false,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped});
/// Call this method before visiting the body of a "do-while" statement.
/// [doStatement] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the do-while statement.
void doStatement_bodyBegin(Statement doStatement);
/// Call this method after visiting the body of a "do-while" statement, and
/// before visiting its condition.
void doStatement_conditionBegin();
/// Call this method after visiting the condition of a "do-while" statement.
/// [condition] should be the condition of the loop.
void doStatement_end(Expression condition);
/// Call this method just after visiting either side of a binary `==` or `!=`
/// expression, or an argument to `identical`.
/// Returns information about the expression that will later be needed by
/// [equalityOperation_end].
/// Note: the return type is nullable because legacy type promotion doesn't
/// need to record information about equality operands.
EqualityInfo<Type>? equalityOperand_end(Expression operand, Type type);
/// Call this method just after visiting the operands of a binary `==` or `!=`
/// expression, or an invocation of `identical`.
/// [leftOperandInfo] and [rightOperandInfo] should be the values returned by
/// [equalityOperand_end].
void equalityOperation_end(Expression wholeExpression,
EqualityInfo<Type>? leftOperandInfo, EqualityInfo<Type>? rightOperandInfo,
{bool notEqual = false});
/// Call this method after processing a relational pattern that uses an
/// equality operator (either `==` or `!=`). [operand] should be the operand
/// to the right of the operator, [operandType] should be its static type, and
/// [notEqual] should be `true` iff the operator was `!=`.
void equalityRelationalPattern_end(Expression operand, Type operandType,
{bool notEqual = false});
/// Retrieves the [ExpressionInfo] associated with [target], if known. Will
/// return `null` if (a) no info is associated with [target], or (b) another
/// expression with info has been visited more recently than [target]. For
/// testing only.
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfoForTesting(Expression target);
/// This method should be called at the conclusion of flow analysis for a top
/// level function or method. Performs assertion checks.
void finish();
/// Call this method just before visiting the body of a conventional "for"
/// statement or collection element. See [for_conditionBegin] for details.
/// If a "for" statement is being entered, [node] is an opaque representation
/// of the loop, for use as the target of future calls to [handleBreak] or
/// [handleContinue]. If a "for" collection element is being entered, [node]
/// should be `null`.
/// [condition] is an opaque representation of the loop condition; it is
/// matched against expressions passed to previous calls to determine whether
/// the loop condition should cause any promotions to occur. If [condition]
/// is null, the condition is understood to be empty (equivalent to a
/// condition of `true`).
void for_bodyBegin(Statement? node, Expression? condition);
/// Call this method just before visiting the condition of a conventional
/// "for" statement or collection element.
/// Note that a conventional "for" statement is a statement of the form
/// `for (initializers; condition; updaters) body`. Statements of the form
/// `for (variable in iterable) body` should use [forEach_bodyBegin]. Similar
/// for "for" collection elements.
/// The order of visiting a "for" statement or collection element should be:
/// - Visit the initializers.
/// - Call [for_conditionBegin].
/// - Visit the condition.
/// - Call [for_bodyBegin].
/// - Visit the body.
/// - Call [for_updaterBegin].
/// - Visit the updaters.
/// - Call [for_end].
/// [node] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the for statement.
void for_conditionBegin(Node node);
/// Call this method just after visiting the updaters of a conventional "for"
/// statement or collection element. See [for_conditionBegin] for details.
void for_end();
/// Call this method just before visiting the updaters of a conventional "for"
/// statement or collection element. See [for_conditionBegin] for details.
void for_updaterBegin();
/// Call this method just before visiting the body of a "for-in" statement or
/// collection element.
/// The order of visiting a "for-in" statement or collection element should
/// be:
/// - Visit the iterable expression.
/// - Call [forEach_bodyBegin].
/// - Visit the body.
/// - Call [forEach_end].
/// [node] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the for statement.
void forEach_bodyBegin(Node node);
/// Call this method just before visiting the body of a "for-in" statement or
/// collection element. See [forEach_bodyBegin] for details.
void forEach_end();
/// Call this method to forward information on [oldExpression] to
/// [newExpression].
/// This can be used to preserve promotions through a replacement from
/// [oldExpression] to [newExpression]. For instance when rewriting
/// method(int i) {
/// if (i is int) { ... } else { ... }
/// }
/// to
/// method(int i) {
/// if (i is int || throw ...) { ... } else { ... }
/// }
/// the promotion `i is int` can be forwarded to `i is int || throw ...` and
/// there preserved in the surrounding if statement.
void forwardExpression(Expression newExpression, Expression oldExpression);
/// Call this method just before visiting the body of a function expression or
/// local function.
/// [node] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the function expression.
void functionExpression_begin(Node node);
/// Call this method just after visiting the body of a function expression or
/// local function.
void functionExpression_end();
/// Gets the matched value type that should be used to type check the pattern
/// currently being analyzed.
/// May only be called in the context of a pattern.
Type getMatchedValueType();
/// Call this method when visiting a break statement. [target] should be the
/// statement targeted by the break.
/// To facilitate error recovery, [target] is allowed to be `null`; if this
/// happens, the break statement is analyzed as though it's an unconditional
/// branch to nowhere (i.e. similar to a `return` or `throw`).
void handleBreak(Statement? target);
/// Call this method when visiting a continue statement. [target] should be
/// the statement targeted by the continue.
/// To facilitate error recovery, [target] is allowed to be `null`; if this
/// happens, the continue statement is analyzed as though it's an
/// unconditional branch to nowhere (i.e. similar to a `return` or `throw`).
void handleContinue(Statement? target);
/// Register the fact that the current state definitely exists, e.g. returns
/// from the body, throws an exception, etc.
/// Should also be called if a subexpression's type is Never.
void handleExit();
/// Call this method after visiting the scrutinee expression of an if-case
/// statement.
/// [scrutinee] is the scrutinee expression, and [scrutineeType] is its static
/// type.
void ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(
Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType);
/// Call this method before visiting an if-case statement.
/// The order of visiting an if-case statement with no "else" part should be:
/// - Call [ifCaseStatement_begin]
/// - Visit the expression
/// - Call [ifCaseStatement_afterExpression]
/// - Visit the pattern
/// - Visit the guard (if any)
/// - Call [ifCaseStatement_thenBegin]
/// - Visit the "then" statement
/// - Call [ifStatement_end], passing `false` for `hasElse`.
/// The order of visiting an if-case statement with an "else" part should be:
/// - Call [ifCaseStatement_begin]
/// - Visit the expression
/// - Call [ifCaseStatement_afterExpression]
/// - Visit the pattern
/// - Visit the guard (if any)
/// - Call [ifCaseStatement_thenBegin]
/// - Visit the "then" statement
/// - Call [ifStatement_elseBegin]
/// - Visit the "else" statement
/// - Call [ifStatement_end], passing `true` for `hasElse`.
void ifCaseStatement_begin();
/// Call this method after visiting pattern and guard parts of an if-case
/// statement.
/// [guard] should be the guard expression (if present); otherwise `null`.
void ifCaseStatement_thenBegin(Expression? guard);
/// Call this method after visiting the RHS of an if-null expression ("??")
/// or if-null assignment ("??=").
/// Note: for an if-null assignment, the call to [write] should occur before
/// the call to [ifNullExpression_end] (since the write only occurs if the
/// read resulted in a null value).
void ifNullExpression_end();
/// Call this method after visiting the LHS of an if-null expression ("??")
/// or if-null assignment ("??=").
void ifNullExpression_rightBegin(
Expression leftHandSide, Type leftHandSideType);
/// Call this method before visiting the condition part of an if statement.
/// The order of visiting an if statement with no "else" part should be:
/// - Call [ifStatement_conditionBegin]
/// - Visit the condition
/// - Call [ifStatement_thenBegin]
/// - Visit the "then" statement
/// - Call [ifStatement_end], passing `false` for `hasElse`.
/// The order of visiting an if statement with an "else" part should be:
/// - Call [ifStatement_conditionBegin]
/// - Visit the condition
/// - Call [ifStatement_thenBegin]
/// - Visit the "then" statement
/// - Call [ifStatement_elseBegin]
/// - Visit the "else" statement
/// - Call [ifStatement_end], passing `true` for `hasElse`.
void ifStatement_conditionBegin();
/// Call this method after visiting the "then" part of an if statement, and
/// before visiting the "else" part.
void ifStatement_elseBegin();
/// Call this method after visiting an if statement.
void ifStatement_end(bool hasElse);
/// Call this method after visiting the condition part of an if statement.
/// [condition] should be the if statement's condition. [ifNode] should be
/// the entire `if` statement (or the collection literal entry).
/// For an if-case statement, [condition] should be `null`.
void ifStatement_thenBegin(Expression? condition, Node ifNode);
/// Call this method after visiting the initializer of a variable declaration,
/// or a variable pattern that is being matched (and hence being initialized
/// with an implicit value).
/// If the initialized value is not known (i.e. because this is a variable
/// pattern that's being matched), pass `null` for [initializerExpression].
void initialize(
Variable variable, Type matchedType, Expression? initializerExpression,
{required bool isFinal,
required bool isLate,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped});
/// Return whether the [variable] is definitely assigned in the current state.
bool isAssigned(Variable variable);
/// Call this method after visiting the LHS of an "is" expression.
/// [isExpression] should be the complete expression. [subExpression] should
/// be the expression to which the "is" check was applied. [isNot] should be
/// a boolean indicating whether this is an "is" or an "is!" expression.
/// [type] should be the type being checked.
void isExpression_end(
Expression isExpression, Expression subExpression, bool isNot, Type type);
/// Return whether the [variable] is definitely unassigned in the current
/// state.
bool isUnassigned(Variable variable);
/// Call this method before visiting a labeled statement.
/// Call [labeledStatement_end] after visiting the statement.
void labeledStatement_begin(Statement node);
/// Call this method after visiting a labeled statement.
void labeledStatement_end();
/// Call this method just before visiting the initializer of a late variable.
void lateInitializer_begin(Node node);
/// Call this method just after visiting the initializer of a late variable.
void lateInitializer_end();
/// Call this method before visiting the LHS of a logical binary operation
/// ("||" or "&&").
void logicalBinaryOp_begin();
/// Call this method after visiting the RHS of a logical binary operation
/// ("||" or "&&").
/// [wholeExpression] should be the whole logical binary expression.
/// [rightOperand] should be the RHS. [isAnd] should indicate whether the
/// logical operator is "&&" or "||".
void logicalBinaryOp_end(Expression wholeExpression, Expression rightOperand,
{required bool isAnd});
/// Call this method after visiting the LHS of a logical binary operation
/// ("||" or "&&").
/// [rightOperand] should be the LHS. [isAnd] should indicate whether the
/// logical operator is "&&" or "||". [wholeExpression] should be the whole
/// logical binary expression.
void logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(Expression leftOperand, Node wholeExpression,
{required bool isAnd});
/// Call this method after visiting a logical not ("!") expression.
/// [notExpression] should be the complete expression. [operand] should be
/// the subexpression whose logical value is being negated.
void logicalNot_end(Expression notExpression, Expression operand);
/// Call this method after visiting the left hand side of a logical-or (`||`)
/// pattern.
void logicalOrPattern_afterLhs();
/// Call this method before visiting a logical-or (`||`) pattern.
void logicalOrPattern_begin();
/// Call this method after visiting a logical-or (`||`) pattern.
void logicalOrPattern_end();
/// Call this method after processing a relational pattern that uses a
/// non-equality operator (any operator other than `==` or `!=`).
void nonEqualityRelationalPattern_end();
/// Call this method just after visiting a non-null assertion (`x!`)
/// expression.
void nonNullAssert_end(Expression operand);
/// Call this method after visiting an expression using `?.`.
void nullAwareAccess_end();
/// Call this method after visiting a null-aware operator such as `?.`,
/// `?..`, `?.[`, or `?..[`.
/// [target] should be the expression just before the null-aware operator, or
/// `null` if the null-aware access starts a cascade section.
/// [targetType] should be the type of the expression just before the
/// null-aware operator, and should be non-null even if the null-aware access
/// starts a cascade section.
/// Note that [nullAwareAccess_end] should be called after the conclusion
/// of any null-shorting that is caused by the `?.`. So, for example, if the
/// code being analyzed is `x?.y?.z(x)`, [nullAwareAccess_rightBegin] should
/// be called once upon reaching each `?.`, but [nullAwareAccess_end] should
/// not be called until after processing the method call to `z(x)`.
void nullAwareAccess_rightBegin(Expression? target, Type targetType);
/// Call this method before visiting the subpattern of a null-check or a
/// null-assert pattern. [isAssert] indicates whether the pattern is a
/// null-check or a null-assert pattern.
bool nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin({required bool isAssert});
/// Call this method after visiting the subpattern of a null-check or a
/// null-assert pattern.
void nullCheckOrAssertPattern_end();
/// Call this method when encountering an expression that is a `null` literal.
void nullLiteral(Expression expression);
/// Call this method just after visiting a parenthesized expression.
/// This is only necessary if the implementation uses a different [Expression]
/// object to represent a parenthesized expression and its contents.
void parenthesizedExpression(
Expression outerExpression, Expression innerExpression);
/// Call this method just after visiting the right hand side of a pattern
/// assignment expression, and before visiting the pattern.
/// [rhs] is the right hand side expression, and [rhsType] is its static type.
void patternAssignment_afterRhs(Expression rhs, Type rhsType);
/// Call this method after visiting a pattern assignment expression.
void patternAssignment_end();
/// Call this method just after visiting the expression (which usually
/// implements `Iterable`, but can also be `dynamic`), and before visiting
/// the pattern or body.
/// [elementType] is the element type of the `Iterable`, or `dynamic`.
void patternForIn_afterExpression(Type elementType);
/// Call this method after visiting the body.
void patternForIn_end();
/// Call this method just after visiting the initializer of a pattern variable
/// declaration, and before visiting the pattern.
/// [initializer] is the declaration's initializer expression, and
/// [initializerType] is its static type.
void patternVariableDeclaration_afterInitializer(
Expression initializer, Type initializerType);
/// Call this method after visiting the pattern of a pattern variable
/// declaration.
void patternVariableDeclaration_end();
/// Call this method after visiting a pattern's subpattern, to restore the
/// state that was saved by [pushSubpattern].
void popSubpattern();
/// Retrieves the type that a property named [propertyName] is promoted to, if
/// the property is currently promoted. Otherwise returns `null`.
/// The [target] parameter determines which expression's property is being
/// queried; if it is `null`, a property of `this` is being queried. If it is
/// non-`null`, this method should be called just after visiting the target
/// expression.
/// [propertyMember] should be whatever data structure the client uses to keep
/// track of the field or property being accessed. If not `null`,
/// [Operations.isPropertyPromotable] will be consulted to find out whether
/// the property is promotable. [staticType] should be the static type of the
/// value returned by the property get.
/// Note: although only fields can be promoted, this method uses the
/// nomenclature "property" rather than "field", to highlight the fact that
/// it is not necessary for the client to check whether a property refers to a
/// field before calling this method; if the property does not refer to a
/// field, `null` will be returned.
Type? promotedPropertyType(Expression? target, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType);
/// Retrieves the type that the [variable] is promoted to, if the [variable]
/// is currently promoted. Otherwise returns `null`.
Type? promotedType(Variable variable);
/// Call this method when visiting a pattern whose semantics constrain the
/// type of the matched value. This could be due to a required type of a
/// declared variable pattern, list pattern, map pattern, record pattern,
/// object pattern, or wildcard pattern, or it could be due to the
/// demonstrated type of a record pattern.
/// [matchedType] should be the matched value type, and [knownType] should
/// be the type that the matched value is now known to satisfy.
/// If [matchFailsIfWrongType] is `true` (the default), flow analysis models
/// the usual semantics of a type test in a pattern: if the matched value
/// fails to have the type [knownType], the pattern will fail to match.
/// If it is `false`, it models the semantics where the no match failure can
/// occur (either because the matched value is known, due to other invariants
/// to have the type [knownType], or because a type test failure would result
/// in an exception being thrown).
/// If [matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType] is `true`, flow analysis would always
/// update the unmatched value.
/// Returns `true` if [matchedType] is a subtype of [knownType].
bool promoteForPattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type knownType,
bool matchFailsIfWrongType = true,
bool matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType = false});
/// Call this method just after visiting a property get expression.
/// [wholeExpression] should be the whole property get, [target] should be the
/// expression to the left hand side of the `.`, and [propertyName] should be
/// the identifier to the right hand side of the `.`. [staticType] should be
/// the static type of the value returned by the property get.
/// [wholeExpression] is used by flow analysis to detect the case where the
/// property get is used as a subexpression of a larger expression that
/// participates in promotion (e.g. promotion of a property of a property).
/// If there is no expression corresponding to the property get (e.g. because
/// the property is being invoked like a method, or the property get is part
/// of a compound assignment), [wholeExpression] may be `null`.
/// [propertyMember] should be whatever data structure the client uses to keep
/// track of the field or property being accessed. If not `null`,
/// [Operations.isPropertyPromotable] will be consulted to find out whether
/// the property is promotable. In the event of non-promotion of a property
/// get, this value can be retrieved from
/// [PropertyNotPromoted.propertyMember].
/// If the property's type is currently promoted, the promoted type is
/// returned. Otherwise `null` is returned.
Type? propertyGet(Expression? wholeExpression, Expression target,
String propertyName, Object? propertyMember, Type staticType);
/// Call this method just before analyzing a subpattern of a pattern.
/// [matchedType] is the type that should be used to type check the
/// subpattern.
/// Flow analysis makes no assumptions about the relation between the matched
/// value for the outer pattern and the subpattern.
void pushSubpattern(Type matchedType);
/// Retrieves the SSA node associated with [variable], or `null` if [variable]
/// is not associated with an SSA node because it is write captured. For
/// testing only.
SsaNode<Type>? ssaNodeForTesting(Variable variable);
/// Call this method just after visiting a `case` or `default` body. See
/// [switchStatement_expressionEnd] for details.
/// This method returns a boolean indicating whether the end of the case body
/// is "locally reachable" (i.e. reachable from its start).
bool switchStatement_afterCase();
/// Call this method just before visiting a `case` or `default` clause. See
/// [switchStatement_expressionEnd] for details.
void switchStatement_beginAlternative();
/// Call this method just before visiting a sequence of one or more `case` or
/// `default` clauses that share a body. See [switchStatement_expressionEnd]
/// for details.
void switchStatement_beginAlternatives();
/// Call this method just after visiting the body of a switch statement. See
/// [switchStatement_expressionEnd] for details.
/// [isExhaustive] indicates whether the switch statement had a "default"
/// case, or is based on an enumeration and all the enumeration constants
/// were listed in cases.
void switchStatement_end(bool isExhaustive);
/// Call this method just after visiting a `case` or `default` clause. See
/// [switchStatement_expressionEnd] for details.`
/// [guard] should be the expression following the `when` keyword, if present.
void switchStatement_endAlternative(Expression? guard);
/// Call this method just after visiting a sequence of one or more `case` or
/// `default` clauses that share a body. See [switchStatement_expressionEnd]
/// for details.`
/// [node] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the switch statement.
/// [hasLabels] indicates whether the case has any labels.
void switchStatement_endAlternatives(Statement? node,
{required bool hasLabels});
/// Call this method just after visiting the expression part of a switch
/// statement or expression. [switchStatement] should be the switch statement
/// itself (or `null` if this is a switch expression).
/// The order of visiting a switch statement should be:
/// - Visit the switch expression.
/// - Call [switchStatement_expressionEnd].
/// - For each case body:
/// - Call [switchStatement_beginAlternatives].
/// - For each `case` or `default` clause associated with this case body:
/// - Call [switchStatement_beginAlternative].
/// - If a pattern is present, visit it.
/// - If a guard is present, visit it.
/// - Call [switchStatement_endAlternative].
/// - Call [switchStatement_endAlternatives].
/// - Visit the case body.
/// - Call [switchStatement_afterCase].
/// - Call [switchStatement_end].
/// [scrutinee] should be the expression appearing in parentheses after the
/// `switch` keyword, and [scrutineeType] should be its static type.
void switchStatement_expressionEnd(
Statement? switchStatement, Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType);
/// Call this method just after visiting the expression `this` (or the
/// pseudo-expression `super`, in the case of the analyzer, which represents
/// `super.x` as a property get whose target is `super`). [expression] should
/// be the `this` or `super` expression. [staticType] should be the static
/// type of `this`.
void thisOrSuper(Expression expression, Type staticType);
/// Call this method just after visiting an expression that represents a
/// property get on `this` or `super`. This handles situations where there is
/// an implicit reference to `this`, or the case of the front end, where
/// `super.x` is represented by a single expression. [expression] should be
/// the whole property get, and [propertyName] should be the name of the
/// property being read. [staticType] should be the static type of the value
/// returned by the property get.
/// [propertyMember] should be whatever data structure the client uses to keep
/// track of the field or property being accessed. If not `null`,
/// [Operations.isPropertyPromotable] will be consulted to find out whether
/// the property is promotable. In the event of non-promotion of a property
/// get, this value can be retrieved from
/// [PropertyNotPromoted.propertyMember].
/// If the property's type is currently promoted, the promoted type is
/// returned. Otherwise `null` is returned.
Type? thisOrSuperPropertyGet(Expression expression, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType);
/// Call this method just before visiting the body of a "try/catch" statement.
/// The order of visiting a "try/catch" statement should be:
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin]
/// - Visit the try block
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd]
/// - For each catch block:
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_catchBegin]
/// - Call [initialize] for the exception and stack trace variables
/// - Visit the catch block
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_catchEnd]
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_end]
/// The order of visiting a "try/catch/finally" statement should be:
/// - Call [tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin]
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin]
/// - Visit the try block
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd]
/// - For each catch block:
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_catchBegin]
/// - Call [initialize] for the exception and stack trace variables
/// - Visit the catch block
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_catchEnd]
/// - Call [tryCatchStatement_end]
/// - Call [tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin]
/// - Visit the finally block
/// - Call [tryFinallyStatement_end]
void tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin();
/// Call this method just after visiting the body of a "try/catch" statement.
/// See [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin] for details.
/// [body] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the "try" part of the try/catch statement.
void tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd(Node body);
/// Call this method just before visiting a catch clause of a "try/catch"
/// statement. See [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin] for details.
