blob: 51d7f56a0edc7c8dbeaef283a772f6138393dab9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'space.dart';
import 'static_type.dart';
import 'subtract.dart';
/// Returns `true` if [cases] exhaustively covers all possible values of
/// [value].
/// This is defined simply in terms of subtraction and unions: [cases] is a
/// union space, and it's exhaustive if subtracting it from [value] leaves
/// nothing.
bool isExhaustive(Space value, List<Space> cases) {
return subtract(value, new Space.union(cases)) == Space.empty;
/// Checks the [cases] representing a series of switch cases to see if they
/// exhaustively cover all possible values of the matched [valueType]. Also
/// checks to see if any case can't be matched because it's covered by previous
/// cases.
/// Returns a string containing any unreachable case or non-exhaustive match
/// errors. Returns an empty string if all cases are reachable and the cases
/// are exhaustive.
List<ExhaustivenessError> reportErrors(StaticType valueType, List<Space> cases,
[List<Space>? remainingSpaces]) {
List<ExhaustivenessError> errors = <ExhaustivenessError>[];
Space remaining = new Space(valueType);
for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
// See if this case is covered by previous ones.
if (i > 0) {
Space previous = new Space.union(cases.sublist(0, i));
if (subtract(cases[i], previous) == Space.empty) {
errors.add(new UnreachableCaseError(valueType, cases, i, previous));
remaining = subtract(remaining, cases[i]);
if (remaining != Space.empty) {
errors.add(new NonExhaustiveError(valueType, cases, remaining));
return errors;
class ExhaustivenessError {}
class NonExhaustiveError implements ExhaustivenessError {
final StaticType valueType;
final List<Space> cases;
final Space remaining;
NonExhaustiveError(this.valueType, this.cases, this.remaining);
String toString() =>
'$valueType is not exhaustively matched by ${new Space.union(cases)}.';
class UnreachableCaseError implements ExhaustivenessError {
final StaticType valueType;
final List<Space> cases;
final int index;
final Space previous;
UnreachableCaseError(this.valueType, this.cases, this.index, this.previous);
String toString() =>
'Case #${index + 1} ${cases[index]} is covered by $previous.';