blob: fd25a212788ddd29c402a376e4b78f452aec61c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'buffer.dart';
import 'chain_transformers.dart';
import 'from_handlers.dart';
/// Like [Stream.asyncMap] but events are buffered until previous events have
/// been processed by [convert].
/// If the source stream is a broadcast stream the result will be as well. When
/// used with a broadcast stream behavior also differs from [Stream.asyncMap] in
/// that the [convert] function is only called once per event, rather than once
/// per listener per event.
/// The first event from the source stream is always passed to [convert] as a
/// List with a single element. After that events are buffered until the
/// previous Future returned from [convert] has fired.
/// Errors from the source stream are forwarded directly to the result stream.
/// Errors during the conversion are also forwarded to the result stream and are
/// considered completing work so the next values are let through.
/// The result stream will not close until the source stream closes and all
/// pending conversions have finished.
StreamTransformer<S, T> asyncMapBuffer<S, T>(
Future<T> convert(List<S> collected)) {
var workFinished = StreamController()
// Let the first event through.
return chainTransformers(
buffer(, _asyncMapThen(convert, workFinished.add));
/// Like [Stream.asyncMap] but the [convert] is only called once per event,
/// rather than once per listener, and [then] is called after completing the
/// work.
StreamTransformer<S, T> _asyncMapThen<S, T>(
Future<T> convert(S event), void then(Object _)) {
Future pendingEvent;
return fromHandlers(handleData: (event, sink) {
pendingEvent =
}, handleDone: (sink) {
if (pendingEvent != null) {
pendingEvent.then((_) => sink.close());
} else {