/// [exceptionVariable] should be the exception variable declared by the catch
/// clause, or `null` if there is no exception variable. Similar for
/// [stackTraceVariable].
void tryCatchStatement_catchBegin(
Variable? exceptionVariable, Variable? stackTraceVariable);
/// Call this method just after visiting a catch clause of a "try/catch"
/// statement. See [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin] for details.
void tryCatchStatement_catchEnd();
/// Call this method just after visiting a "try/catch" statement. See
/// [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin] for details.
void tryCatchStatement_end();
/// Call this method just before visiting the body of a "try/finally"
/// statement.
/// The order of visiting a "try/finally" statement should be:
/// - Call [tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin]
/// - Visit the try block
/// - Call [tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin]
/// - Visit the finally block
/// - Call [tryFinallyStatement_end]
/// See [tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin] for the order of visiting a
/// "try/catch/finally" statement.
void tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin();
/// Call this method just after visiting a "try/finally" statement.
/// See [tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin] for details.
void tryFinallyStatement_end();
/// Call this method just before visiting the finally block of a "try/finally"
/// statement. See [tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin] for details.
/// [body] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the "try" part of the try/finally
/// statement.
void tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(Node body);
/// Call this method when encountering an expression that reads the value of
/// a variable.
/// If the variable's type is currently promoted, the promoted type is
/// returned. Otherwise `null` is returned.
Type? variableRead(Expression expression, Variable variable);
/// Call this method after visiting the condition part of a "while" statement.
/// [whileStatement] should be the full while statement. [condition] should
/// be the condition part of the while statement.
void whileStatement_bodyBegin(Statement whileStatement, Expression condition);
/// Call this method before visiting the condition part of a "while"
/// statement.
/// [node] should be the same node that was passed to
/// [AssignedVariables.endNode] for the while statement.
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Node node);
/// Call this method after visiting a "while" statement.
void whileStatement_end();
/// Call this method when an error occurs that may be due to a lack of type
/// promotion, to retrieve information about why [target] was not promoted.
/// This call must be made right after visiting [target].
/// The returned value is a function yielding a map whose keys are types that
/// the user might have been expecting the target to be promoted to, and whose
/// values are reasons why the corresponding promotion did not occur. The
/// caller is expected to select which non-promotion reason to report to the
/// user by seeing which promotion would have prevented the error. (For
/// example, if an error occurs due to the target having a nullable type, the
/// caller should report a non-promotion reason associated with non-promotion
/// to a non-nullable type).
/// This method is expected to execute fairly efficiently; the bulk of the
/// expensive computation is deferred to the function it returns. The reason
/// for this is that in certain cases, it's not possible to know whether "why
/// not promoted" information will be needed until long after visiting a node.
/// (For example, in resolving a call like
/// `(x as Future<T>).then(y, onError: z)`, we don't know whether an error
/// should be reported at `y` until we've inferred the type argument to
/// `then`, which doesn't occur until after visiting `z`). So the caller may
/// freely call this method after any expression for which an error *might*
/// need to be generated, and then defer invoking the returned function until
/// it is determined that an error actually occurred.
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromoted(Expression target);
/// Call this method when an error occurs that may be due to a lack of type
/// promotion, to retrieve information about why an implicit reference to
/// `this` was not promoted. [staticType] is the (unpromoted) type of `this`.
/// The returned value is a function yielding a map whose keys are types that
/// the user might have been expecting `this` to be promoted to, and whose
/// values are reasons why the corresponding promotion did not occur. The
/// caller is expected to select which non-promotion reason to report to the
/// user by seeing which promotion would have prevented the error. (For
/// example, if an error occurs due to the target having a nullable type, the
/// caller should report a non-promotion reason associated with non-promotion
/// to a non-nullable type).
/// This method is expected to execute fairly efficiently; the bulk of the
/// expensive computation is deferred to the function it returns. The reason
/// for this is that in certain cases, it's not possible to know whether "why
/// not promoted" information will be needed until long after visiting a node.
/// (For example, in resolving a call like
/// `(x as Future<T>).then(y, onError: z)`, we don't know whether an error
/// should be reported at `y` until we've inferred the type argument to
/// `then`, which doesn't occur until after visiting `z`). So the caller may
/// freely call this method after any expression for which an error *might*
/// need to be generated, and then defer invoking the returned function until
/// it is determined that an error actually occurred.
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromotedImplicitThis(
Type staticType);
/// Register write of the given [variable] in the current state.
/// [writtenType] should be the type of the value that was written.
/// [node] should be the syntactic construct performing the write.
/// [writtenExpression] should be the expression that was written, or `null`
/// if the expression that was written is not directly represented in the
/// source code (this happens, for example, with compound assignments and with
/// for-each loops).
/// This should also be used for the implicit write to a non-final variable in
/// its initializer, to ensure that the type is promoted to non-nullable if
/// necessary; in this case, [viaInitializer] should be `true`.
void write(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType,
Expression? writtenExpression);
/// Prints out a summary of the current state of flow analysis, intended for
/// debugging use only.
void _dumpState();
/// Alternate implementation of [FlowAnalysis] that prints out inputs and output
/// at the API boundary, for assistance in debugging.
class FlowAnalysisDebug<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Object, Variable extends Object, Type extends Object>
implements FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable, Type> {
static int _nextCallbackId = 0;
static Expando<String> _description = new Expando<String>();
FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable, Type> _wrapped;
bool _exceptionOccurred = false;
factory FlowAnalysisDebug(Operations<Variable, Type> operations,
AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> assignedVariables,
{required bool respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers}) {
return new FlowAnalysisDebug._(new _FlowAnalysisImpl(
operations, assignedVariables,
factory FlowAnalysisDebug.legacy(Operations<Variable, Type> operations,
AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> assignedVariables) {
return new FlowAnalysisDebug._(
new _LegacyTypePromotion(operations, assignedVariables));
bool get isReachable =>
_wrap('isReachable', () => _wrapped.isReachable, isQuery: true);
TypeOperations<Type> get operations => _wrapped.operations;
void asExpression_end(Expression subExpression, Type type) {
_wrap('asExpression_end($subExpression, $type)',
() => _wrapped.asExpression_end(subExpression, type));
void assert_afterCondition(Expression condition) {
() => _wrapped.assert_afterCondition(condition));
void assert_begin() {
_wrap('assert_begin()', () => _wrapped.assert_begin());
void assert_end() {
_wrap('assert_end()', () => _wrapped.assert_end());
void assignedVariablePattern(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType) {
_wrap('assignedVariablePattern($node, $variable, $writtenType)',
() => _wrapped.assignedVariablePattern(node, variable, writtenType));
void assignMatchedPatternVariable(Variable variable, int promotionKey) {
_wrap('assignMatchedPatternVariable($variable, $promotionKey)',
() => _wrapped.assignMatchedPatternVariable(variable, promotionKey));
void booleanLiteral(Expression expression, bool value) {
_wrap('booleanLiteral($expression, $value)',
() => _wrapped.booleanLiteral(expression, value));
void conditional_conditionBegin() {
() => _wrapped.conditional_conditionBegin());
void conditional_elseBegin(Expression thenExpression) {
() => _wrapped.conditional_elseBegin(thenExpression));
void conditional_end(
Expression conditionalExpression, Expression elseExpression) {
_wrap('conditional_end($conditionalExpression, $elseExpression',
() => _wrapped.conditional_end(conditionalExpression, elseExpression));
void conditional_thenBegin(Expression condition, Node conditionalExpression) {
_wrap('conditional_thenBegin($condition, $conditionalExpression)',
() => _wrapped.conditional_thenBegin(condition, conditionalExpression));
void constantPattern_end(Expression expression, Type type,
{required bool patternsEnabled}) {
'constantPattern_end($expression, $type, '
'patternsEnabled: $patternsEnabled)',
() => _wrapped.constantPattern_end(expression, type,
patternsEnabled: patternsEnabled));
void copyPromotionData(
{required int sourceKey, required int destinationKey}) {
'copyPromotionData(sourceKey: $sourceKey, '
'destinationKey: $destinationKey)',
() => _wrapped.copyPromotionData(
sourceKey: sourceKey, destinationKey: destinationKey));
void declare(Variable variable, Type staticType,
{required bool initialized, bool skipDuplicateCheck = false}) {
'declare($variable, $staticType, '
'initialized: $initialized, skipDuplicateCheck: $skipDuplicateCheck)',
() => _wrapped.declare(variable, staticType,
initialized: initialized, skipDuplicateCheck: skipDuplicateCheck));
int declaredVariablePattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type staticType,
Expression? initializerExpression,
bool isFinal = false,
bool isLate = false,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped}) {
return _wrap(
'declaredVariablePattern(matchedType: $matchedType, '
'staticType: $staticType, '
'initializerExpression: $initializerExpression, isFinal: $isFinal, '
'isLate: $isLate, isImplicitlyTyped: $isImplicitlyTyped)',
() => _wrapped.declaredVariablePattern(
matchedType: matchedType,
staticType: staticType,
initializerExpression: initializerExpression,
isFinal: isFinal,
isLate: isLate,
isImplicitlyTyped: isImplicitlyTyped),
isQuery: true,
isPure: false);
void doStatement_bodyBegin(Statement doStatement) {
return _wrap('doStatement_bodyBegin($doStatement)',
() => _wrapped.doStatement_bodyBegin(doStatement));
void doStatement_conditionBegin() {
return _wrap('doStatement_conditionBegin()',
() => _wrapped.doStatement_conditionBegin());
void doStatement_end(Expression condition) {
return _wrap('doStatement_end($condition)',
() => _wrapped.doStatement_end(condition));
EqualityInfo<Type>? equalityOperand_end(Expression operand, Type type) =>
_wrap('equalityOperand_end($operand, $type)',
() => _wrapped.equalityOperand_end(operand, type),
isQuery: true);
void equalityOperation_end(Expression wholeExpression,
EqualityInfo<Type>? leftOperandInfo, EqualityInfo<Type>? rightOperandInfo,
{bool notEqual = false}) {
'equalityOperation_end($wholeExpression, $leftOperandInfo, '
'$rightOperandInfo, notEqual: $notEqual)',
() => _wrapped.equalityOperation_end(
wholeExpression, leftOperandInfo, rightOperandInfo,
notEqual: notEqual));
void equalityRelationalPattern_end(Expression operand, Type operandType,
{bool notEqual = false}) {
'equalityRelationalPattern_end($operand, $operandType, '
'notEqual: $notEqual)',
() => _wrapped.equalityRelationalPattern_end(operand, operandType,
notEqual: notEqual));
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfoForTesting(Expression target) {
return _wrap('expressionInfoForTesting($target)',
() => _wrapped.expressionInfoForTesting(target),
isQuery: true);
void finish() {
if (_exceptionOccurred) {
_wrap('finish() (skipped)', () {}, isPure: true);
} else {
_wrap('finish()', () => _wrapped.finish(), isPure: true);
void for_bodyBegin(Statement? node, Expression? condition) {
_wrap('for_bodyBegin($node, $condition)',
() => _wrapped.for_bodyBegin(node, condition));
void for_conditionBegin(Node node) {
_wrap('for_conditionBegin($node)', () => _wrapped.for_conditionBegin(node));
void for_end() {
_wrap('for_end()', () => _wrapped.for_end());
void for_updaterBegin() {
_wrap('for_updaterBegin()', () => _wrapped.for_updaterBegin());
void forEach_bodyBegin(Node node) {
return _wrap(
'forEach_bodyBegin($node)', () => _wrapped.forEach_bodyBegin(node));
void forEach_end() {
return _wrap('forEach_end()', () => _wrapped.forEach_end());
void forwardExpression(Expression newExpression, Expression oldExpression) {
return _wrap('forwardExpression($newExpression, $oldExpression)',
() => _wrapped.forwardExpression(newExpression, oldExpression));
void functionExpression_begin(Node node) {
() => _wrapped.functionExpression_begin(node));
void functionExpression_end() {
_wrap('functionExpression_end()', () => _wrapped.functionExpression_end());
Type getMatchedValueType() {
return _wrap('getMatchedValueType()', () => _wrapped.getMatchedValueType(),
isQuery: true);
void handleBreak(Statement? target) {
_wrap('handleBreak($target)', () => _wrapped.handleBreak(target));
void handleContinue(Statement? target) {
_wrap('handleContinue($target)', () => _wrapped.handleContinue(target));
void handleExit() {
_wrap('handleExit()', () => _wrapped.handleExit());
void ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(
Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {
'ifCaseStatement_afterExpression($scrutinee, $scrutineeType)',
() =>
_wrapped.ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(scrutinee, scrutineeType));
void ifCaseStatement_begin() {
_wrap('ifCaseStatement_begin()', () => _wrapped.ifCaseStatement_begin());
void ifCaseStatement_thenBegin(Expression? guard) {
() => _wrapped.ifCaseStatement_thenBegin(guard));
void ifNullExpression_end() {
return _wrap(
'ifNullExpression_end()', () => _wrapped.ifNullExpression_end());
void ifNullExpression_rightBegin(
Expression leftHandSide, Type leftHandSideType) {
'ifNullExpression_rightBegin($leftHandSide, $leftHandSideType)',
() => _wrapped.ifNullExpression_rightBegin(
leftHandSide, leftHandSideType));
void ifStatement_conditionBegin() {
return _wrap('ifStatement_conditionBegin()',
() => _wrapped.ifStatement_conditionBegin());
void ifStatement_elseBegin() {
return _wrap(
'ifStatement_elseBegin()', () => _wrapped.ifStatement_elseBegin());
void ifStatement_end(bool hasElse) {
_wrap('ifStatement_end($hasElse)', () => _wrapped.ifStatement_end(hasElse));
void ifStatement_thenBegin(Expression? condition, Node ifNode) {
_wrap('ifStatement_thenBegin($condition, $ifNode)',
() => _wrapped.ifStatement_thenBegin(condition, ifNode));
void initialize(
Variable variable, Type matchedType, Expression? initializerExpression,
{required bool isFinal,
required bool isLate,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped}) {
'initialize($variable, $matchedType, $initializerExpression, '
'isFinal: $isFinal, isLate: $isLate, '
'isImplicitlyTyped: $isImplicitlyTyped)',
() => _wrapped.initialize(variable, matchedType, initializerExpression,
isFinal: isFinal,
isLate: isLate,
isImplicitlyTyped: isImplicitlyTyped));
bool isAssigned(Variable variable) {
return _wrap('isAssigned($variable)', () => _wrapped.isAssigned(variable),
isQuery: true);
void isExpression_end(Expression isExpression, Expression subExpression,
bool isNot, Type type) {
'isExpression_end($isExpression, $subExpression, $isNot, $type)',
() => _wrapped.isExpression_end(
isExpression, subExpression, isNot, type));
bool isUnassigned(Variable variable) {
return _wrap(
'isUnassigned($variable)', () => _wrapped.isUnassigned(variable),
isQuery: true);
void labeledStatement_begin(Statement node) {
return _wrap('labeledStatement_begin($node)',
() => _wrapped.labeledStatement_begin(node));
void labeledStatement_end() {
return _wrap(
'labeledStatement_end()', () => _wrapped.labeledStatement_end());
void lateInitializer_begin(Node node) {
() => _wrapped.lateInitializer_begin(node));
void lateInitializer_end() {
_wrap('lateInitializer_end()', () => _wrapped.lateInitializer_end());
void logicalBinaryOp_begin() {
_wrap('logicalBinaryOp_begin()', () => _wrapped.logicalBinaryOp_begin());
void logicalBinaryOp_end(Expression wholeExpression, Expression rightOperand,
{required bool isAnd}) {
'logicalBinaryOp_end($wholeExpression, $rightOperand, isAnd: $isAnd)',
() => _wrapped.logicalBinaryOp_end(wholeExpression, rightOperand,
isAnd: isAnd));
void logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(Expression leftOperand, Node wholeExpression,
{required bool isAnd}) {
'logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin($leftOperand, $wholeExpression, '
'isAnd: $isAnd)',
() => _wrapped.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(leftOperand, wholeExpression,
isAnd: isAnd));
void logicalNot_end(Expression notExpression, Expression operand) {
return _wrap('logicalNot_end($notExpression, $operand)',
() => _wrapped.logicalNot_end(notExpression, operand));
void logicalOrPattern_afterLhs() {
() => _wrapped.logicalOrPattern_afterLhs());
void logicalOrPattern_begin() {
_wrap('logicalOrPattern_begin()', () => _wrapped.logicalOrPattern_begin());
void logicalOrPattern_end() {
_wrap('logicalOrPattern_end()', () => _wrapped.logicalOrPattern_end());
void nonEqualityRelationalPattern_end() {
() => _wrapped.nonEqualityRelationalPattern_end());
void nonNullAssert_end(Expression operand) {
return _wrap('nonNullAssert_end($operand)',
() => _wrapped.nonNullAssert_end(operand));
void nullAwareAccess_end() {
_wrap('nullAwareAccess_end()', () => _wrapped.nullAwareAccess_end());
void nullAwareAccess_rightBegin(Expression? target, Type targetType) {
_wrap('nullAwareAccess_rightBegin($target, $targetType)',
() => _wrapped.nullAwareAccess_rightBegin(target, targetType));
bool nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin({required bool isAssert}) {
return _wrap('nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin(isAssert: $isAssert)',
() => _wrapped.nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin(isAssert: isAssert),
isQuery: true, isPure: false);
void nullCheckOrAssertPattern_end() {
() => _wrapped.nullCheckOrAssertPattern_end());
void nullLiteral(Expression expression) {
_wrap('nullLiteral($expression)', () => _wrapped.nullLiteral(expression));
void parenthesizedExpression(
Expression outerExpression, Expression innerExpression) {
'parenthesizedExpression($outerExpression, $innerExpression)',
() =>
_wrapped.parenthesizedExpression(outerExpression, innerExpression));
void patternAssignment_afterRhs(Expression rhs, Type rhsType) {
_wrap('patternAssignment_afterRhs($rhs, $rhsType)',
() => _wrapped.patternAssignment_afterRhs(rhs, rhsType));
void patternAssignment_end() {
_wrap('patternAssignment_end()', () => _wrapped.patternAssignment_end());
void patternForIn_afterExpression(Type elementType) {
() => _wrapped.patternForIn_afterExpression(elementType),
void patternForIn_end() {
_wrap('patternForIn_end()', () => _wrapped.patternForIn_end());
void patternVariableDeclaration_afterInitializer(
Expression initializer, Type initializerType) {
'patternVariableDeclaration_afterInitializer($initializer, '
() => _wrapped.patternVariableDeclaration_afterInitializer(
initializer, initializerType));
void patternVariableDeclaration_end() {
() => _wrapped.patternVariableDeclaration_end());
void popSubpattern() {
_wrap('popSubpattern()', () => _wrapped.popSubpattern());
Type? promotedPropertyType(Expression? target, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
return _wrap(
'promotedPropertyType($target, $propertyName, $propertyMember, '
() => _wrapped.promotedPropertyType(
target, propertyName, propertyMember, staticType),
isQuery: true);
Type? promotedType(Variable variable) {
return _wrap(
'promotedType($variable)', () => _wrapped.promotedType(variable),
isQuery: true);
bool promoteForPattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type knownType,
bool matchFailsIfWrongType = true,
bool matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType = false}) {
return _wrap(
'patternRequiredType(matchedType: $matchedType, '
'requiredType: $knownType, '
'matchFailsIfWrongType: $matchFailsIfWrongType, '
'matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType: $matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType)',
() => _wrapped.promoteForPattern(
matchedType: matchedType,
knownType: knownType,
matchFailsIfWrongType: matchFailsIfWrongType,
matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType: matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType),
isQuery: true,
isPure: false);
Type? propertyGet(Expression? wholeExpression, Expression target,
String propertyName, Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
return _wrap(
'propertyGet($wholeExpression, $target, $propertyName, '
'$propertyMember, $staticType)',
() => _wrapped.propertyGet(
wholeExpression, target, propertyName, propertyMember, staticType),
isQuery: true,
isPure: false);
void pushSubpattern(Type matchedType) {
() => _wrapped.pushSubpattern(matchedType));
SsaNode<Type>? ssaNodeForTesting(Variable variable) {
return _wrap('ssaNodeForTesting($variable)',
() => _wrapped.ssaNodeForTesting(variable),
isQuery: true);
bool switchStatement_afterCase() {
return _wrap('switchStatement_afterCase()',
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_afterCase(),
isPure: false, isQuery: true);
void switchStatement_beginAlternative() {
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_beginAlternative());
void switchStatement_beginAlternatives() {
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_beginAlternatives());
void switchStatement_end(bool isExhaustive) {
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_end(isExhaustive));
void switchStatement_endAlternative(Expression? guard) {
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_endAlternative(guard));
void switchStatement_endAlternatives(Statement? node,
{required bool hasLabels}) {
'switchStatement_endAlternatives($node, hasLabels: $hasLabels)',
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_endAlternatives(node,
hasLabels: hasLabels));
void switchStatement_expressionEnd(
Statement? switchStatement, Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {
'switchStatement_expressionEnd($switchStatement, $scrutinee, '
() => _wrapped.switchStatement_expressionEnd(
switchStatement, scrutinee, scrutineeType));
void thisOrSuper(Expression expression, Type staticType) {
return _wrap('thisOrSuper($expression, $staticType)',
() => _wrapped.thisOrSuper(expression, staticType));
Type? thisOrSuperPropertyGet(Expression expression, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
return _wrap(
'thisOrSuperPropertyGet($expression, $propertyName, $propertyMember, '
() => _wrapped.thisOrSuperPropertyGet(
expression, propertyName, propertyMember, staticType),
isQuery: false,
isPure: false);
void tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin() {
return _wrap('tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin()',
() => _wrapped.tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin());
void tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd(Node body) {
return _wrap('tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd($body)',
() => _wrapped.tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd(body));
void tryCatchStatement_catchBegin(
Variable? exceptionVariable, Variable? stackTraceVariable) {
return _wrap(
'tryCatchStatement_catchBegin($exceptionVariable, $stackTraceVariable)',
() => _wrapped.tryCatchStatement_catchBegin(
exceptionVariable, stackTraceVariable));
void tryCatchStatement_catchEnd() {
return _wrap('tryCatchStatement_catchEnd()',
() => _wrapped.tryCatchStatement_catchEnd());
void tryCatchStatement_end() {
return _wrap(
'tryCatchStatement_end()', () => _wrapped.tryCatchStatement_end());
void tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin() {
return _wrap('tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin()',
() => _wrapped.tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin());
void tryFinallyStatement_end() {
return _wrap(
'tryFinallyStatement_end()', () => _wrapped.tryFinallyStatement_end());
void tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(Node body) {
return _wrap('tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin($body)',
() => _wrapped.tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(body));
Type? variableRead(Expression expression, Variable variable) {
return _wrap('variableRead($expression, $variable)',
() => _wrapped.variableRead(expression, variable),
isQuery: true, isPure: false);
void whileStatement_bodyBegin(
Statement whileStatement, Expression condition) {
return _wrap('whileStatement_bodyBegin($whileStatement, $condition)',
() => _wrapped.whileStatement_bodyBegin(whileStatement, condition));
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Node node) {
return _wrap('whileStatement_conditionBegin($node)',
() => _wrapped.whileStatement_conditionBegin(node));
void whileStatement_end() {
return _wrap('whileStatement_end()', () => _wrapped.whileStatement_end());
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromoted(Expression target) {
return _wrap('whyNotPromoted($target)',
() => _trackWhyNotPromoted(_wrapped.whyNotPromoted(target)),
isQuery: true);
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromotedImplicitThis(
Type staticType) {
return _wrap(
() => _trackWhyNotPromoted(
isQuery: true);
void write(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType,
Expression? writtenExpression) {
_wrap('write($node, $variable, $writtenType, $writtenExpression)',
() => _wrapped.write(node, variable, writtenType, writtenExpression));
void _dumpState() => _wrapped._dumpState();
/// Wraps [callback] so that when it is called, the call (and its return
/// value) will be printed to the console. Also registers the wrapped
/// callback in [_description] so that it will be given a unique identifier
/// when printed to the console.
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() _trackWhyNotPromoted(
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() callback) {
String callbackToString = '#CALLBACK${_nextCallbackId++}';
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() wrappedCallback =
() => _wrap('$callbackToString()', callback, isQuery: true);
_description[wrappedCallback] = callbackToString;
return wrappedCallback;
T _wrap<T>(String description, T callback(),
{bool isQuery = false, bool? isPure}) {
isPure ??= isQuery;
T result;
try {
result = callback();
} catch (e, st) {
print(' => EXCEPTION $e');
print(' ' + st.toString().replaceAll('\n', '\n '));
_exceptionOccurred = true;
if (!isPure) {
if (isQuery) {
print(' => ${_describe(result)}');
return result;
static String _describe(Object? value) {
if (value != null && value is! String && value is! num && value is! bool) {
String? description = _description[value];
if (description != null) return description;
return value.toString();
/// An instance of the [FlowModel] class represents the information gathered by
/// flow analysis at a single point in the control flow of the function or
/// method being analyzed.
/// Instances of this class are immutable, so the methods below that "update"
/// the state actually leave `this` unchanged and return a new state object.
class FlowModel<Type extends Object> {
final Reachability reachable;
/// For each promotable thing being tracked by flow analysis, the
/// corresponding model.
/// Flow analysis has no awareness of scope, so variables that are out of
/// scope are retained in the map until such time as their declaration no
/// longer dominates the control flow. So, for example, if a variable is
/// declared inside the `then` branch of an `if` statement, and the `else`
/// branch of the `if` statement ends in a `return` statement, then the
/// variable remains in the map after the `if` statement ends, even though the
/// variable is not in scope anymore. This should not have any effect on
/// analysis results for error-free code, because it is an error to refer to a
/// variable that is no longer in scope.
/// Keys are the unique integers assigned by
/// [_FlowAnalysisImpl._promotionKeyStore].
final Map<int, VariableModel<Type> /*!*/ > variableInfo;
/// The empty map, used to [join] variables.
final Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> _emptyVariableMap = {};
/// Creates a state object with the given [reachable] status. All variables
/// are assumed to be unpromoted and already assigned, so joining another
/// state with this one will have no effect on it.
FlowModel(Reachability reachable)
: this.withInfo(
const {},
FlowModel.withInfo(this.reachable, this.variableInfo) {
// ignore:unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(reachable != null);
assert(() {
for (VariableModel<Type> value in variableInfo.values) {
// ignore:unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null);
return true;
/// Computes the effect of executing a try/finally's `try` and `finally`
/// blocks in sequence. `this` is the flow analysis state from the end of the
/// `try` block; [beforeFinally] and [afterFinally] are the flow analysis
/// states from the top and bottom of the `finally` block, respectively.
/// Initially the `finally` block is analyzed under the conservative
/// assumption that the `try` block might have been interrupted at any point
/// by an exception occurring, therefore no variable assignments or promotions
/// that occurred in the `try` block can be relied upon. As a result, when we
/// get to the end of processing the `finally` block, the only promotions and
/// variable assignments accounted for by flow analysis are the ones performed
/// within the `finally` block itself. However, when we analyze code that
/// follows the `finally` block, we know that the `try` block did *not* throw
/// an exception, so we want to reinstate the results of any promotions and
/// assignments that occurred during the `try` block, to the extent that they
/// weren't invalidated by later assignments in the `finally` block.
FlowModel<Type> attachFinally(TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
FlowModel<Type> beforeFinally, FlowModel<Type> afterFinally) {
// Code that follows the `try/finally` is reachable iff the end of the `try`
// block is reachable _and_ the end of the `finally` block is reachable.
Reachability newReachable = afterFinally.reachable.rebaseForward(reachable);
// Consider each variable that is common to all three models.
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> newVariableInfo =
<int, VariableModel<Type>>{};
bool variableInfoMatchesThis = true;
bool variableInfoMatchesAfterFinally = true;
for (MapEntry<int, VariableModel<Type>> entry in variableInfo.entries) {
int promotionKey = entry.key;
VariableModel<Type> thisModel = entry.value;
VariableModel<Type>? beforeFinallyModel =
VariableModel<Type>? afterFinallyModel =
if (beforeFinallyModel == null || afterFinallyModel == null) {
// The variable is in `this` model but not in one of the `finally`
// models. This happens when the variable is declared inside the `try`
// block. We can just drop the variable because it won't be in scope
// after the try/finally statement.
variableInfoMatchesThis = false;
// We can just use the "write captured" state from the `finally` block,
// because any write captures in the `try` block are conservatively
// considered to take effect in the `finally` block too.
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes;
SsaNode<Type>? newSsaNode;
if (beforeFinallyModel.ssaNode == afterFinallyModel.ssaNode) {
// The finally clause doesn't write to the variable, so we want to keep
// all promotions that were done to it in both the try and finally
// blocks.
newPromotedTypes = VariableModel.rebasePromotedTypes(typeOperations,
thisModel.promotedTypes, afterFinallyModel.promotedTypes);
// And we can safely restore the SSA node from the end of the try block.
newSsaNode = thisModel.ssaNode;
} else {
// A write to the variable occurred in the finally block, so promotions
// from the try block aren't necessarily valid.
newPromotedTypes = afterFinallyModel.promotedTypes;
// And we can't safely restore the SSA node from the end of the try
// block; we need to keep the one from the end of the finally block.
newSsaNode = afterFinallyModel.ssaNode;
// The `finally` block inherited all tests from the `try` block so we can
// just inherit tests from it.
List<Type> newTested = afterFinallyModel.tested;
// The variable is definitely assigned if it was definitely assigned in
// either the `try` or the `finally` block.
bool newAssigned = thisModel.assigned || afterFinallyModel.assigned;
// The `finally` block inherited the "unassigned" state from the `try`
// block so we can just inherit from it.
bool newUnassigned = afterFinallyModel.unassigned;
VariableModel<Type> newModel = VariableModel._identicalOrNew(
newVariableInfo[promotionKey] = newModel;
if (!identical(newModel, thisModel)) variableInfoMatchesThis = false;
if (!identical(newModel, afterFinallyModel)) {
variableInfoMatchesAfterFinally = false;
// newVariableInfo is now correct. However, if there are any variables
// present in `afterFinally` that aren't present in `this`, we may
// erroneously think that `newVariableInfo` matches `afterFinally`. If so,
// correct that.
if (variableInfoMatchesAfterFinally) {
for (int promotionKey in afterFinally.variableInfo.keys) {
if (!variableInfo.containsKey(promotionKey)) {
variableInfoMatchesAfterFinally = false;
assert(variableInfoMatchesThis ==
_variableInfosEqual(newVariableInfo, variableInfo));
assert(variableInfoMatchesAfterFinally ==
_variableInfosEqual(newVariableInfo, afterFinally.variableInfo));
if (variableInfoMatchesThis) {
newVariableInfo = variableInfo;
} else if (variableInfoMatchesAfterFinally) {
newVariableInfo = afterFinally.variableInfo;
return _identicalOrNew(this, afterFinally, newReachable, newVariableInfo);
/// Updates the state to indicate that the given [writtenVariables] are no
/// longer promoted and are no longer definitely unassigned, and the given
/// [capturedVariables] have been captured by closures.
/// This is used at the top of loops to conservatively cancel the promotion of
/// variables that are modified within the loop, so that we correctly analyze
/// code like the following:
/// if (x is int) {
/// x.isEven; // OK, promoted to int
/// while (true) {
/// x.isEven; // ERROR: promotion lost
/// x = 'foo';
/// }
/// }
/// Note that a more accurate analysis would be to iterate to a fixed point,
/// and only remove promotions if it can be shown that they aren't restored
/// later in the loop body. If we switch to a fixed point analysis, we should
/// be able to remove this method.
FlowModel<Type> conservativeJoin(FlowModelHelper<Type> helper,
Iterable<int> writtenVariables, Iterable<int> capturedVariables) {
FlowModel<Type>? newModel;
for (int variableKey in writtenVariables) {
VariableModel<Type>? info = variableInfo[variableKey];
if (info == null) continue;
VariableModel<Type> newInfo =
if (!identical(info, newInfo)) {
(newModel ??= _clone()).variableInfo[variableKey] = newInfo;
newModel =
_discardDependentPropertyPromotions(helper, newModel, variableKey);
for (int variableKey in capturedVariables) {
VariableModel<Type>? info = variableInfo[variableKey];
if (info == null) continue;
if (!info.writeCaptured) {
(newModel ??= _clone()).variableInfo[variableKey] = info.writeCapture();
// Note: there's no need to discard dependent property promotions,
// because when deciding whether a property is promoted,
// [_FlowAnalysisImpl._handleProperty] checks whether the variable is
// captured.
return newModel ?? this;
/// Register a declaration of the variable whose key is [variableKey].
/// Should also be called for function parameters.
/// A local variable is [initialized] if its declaration has an initializer.
/// A function parameter is always initialized, so [initialized] is `true`.
FlowModel<Type> declare(int variableKey, bool initialized) {
VariableModel<Type> newInfoForVar =
new VariableModel.fresh(assigned: initialized);
return _updateVariableInfo(variableKey, newInfoForVar);
/// Gets the info for the given [promotionKey], creating it if it doesn't
/// exist.
VariableModel<Type> infoFor(int promotionKey) =>
variableInfo[promotionKey] ?? new VariableModel.fresh();
/// Builds a [FlowModel] based on `this`, but extending the `tested` set to
/// include types from [other]. This is used at the bottom of certain kinds
/// of loops, to ensure that types tested within the body of the loop are
/// consistently treated as "of interest" in code that follows the loop,
/// regardless of the type of loop.
FlowModel<Type> inheritTested(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations, FlowModel<Type> other) {
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> newVariableInfo =
<int, VariableModel<Type>>{};
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> otherVariableInfo = other.variableInfo;
bool changed = false;
for (MapEntry<int, VariableModel<Type>> entry in variableInfo.entries) {
int promotionKey = entry.key;
VariableModel<Type> variableModel = entry.value;
VariableModel<Type>? otherVariableModel = otherVariableInfo[promotionKey];
VariableModel<Type> newVariableModel = otherVariableModel == null
? variableModel
: VariableModel.inheritTested(
typeOperations, variableModel, otherVariableModel.tested);
newVariableInfo[promotionKey] = newVariableModel;
if (!identical(newVariableModel, variableModel)) changed = true;
if (changed) {
return new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(reachable, newVariableInfo);
} else {
return this;
/// Updates `this` flow model to account for any promotions and assignments
/// present in [base].
/// This is called "rebasing" the flow model by analogy to "git rebase"; in
/// effect, it rewinds any flow analysis state present in `this` but not in
/// the history of [base], and then reapplies that state using [base] as a
/// starting point, to the extent possible without creating unsoundness. For
/// example, if a variable is promoted in `this` but not in [base], then it
/// will be promoted in the output model, provided that hasn't been reassigned
/// since then (which would make the promotion unsound).
FlowModel<Type> rebaseForward(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations, FlowModel<Type> base) {
// The rebased model is reachable iff both `this` and the new base are
// reachable.
Reachability newReachable = reachable.rebaseForward(base.reachable);
// Consider each variable in the new base model.
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> newVariableInfo =
<int, VariableModel<Type>>{};
bool variableInfoMatchesThis = true;
bool variableInfoMatchesBase = true;
for (MapEntry<int, VariableModel<Type>> entry
in base.variableInfo.entries) {
int promotionKey = entry.key;
VariableModel<Type> baseModel = entry.value;
VariableModel<Type>? thisModel = variableInfo[promotionKey];
if (thisModel == null) {
// The variable has newly came into scope since `thisModel`, so the
// information in `baseModel` is up to date.
newVariableInfo[promotionKey] = baseModel;
variableInfoMatchesThis = false;
// If the variable was write captured in either `this` or the new base,
// it's captured now.
bool newWriteCaptured =
thisModel.writeCaptured || baseModel.writeCaptured;
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes;
if (newWriteCaptured) {
// Write captured variables can't be promoted.
newPromotedTypes = null;
} else if (baseModel.ssaNode != thisModel.ssaNode) {
// The variable may have been written to since `thisModel`, so we can't
// use any of the promotions from `thisModel`.
newPromotedTypes = baseModel.promotedTypes;
} else {
// The variable hasn't been written to since `thisModel`, so we can keep
// all of the promotions from `thisModel`, provided that we retain the
// usual "promotion chain" invariant (each promoted type is a subtype of
// the previous).
newPromotedTypes = VariableModel.rebasePromotedTypes(
typeOperations, thisModel.promotedTypes, baseModel.promotedTypes);
// Tests are kept regardless of whether they are in `this` model or the
// new base model.
List<Type> newTested = VariableModel.joinTested(
thisModel.tested, baseModel.tested, typeOperations);
// The variable is definitely assigned if it was definitely assigned
// either in `this` model or the new base model.
bool newAssigned = thisModel.assigned || baseModel.assigned;
// The variable is definitely unassigned if it was definitely unassigned
// in both `this` model and the new base model.
bool newUnassigned = thisModel.unassigned && baseModel.unassigned;
VariableModel<Type> newModel = VariableModel._identicalOrNew(
newWriteCaptured ? null : baseModel.ssaNode);
newVariableInfo[promotionKey] = newModel;
if (!identical(newModel, thisModel)) variableInfoMatchesThis = false;
if (!identical(newModel, baseModel)) variableInfoMatchesBase = false;
// newVariableInfo is now correct. However, if there are any variables
// present in `this` that aren't present in `base`, we may erroneously think
// that `newVariableInfo` matches `this`. If so, correct that.
if (variableInfoMatchesThis) {
for (int promotionKey in variableInfo.keys) {
if (!base.variableInfo.containsKey(promotionKey)) {
variableInfoMatchesThis = false;
assert(variableInfoMatchesThis ==
_variableInfosEqual(newVariableInfo, variableInfo));
assert(variableInfoMatchesBase ==
_variableInfosEqual(newVariableInfo, base.variableInfo));
if (variableInfoMatchesThis) {
newVariableInfo = variableInfo;
} else if (variableInfoMatchesBase) {
newVariableInfo = base.variableInfo;
return _identicalOrNew(this, base, newReachable, newVariableInfo);
/// Updates the state to indicate that the control flow path is unreachable.
FlowModel<Type> setUnreachable() {
if (!reachable.locallyReachable) return this;
return new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(
reachable.setUnreachable(), variableInfo);
/// Returns a [FlowModel] indicating the result of creating a control flow
/// split. See [Reachability.split] for more information.
FlowModel<Type> split() =>
new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(reachable.split(), variableInfo);
String toString() => '($reachable, $variableInfo)';
/// Returns an [ExpressionInfo] indicating the result of checking whether the
/// given [reference] is non-null.
/// Note that the state is only changed if the previous type of [variable] was
/// potentially nullable.
ExpressionInfo<Type> tryMarkNonNullable(
FlowModelHelper<Type> helper, ReferenceWithType<Type> referenceWithType) {
VariableModel<Type> info = _getInfo(referenceWithType.promotionKey);
if (info.writeCaptured) {
return new _TrivialExpressionInfo<Type>(this);
Type previousType = referenceWithType.type;
Type newType = helper.typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(previousType);
if (helper.typeOperations.isSameType(newType, previousType)) {
return new _TrivialExpressionInfo<Type>(this);
assert(helper.typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(newType, previousType));
FlowModel<Type> ifTrue =
_finishTypeTest(helper, referenceWithType, info, null, newType);
return new ExpressionInfo<Type>(after: this, ifTrue: ifTrue, ifFalse: this);
/// Returns an [ExpressionInfo] indicating the result of casting the given
/// [referenceWithType] to the given [type], as a consequence of an `as`
/// expression.
/// Note that the state is only changed if [type] is a subtype of the
/// variable's previous (possibly promoted) type.
/// TODO(paulberry): if the type is non-nullable, should this method mark the
/// variable as definitely assigned? Does it matter?
FlowModel<Type> tryPromoteForTypeCast(FlowModelHelper<Type> helper,
ReferenceWithType<Type> referenceWithType, Type type) {
VariableModel<Type> info = _getInfo(referenceWithType.promotionKey);
if (info.writeCaptured) {
return this;
Type previousType = referenceWithType.type;
Type? newType = helper.typeOperations.tryPromoteToType(type, previousType);
if (newType == null ||
helper.typeOperations.isSameType(newType, previousType)) {
return this;
assert(helper.typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(newType, previousType),
"Expected $newType to be a subtype of $previousType.");
return _finishTypeTest(helper, referenceWithType, info, type, newType);
/// Returns an [ExpressionInfo] indicating the result of checking whether the
/// given [reference] satisfies the given [type], e.g. as a consequence of an
/// `is` expression as the condition of an `if` statement.
/// Note that the "ifTrue" state is only changed if [type] is a subtype of
/// the variable's previous (possibly promoted) type.
/// TODO(paulberry): if the type is non-nullable, should this method mark the
/// variable as definitely assigned? Does it matter?
ExpressionInfo<Type> tryPromoteForTypeCheck(FlowModelHelper<Type> helper,
ReferenceWithType<Type> referenceWithType, Type type) {
VariableModel<Type> info = _getInfo(referenceWithType.promotionKey);
if (info.writeCaptured) {
return new _TrivialExpressionInfo<Type>(this);
Type previousType = referenceWithType.type;
FlowModel<Type> ifTrue = this;
Type? typeIfSuccess =
helper.typeOperations.tryPromoteToType(type, previousType);
if (typeIfSuccess != null &&
!helper.typeOperations.isSameType(typeIfSuccess, previousType)) {
assert(helper.typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(typeIfSuccess, previousType),
"Expected $typeIfSuccess to be a subtype of $previousType.");
ifTrue =
_finishTypeTest(helper, referenceWithType, info, type, typeIfSuccess);
Type factoredType = helper.typeOperations.factor(previousType, type);
Type? typeIfFalse;
if (helper.typeOperations.isNever(factoredType)) {
// Promoting to `Never` would mark the code as unreachable. But it might
// be reachable due to mixed mode unsoundness. So don't promote.
typeIfFalse = null;
} else if (helper.typeOperations.isSameType(factoredType, previousType)) {
// No change to the type, so don't promote.
typeIfFalse = null;
} else {
typeIfFalse = factoredType;
FlowModel<Type> ifFalse =
_finishTypeTest(helper, referenceWithType, info, type, typeIfFalse);
return new ExpressionInfo<Type>(
after: this, ifTrue: ifTrue, ifFalse: ifFalse);
/// Returns a [FlowModel] indicating the result of removing a control flow
/// split. See [Reachability.unsplit] for more information.
FlowModel<Type> unsplit() =>
new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(reachable.unsplit(), variableInfo);
/// Removes control flow splits until a [FlowModel] is obtained whose
/// reachability has the given [parent].
FlowModel<Type> unsplitTo(Reachability parent) {
if (identical(this.reachable.parent, parent)) return this;
Reachability reachable = this.reachable.unsplit();
while (!identical(reachable.parent, parent)) {
reachable = reachable.unsplit();
return new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(reachable, variableInfo);
/// Updates the state to indicate that an assignment was made to [variable],
/// whose key is [variableKey]. The variable is marked as definitely
/// assigned, and any previous type promotion is removed.
/// If there is any chance that the write will cause a demotion, the caller
/// must pass in a non-null value for [nonPromotionReason] describing the
/// reason for any potential demotion.
FlowModel<Type> write<Variable extends Object>(
FlowModelHelper<Type> helper,
NonPromotionReason? nonPromotionReason,
int variableKey,
Type writtenType,
SsaNode<Type> newSsaNode,
Operations<Variable, Type> operations,
{bool promoteToTypeOfInterest = true,
required Type unpromotedType}) {
FlowModel<Type>? newModel;
VariableModel<Type>? infoForVar = variableInfo[variableKey];
if (infoForVar != null) {
VariableModel<Type> newInfoForVar = infoForVar.write(
nonPromotionReason, variableKey, writtenType, operations, newSsaNode,
promoteToTypeOfInterest: promoteToTypeOfInterest,
unpromotedType: unpromotedType);
if (!identical(newInfoForVar, infoForVar)) {
newModel = _updateVariableInfo(variableKey, newInfoForVar);
newModel =
_discardDependentPropertyPromotions(helper, newModel, variableKey);
return newModel ?? this;
/// Makes a copy of `this` that can be safely edited. Optional argument
/// [reachable] may be used to specify a different reachability.
FlowModel<Type> _clone({Reachability? reachable}) {
return new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(reachable ?? this.reachable,
new Map<int, VariableModel<Type>>.of(variableInfo));
/// Discards promotions on any property (or property of a property) of
/// the variable indicated by [variableKey].
FlowModel<Type>? _discardDependentPropertyPromotions(
FlowModelHelper<Type> helper,
FlowModel<Type>? newModel,
int variableKey) {
for (int key = variableKey;
(key = helper.promotionKeyStore.getNextKeyWithSameRoot(key)) !=
variableKey;) {
VariableModel<Type>? info = variableInfo[key];
if (info != null && info.promotedTypes != null) {
(newModel ??= _clone()).variableInfo[key] =
return newModel;
/// Common algorithm for [tryMarkNonNullable], [tryPromoteForTypeCast],
/// and [tryPromoteForTypeCheck]. Builds a [FlowModel] object describing the
/// effect of updating the [reference] by adding the [testedType] to the
/// list of tested types (if not `null`, and not there already), adding the
/// [promotedType] to the chain of promoted types.
/// Preconditions:
/// - [info] should be the result of calling `infoFor(variable)`
/// - [promotedType] should be a subtype of the currently-promoted type (i.e.
/// no redundant or side-promotions)
/// - The variable should not be write-captured.
FlowModel<Type> _finishTypeTest(
FlowModelHelper<Type> helper,
ReferenceWithType<Type> reference,
VariableModel<Type> info,
Type? testedType,
Type? promotedType) {
List<Type> newTested = info.tested;
if (testedType != null) {
newTested = VariableModel._addTypeToUniqueList(
info.tested, testedType, helper.typeOperations);
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes = info.promotedTypes;
if (promotedType != null) {
newPromotedTypes =
VariableModel._addToPromotedTypes(info.promotedTypes, promotedType);
return identical(newTested, info.tested) &&
identical(newPromotedTypes, info.promotedTypes)
? this
: _updateVariableInfo(
new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: newPromotedTypes,
tested: newTested,
assigned: info.assigned,
unassigned: info.unassigned,
ssaNode: info.ssaNode,
nonPromotionHistory: info.nonPromotionHistory),
reachable: reachable);
/// Gets the info for [promotionKey] reference, creating it if it doesn't
/// exist.
VariableModel<Type> _getInfo(int promotionKey) =>
variableInfo[promotionKey] ?? new VariableModel<Type>.fresh();
/// Returns a new [FlowModel] where the information for [reference] is
/// replaced with [model].
FlowModel<Type> _updateVariableInfo(
int promotionKey, VariableModel<Type> model,
{Reachability? reachable}) {
return _clone(reachable: reachable)..variableInfo[promotionKey] = model;
/// Forms a new state to reflect a control flow path that might have come from
/// either `this` or the [other] state.
/// The control flow path is considered reachable if either of the input
/// states is reachable. Variables are considered definitely assigned if they
/// were definitely assigned in both of the input states. Variable promotions
/// are kept only if they are common to both input states; if a variable is
/// promoted to one type in one state and a subtype in the other state, the
/// less specific type promotion is kept.
static FlowModel<Type> join<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
FlowModel<Type>? first,
FlowModel<Type>? second,
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> emptyVariableMap,
) {
if (first == null) return second!;
if (second == null) return first;
assert(identical(first.reachable.parent, second.reachable.parent));
if (first.reachable.locallyReachable &&
!second.reachable.locallyReachable) {
return first;
if (!first.reachable.locallyReachable &&
second.reachable.locallyReachable) {
return second;
Reachability newReachable =
Reachability.join(first.reachable, second.reachable);
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> newVariableInfo = FlowModel.joinVariableInfo(
return FlowModel._identicalOrNew(
first, second, newReachable, newVariableInfo);
/// Joins two "variable info" maps. See [join] for details.
static Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> joinVariableInfo<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> first,
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> second,
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> emptyMap,
) {
if (identical(first, second)) return first;
if (first.isEmpty || second.isEmpty) {
return emptyMap;
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> result = <int, VariableModel<Type>>{};
bool alwaysFirst = true;
bool alwaysSecond = true;
for (MapEntry<int, VariableModel<Type>> entry in first.entries) {
int promotionKey = entry.key;
VariableModel<Type>? secondModel = second[promotionKey];
if (secondModel == null) {
alwaysFirst = false;
} else {
VariableModel<Type> joined =
VariableModel.join<Type>(typeOperations, entry.value, secondModel);
result[promotionKey] = joined;
if (!identical(joined, entry.value)) alwaysFirst = false;
if (!identical(joined, secondModel)) alwaysSecond = false;
if (alwaysFirst) return first;
if (alwaysSecond && result.length == second.length) return second;
if (result.isEmpty) return emptyMap;
return result;
/// Models the result of joining the flow models [first] and [second] at the
/// merge of two control flow paths.
static FlowModel<Type> merge<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
FlowModel<Type>? first,
FlowModel<Type>? second,
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> emptyVariableMap,
) {
if (first == null) return second!.unsplit();
if (second == null) return first.unsplit();
assert(identical(first.reachable.parent, second.reachable.parent));
if (first.reachable.locallyReachable &&
!second.reachable.locallyReachable) {
return first.unsplit();
if (!first.reachable.locallyReachable &&
second.reachable.locallyReachable) {
return second.unsplit();
Reachability newReachable =
Reachability.join(first.reachable, second.reachable).unsplit();
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> newVariableInfo = FlowModel.joinVariableInfo(
return FlowModel._identicalOrNew(
first, second, newReachable, newVariableInfo);
/// Creates a new [FlowModel] object, unless it is equivalent to either
/// [first] or [second], in which case one of those objects is re-used.
static FlowModel<Type> _identicalOrNew<Type extends Object>(
FlowModel<Type> first,
FlowModel<Type> second,
Reachability newReachable,
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> newVariableInfo) {
if (first.reachable == newReachable &&
identical(first.variableInfo, newVariableInfo)) {
return first;
if (second.reachable == newReachable &&
identical(second.variableInfo, newVariableInfo)) {
return second;
return new FlowModel<Type>.withInfo(newReachable, newVariableInfo);
/// Determines whether the given "variableInfo" maps are equivalent.
/// The equivalence check is shallow; if two variables' models are not
/// identical, we return `false`.
static bool _variableInfosEqual<Type extends Object>(
Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> p1, Map<int, VariableModel<Type>> p2) {
if (p1.length != p2.length) return false;
if (!p1.keys.toSet().containsAll(p2.keys)) return false;
for (MapEntry<int, VariableModel<Type>> entry in p1.entries) {
VariableModel<Type> p1Value = entry.value;
VariableModel<Type>? p2Value = p2[entry.key];
if (!identical(p1Value, p2Value)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Interface used by [FlowModel] and [ReferenceWithType] methods to access
/// variables in [_FlowAnalysisImpl].
abstract class FlowModelHelper<Type extends Object> {
/// The [PromotionKeyStore], which tracks the unique integer assigned to
/// everything in the control flow that might be promotable.
PromotionKeyStore<Object> get promotionKeyStore;
/// The [TypeOperations], used to access types and check subtyping.
TypeOperations<Type> get typeOperations;
/// Linked list node representing a set of reasons why a given expression was
/// not promoted.
/// We use a linked list representation because it is very efficient to build;
/// this means that in the "happy path" where no error occurs (so non-promotion
/// history is not needed) we do a minimal amount of work.
class NonPromotionHistory<Type> {
/// The type that was not promoted to.
final Type type;
/// The reason why the promotion didn't occur.
final NonPromotionReason nonPromotionReason;
/// The previous link in the list.
final NonPromotionHistory<Type>? previous;
NonPromotionHistory(this.type, this.nonPromotionReason, this.previous);
String toString() {
List<String> items = <String>[];
for (NonPromotionHistory<Type>? link = this;
link != null;
link = link.previous) {
items.add('${link.type}: ${link.nonPromotionReason}');
return items.toString();
/// Abstract class representing a reason why something was not promoted.
abstract class NonPromotionReason {
/// Link to documentation describing this non-promotion reason; this should be
/// presented to the user as a source of additional information about the
/// error.
String get documentationLink;
/// Short text description of this non-promotion reason; intended for ID
/// testing.
String get shortName;
/// Implementation of the visitor pattern for non-promotion reasons.
R accept<R, Node extends Object, Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object>(
NonPromotionReasonVisitor<R, Node, Variable, Type> visitor);
/// Implementation of the visitor pattern for non-promotion reasons.
abstract class NonPromotionReasonVisitor<R, Node extends Object,
Variable extends Object, Type extends Object> {
NonPromotionReasonVisitor._() : assert(false, 'Do not extend this class');
R visitDemoteViaExplicitWrite(DemoteViaExplicitWrite<Variable> reason);
R visitPropertyNotPromoted(PropertyNotPromoted<Type> reason);
R visitThisNotPromoted(ThisNotPromoted reason);
/// Operations on types and variables, abstracted from concrete type interfaces.
abstract class Operations<Variable extends Object, Type extends Object>
implements TypeOperations<Type>, VariableOperations<Variable, Type> {
/// Determines whether the given property can be promoted. [propertyMember]
/// will correspond to a `propertyMember` value passed to
/// [FlowAnalysis.promotedPropertyType], [FlowAnalysis.propertyGet], or
/// [FlowAnalysis.thisOrSuperPropertyGet].
bool isPropertyPromotable(Object property);
/// Non-promotion reason describing the situation where an expression was not
/// promoted due to the fact that it's a property get.
class PropertyNotPromoted<Type extends Object> extends NonPromotionReason {
/// The name of the property.
final String propertyName;
/// The field or property being accessed. This matches a `propertyMember`
/// value that was passed to either [FlowAnalysis.propertyGet] or
/// [FlowAnalysis.thisOrSuperPropertyGet].
final Object? propertyMember;
/// The static type of the property at the time of the access. This is the
/// type that was passed to [FlowAnalysis.whyNotPromoted]; it is provided to
/// the client as a convenience for ID testing.
final Type staticType;
PropertyNotPromoted(this.propertyName, this.propertyMember, this.staticType);
String get documentationLink => '';
String get shortName => 'propertyNotPromoted';
R accept<R, Node extends Object, Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object>(
NonPromotionReasonVisitor<R, Node, Variable, Type> visitor) =>
visitor.visitPropertyNotPromoted(this as PropertyNotPromoted<Type>);
/// Immutable data structure modeling the reachability of the given point in the
/// source code. Reachability is tracked relative to checkpoints occurring
/// previously along the control flow path leading up to the current point in
/// the program. A given point is said to be "locally reachable" if it is
/// reachable from the most recent checkpoint, and "overall reachable" if it is
/// reachable from the top of the function.
class Reachability {
/// Model of the initial reachability state of the function being analyzed.
static const Reachability initial = const Reachability._initial();
/// Reachability of the checkpoint this reachability is relative to, or `null`
/// if there is no checkpoint. Reachabilities form a tree structure that
/// mimics the control flow of the code being analyzed, so this is called the
/// "parent".
final Reachability? parent;
/// Whether this point in the source code is considered reachable from the
/// most recent checkpoint.
final bool locallyReachable;
/// Whether this point in the source code is considered reachable from the
/// beginning of the function being analyzed.
final bool overallReachable;
/// The number of `parent` links between this node and [initial].
final int depth;
Reachability._(this.parent, this.locallyReachable, this.overallReachable)
: depth = parent == null ? 0 : parent.depth + 1 {
assert(overallReachable ==
(locallyReachable && (parent?.overallReachable ?? true)));
const Reachability._initial()
: parent = null,
locallyReachable = true,
overallReachable = true,
depth = 0;
/// Updates `this` reachability to account for the reachability of [base].
/// This is the reachability component of the algorithm in
/// [FlowModel.rebaseForward].
Reachability rebaseForward(Reachability base) {
// If [base] is not reachable, then the result is not reachable.
if (!base.locallyReachable) return base;
// If any of the reachability nodes between `this` and its common ancestor
// with [base] are locally unreachable, that means that there was an exit in
// the flow control path from the point at which `this` and [base] diverged
// up to the current point of `this`; therefore we want to mark [base] as
// unreachable.
Reachability? ancestor = commonAncestor(this, base);
for (Reachability? self = this;
self != null && !identical(self, ancestor);
self = self.parent) {
if (!self.locallyReachable) return base.setUnreachable();
// Otherwise, the result is as reachable as [base] was.
return base;
/// Returns a reachability with the same checkpoint as `this`, but where the
/// current point in the program is considered locally unreachable.
Reachability setUnreachable() {
if (!locallyReachable) return this;
return new Reachability._(parent, false, false);
/// Returns a new reachability whose checkpoint is the current point of
/// execution. This models flow control within a control flow split, e.g.
/// inside an `if` statement.
Reachability split() => new Reachability._(this, true, overallReachable);
String toString() {
List<bool> values = [];
for (Reachability? node = this; node != null; node = node.parent) {
return '[${values.join(', ')}]';
/// Returns a reachability that drops the most recent checkpoint but maintains
/// the same notion of reachability relative to the previous two checkpoints.
Reachability unsplit() {
if (locallyReachable) {
return parent!;
} else {
return parent!.setUnreachable();
/// Finds the common ancestor node of [r1] and [r2], if any such node exists;
/// otherwise `null`. If [r1] and [r2] are the same node, that node is
/// returned.
static Reachability? commonAncestor(Reachability? r1, Reachability? r2) {
if (r1 == null || r2 == null) return null;
while (r1!.depth > r2.depth) {
r1 = r1.parent!;
while (r2!.depth > r1.depth) {
r2 = r2.parent!;
while (!identical(r1, r2)) {
r1 = r1!.parent;
r2 = r2!.parent;
return r1;
/// Combines two reachabilities (both of which must be based on the same
/// checkpoint), where the code is considered reachable from the checkpoint
/// iff either argument is reachable from the checkpoint.
/// This is used as part of the "join" operation.
static Reachability join(Reachability r1, Reachability r2) {
assert(identical(r1.parent, r2.parent));
if (r2.locallyReachable) {
return r2;
} else {
return r1;
/// Combines two reachabilities (both of which must be based on the same
/// checkpoint), where the code is considered reachable from the checkpoint
/// iff both arguments are reachable from the checkpoint.
/// This is used as part of the "restrict" operation.
static Reachability restrict(Reachability r1, Reachability r2) {
assert(identical(r1.parent, r2.parent));
if (r2.locallyReachable) {
return r1;
} else {
return r2;
/// Container object combining a [Reference] object with its static type.
class ReferenceWithType<Type extends Object> {
final int promotionKey;
final Type type;
final bool isPromotable;
final bool isThisOrSuper;
ReferenceWithType(this.promotionKey, this.type,
{required this.isPromotable, required this.isThisOrSuper});
String toString() => 'ReferenceWithType($promotionKey, $type)';
/// Data structure representing a unique value that a variable might take on
/// during execution of the code being analyzed. SSA nodes are immutable (so
/// they can be safety shared among data structures) and have identity (so that
/// it is possible to tell whether one SSA node is the same as another).
/// This is similar to the nodes used in traditional single assignment analysis
/// ( except that it
/// does not store a complete IR of the code being analyzed.
class SsaNode<Type extends Object> {
/// Expando mapping SSA nodes to debug ids. Only used by `toString`.
static final Expando<int> _debugIds = new Expando<int>();
static int _nextDebugId = 0;
/// Flow analysis information was associated with the expression that
/// produced the value represented by this SSA node, if it was non-trivial.
/// This can be used at a later time to perform promotions if the value is
/// used in a control flow construct.
/// We don't bother storing flow analysis information if it's trivial (see
/// [_TrivialExpressionInfo]) because such information does not lead to
/// promotions.
final ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo;
String toString() {
int id = _debugIds[this] ??= _nextDebugId++;
return 'ssa$id';
/// Non-promotion reason describing the situation where an expression was not
/// promoted due to the fact that it's a reference to `this`.
class ThisNotPromoted extends NonPromotionReason {
String get documentationLink => '';
String get shortName => 'thisNotPromoted';
R accept<R, Node extends Object, Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object>(
NonPromotionReasonVisitor<R, Node, Variable, Type> visitor) =>
/// An instance of the [VariableModel] class represents the information gathered
/// by flow analysis for a single variable at a single point in the control flow
/// of the function or method being analyzed.
/// Instances of this class are immutable, so the methods below that "update"
/// the state actually leave `this` unchanged and return a new state object.
class VariableModel<Type extends Object> {
/// Sequence of types that the variable has been promoted to, where each
/// element of the sequence is a subtype of the previous. Null if the
/// variable hasn't been promoted.
final List<Type>? promotedTypes;
/// List of types that the variable has been tested against in all code paths
/// leading to the given point in the source code.
final List<Type> tested;
/// Indicates whether the variable has definitely been assigned.
final bool assigned;
/// Indicates whether the variable is unassigned.
final bool unassigned;
/// SSA node associated with this variable. Every time the variable's value
/// potentially changes (either through an explicit write or a join with a
/// control flow path that contains a write), this field is updated to point
/// to a fresh node. Thus, it can be used to detect whether a variable's
/// value has changed since a time in the past.
/// `null` if the variable has been write captured.
final SsaNode<Type>? ssaNode;
/// Non-promotion history of this variable.
final NonPromotionHistory<Type>? nonPromotionHistory;
{required this.promotedTypes,
required this.tested,
required this.assigned,
required this.unassigned,
required this.ssaNode,
this.nonPromotionHistory}) {
assert(!(assigned && unassigned),
"Can't be both definitely assigned and unassigned");
assert(promotedTypes == null || promotedTypes!.isNotEmpty);
assert(!writeCaptured || promotedTypes == null,
"Write-captured variables can't be promoted");
assert(!(writeCaptured && unassigned),
"Write-captured variables can't be definitely unassigned");
// ignore:unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(tested != null);
/// Creates a [VariableModel] representing a variable that's never been seen
/// before.
VariableModel.fresh({this.assigned = false})
: promotedTypes = null,
tested = const [],
unassigned = !assigned,
ssaNode = new SsaNode<Type>(null),
nonPromotionHistory = null;
/// Indicates whether the variable has been write captured.
bool get writeCaptured => ssaNode == null;
/// Returns a new [VariableModel] in which any promotions present have been
/// dropped, and the variable has been marked as "not unassigned".
/// Used by [conservativeJoin] to update the state of variables at the top of
/// loops whose bodies write to them.
VariableModel<Type> discardPromotionsAndMarkNotUnassigned() {
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: null,
tested: tested,
assigned: assigned,
unassigned: false,
ssaNode: writeCaptured ? null : new SsaNode<Type>(null));
String toString() {
List<String> parts = [ssaNode.toString()];
if (promotedTypes != null) {
parts.add('promotedTypes: $promotedTypes');
if (tested.isNotEmpty) {
parts.add('tested: $tested');
if (assigned) {
parts.add('assigned: true');
if (!unassigned) {
parts.add('unassigned: false');
if (writeCaptured) {
parts.add('writeCaptured: true');
if (nonPromotionHistory != null) {
parts.add('nonPromotionHistory: $nonPromotionHistory');
return 'VariableModel(${parts.join(', ')})';
/// Returns a new [VariableModel] reflecting the fact that the variable was
/// just written to.
/// If there is any chance that the write will cause a demotion, the caller
/// must pass in a non-null value for [nonPromotionReason] describing the
/// reason for any potential demotion.
VariableModel<Type> write<Variable extends Object>(
NonPromotionReason? nonPromotionReason,
int variableKey,
Type writtenType,
Operations<Variable, Type> operations,
SsaNode<Type> newSsaNode,
{required bool promoteToTypeOfInterest,
required Type unpromotedType}) {
if (writeCaptured) {
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: promotedTypes,
tested: tested,
assigned: true,
unassigned: false,
ssaNode: null);
_DemotionResult<Type> demotionResult =
_demoteViaAssignment(writtenType, operations, nonPromotionReason);
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes = demotionResult.promotedTypes;
if (promoteToTypeOfInterest) {
newPromotedTypes = _tryPromoteToTypeOfInterest(
operations, unpromotedType, newPromotedTypes, writtenType);
// TODO(paulberry): remove demotions from demotionResult.nonPromotionHistory
// that are no longer in effect due to re-promotion.
if (identical(promotedTypes, newPromotedTypes) && assigned) {
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: promotedTypes,
tested: tested,
assigned: assigned,
unassigned: unassigned,
ssaNode: newSsaNode);
List<Type> newTested;
if (newPromotedTypes == null && promotedTypes != null) {
newTested = const [];
} else {
newTested = tested;
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: newPromotedTypes,
tested: newTested,
assigned: true,
unassigned: false,
ssaNode: newSsaNode,
nonPromotionHistory: demotionResult.nonPromotionHistory);
/// Returns a new [VariableModel] reflecting the fact that the variable has
/// been write-captured.
VariableModel<Type> writeCapture() {
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: null,
tested: const [],
assigned: assigned,
unassigned: false,
ssaNode: null);
/// Computes the result of demoting this variable due to writing a value of
/// type [writtenType].
/// If there is any chance that the write will cause an actual demotion to
/// occur, the caller must pass in a non-null value for [nonPromotionReason]
/// describing the reason for the potential demotion.
_DemotionResult<Type> _demoteViaAssignment(
Type writtenType,
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
NonPromotionReason? nonPromotionReason) {
List<Type>? promotedTypes = this.promotedTypes;
if (promotedTypes == null) {
return new _DemotionResult<Type>(null, nonPromotionHistory);
int numElementsToKeep = promotedTypes.length;
NonPromotionHistory<Type>? newNonPromotionHistory = nonPromotionHistory;
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes;
for (;; numElementsToKeep--) {
if (numElementsToKeep == 0) {
Type promoted = promotedTypes[numElementsToKeep - 1];
if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(writtenType, promoted)) {
if (numElementsToKeep == promotedTypes.length) {
newPromotedTypes = promotedTypes;
newPromotedTypes = promotedTypes.sublist(0, numElementsToKeep);
if (nonPromotionReason == null) {
assert(false, 'Demotion occurred but nonPromotionReason is null');
} else {
newNonPromotionHistory = new NonPromotionHistory<Type>(
promoted, nonPromotionReason, newNonPromotionHistory);
return new _DemotionResult<Type>(newPromotedTypes, newNonPromotionHistory);
/// Returns a variable model that is the same as this one, but with the
/// variable definitely assigned.
VariableModel<Type> _setAssigned() => assigned
? this
: new VariableModel(
promotedTypes: promotedTypes,
tested: tested,
assigned: true,
unassigned: false,
ssaNode: ssaNode ?? new SsaNode(null),
nonPromotionHistory: nonPromotionHistory);
/// Determines whether a variable with the given [promotedTypes] should be
/// promoted to [writtenType] based on types of interest. If it should,
/// returns an updated promotion chain; otherwise returns [promotedTypes]
/// unchanged.
/// Note that since promotion chains are considered immutable, if promotion
/// is required, a new promotion chain will be created and returned.
List<Type>? _tryPromoteToTypeOfInterest(TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
Type declaredType, List<Type>? promotedTypes, Type writtenType) {
if (typeOperations.forcePromotion(
writtenType, declaredType, this.promotedTypes, promotedTypes)) {
return _addToPromotedTypes(promotedTypes, writtenType);
// Figure out if we have any promotion candidates (types that are a
// supertype of writtenType and a proper subtype of the currently-promoted
// type). If at any point we find an exact match, we take it immediately.
Type? currentlyPromotedType = promotedTypes?.last;
List<Type>? result;
List<Type>? candidates = null;
void handleTypeOfInterest(Type type) {
// The written type must be a subtype of the type.
if (!typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(writtenType, type)) {
// Must be more specific that the currently promoted type.
if (currentlyPromotedType != null) {
if (typeOperations.isSameType(type, currentlyPromotedType)) {
if (!typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(type, currentlyPromotedType)) {
// This is precisely the type we want to promote to; take it.
if (typeOperations.isSameType(type, writtenType)) {
result = _addToPromotedTypes(promotedTypes, writtenType);
if (candidates == null) {
candidates = [type];
// Add only unique candidates.
if (!_typeListContains(typeOperations, candidates!, type)) {
// The declared type is always a type of interest, but we never promote
// to the declared type. So, try NonNull of it.
Type declaredTypeNonNull = typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(declaredType);
if (!typeOperations.isSameType(declaredTypeNonNull, declaredType)) {
if (result != null) {
return result!;
for (int i = 0; i < tested.length; i++) {
Type type = tested[i];
if (result != null) {
return result!;
Type typeNonNull = typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(type);
if (!typeOperations.isSameType(typeNonNull, type)) {
if (result != null) {
return result!;
List<Type>? candidates2 = candidates;
if (candidates2 != null) {
// Figure out if we have a unique promotion candidate that's a subtype
// of all the others.
Type? promoted;
for (int i = 0; i < candidates2.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < candidates2.length; j++) {
if (j == i) continue;
if (!typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(candidates2[i], candidates2[j])) {
// Not a subtype of all the others.
continue outer;
if (promoted != null) {
// Not unique. Do not promote.
return promotedTypes;
} else {
promoted = candidates2[i];
if (promoted != null) {
return _addToPromotedTypes(promotedTypes, promoted);
// No suitable promotion found.
return promotedTypes;
/// Builds a [VariableModel] based on [model], but extending the [tested] set
/// to include types from [tested]. This is used at the bottom of certain
/// kinds of loops, to ensure that types tested within the body of the loop
/// are consistently treated as "of interest" in code that follows the loop,
/// regardless of the type of loop.
static VariableModel<Type> inheritTested<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
VariableModel<Type> model,
List<Type> tested) {
List<Type> newTested = joinTested(tested, model.tested, typeOperations);
if (identical(newTested, model.tested)) return model;
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: model.promotedTypes,
tested: newTested,
assigned: model.assigned,
unassigned: model.unassigned,
ssaNode: model.ssaNode);
/// Joins two variable models. See [FlowModel.join] for details.
static VariableModel<Type> join<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
VariableModel<Type> first,
VariableModel<Type> second) {
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes = joinPromotedTypes(
first.promotedTypes, second.promotedTypes, typeOperations);
newPromotedTypes = typeOperations.refinePromotedTypes(
first.promotedTypes, second.promotedTypes, newPromotedTypes);
bool newAssigned = first.assigned && second.assigned;
bool newUnassigned = first.unassigned && second.unassigned;
bool newWriteCaptured = first.writeCaptured || second.writeCaptured;
List<Type> newTested = newWriteCaptured
? const []
: joinTested(first.tested, second.tested, typeOperations);
SsaNode<Type>? newSsaNode = newWriteCaptured
? null
: first.ssaNode == second.ssaNode
? first.ssaNode
: new SsaNode<Type>(null);
return _identicalOrNew(first, second, newPromotedTypes, newTested,
newAssigned, newUnassigned, newWriteCaptured ? null : newSsaNode);
/// Performs the portion of the "join" algorithm that applies to promotion
/// chains. Briefly, we intersect given chains. The chains are totally
/// ordered subsets of a global partial order. Their intersection is a
/// subset of each, and as such is also totally ordered.
static List<Type>? joinPromotedTypes<Type extends Object>(List<Type>? chain1,
List<Type>? chain2, TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations) {
if (chain1 == null) return chain1;
if (chain2 == null) return chain2;
int index1 = 0;
int index2 = 0;
bool skipped1 = false;
bool skipped2 = false;
List<Type>? result;
while (index1 < chain1.length && index2 < chain2.length) {
Type type1 = chain1[index1];
Type type2 = chain2[index2];
if (typeOperations.isSameType(type1, type2)) {
result ??= <Type>[];
} else if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(type2, type1)) {
skipped1 = true;
} else if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(type1, type2)) {
skipped2 = true;
} else {
skipped1 = true;
skipped2 = true;
if (index1 == chain1.length && !skipped1) return chain1;
if (index2 == chain2.length && !skipped2) return chain2;
return result;
/// Performs the portion of the "join" algorithm that applies to promotion
/// chains. Essentially this performs a set union, with the following
/// caveats:
/// - The "sets" are represented as lists (since they are expected to be very
/// small in real-world cases)
/// - The sense of equality for the union operation is determined by
/// [TypeOperations.isSameType].
/// - The types of interests lists are considered immutable.
static List<Type> joinTested<Type extends Object>(List<Type> types1,
List<Type> types2, TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations) {
// Ensure that types1 is the shorter list.
if (types1.length > types2.length) {
List<Type> tmp = types1;
types1 = types2;
types2 = tmp;
// Determine the length of the common prefix the two lists share.
int shared = 0;
for (; shared < types1.length; shared++) {
if (!typeOperations.isSameType(types1[shared], types2[shared])) break;
// Use types2 as a starting point and add any entries from types1 that are
// not present in it.
for (int i = shared; i < types1.length; i++) {
Type typeToAdd = types1[i];
if (_typeListContains(typeOperations, types2, typeToAdd)) continue;
List<Type> result = types2.toList()..add(typeToAdd);
for (i++; i < types1.length; i++) {
typeToAdd = types1[i];
if (_typeListContains(typeOperations, types2, typeToAdd)) continue;
return result;
// No types needed to be added.
return types2;
/// Forms a promotion chain by starting with [basePromotedTypes] and applying
/// promotions from [thisPromotedTypes] to it, to the extent possible without
/// violating the usual ordering invariant (each promoted type must be a
/// subtype of the previous).
/// In degenerate cases, the returned chain will be identical to
/// [thisPromotedTypes] or [basePromotedTypes] (to make it easier for the
/// caller to detect when data structures may be re-used).
static List<Type>? rebasePromotedTypes<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations,
List<Type>? thisPromotedTypes,
List<Type>? basePromotedTypes) {
if (basePromotedTypes == null) {
// The base promotion chain contributes nothing so we just use this
// promotion chain directly.
return thisPromotedTypes;
} else if (thisPromotedTypes == null) {
// This promotion chain contributes nothing so we just use the base
// promotion chain directly.
return basePromotedTypes;
} else {
// Start with basePromotedTypes and apply each of the promotions in
// thisPromotedTypes (discarding any that don't follow the ordering
// invariant)
List<Type> newPromotedTypes = basePromotedTypes;
Type otherPromotedType = basePromotedTypes.last;
for (int i = 0; i < thisPromotedTypes.length; i++) {
Type nextType = thisPromotedTypes[i];
if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(nextType, otherPromotedType) &&
!typeOperations.isSameType(nextType, otherPromotedType)) {
newPromotedTypes = basePromotedTypes.toList()
return newPromotedTypes;
static List<Type> _addToPromotedTypes<Type extends Object>(
List<Type>? promotedTypes, Type promoted) =>
promotedTypes == null
? [promoted]
: (promotedTypes.toList()..add(promoted));
static List<Type> _addTypeToUniqueList<Type extends Object>(
List<Type> types, Type newType, TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations) {
if (_typeListContains(typeOperations, types, newType)) return types;
return new List<Type>.of(types)..add(newType);
/// Creates a new [VariableModel] object, unless it is equivalent to either
/// [first] or [second], in which case one of those objects is re-used.
static VariableModel<Type> _identicalOrNew<Type extends Object>(
VariableModel<Type> first,
VariableModel<Type> second,
List<Type>? newPromotedTypes,
List<Type> newTested,
bool newAssigned,
bool newUnassigned,
SsaNode<Type>? newSsaNode) {
if (identical(first.promotedTypes, newPromotedTypes) &&
identical(first.tested, newTested) &&
first.assigned == newAssigned &&
first.unassigned == newUnassigned &&
first.ssaNode == newSsaNode) {
return first;
} else if (identical(second.promotedTypes, newPromotedTypes) &&
identical(second.tested, newTested) &&
second.assigned == newAssigned &&
second.unassigned == newUnassigned &&
second.ssaNode == newSsaNode) {
return second;
} else {
return new VariableModel<Type>(
promotedTypes: newPromotedTypes,
tested: newTested,
assigned: newAssigned,
unassigned: newUnassigned,
ssaNode: newSsaNode);
static bool _typeListContains<Type extends Object>(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations, List<Type> list, Type searchType) {
for (Type type in list) {
if (typeOperations.isSameType(type, searchType)) return true;
return false;
/// Operations on variables, abstracted from concrete type interfaces.
abstract class VariableOperations<Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object> {
/// Returns the static type of the given [variable].
Type variableType(Variable variable);
class WhyNotPromotedInfo {}
/// [_FlowContext] representing an assert statement or assert initializer.
class _AssertContext<Type extends Object> extends _SimpleContext<Type> {
/// Flow models associated with the condition being asserted.
ExpressionInfo<Type>? _conditionInfo;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['conditionInfo'] = _conditionInfo;
String get _debugType => '_AssertContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a language construct that branches on a boolean
/// condition, such as an `if` statement, conditional expression, or a logical
/// binary operator.
class _BranchContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
/// Flow model if the branch is taken.
final FlowModel<Type> _branchModel;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['branchModel'] = _branchModel;
String get _debugType => '_BranchContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a language construct that can be targeted by
/// `break` or `continue` statements, such as a loop or switch statement.
class _BranchTargetContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
/// Accumulated flow model for all `break` statements seen so far, or `null`
/// if no `break` statements have been seen yet.
FlowModel<Type>? _breakModel;
/// Accumulated flow model for all `continue` statements seen so far, or
/// `null` if no `continue` statements have been seen yet.
FlowModel<Type>? _continueModel;
/// The reachability checkpoint associated with this loop or switch statement.
/// When analyzing deeply nested `break` and `continue` statements, their flow
/// models need to be unsplit to this point before joining them to the control
/// flow paths for the loop or switch.
final Reachability _checkpoint;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => super._debugFields
..['breakModel'] = _breakModel
..['continueModel'] = _continueModel
..['checkpoint'] = _checkpoint;
String get _debugType => '_BranchTargetContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a conditional expression.
class _ConditionalContext<Type extends Object> extends _BranchContext<Type> {
/// Flow models associated with the value of the conditional expression in the
/// circumstance where the "then" branch is taken.
ExpressionInfo<Type>? _thenInfo;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['thenInfo'] = _thenInfo;
String get _debugType => '_ConditionalContext';
/// Data structure representing the result of demoting a variable from one type
/// to another.
class _DemotionResult<Type extends Object> {
/// The new set of promoted types.
final List<Type>? promotedTypes;
/// The new non-promotion history (including the types that the variable is
/// no longer promoted to).
final NonPromotionHistory<Type>? nonPromotionHistory;
_DemotionResult(this.promotedTypes, this.nonPromotionHistory);
/// Specialization of [_EqualityCheckResult] used as the return value for
/// [_FlowAnalysisImpl._equalityCheck] when exactly one of the two operands is a
/// `null` literal (and therefore the equality test is testing whether the other
/// operand is `null`).
/// Note that if both operands are `null`, then [_GuaranteedEqual] will be
/// returned instead.
class _EqualityCheckIsNullCheck<Type extends Object>
extends _EqualityCheckResult {
/// If the operand that is being null-tested is something that can undergo
/// type promotion, the object recording its promotion key, type information,
/// etc. Otherwise, `null`.
final ReferenceWithType<Type>? reference;
/// If `true` the operand that's being null-tested corresponds to
/// [_FlowAnalysisImpl._equalityCheck]'s `rightOperandInfo` argument; if
/// `false`, it corresponds to [_FlowAnalysisImpl._equalityCheck]'s
/// `leftOperandInfo` argument.
final bool isReferenceOnRight;
_EqualityCheckIsNullCheck(this.reference, {required this.isReferenceOnRight})
: super._();
/// Result of performing equality check. This class is used as the return value
/// for [_FlowAnalysisImpl._equalityCheck].
abstract class _EqualityCheckResult {
const _EqualityCheckResult._();
class _FlowAnalysisImpl<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Object, Variable extends Object, Type extends Object>
FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable, Type>,
FlowModelHelper<Type> {
/// The [Operations], used to access types, check subtyping, and query
/// variable types.
final Operations<Variable, Type> operations;
/// Stack of [_FlowContext] objects representing the statements and
/// expressions that are currently being visited.
final List<_FlowContext> _stack = [];
/// The mapping from [Statement]s that can act as targets for `break` and
/// `continue` statements (i.e. loops and switch statements) to the to their
/// context information.
final Map<Statement, _BranchTargetContext<Type>> _statementToContext = {};
FlowModel<Type> _current = new FlowModel<Type>(Reachability.initial);
/// If a pattern is being analyzed, flow model representing all code paths
/// accumulated so far in which the pattern fails to match. Otherwise `null`.
FlowModel<Type>? _unmatched;
/// If a pattern is being analyzed, and the scrutinee is something that might
/// be relevant to type promotion as a consequence of the pattern match,
/// [ReferenceWithType] object referring to the scrutinee. Otherwise `null`.
ReferenceWithType<Type>? _scrutineeReference;
/// If a pattern is being analyzed, and the scrutinee is something that might
/// be type promoted as a consequence of the pattern match, [SsaNode]
/// reflecting the state of the pattern match at the time that
/// [_scrutineeReference] was captured. Otherwise `null`.
/// This is necessary to detect situations where the scrutinee is modified
/// after the beginning of a switch statement and before choosing the case to
/// execute (e.g. in a guard clause), and therefore further pattern matches
/// should not promote the scrutinee (since they are acting on a cached value
/// that no longer matches the scrutinee expression). For example:
/// switch (v) {
/// case int _: // promotes `v` to `int`
/// break;
/// case _ when f(v = ...): // reassigns `v`
/// break;
/// case String _: // does not promote `v` to `String`
/// break;
/// }
SsaNode<Type>? _scrutineeSsaNode;
/// The most recently visited expression for which an [ExpressionInfo] object
/// exists, or `null` if no expression has been visited that has a
/// corresponding [ExpressionInfo] object.
Expression? _expressionWithInfo;
/// If [_expressionWithInfo] is not `null`, the [ExpressionInfo] object
/// corresponding to it. Otherwise `null`.
ExpressionInfo<Type>? _expressionInfo;
/// The most recently visited expression which was a reference, or `null` if
/// no such expression has been visited.
Expression? _expressionWithReference;
/// If [_expressionVariable] is not `null`, the reference corresponding to it.
/// Otherwise `null`.
ReferenceWithType<Type>? _expressionReference;
final AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> _assignedVariables;
/// Indicates whether initializers of implicitly typed variables should be
/// accounted for by SSA analysis. (In an ideal world, they always would be,
/// but due to, they weren't
/// always, and we need to be able to replicate the old behavior when
/// analyzing old language versions).
final bool respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers;
final PromotionKeyStore<Variable> promotionKeyStore;
/// For debugging only: the set of [Variable]s that have been passed to
/// [declare] so far. This is used to detect unnecessary calls to [declare].
final Set<Variable> _debugDeclaredVariables = {};
_FlowAnalysisImpl(this.operations, this._assignedVariables,
{required this.respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers})
: promotionKeyStore = _assignedVariables.promotionKeyStore {
if (!_assignedVariables.isFinished) {
assert(() {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo anywhere = _assignedVariables.anywhere;
Set<int> implicitlyDeclaredVars = {, ...anywhere.written};
'All variables should be declared somewhere');
return true;
bool get isReachable => _current.reachable.overallReachable;
TypeOperations<Type> get typeOperations => operations;
void asExpression_end(Expression subExpression, Type type) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? referenceWithType =
if (referenceWithType == null) return;
_current = _current.tryPromoteForTypeCast(this, referenceWithType, type);
void assert_afterCondition(Expression condition) {
_AssertContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _AssertContext<Type>;
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = _expressionEnd(condition);
context._conditionInfo = conditionInfo;
_current = conditionInfo.ifFalse;
void assert_begin() {
_current = _current.split();
_stack.add(new _AssertContext<Type>(_current));
void assert_end() {
_AssertContext<Type> context = _stack.removeLast() as _AssertContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(context._previous, context._conditionInfo!.ifTrue);
void assignedVariablePattern(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType) {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
_write(node, variable, writtenType, context._matchedValueInfo);
void assignMatchedPatternVariable(Variable variable, int promotionKey) {
int mergedKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
VariableModel<Type> info = _current.infoFor(promotionKey);
// Normally flow analysis is responsible for tracking whether variables are
// definitely assigned; however for variables appearing in patterns we
// have other logic to make sure that a value is definitely assigned (e.g.
// the rule that a variable appearing on one side of an `||` must also
// appear on the other side). So to avoid reporting redundant errors, we
// pretend that the variable is definitely assigned, even if it isn't.
info = info._setAssigned();
_current = _current._updateVariableInfo(mergedKey, info);
void booleanLiteral(Expression expression, bool value) {
FlowModel<Type> unreachable = _current.setUnreachable();
? new ExpressionInfo(
after: _current, ifTrue: _current, ifFalse: unreachable)
: new ExpressionInfo(
after: _current, ifTrue: unreachable, ifFalse: _current));
void conditional_conditionBegin() {
_current = _current.split();
void conditional_elseBegin(Expression thenExpression) {
_ConditionalContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _ConditionalContext<Type>;
context._thenInfo = _expressionEnd(thenExpression);
_current = context._branchModel;
void conditional_end(
Expression conditionalExpression, Expression elseExpression) {
_ConditionalContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _ConditionalContext<Type>;
ExpressionInfo<Type> thenInfo = context._thenInfo!;
ExpressionInfo<Type> elseInfo = _expressionEnd(elseExpression);
new ExpressionInfo(
after: _merge(thenInfo.after, elseInfo.after),
ifTrue: _merge(thenInfo.ifTrue, elseInfo.ifTrue),
ifFalse: _merge(thenInfo.ifFalse, elseInfo.ifFalse)));
void conditional_thenBegin(Expression condition, Node conditionalExpression) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = _expressionEnd(condition);
_stack.add(new _ConditionalContext(conditionInfo.ifFalse));
_current = conditionInfo.ifTrue;
void constantPattern_end(Expression expression, Type type,
{required bool patternsEnabled}) {
assert(_stack.last is _PatternContext<Type>);
if (patternsEnabled) {
_handleEqualityCheckPattern(expression, type, notEqual: false);
} else {
// Before pattern support was added to Dart, flow analysis didn't do any
// promotion based on the constants in individual case clauses. Also, it
// assumed that all case clauses were equally reachable. So, when
// analyzing legacy code that targets a language version before patterns
// were supported, we need to mimic that old behavior. The easiest way to
// do that is to simply assume that the pattern might or might not match,
// regardless of the constant expression.
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, _current);
void copyPromotionData(
{required int sourceKey, required int destinationKey}) {
_current = _current._updateVariableInfo(
destinationKey, _current.infoFor(sourceKey));
void declare(Variable variable, Type staticType,
{required bool initialized, bool skipDuplicateCheck = false}) {
operations.isSameType(staticType, operations.variableType(variable)));
assert(_debugDeclaredVariables.add(variable) || skipDuplicateCheck,
'Variable $variable already declared');
_current = _current.declare(
promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable), initialized);
int declaredVariablePattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type staticType,
Expression? initializerExpression,
bool isFinal = false,
bool isLate = false,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped}) {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
// Choose a fresh promotion key to represent the temporary variable that
// stores the matched value, and mark it as initialized.
int promotionKey = promotionKeyStore.makeTemporaryKey();
_current = _current.declare(promotionKey, true);
_initialize(promotionKey, matchedType, context._matchedValueInfo,
isFinal: isFinal,
isLate: isLate,
isImplicitlyTyped: isImplicitlyTyped,
unpromotedType: staticType);
return promotionKey;
void doStatement_bodyBegin(Statement doStatement) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info =
_BranchTargetContext<Type> context =
new _BranchTargetContext<Type>(_current.reachable);
_current =
_current.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured).split();
_statementToContext[doStatement] = context;
void doStatement_conditionBegin() {
_BranchTargetContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _BranchTargetContext<Type>;
_current = _join(_current, context._continueModel);
void doStatement_end(Expression condition) {
_BranchTargetContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _BranchTargetContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(_expressionEnd(condition).ifFalse, context._breakModel);
EqualityInfo<Type> equalityOperand_end(Expression operand, Type type) =>
_computeEqualityInfo(operand, type);
void equalityOperation_end(Expression wholeExpression,
EqualityInfo<Type>? leftOperandInfo, EqualityInfo<Type>? rightOperandInfo,
{bool notEqual = false}) {
// Note: leftOperandInfo and rightOperandInfo are nullable in the base class
// to account for the fact that legacy type promotion doesn't record
// information about legacy operands. But since we are currently in full
// (post null safety) flow analysis logic, we can safely assume that they
// are not null.
_EqualityCheckResult equalityCheckResult =
_equalityCheck(leftOperandInfo!, rightOperandInfo!);
if (equalityCheckResult is _GuaranteedEqual) {
// Both operands are known by flow analysis to compare equal, so the whole
// expression behaves equivalently to a boolean (either `true` or `false`
// depending whether the check uses the `!=` operator).
booleanLiteral(wholeExpression, !notEqual);
} else if (equalityCheckResult is _EqualityCheckIsNullCheck<Type>) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? reference = equalityCheckResult.reference;
if (reference == null) {
// One side of the equality check is `null`, but the other side is not a
// promotable reference. So there's no promotion to do.
// The equality check is a null check of something potentially promotable
// (e.g. a local variable). Record the necessary information so that if
// this null check winds up being used for a conditional branch, the
// variable's will be promoted on the appropriate code path.
ExpressionInfo<Type> equalityInfo =
_current.tryMarkNonNullable(this, reference);
wholeExpression, notEqual ? equalityInfo : equalityInfo.invert());
} else {
assert(equalityCheckResult is _NoEqualityInformation);
// Since flow analysis can't garner any information from this equality
// check, nothing needs to be done; by not calling `_storeExpressionInfo`,
// we ensure that if `_getExpressionInfo` is later called on this
// expression, `null` will be returned. That means that if this
// expression winds up being used for a conditional branch, flow analysis
// will consider both code paths reachable and won't perform any
// promotions on either path.
void equalityRelationalPattern_end(Expression operand, Type operandType,
{bool notEqual = false}) {
_handleEqualityCheckPattern(operand, operandType, notEqual: notEqual);
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfoForTesting(Expression target) =>
identical(target, _expressionWithInfo) ? _expressionInfo : null;
void finish() {
assert(_current.reachable.parent == null);
assert(_unmatched == null);
assert(_scrutineeReference == null);
assert(_scrutineeSsaNode == null);
void for_bodyBegin(Statement? node, Expression? condition) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = condition == null
? new ExpressionInfo(
after: _current,
ifTrue: _current,
ifFalse: _current.setUnreachable())
: _expressionEnd(condition);
_WhileContext<Type> context =
new _WhileContext<Type>(_current.reachable.parent!, conditionInfo);
if (node != null) {
_statementToContext[node] = context;
_current = conditionInfo.ifTrue;
void for_conditionBegin(Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current =
_current.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured).split();
void for_end() {
_WhileContext<Type> context = _stack.removeLast() as _WhileContext<Type>;
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, break
FlowModel<Type>? breakState = context._breakModel;
FlowModel<Type> falseCondition = context._conditionInfo.ifFalse;
_current =
_merge(falseCondition, breakState).inheritTested(operations, _current);
void for_updaterBegin() {
_WhileContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _WhileContext<Type>;
_current = _join(_current, context._continueModel);
void forEach_bodyBegin(Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current =
_current.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured).split();
_SimpleStatementContext<Type> context =
new _SimpleStatementContext<Type>(_current.reachable.parent!, _current);
void forEach_end() {
_SimpleStatementContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _SimpleStatementContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(_current, context._previous);
void forwardExpression(Expression newExpression, Expression oldExpression) {
if (identical(_expressionWithInfo, oldExpression)) {
_expressionWithInfo = newExpression;
if (identical(_expressionWithReference, oldExpression)) {
_expressionWithReference = newExpression;
void functionExpression_begin(Node node) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(this, const [], info.written);
_stack.add(new _FunctionExpressionContext(_current));
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(
void functionExpression_end() {
_SimpleContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _FunctionExpressionContext<Type>;
_current = context._previous;
Type getMatchedValueType() {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
return _current
?.last ??
void handleBreak(Statement? target) {
_BranchTargetContext<Type>? context = _statementToContext[target];
if (context != null) {
context._breakModel =
_join(context._breakModel, _current.unsplitTo(context._checkpoint));
_current = _current.setUnreachable();
void handleContinue(Statement? target) {
_BranchTargetContext<Type>? context = _statementToContext[target];
if (context != null) {
context._continueModel = _join(
context._continueModel, _current.unsplitTo(context._checkpoint));
_current = _current.setUnreachable();
void handleExit() {
_current = _current.setUnreachable();
void ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(
Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {
// If S0 is the statement `if (E0 case P when E1) S1 else S2`, then:
// - before(P) = after(E0),
// - before(E1) = matched(P).
// Note that we don't need to take any action to handle
// `before(E1) = matched(P)`, because we store both the "matched" state for
// patterns and the "before" state for expressions in `_current`.
_pushPattern(_pushScrutinee(scrutinee, scrutineeType));
void ifCaseStatement_begin() {
// If S0 is the statement `if (E0 case P when E1) S1 else S2`, then:
// - before(E0) = split(before(S0)).
_current = _current.split();
void ifCaseStatement_thenBegin(Expression? guard) {
// If S0 is the statement `if (E0 case P when E1) S1 else S2`, then:
// - before(S1) = true(E1).
FlowModel<Type> branchModel = _popPattern(guard);
_stack.add(new _IfContext(branchModel));
void ifNullExpression_end() {
_IfNullExpressionContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _IfNullExpressionContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(_current, context._shortcutState);
void ifNullExpression_rightBegin(
Expression leftHandSide, Type leftHandSideType) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? lhsReference =
FlowModel<Type> shortcutState;
_current = _current.split();
if (lhsReference != null) {
shortcutState = _current.tryMarkNonNullable(this, lhsReference).ifTrue;
} else {
shortcutState = _current;
if (operations.classifyType(leftHandSideType) ==
TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent) {
shortcutState = shortcutState.setUnreachable();
_stack.add(new _IfNullExpressionContext<Type>(shortcutState));
// Note: we are now on the RHS of the `??`, and so at this point in the
// flow, it is known that the LHS evaluated to `null`. It's tempting to
// update `_current` to reflect this (either promoting the type of the LHS,
// if it's a variable reference, or marking the flow as unreachable, if the
// LHS had a non-nullable static type). However:
// - In the case where the LHS was a variable reference, we can't promote
// it, because we don't promote to `Null` (see
// - In the case where the LHS had a non-nullable static type, it still
// might have been `null` due to mixed-mode unsoundness, so we can't mark
// the flow as unreachable without allowing the unsoundness to escalate
// (see
// So we just leave `_current` as is.
void ifStatement_conditionBegin() {
_current = _current.split();
void ifStatement_elseBegin() {
_IfContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _IfContext<Type>;
context._afterThen = _current;
_current = context._branchModel;
void ifStatement_end(bool hasElse) {
_IfContext<Type> context = _stack.removeLast() as _IfContext<Type>;
FlowModel<Type> afterThen;
FlowModel<Type> afterElse;
if (hasElse) {
afterThen = context._afterThen!;
afterElse = _current;
} else {
afterThen = _current; // no `else`, so `then` is still current
afterElse = context._branchModel;
_current = _merge(afterThen, afterElse);
void ifStatement_thenBegin(Expression? condition, Node ifNode) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = _expressionEnd(condition);
_stack.add(new _IfContext(conditionInfo.ifFalse));
_current = conditionInfo.ifTrue;
void initialize(
Variable variable, Type matchedType, Expression? initializerExpression,
{required bool isFinal,
required bool isLate,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped}) {
Type unpromotedType = operations.variableType(variable);
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
variableKey, matchedType, _getExpressionInfo(initializerExpression),
isFinal: isFinal,
isLate: isLate,
isImplicitlyTyped: isImplicitlyTyped,
unpromotedType: unpromotedType);
bool isAssigned(Variable variable) {
return _current
void isExpression_end(Expression isExpression, Expression subExpression,
bool isNot, Type type) {
if (operations.isNever(type)) {
booleanLiteral(isExpression, isNot);
} else {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? subExpressionReference =
if (subExpressionReference != null) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> expressionInfo =
_current.tryPromoteForTypeCheck(this, subExpressionReference, type);
isExpression, isNot ? expressionInfo.invert() : expressionInfo);
bool isUnassigned(Variable variable) {
return _current
void labeledStatement_begin(Statement node) {
_current = _current.split();
_BranchTargetContext<Type> context =
new _BranchTargetContext<Type>(_current.reachable.parent!);
_statementToContext[node] = context;
void labeledStatement_end() {
_BranchTargetContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _BranchTargetContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(_current, context._breakModel);
void lateInitializer_begin(Node node) {
// Late initializers are treated the same as function expressions.
// Essentially we act as though `late x = expr;` is syntactic sugar for
// `late x = LAZY_MAGIC(() => expr);` (where `LAZY_MAGIC` creates a lazy
// evaluation thunk that gets replaced by the result of `expr` once it is
// evaluated).
void lateInitializer_end() {
// Late initializers are treated the same as function expressions.
// Essentially we act as though `late x = expr;` is syntactic sugar for
// `late x = LAZY_MAGIC(() => expr);` (where `LAZY_MAGIC` creates a lazy
// evaluation thunk that gets replaced by the result of `expr` once it is
// evaluated).
void logicalBinaryOp_begin() {
_current = _current.split();
void logicalBinaryOp_end(Expression wholeExpression, Expression rightOperand,
{required bool isAnd}) {
_BranchContext<Type> context = _stack.removeLast() as _BranchContext<Type>;
ExpressionInfo<Type> rhsInfo = _expressionEnd(rightOperand);
FlowModel<Type> trueResult;
FlowModel<Type> falseResult;
if (isAnd) {
trueResult = rhsInfo.ifTrue;
falseResult = _join(context._branchModel, rhsInfo.ifFalse);
} else {
trueResult = _join(context._branchModel, rhsInfo.ifTrue);
falseResult = rhsInfo.ifFalse;
new ExpressionInfo(
after: _merge(trueResult, falseResult),
ifTrue: trueResult.unsplit(),
ifFalse: falseResult.unsplit()));
void logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(Expression leftOperand, Node wholeExpression,
{required bool isAnd}) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = _expressionEnd(leftOperand);
_stack.add(new _BranchContext<Type>(
isAnd ? conditionInfo.ifFalse : conditionInfo.ifTrue));
_current = isAnd ? conditionInfo.ifTrue : conditionInfo.ifFalse;
void logicalNot_end(Expression notExpression, Expression operand) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = _expressionEnd(operand);
_storeExpressionInfo(notExpression, conditionInfo.invert());
void logicalOrPattern_afterLhs() {
_OrPatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _OrPatternContext<Type>;
// The current flow state represents the state if the left hand side
// matched. Save this so that we can later join it with the state if the
// right hand side matched.
context._lhsMatched = _current;
// An attempt to match the right hand side will only be made if the left
// hand side failed to match, so set the current flow state to the
// "unmatched" flow state from the left hand side.
_current = _unmatched!;
// And reset `_unmatched` to the value it had prior to visiting the left
// hand side, so that if the right hand side fails to match, the failure
// will be accumulated into it.
_unmatched = context._previousUnmatched;
void logicalOrPattern_begin() {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
// Save the pieces of the current flow state that will be needed later.
_stack.add(new _OrPatternContext<Type>(
// Initialize `_unmatched` to a fresh unreachable flow state, so that after
// we visit the left hand side, `_unmatched` will represent the flow state
// if the left hand side failed to match.
_unmatched = _current.setUnreachable();
void logicalOrPattern_end() {
_OrPatternContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _OrPatternContext<Type>;
// If either the left hand side or the right hand side matched, the
// logical-or pattern is considered to have matched.
_current = _join(context._lhsMatched, _current);
void nonEqualityRelationalPattern_end() {
// Flow analysis has no way of knowing whether the operator will return
// `true` or `false`, so just assume the worst case--both cases are
// reachable and no promotions can be done in either case.
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, _current);
void nonNullAssert_end(Expression operand) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? operandReference =
if (operandReference != null) {
_current = _current.tryMarkNonNullable(this, operandReference).ifTrue;
void nullAwareAccess_end() {
_NullAwareAccessContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _NullAwareAccessContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(_current, context._previous);
void nullAwareAccess_rightBegin(Expression? target, Type targetType) {
_current = _current.split();
_stack.add(new _NullAwareAccessContext<Type>(_current));
ReferenceWithType<Type>? targetReference = _getExpressionReference(target);
if (targetReference != null) {
_current = _current.tryMarkNonNullable(this, targetReference).ifTrue;
if (operations.classifyType(targetType) ==
TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent) {
_current = _current.setUnreachable();
bool nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin({required bool isAssert}) {
if (!isAssert) {
// Account for the possibility that the pattern might not match. Note
// that it's tempting to skip this step if matchedValueType is
// non-nullable (based on the reasoning that a non-null value is
// guaranteed to satisfy a null check), but in weak mode that's not sound,
// because in weak mode even non-nullable values might be null. We don't
// want flow analysis behavior to depend on mode, so we conservatively
// assume the pattern might not match regardless of matchedValueType.
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched, _current);
FlowModel<Type>? ifNotNull = _nullCheckPattern();
if (ifNotNull != null) {
_current = ifNotNull;
// Note: we don't need to push a new pattern context for the subpattern,
// because (a) the subpattern matches the same value as the outer pattern,
// and (b) promotion of the synthetic cache variable takes care of
// establishing the correct matched value type.
return ifNotNull == null;
void nullCheckOrAssertPattern_end() {}
void nullLiteral(Expression expression) {
_storeExpressionInfo(expression, new _NullInfo(_current));
void parenthesizedExpression(
Expression outerExpression, Expression innerExpression) {
forwardExpression(outerExpression, innerExpression);
void patternAssignment_afterRhs(Expression rhs, Type rhsType) {
_pushPattern(_pushScrutinee(rhs, rhsType));
void patternAssignment_end() {
void patternForIn_afterExpression(Type elementType) {
_pushPattern(_pushScrutinee(null, elementType));
void patternForIn_end() {
void patternVariableDeclaration_afterInitializer(
Expression initializer, Type initializerType) {
_pushPattern(_pushScrutinee(initializer, initializerType));
void patternVariableDeclaration_end() {
void popSubpattern() {
_FlowContext context = _stack.removeLast();
assert(context is _PatternContext<Type>);
Type? promotedPropertyType(Expression? target, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
return _handleProperty(
null, target, propertyName, propertyMember, staticType);
Type? promotedType(Variable variable) {
return _current
bool promoteForPattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type knownType,
bool matchFailsIfWrongType = true,
bool matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType = false}) {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
ReferenceWithType<Type> matchedValueReference =
bool coversMatchedType = operations.isSubtypeOf(matchedType, knownType);
// Promote the synthetic cache variable the pattern is being matched
// against.
ExpressionInfo<Type> promotionInfo =
_current.tryPromoteForTypeCheck(this, matchedValueReference, knownType);
FlowModel<Type> ifTrue = promotionInfo.ifTrue;
FlowModel<Type> ifFalse = promotionInfo.ifFalse;
ReferenceWithType<Type>? scrutineeReference = _scrutineeReference;
// If there's a scrutinee, and its value is known to be the same as that of
// the synthetic cache variable, promote it too.
if (scrutineeReference != null &&
_current.infoFor(matchedValueReference.promotionKey).ssaNode ==
_current.infoFor(scrutineeReference.promotionKey).ssaNode) {
ifTrue = ifTrue
.tryPromoteForTypeCheck(this, scrutineeReference, knownType)
ifFalse = ifFalse
.tryPromoteForTypeCheck(this, scrutineeReference, knownType)
_current = ifTrue;
if (matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType ||
(matchFailsIfWrongType && !coversMatchedType)) {
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, coversMatchedType ? ifTrue : ifFalse);
return coversMatchedType;
Type? propertyGet(Expression? wholeExpression, Expression target,
String propertyName, Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
return _handleProperty(
wholeExpression, target, propertyName, propertyMember, staticType);
void pushSubpattern(Type matchedType) {
assert(_stack.last is _PatternContext<Type>);
assert(_unmatched != null);
_stack.add(new _PatternContext<Type>(
null, _makeTemporaryReference(new SsaNode<Type>(null)), matchedType));
SsaNode<Type>? ssaNodeForTesting(Variable variable) => _current
bool switchStatement_afterCase() {
_SwitchStatementContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _SwitchStatementContext<Type>;
bool isLocallyReachable = _current.reachable.locallyReachable;
_current = _current.unsplit();
if (isLocallyReachable) {
context._breakModel = _join(context._breakModel, _current);
return isLocallyReachable;
void switchStatement_beginAlternative() {
_SwitchAlternativesContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _SwitchAlternativesContext<Type>;
_current = context._switchStatementContext._unmatched;
void switchStatement_beginAlternatives() {
_SwitchStatementContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _SwitchStatementContext<Type>;
_stack.add(new _SwitchAlternativesContext<Type>(context));
void switchStatement_end(bool isExhaustive) {
_SimpleStatementContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _SimpleStatementContext<Type>;
FlowModel<Type>? breakState = context._breakModel;
// If there is an implicit fall-through default, join it to any breaks.
if (!isExhaustive) breakState = _join(breakState, context._previous);
// If there were no breaks (neither implicit nor explicit), then
// `breakState` will be `null`. This means this is an empty switch
// statement and the type of the scrutinee is an exhaustive type. This
// could happen, for instance, if the scrutinee type is an abstract sealed
// class that has no subclasses. It makes the most sense to treat the code
// after the switch as unreachable, because that's the normal behavior of a
// switch over an exhaustive type with no `break`s. It is sound to do so
// because the type is uninhabited, therefore the body of the switch
// statement itself will never be reached.
breakState ??= context._previous.setUnreachable();
_current = breakState.unsplit();
void switchStatement_endAlternative(Expression? guard) {
FlowModel<Type> unmatched = _popPattern(guard);
_SwitchAlternativesContext<Type> context =
_stack.last as _SwitchAlternativesContext<Type>;
// Future alternatives will be analyzed under the assumption that this
// alternative didn't match. This models the fact that a switch statement
// behaves like a chain of if/else tests.
context._switchStatementContext._unmatched = unmatched;
context._combinedModel = _join(context._combinedModel, _current);
void switchStatement_endAlternatives(Statement? node,
{required bool hasLabels}) {
_SwitchAlternativesContext<Type> alternativesContext =
_stack.removeLast() as _SwitchAlternativesContext<Type>;
_SwitchStatementContext<Type> switchContext =
_stack.last as _SwitchStatementContext<Type>;
if (hasLabels) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node!);
_current = switchContext._previous
.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured);
} else {
_current = alternativesContext._combinedModel ?? switchContext._unmatched;
// Do a control flow split so that in switchStatement_afterCase, we'll be
// able to tell whether the end of the case body was reachable from its
// start.
_current = _current.split();
void switchStatement_expressionEnd(
Statement? switchStatement, Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {
EqualityInfo<Type> matchedValueInfo =
_pushScrutinee(scrutinee, scrutineeType);
_current = _current.split();
_SwitchStatementContext<Type> context = new _SwitchStatementContext<Type>(
_current.reachable.parent!, _current, matchedValueInfo);
if (switchStatement != null) {
_statementToContext[switchStatement] = context;
void thisOrSuper(Expression expression, Type staticType) {
_storeExpressionReference(expression, _thisOrSuperReference(staticType));
Type? thisOrSuperPropertyGet(Expression expression, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
return _handleProperty(
expression, null, propertyName, propertyMember, staticType);
void tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin() {
_current = _current.split();
_stack.add(new _TryContext<Type>(_current));
void tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd(Node body) {
FlowModel<Type> afterBody = _current;
_TryContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _TryContext<Type>;
FlowModel<Type> beforeBody = context._previous;
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(body);
FlowModel<Type> beforeCatch =
beforeBody.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured);
context._beforeCatch = beforeCatch;
context._afterBodyAndCatches = afterBody;
void tryCatchStatement_catchBegin(
Variable? exceptionVariable, Variable? stackTraceVariable) {
_TryContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _TryContext<Type>;
_current = context._beforeCatch!;
if (exceptionVariable != null) {
int exceptionVariableKey =
_current = _current.declare(exceptionVariableKey, true);
if (stackTraceVariable != null) {
int stackTraceVariableKey =
_current = _current.declare(stackTraceVariableKey, true);
void tryCatchStatement_catchEnd() {
_TryContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _TryContext<Type>;
context._afterBodyAndCatches =
_join(context._afterBodyAndCatches, _current);
void tryCatchStatement_end() {
_TryContext<Type> context = _stack.removeLast() as _TryContext<Type>;
_current = context._afterBodyAndCatches!.unsplit();
void tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin() {
_stack.add(new _TryFinallyContext<Type>(_current));
void tryFinallyStatement_end() {
_TryFinallyContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _TryFinallyContext<Type>;
_current = context._afterBodyAndCatches!
.attachFinally(operations, context._beforeFinally!, _current);
void tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(Node body) {
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(body);
_TryFinallyContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _TryFinallyContext<Type>;
context._afterBodyAndCatches = _current;
_current = _join(_current,
context._previous.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured));
context._beforeFinally = _current;
Type? variableRead(Expression expression, Variable variable) {
Type unpromotedType = operations.variableType(variable);
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
VariableModel<Type> variableModel = _current._getInfo(variableKey);
Type? promotedType = variableModel.promotedTypes?.last;
expression, _variableReference(variableKey, unpromotedType));
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo = variableModel.ssaNode?.expressionInfo
?.rebaseForward(operations, _current);
if (expressionInfo != null) {
_storeExpressionInfo(expression, expressionInfo);
return promotedType;
void whileStatement_bodyBegin(
Statement whileStatement, Expression condition) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> conditionInfo = _expressionEnd(condition);
_WhileContext<Type> context =
new _WhileContext<Type>(_current.reachable.parent!, conditionInfo);
_statementToContext[whileStatement] = context;
_current = conditionInfo.ifTrue;
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Node node) {
_current = _current.split();
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
_current = _current.conservativeJoin(this, info.written, info.captured);
void whileStatement_end() {
_WhileContext<Type> context = _stack.removeLast() as _WhileContext<Type>;
_current = _merge(context._conditionInfo.ifFalse, context._breakModel)
.inheritTested(operations, _current);
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromoted(Expression target) {
if (identical(target, _expressionWithReference)) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? referenceWithType = _expressionReference;
if (referenceWithType != null) {
VariableModel<Type>? currentVariableInfo =
if (currentVariableInfo != null) {
return _getNonPromotionReasons(
referenceWithType, currentVariableInfo);
return () => {};
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromotedImplicitThis(
Type staticType) {
VariableModel<Type>? currentThisInfo =
if (currentThisInfo == null) {
return () => {};
return _getNonPromotionReasons(
_thisOrSuperReference(staticType), currentThisInfo);
void write(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType,
Expression? writtenExpression) {
_write(node, variable, writtenType, _getExpressionInfo(writtenExpression));
/// Computes an [EqualityInfo] object to describe the expression [expression],
/// having static type [type].
EqualityInfo<Type> _computeEqualityInfo(Expression expression, Type type) =>
new EqualityInfo<Type>._(_getExpressionInfo(expression), type,
void _dumpState() {
print(' current: $_current');
if (_unmatched != null) {
print(' unmatched: $_unmatched');
if (_scrutineeReference != null) {
print(' scrutineeReference: $_scrutineeReference');
if (_scrutineeSsaNode != null) {
print(' scrutineeSsaNode: $_scrutineeSsaNode');
if (_expressionWithInfo != null) {
print(' expressionWithInfo: $_expressionWithInfo');
if (_expressionInfo != null) {
print(' expressionInfo: $_expressionInfo');
if (_expressionWithReference != null) {
print(' expressionWithReference: $_expressionWithReference');
if (_expressionReference != null) {
print(' expressionReference: $_expressionReference');
if (_stack.isNotEmpty) {
print(' stack:');
for (_FlowContext stackEntry in _stack.reversed) {
print(' $stackEntry');
/// Analyzes an equality check between the operands described by
/// [leftOperandInfo] and [rightOperandInfo].
_EqualityCheckResult _equalityCheck(
EqualityInfo<Type> leftOperandInfo, EqualityInfo<Type> rightOperandInfo) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? lhsReference = leftOperandInfo._reference;
ReferenceWithType<Type>? rhsReference = rightOperandInfo._reference;
TypeClassification leftOperandTypeClassification =
TypeClassification rightOperandTypeClassification =
if (leftOperandTypeClassification == TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent &&
rightOperandTypeClassification == TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent) {
return const _GuaranteedEqual();
} else if ((leftOperandTypeClassification ==
TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent &&
rightOperandTypeClassification == TypeClassification.nonNullable) ||
(rightOperandTypeClassification ==
TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent &&
leftOperandTypeClassification == TypeClassification.nonNullable)) {
// In strong mode the test is guaranteed to produce a "not equal" result,
// but weak mode it might produce an "equal" result. We don't want flow
// analysis behavior to depend on mode, so we conservatively assume that
// either result is possible.
return const _NoEqualityInformation();
} else if (leftOperandInfo._expressionInfo is _NullInfo<Type>) {
return new _EqualityCheckIsNullCheck(rhsReference,
isReferenceOnRight: true);
} else if (rightOperandInfo._expressionInfo is _NullInfo<Type>) {
return new _EqualityCheckIsNullCheck(lhsReference,
isReferenceOnRight: false);
} else {
return const _NoEqualityInformation();
/// Gets the [ExpressionInfo] associated with the [expression] (which should
/// be the last expression that was traversed). If there is no
/// [ExpressionInfo] associated with the [expression], then a fresh
/// [ExpressionInfo] is created recording the current flow analysis state.
ExpressionInfo<Type> _expressionEnd(Expression? expression) =>
_getExpressionInfo(expression) ?? new _TrivialExpressionInfo(_current);
/// Gets the [ExpressionInfo] associated with the [expression] (which should
/// be the last expression that was traversed). If there is no
/// [ExpressionInfo] associated with the [expression], then `null` is
/// returned.
ExpressionInfo<Type>? _getExpressionInfo(Expression? expression) {
if (identical(expression, _expressionWithInfo)) {
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo = _expressionInfo;
_expressionInfo = null;
return expressionInfo;
} else {
return null;
/// Gets the [Reference] associated with the [expression] (which should be the
/// last expression that was traversed). If there is no [Reference]
/// associated with the [expression], then `null` is returned.
ReferenceWithType<Type>? _getExpressionReference(Expression? expression) {
if (identical(expression, _expressionWithReference)) {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? expressionReference = _expressionReference;
_expressionReference = null;
return expressionReference;
} else {
return null;
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() _getNonPromotionReasons(
ReferenceWithType<Type> reference,
VariableModel<Type> currentVariableInfo) {
if (reference is _PropertyReferenceWithType<Type>) {
List<Type>? promotedTypes = currentVariableInfo.promotedTypes;
if (promotedTypes != null) {
return () {
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> result = <Type, NonPromotionReason>{};
for (Type type in promotedTypes) {
result[type] = new PropertyNotPromoted(reference.propertyName,
reference.propertyMember, reference.type);
return result;
} else {
Variable? variable =
if (variable == null) {
List<Type>? promotedTypes = currentVariableInfo.promotedTypes;
if (promotedTypes != null) {
return () {
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> result = <Type, NonPromotionReason>{};
for (Type type in promotedTypes) {
result[type] = new ThisNotPromoted();
return result;
} else {
return () {
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> result = <Type, NonPromotionReason>{};
Type currentType = currentVariableInfo.promotedTypes?.last ??
NonPromotionHistory? nonPromotionHistory =
while (nonPromotionHistory != null) {
Type nonPromotedType = nonPromotionHistory.type;
if (!operations.isSubtypeOf(currentType, nonPromotedType)) {
result[nonPromotedType] ??=
nonPromotionHistory = nonPromotionHistory.previous;
return result;
return () => {};
/// Common code for handling patterns that perform an equality check.
/// [operand] is the expression that the matched value is being compared to,
/// and [operandType] is its type.
/// If [notEqual] is `true`, the pattern matches if the matched value is *not*
/// equal to the operand; otherwise, it matches if the matched value is
/// *equal* to the operand.
void _handleEqualityCheckPattern(Expression operand, Type operandType,
{required bool notEqual}) {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
_EqualityCheckResult equalityCheckResult = _equalityCheck(
new EqualityInfo._(context._matchedValueInfo, getMatchedValueType(),
equalityOperand_end(operand, operandType));
if (equalityCheckResult is _NoEqualityInformation) {
// We have no information so we have to assume the pattern might or
// might not match.
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, _current);
} else if (equalityCheckResult is _EqualityCheckIsNullCheck<Type>) {
FlowModel<Type>? ifNotNull;
if (!equalityCheckResult.isReferenceOnRight) {
// The `null` literal is on the right hand side of the implicit
// equality check, meaning it is the constant value. So the user is
// doing something like this:
// if (v case == null) { ... }
// So we want to promote the type of `v` in the case where the
// constant pattern *didn't* match.
ifNotNull = _nullCheckPattern();
if (ifNotNull == null) {
// `_nullCheckPattern` returns `null` in the case where the matched
// value type is non-nullable. In fully sound programs, this would
// mean that the pattern cannot possibly match. However, in mixed
// mode programs it might match due to unsoundness. Since we don't
// want type inference results to change when a program becomes
// fully sound, we have to assume that we're in mixed mode, and thus
// the pattern might match.
ifNotNull = _current;
} else {
// The `null` literal is on the left hand side of the implicit
// equality check, meaning it is the scrutinee. So the user is doing
// something silly like this:
// if (null case == c) { ... }
// (where `c` is some constant). There's no variable to promote.
// Since flow analysis can't make use of the results of constant
// evaluation, we can't really assume anything; as far as we know, the
// pattern might or might not match.
ifNotNull = _current;
if (notEqual) {
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, _current);
_current = ifNotNull;
} else {
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, ifNotNull);
} else {
assert(equalityCheckResult is _GuaranteedEqual);
if (notEqual) {
// Both operands are known by flow analysis to compare equal, so the
// constant pattern is guaranteed *not* to match.
_unmatched = _join(_unmatched!, _current);
_current = _current.setUnreachable();
} else {
// Both operands are known by flow analysis to compare equal, so the
// constant pattern is guaranteed to match. Since our approach to
// handling patterns in flow analysis uses "implicit and" semantics
// (initially assuming that the pattern always matches, and then
// updating the `_current` and `_unmatched` states to reflect what
// values the pattern rejects), we don't have to do any updates.
Type? _handleProperty(Expression? wholeExpression, Expression? target,
String propertyName, Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) {
int targetKey;
bool isPromotable = propertyMember != null &&
if (target == null) {
targetKey = promotionKeyStore.thisPromotionKey;
} else {
ReferenceWithType<Type>? targetReference =
if (targetReference == null) return null;
targetKey = targetReference.promotionKey;
if (!targetReference.isPromotable && !targetReference.isThisOrSuper) {
isPromotable = false;
_PropertyReferenceWithType<Type> propertyReference =
new _PropertyReferenceWithType<Type>(propertyName, propertyMember,
promotionKeyStore.getProperty(targetKey, propertyName), staticType,
isPromotable: isPromotable);
if (wholeExpression != null) {
_storeExpressionReference(wholeExpression, propertyReference);
if (!propertyReference.isPromotable) {
return null;
if (_current
.writeCaptured) {
// The variable that was used to reach this property has been write
// captured, so the property can't be promoted.
return null;
Type? promotedType =
if (promotedType == null ||
!operations.isSubtypeOf(promotedType, staticType)) {
return null;
return promotedType;
void _initialize(
int promotionKey, Type matchedType, ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo,
{required bool isFinal,
required bool isLate,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped,
required Type unpromotedType}) {
if (isLate) {
// Don't use expression info for late variables, since we don't know when
// they'll be initialized.
expressionInfo = null;
} else if (isImplicitlyTyped && !respectImplicitlyTypedVarInitializers) {
// If the language version is too old, SSA analysis has to ignore
// initializer expressions for implicitly typed variables, in order to
// preserve the buggy behavior of
expressionInfo = null;
SsaNode<Type> newSsaNode = new SsaNode<Type>(
expressionInfo is _TrivialExpressionInfo ? null : expressionInfo);
_current = _current.write(
this, null, promotionKey, matchedType, newSsaNode, operations,
promoteToTypeOfInterest: !isImplicitlyTyped && !isFinal,
unpromotedType: unpromotedType);
if (isImplicitlyTyped && operations.isTypeParameterType(matchedType)) {
_current = _current
_variableReference(promotionKey, unpromotedType), matchedType)
FlowModel<Type> _join(FlowModel<Type>? first, FlowModel<Type>? second) =>
FlowModel.join(operations, first, second, _current._emptyVariableMap);
/// Creates a promotion key representing a temporary variable that doesn't
/// correspond to any variable in the user's source code. This is used by
/// flow analysis to model the synthetic variables used during pattern
/// matching to cache the values that the pattern, and its subpatterns, are
/// being matched against.
int _makeTemporaryReference(SsaNode<Type>? ssaNode) {
int promotionKey = promotionKeyStore.makeTemporaryKey();
_current = _current._updateVariableInfo(
new VariableModel(
promotedTypes: null,
tested: const [],
assigned: true,
unassigned: false,
ssaNode: ssaNode));
return promotionKey;
FlowModel<Type> _merge(FlowModel<Type> first, FlowModel<Type>? second) =>
FlowModel.merge(operations, first, second, _current._emptyVariableMap);
/// Computes an updated flow model representing the result of a null check
/// performed by a pattern. The returned flow model represents what is known
/// about the program state if the matched value is determined to be not equal
/// to `null`.
/// If the matched value's type is non-nullable, then `null` is returned.
FlowModel<Type>? _nullCheckPattern() {
_PatternContext<Type> context = _stack.last as _PatternContext<Type>;
Type matchedValueType = getMatchedValueType();
ReferenceWithType<Type> matchedValueReference =
// Promote
TypeClassification typeClassification =
if (typeClassification == TypeClassification.nonNullable) {
return null;
} else {
FlowModel<Type>? ifNotNull =
_current.tryMarkNonNullable(this, matchedValueReference).ifTrue;
ReferenceWithType<Type>? scrutineeReference = _scrutineeReference;
// If there's a scrutinee, and its value is known to be the same as that
// of the synthetic cache variable, promote it too.
if (scrutineeReference != null &&
_current.infoFor(matchedValueReference.promotionKey).ssaNode ==
_current.infoFor(scrutineeReference.promotionKey).ssaNode) {
ifNotNull =
ifNotNull.tryMarkNonNullable(this, scrutineeReference).ifTrue;
if (typeClassification == TypeClassification.nullOrEquivalent) {
ifNotNull = ifNotNull.setUnreachable();
return ifNotNull;
FlowModel<Type> _popPattern(Expression? guard) {
_TopPatternContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _TopPatternContext<Type>;
FlowModel<Type> unmatched = _unmatched!;
_unmatched = context._previousUnmatched;
if (guard != null) {
ExpressionInfo<Type> guardInfo = _expressionEnd(guard);
_current = guardInfo.ifTrue;
unmatched = _join(unmatched, guardInfo.ifFalse);
return unmatched;
void _popScrutinee() {
_ScrutineeContext<Type> context =
_stack.removeLast() as _ScrutineeContext<Type>;
_scrutineeReference = context.previousScrutineeReference;
_scrutineeSsaNode = context.previousScrutineeSsaNode;
/// Updates the [_stack] to reflect the fact that flow analysis is entering
/// into a pattern or subpattern match. [matchedValueInfo] should be the
/// [EqualityInfo] representing the value being matched.
void _pushPattern(EqualityInfo<Type> matchedValueInfo) {
_stack.add(new _TopPatternContext<Type>(
_unmatched = _current.setUnreachable();
/// Updates the [_stack] to reflect the fact that flow analysis is entering
/// into a construct that performs pattern matching. [scrutinee] should be
/// the expression that is being matched (or `null` if there is no expression
/// that's being matched directly, as happens when in `for-in` loops).
/// [scrutineeType] should be the static type of the scrutinee.
/// The returned value is the [EqualityInfo] representing the value being
/// matched. It should be passed to [_pushPattern].
EqualityInfo<Type> _pushScrutinee(Expression? scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {
EqualityInfo<Type>? scrutineeInfo = scrutinee == null
? null
: _computeEqualityInfo(scrutinee, scrutineeType);
_stack.add(new _ScrutineeContext<Type>(
previousScrutineeReference: _scrutineeReference,
previousScrutineeSsaNode: _scrutineeSsaNode));
ReferenceWithType<Type>? scrutineeReference = scrutineeInfo?._reference;
_scrutineeReference = scrutineeReference;
_scrutineeSsaNode = scrutineeReference == null
? new SsaNode<Type>(null)
: _current.infoFor(scrutineeReference.promotionKey).ssaNode;
return new EqualityInfo._(
new ReferenceWithType(
_makeTemporaryReference(_scrutineeSsaNode), scrutineeType,
isPromotable: true, isThisOrSuper: false));
/// Associates [expression], which should be the most recently visited
/// expression, with the given [expressionInfo] object, and updates the
/// current flow model state to correspond to it.
void _storeExpressionInfo(
Expression expression, ExpressionInfo<Type> expressionInfo) {
_expressionWithInfo = expression;
_expressionInfo = expressionInfo;
_current = expressionInfo.after;
/// Associates [expression], which should be the most recently visited
/// expression, with the given [Reference] object.
void _storeExpressionReference(
Expression expression, ReferenceWithType<Type> expressionReference) {
_expressionWithReference = expression;
_expressionReference = expressionReference;
ReferenceWithType<Type> _thisOrSuperReference(Type staticType) =>
new ReferenceWithType<Type>(
promotionKeyStore.thisPromotionKey, staticType,
isPromotable: false, isThisOrSuper: true);
ReferenceWithType<Type> _variableReference(
int variableKey, Type unpromotedType) =>
new ReferenceWithType<Type>(variableKey,
_current.infoFor(variableKey).promotedTypes?.last ?? unpromotedType,
isPromotable: true, isThisOrSuper: false);
/// Common logic for handling writes to variables, whether they occur as part
/// of an ordinary assignment or a pattern assignment.
void _write(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType,
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo) {
Type unpromotedType = operations.variableType(variable);
int variableKey = promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
SsaNode<Type> newSsaNode = new SsaNode<Type>(
expressionInfo is _TrivialExpressionInfo ? null : expressionInfo);
_current = _current.write(
new DemoteViaExplicitWrite<Variable>(variable, node),
unpromotedType: unpromotedType);
/// Base class for objects representing constructs in the Dart programming
/// language for which flow analysis information needs to be tracked.
abstract class _FlowContext {
_FlowContext() {
assert(() {
// Check that `_debugType` has been overridden in a way that reflects the
// class name. Note that this assumes the behavior of `runtimeType` in
// the VM, but that's ok, because this code is only active when asserts
// are enabled, and we only run unit tests on the VM.
String expectedDebugType = runtimeType.toString();
int lessThanIndex = expectedDebugType.indexOf('<');
if (lessThanIndex > 0) {
expectedDebugType = expectedDebugType.substring(0, lessThanIndex);
assert(_debugType == expectedDebugType,
'Expected a debug type of $expectedDebugType, got $_debugType');
return true;
/// Returns a freshly allocated map whose keys are the names of fields in the
/// class, and whose values are the values of those fields.
/// This is used by [toString] to print out information for debugging.
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => {};
/// Returns a string representation of the class name. This is used by
/// [toString] to print out information for debugging.
String get _debugType;
String toString() {
List<String> fields = [
for (MapEntry<String, Object?> entry in _debugFields.entries)
if (entry.value != null) '${entry.key}: ${entry.value}'
return '$_debugType(${fields.join(', ')})';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a function expression.
class _FunctionExpressionContext<Type extends Object>
extends _SimpleContext<Type> {
String get _debugType => '_FunctionExpressionContext';
/// Specialization of [_EqualityCheckResult] used as the return value for
/// [_FlowAnalysisImpl._equalityCheck] when it is determined that the two
/// operands are guaranteed to be equal to one another, so the code path that
/// results from a not-equal result should be marked as unreachable. (This
/// happens if both operands have type `Null`).
class _GuaranteedEqual extends _EqualityCheckResult {
const _GuaranteedEqual() : super._();
/// [_FlowContext] representing an `if` statement.
class _IfContext<Type extends Object> extends _BranchContext<Type> {
/// Flow model associated with the state of program execution after the `if`
/// statement executes, in the circumstance where the "then" branch is taken.
FlowModel<Type>? _afterThen;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['afterThen'] = _afterThen;
String get _debugType => '_IfContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing an "if-null" (`??`) expression.
class _IfNullExpressionContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
/// The state if the operation short-cuts (i.e. if the expression before the
/// `??` was non-`null`).
final FlowModel<Type> _shortcutState;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['shortcutState'] = _shortcutState;
String get _debugType => '_IfNullExpressionContext';
/// Contextual information tracked by legacy type promotion about a binary "and"
/// expression (`&&`).
class _LegacyBinaryAndContext<Type extends Object>
extends _LegacyContext<Type> {
/// Types that were shown by the LHS of the "and" expression.
final Map<int, Type> _lhsShownTypes;
/// Information about variables that might be assigned by the RHS of the "and"
/// expression.
final AssignedVariablesNodeInfo _assignedVariablesInfoForRhs;
_LegacyBinaryAndContext(super.previousKnownTypes, this._lhsShownTypes,
/// Contextual information tracked by legacy type promotion about a statement or
/// expression.
class _LegacyContext<Type> {
/// The set of known types in effect before the statement or expression in
/// question was encountered.
final Map<int, Type> _previousKnownTypes;
/// Data tracked by legacy type promotion about an expression.
class _LegacyExpressionInfo<Type> {
/// Variables whose types are "shown" by the expression in question.
/// For example, the spec says that the expression `x is T` "shows" `x` to
/// have type `T`, so accordingly, the [_LegacyExpressionInfo] for `x is T`
/// will have an entry in this map that maps `x` to `T`.
final Map<int, Type> _shownTypes;
String toString() => 'LegacyExpressionInfo($_shownTypes)';
/// Implementation of [FlowAnalysis] that performs legacy (pre-null-safety) type
/// promotion.
class _LegacyTypePromotion<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Object, Variable extends Object, Type extends Object>
implements FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable, Type> {
/// The [Operations], used to access types, check subtyping, and query
/// variable types.
final Operations<Variable, Type> _operations;
/// Information about variable assignments computed during the previous
/// compilation pass.
final AssignedVariables<Node, Variable> _assignedVariables;
/// The most recently visited expression for which a [_LegacyExpressionInfo]
/// object exists, or `null` if no expression has been visited that has a
/// corresponding [_LegacyExpressionInfo] object.
Expression? _expressionWithInfo;
/// If [_expressionWithInfo] is not `null`, the [_LegacyExpressionInfo] object
/// corresponding to it. Otherwise `null`.
_LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>? _expressionInfo;
/// The set of type promotions currently in effect.
Map<int, Type> _knownTypes = {};
/// Stack of [_LegacyContext] objects representing the statements and
/// expressions that are currently being visited.
final List<_LegacyContext<Type>> _contextStack = [];
/// Stack for tracking writes occurring on the LHS of a binary "and" (`&&`)
/// operation. Whenever we visit a write, we update the top entry in this
/// stack; whenever we begin to visit the LHS of a binary "and", we push
/// a fresh empty entry onto this stack; accordingly, upon reaching the RHS of
/// the binary "and", the top entry of the stack contains the set of variables
/// written to during the LHS of the "and".
final List<Set<int>> _writeStackForAnd = [{}];
final PromotionKeyStore<Variable> _promotionKeyStore;
/// Stack of types of scrutinee expressions of switch statements enclosing the
/// point currently being analyzed.
final List<Type> _switchStatementTypeStack = [];
_LegacyTypePromotion(this._operations, this._assignedVariables)
: _promotionKeyStore = _assignedVariables.promotionKeyStore;
bool get isReachable => true;
TypeOperations<Type> get operations => _operations;
void asExpression_end(Expression subExpression, Type type) {}
void assert_afterCondition(Expression condition) {}
void assert_begin() {}
void assert_end() {}
assignedVariablePattern(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType) {}
void assignMatchedPatternVariable(Variable variable, int promotionKey) {}
void booleanLiteral(Expression expression, bool value) {}
void conditional_conditionBegin() {}
void conditional_elseBegin(Expression thenExpression) {
_knownTypes = _contextStack.removeLast()._previousKnownTypes;
void conditional_end(
Expression conditionalExpression, Expression elseExpression) {}
void conditional_thenBegin(Expression condition, Node conditionalExpression) {
_conditionalOrIf_thenBegin(condition, conditionalExpression);
void constantPattern_end(Expression expression, Type type,
{required bool patternsEnabled}) {}
void copyPromotionData(
{required int sourceKey, required int destinationKey}) {}
void declare(Variable variable, Type staticType,
{required bool initialized, bool skipDuplicateCheck = false}) {}
int declaredVariablePattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type staticType,
Expression? initializerExpression,
bool isFinal = false,
bool isLate = false,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped}) =>
void doStatement_bodyBegin(Statement doStatement) {}
void doStatement_conditionBegin() {}
void doStatement_end(Expression condition) {}
EqualityInfo<Type>? equalityOperand_end(Expression operand, Type type) =>
void equalityOperation_end(Expression wholeExpression,
EqualityInfo<Type>? leftOperandInfo, EqualityInfo<Type>? rightOperandInfo,
{bool notEqual = false}) {}
void equalityRelationalPattern_end(Expression operand, Type operandType,
{bool notEqual = false}) {}
ExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfoForTesting(Expression target) {
throw new StateError(
'expressionInfoForTesting requires null-aware flow analysis');
void finish() {
assert(_contextStack.isEmpty, 'Unexpected stack: $_contextStack');
void for_bodyBegin(Statement? node, Expression? condition) {}
void for_conditionBegin(Node node) {}
void for_end() {}
void for_updaterBegin() {}
void forEach_bodyBegin(Node node) {}
void forEach_end() {}
void forwardExpression(Expression newExpression, Expression oldExpression) {
if (identical(_expressionWithInfo, oldExpression)) {
_expressionWithInfo = newExpression;
void functionExpression_begin(Node node) {}
void functionExpression_end() {}
Type getMatchedValueType() {
// Patterns are not permitted in pre-null-safe code, however switch cases
// are treated as constant patterns by the shared analysis logic, so we need
// to support this method. The "matched value type" is simply the static
// type of the innermost enclosing switch statement's scrutinee.
return _switchStatementTypeStack.last;
void handleBreak(Statement? target) {}
void handleContinue(Statement? target) {}
void handleExit() {}
void ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(
Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {}
void ifCaseStatement_begin() {}
void ifCaseStatement_thenBegin(Expression? guard) {}
void ifNullExpression_end() {}
void ifNullExpression_rightBegin(
Expression leftHandSide, Type leftHandSideType) {}
void ifStatement_conditionBegin() {}
void ifStatement_elseBegin() {
_knownTypes = _contextStack.removeLast()._previousKnownTypes;
void ifStatement_end(bool hasElse) {
if (!hasElse) {
_knownTypes = _contextStack.removeLast()._previousKnownTypes;
void ifStatement_thenBegin(Expression? condition, Node ifNode) {
_conditionalOrIf_thenBegin(condition, ifNode);
void initialize(
Variable variable, Type matchedType, Expression? initializerExpression,
{required bool isFinal,
required bool isLate,
required bool isImplicitlyTyped}) {}
bool isAssigned(Variable variable) {
return true;
void isExpression_end(Expression isExpression, Expression subExpression,
bool isNot, Type type) {
_LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo =
if (!isNot && expressionInfo is _LegacyVariableReadInfo<Variable, Type>) {
Variable variable = expressionInfo._variable;
int variableKey = expressionInfo._variableKey;
Type currentType =
_knownTypes[variableKey] ?? _operations.variableType(variable);
Type? promotedType = _operations.tryPromoteToType(type, currentType);
if (promotedType != null &&
!_operations.isSameType(currentType, promotedType)) {
new _LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>({variableKey: promotedType}));
bool isUnassigned(Variable variable) {
return false;
void labeledStatement_begin(Node node) {}
void labeledStatement_end() {}
void lateInitializer_begin(Node node) {}
void lateInitializer_end() {}
void logicalBinaryOp_begin() {
void logicalBinaryOp_end(Expression wholeExpression, Expression rightOperand,
{required bool isAnd}) {
if (!isAnd) return;
_LegacyBinaryAndContext<Type> context =
_contextStack.removeLast() as _LegacyBinaryAndContext<Type>;
_knownTypes = context._previousKnownTypes;
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo assignedVariablesInfoForRhs =
Map<int, Type> lhsShownTypes = context._lhsShownTypes;
Map<int, Type> rhsShownTypes =
_getExpressionInfo(rightOperand)?._shownTypes ?? {};
// A logical boolean expression b of the form `e1 && e2` shows that a local
// variable v has type T if both of the following conditions hold:
// - Either e1 shows that v has type T or e2 shows that v has type T.
// - v is not mutated in e2 or within a function other than the one where v
// is declared.
// We don't have to worry about whether v is mutated within a function other
// than the one where v is declared, because that is checked every time we
// evaluate whether v is known to have type T. So we just have to combine
// together the things shown by e1 and e2, and discard anything mutated in
// e2.
// Note, however, that there is an ambiguity that isn't addressed by the
// spec: what happens if e1 shows that v has type T1 and e2 shows that v has
// type T2? The de facto behavior we have had for a long time is to combine
// the two types in the same way we would combine it if c were first
// promoted to T1 and then had a successful `is T2` check.
Map<int, Type> newShownTypes = {};
for (MapEntry<int, Type> entry in lhsShownTypes.entries) {
if (assignedVariablesInfoForRhs.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
newShownTypes[entry.key] = entry.value;
for (MapEntry<int, Type> entry in rhsShownTypes.entries) {
if (assignedVariablesInfoForRhs.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
Type? previouslyShownType = newShownTypes[entry.key];
if (previouslyShownType == null) {
newShownTypes[entry.key] = entry.value;
} else {
Type? newShownType =
_operations.tryPromoteToType(entry.value, previouslyShownType);
if (newShownType != null &&
!_operations.isSameType(previouslyShownType, newShownType)) {
newShownTypes[entry.key] = newShownType;
wholeExpression, new _LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>(newShownTypes));
void logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(Expression leftOperand, Node wholeExpression,
{required bool isAnd}) {
Set<int> variablesWrittenOnLhs = _writeStackForAnd.removeLast();
if (!isAnd) return;
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info =
Map<int, Type> lhsShownTypes =
_getExpressionInfo(leftOperand)?._shownTypes ?? {};
new _LegacyBinaryAndContext<Type>(_knownTypes, lhsShownTypes, info));
Map<int, Type>? newKnownTypes;
for (MapEntry<int, Type> entry in lhsShownTypes.entries) {
// Given a statement of the form `e1 && e2`, if e1 shows that a
// local variable v has type T, then the type of v is known to be T in
// e2, unless any of the following are true:
// - v is potentially mutated in e1,
if (variablesWrittenOnLhs.contains(entry.key)) continue;
// - v is potentially mutated in e2,
if (info.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
// - v is potentially mutated within a function other than the one where
// v is declared, or
if (_assignedVariables.anywhere.captured.contains(entry.key)) {
// - v is accessed by a function defined in e2 and v is potentially
// mutated anywhere in the scope of v.
if (info.readCaptured.contains(entry.key) &&
_assignedVariables.anywhere.written.contains(entry.key)) {
(newKnownTypes ??= new Map<int, Type>.of(_knownTypes))[entry.key] =
if (newKnownTypes != null) _knownTypes = newKnownTypes;
void logicalNot_end(Expression notExpression, Expression operand) {}
void logicalOrPattern_afterLhs() {}
void logicalOrPattern_begin() {}
void logicalOrPattern_end() {}
void nonEqualityRelationalPattern_end() {}
void nonNullAssert_end(Expression operand) {}
void nullAwareAccess_end() {}
void nullAwareAccess_rightBegin(Expression? target, Type targetType) {}
bool nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin({required bool isAssert}) => false;
void nullCheckOrAssertPattern_end() {}
void nullLiteral(Expression expression) {}
void parenthesizedExpression(
Expression outerExpression, Expression innerExpression) {
forwardExpression(outerExpression, innerExpression);
void patternAssignment_afterRhs(Expression rhs, Type rhsType) {}
void patternAssignment_end() {}
void patternForIn_afterExpression(Type elementType) {}
void patternForIn_end() {}
void patternVariableDeclaration_afterInitializer(
Expression initializer, Type initializerType) {}
void patternVariableDeclaration_end() {}
void popSubpattern() {}
Type? promotedPropertyType(Expression? target, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) =>
Type? promotedType(Variable variable) {
int variableKey = _promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
return _knownTypes[variableKey];
bool promoteForPattern(
{required Type matchedType,
required Type knownType,
bool matchFailsIfWrongType = true,
bool matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType = false}) =>
Type? propertyGet(Expression? wholeExpression, Expression target,
String propertyName, Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) =>
void pushSubpattern(Type matchedType) {}
SsaNode<Type>? ssaNodeForTesting(Variable variable) {
throw new StateError('ssaNodeForTesting requires null-aware flow analysis');
bool switchStatement_afterCase() => true;
void switchStatement_beginAlternative() {}
void switchStatement_beginAlternatives() {}
void switchStatement_end(bool isExhaustive) {
void switchStatement_endAlternative(Expression? guard) {}
void switchStatement_endAlternatives(Statement? node,
{required bool hasLabels}) {}
void switchStatement_expressionEnd(
Statement? switchStatement, Expression scrutinee, Type scrutineeType) {
void thisOrSuper(Expression expression, Type staticType) {}
Type? thisOrSuperPropertyGet(Expression expression, String propertyName,
Object? propertyMember, Type staticType) =>
void tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin() {}
void tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd(Node body) {}
void tryCatchStatement_catchBegin(
Variable? exceptionVariable, Variable? stackTraceVariable) {}
void tryCatchStatement_catchEnd() {}
void tryCatchStatement_end() {}
void tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin() {}
void tryFinallyStatement_end() {}
void tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(Node body) {}
Type? variableRead(Expression expression, Variable variable) {
int variableKey = _promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
new _LegacyVariableReadInfo<Variable, Type>(variable, variableKey));
return _knownTypes[variableKey];
void whileStatement_bodyBegin(
Statement whileStatement, Expression condition) {}
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Node node) {}
void whileStatement_end() {}
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromoted(Expression target) {
return () => {};
Map<Type, NonPromotionReason> Function() whyNotPromotedImplicitThis(
Type staticType) {
return () => {};
void write(Node node, Variable variable, Type writtenType,
Expression? writtenExpression) {
int variableKey = _promotionKeyStore.keyForVariable(variable);
void _conditionalOrIf_thenBegin(Expression? condition, Node node) {
_contextStack.add(new _LegacyContext<Type>(_knownTypes));
AssignedVariablesNodeInfo info = _assignedVariables.getInfoForNode(node);
Map<int, Type>? newKnownTypes;
_LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo = _getExpressionInfo(condition);
if (expressionInfo != null) {
for (MapEntry<int, Type> entry in expressionInfo._shownTypes.entries) {
// Given an expression of the form n1?n2:n3 or a statement of the form
// `if (n1) n2 else n3`, if n1 shows that a local variable v has type T,
// then the type of v is known to be T in n2, unless any of the
// following are true:
// - v is potentially mutated in n2,
if (info.written.contains(entry.key)) continue;
// - v is potentially mutated within a function other than the one where
// v is declared, or
if (_assignedVariables.anywhere.captured.contains(entry.key)) {
// - v is accessed by a function defined in n2 and v is potentially
// mutated anywhere in the scope of v.
if (info.readCaptured.contains(entry.key) &&
_assignedVariables.anywhere.written.contains(entry.key)) {
(newKnownTypes ??= new Map<int, Type>.of(_knownTypes))[entry.key] =
if (newKnownTypes != null) _knownTypes = newKnownTypes;
void _dumpState() {
print(' knownTypes: $_knownTypes');
print(' expressionWithInfo: $_expressionWithInfo');
print(' expressionInfo: $_expressionInfo');
print(' contextStack:');
for (_LegacyContext<Type> stackEntry in _contextStack.reversed) {
print(' $stackEntry');
print(' writeStackForAnd:');
for (Set<int> stackEntry in _writeStackForAnd.reversed) {
print(' $stackEntry');
/// Gets the [_LegacyExpressionInfo] associated with [expression], if any;
/// otherwise returns `null`.
_LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>? _getExpressionInfo(Expression? expression) {
if (identical(expression, _expressionWithInfo)) {
_LegacyExpressionInfo<Type>? expressionInfo = _expressionInfo;
_expressionInfo = null;
return expressionInfo;
} else {
return null;
/// Associates [expressionInfo] with [expression] for use by a future call to
/// [_getExpressionInfo].
void _storeExpressionInfo(
Expression expression, _LegacyExpressionInfo<Type> expressionInfo) {
_expressionWithInfo = expression;
_expressionInfo = expressionInfo;
/// Data tracked by legacy type promotion about an expression that reads the
/// value of a local variable.
class _LegacyVariableReadInfo<Variable, Type>
implements _LegacyExpressionInfo<Type> {
/// The variable being referred to.
final Variable _variable;
/// The variable's corresponding key, as assigned by [PromotionKeyStore].
final int _variableKey;
_LegacyVariableReadInfo(this._variable, this._variableKey);
Map<int, Type> get _shownTypes => {};
String toString() => 'LegacyVariableReadInfo($_variable, $_shownTypes)';
/// Specialization of [_EqualityCheckResult] used as the return value for
/// [_FlowAnalysisImpl._equalityCheck] when no particular conclusion can be
/// drawn about the outcome of the outcome of the equality check. In other
/// words, regardless of whether the equality check matches or not, the
/// resulting code path is reachable and no promotions can be done.
class _NoEqualityInformation extends _EqualityCheckResult {
const _NoEqualityInformation() : super._();
/// [_FlowContext] representing a null aware access (`?.`).
class _NullAwareAccessContext<Type extends Object>
extends _SimpleContext<Type> {
String get _debugType => '_NullAwareAccessContext';
/// [ExpressionInfo] representing a `null` literal.
class _NullInfo<Type extends Object> implements ExpressionInfo<Type> {
final FlowModel<Type> after;
FlowModel<Type> get ifFalse => after;
FlowModel<Type> get ifTrue => after;
ExpressionInfo<Type> invert() {
// This should only happen if `!null` is encountered. That should never
// happen for a properly typed program, but we need to handle it so we can
// give reasonable errors for an improperly typed program.
return this;
ExpressionInfo<Type>? rebaseForward(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations, FlowModel<Type> base) =>
/// [_FlowContext] representing a logical-or pattern.
class _OrPatternContext<Type extends Object> extends _PatternContext<Type> {
/// The value of [_FlowAnalysisImpl._unmatched] prior to entering the
/// logical-or pattern.
final FlowModel<Type> _previousUnmatched;
/// If the left hand side of the logical-or pattern has already been
/// traversed, the value of [_FlowAnalysisImpl._current] after traversing it.
/// This represents the flow state under the assumption that the left hand
/// side matched.
FlowModel<Type>? _lhsMatched;
_OrPatternContext(super.matchedValueInfo, super.matchedValuePromotionKey,
super.matchedValueUnpromotedType, this._previousUnmatched);
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => super._debugFields
..['previousUnmatched'] = _previousUnmatched
..['lhsMatched'] = _lhsMatched;
String get _debugType => '_OrPatternContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a pattern.
class _PatternContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
/// [ExpressionInfo] for the value being matched.
final ExpressionInfo<Type>? _matchedValueInfo;
/// Promotion key for the value being matched.
final int _matchedValuePromotionKey;
/// The type of the matched value, before any type promotion.
final Type _matchedValueUnpromotedType;
_PatternContext(this._matchedValueInfo, this._matchedValuePromotionKey,
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => super._debugFields
..['matchedValueInfo'] = _matchedValueInfo
..['matchedValuePromotionKey'] = _matchedValuePromotionKey
..['matchedValueUnpromotedType'] = _matchedValueUnpromotedType;
String get _debugType => '_PatternContext';
/// Creates a reference to the matched value having type [matchedType].
ReferenceWithType<Type> createReference(Type matchedType) =>
new ReferenceWithType(_matchedValuePromotionKey, matchedType,
isPromotable: true, isThisOrSuper: false);
/// [ReferenceWithType] object representing a property get.
class _PropertyReferenceWithType<Type extends Object>
extends ReferenceWithType<Type> {
/// The name of the property.
final String propertyName;
/// The field or property being accessed. This matches a `propertyMember`
/// value that was passed to either [FlowAnalysis.propertyGet] or
/// [FlowAnalysis.thisOrSuperPropertyGet].
final Object? propertyMember;
this.propertyName, this.propertyMember, super.promotionKey, super.type,
{required super.isPromotable})
: super(isThisOrSuper: false);
String toString() =>
'_PropertyReferenceWithType($propertyName, $propertyMember, '
'$promotionKey, $type)';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a construct that can contain one or more
/// patterns, and thus has a scrutinee (for example a `switch` statement).
class _ScrutineeContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
final ReferenceWithType<Type>? previousScrutineeReference;
final SsaNode<Type>? previousScrutineeSsaNode;
{required this.previousScrutineeReference,
required this.previousScrutineeSsaNode});
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => super._debugFields
..['previousScrutineeReference'] = previousScrutineeReference
..['previousScrutineeSsaNode'] = previousScrutineeSsaNode;
String get _debugType => '_ScrutineeContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a language construct for which flow analysis
/// must store a flow model state to be retrieved later, such as a `try`
/// statement, function expression, or "if-null" (`??`) expression.
abstract class _SimpleContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
/// The stored state. For a `try` statement, this is the state from the
/// beginning of the `try` block. For a function expression, this is the
/// state at the point the function expression was created.
final FlowModel<Type> _previous;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['previous'] = _previous;
/// [_FlowContext] representing a language construct that can be targeted by
/// `break` or `continue` statements, and for which flow analysis must store a
/// flow model state to be retrieved later. Examples include "for each" and
/// `switch` statements.
class _SimpleStatementContext<Type extends Object>
extends _BranchTargetContext<Type> {
/// The stored state. For a "for each" statement, this is the state after
/// evaluation of the iterable. For a `switch` statement, this is the state
/// after evaluation of the switch expression.
final FlowModel<Type> _previous;
_SimpleStatementContext(super.checkpoint, this._previous);
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['previous'] = _previous;
String get _debugType => '_SimpleStatementContext';
class _SwitchAlternativesContext<Type extends Object> extends _FlowContext {
/// The enclosing [_SwitchStatementContext].
final _SwitchStatementContext<Type> _switchStatementContext;
FlowModel<Type>? _combinedModel;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['combinedModel'] = _combinedModel;
String get _debugType => '_SwitchAlternativesContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a switch statement.
class _SwitchStatementContext<Type extends Object>
extends _SimpleStatementContext<Type> {
/// [EqualityInfo] for the value being matched.
final EqualityInfo<Type> _matchedValueInfo;
/// Flow state for the code path where no switch cases have matched yet. If
/// we think of a switch statement as syntactic sugar for a chain of if-else
/// statements, this is the flow state on entry to the next `if`.
FlowModel<Type> _unmatched;
super.checkpoint, super._previous, this._matchedValueInfo)
: _unmatched = _previous;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => super._debugFields
..['matchedValueInfo'] = _matchedValueInfo
..['unmatched'] = _unmatched;
String get _debugType => '_SwitchStatementContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing the top level of a pattern syntax tree.
class _TopPatternContext<Type extends Object> extends _PatternContext<Type> {
final FlowModel<Type>? _previousUnmatched;
_TopPatternContext(super._matchedValueInfo, super._matchedValuePromotionKey,
super._matchedValueUnpromotedType, this._previousUnmatched);
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['previousUnmatched'] = _previousUnmatched;
String get _debugType => '_TopPatternContext';
/// Specialization of [ExpressionInfo] for the case where the information we
/// have about the expression is trivial (meaning we know by construction that
/// the expression's [after], [ifTrue], and [ifFalse] models are all the same).
class _TrivialExpressionInfo<Type extends Object>
implements ExpressionInfo<Type> {
final FlowModel<Type> after;
FlowModel<Type> get ifFalse => after;
FlowModel<Type> get ifTrue => after;
ExpressionInfo<Type> invert() => this;
ExpressionInfo<Type> rebaseForward(
TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations, FlowModel<Type> base) =>
new _TrivialExpressionInfo(base);
/// [_FlowContext] representing a try statement.
class _TryContext<Type extends Object> extends _SimpleContext<Type> {
/// If the statement is a "try/catch" statement, the flow model representing
/// program state at the top of any `catch` block.
FlowModel<Type>? _beforeCatch;
/// If the statement is a "try/catch" statement, the accumulated flow model
/// representing program state after the `try` block or one of the `catch`
/// blocks has finished executing. If the statement is a "try/finally"
/// statement, the flow model representing program state after the `try` block
/// has finished executing.
FlowModel<Type>? _afterBodyAndCatches;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields => super._debugFields
..['beforeCatch'] = _beforeCatch
..['afterBodyAndCatches'] = '_afterBodyAndCatches';
String get _debugType => '_TryContext';
class _TryFinallyContext<Type extends Object> extends _TryContext<Type> {
/// The flow model representing program state at the top of the `finally`
/// block.
FlowModel<Type>? _beforeFinally;
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['beforeFinally'] = _beforeFinally;
String get _debugType => '_TryFinallyContext';
/// [_FlowContext] representing a `while` loop (or a C-style `for` loop, which
/// is functionally similar).
class _WhileContext<Type extends Object> extends _BranchTargetContext<Type> {
/// Flow models associated with the loop condition.
final ExpressionInfo<Type> _conditionInfo;
_WhileContext(super.checkpoint, this._conditionInfo);
Map<String, Object?> get _debugFields =>
super._debugFields..['conditionInfo'] = _conditionInfo;
String get _debugType => '_WhileContext';