blob: 992b3a7d1f3eb10bb1cad21c1f2e0325379f4610 [file] [log] [blame]
// This code has been "translated" largely from the Chromium/blink source
// for SVG path parsing.
// The following files can be cross referenced to the classes and methods here:
// *
// *
// *
// *
// *
// *
// * (IsHTMLSpace)
// *
import 'dart:math' as math show sqrt, max, pi, tan, sin, cos, pow, atan2;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart' show Matrix4;
import './path_segment_type.dart';
/// Parse `svg`, emitting the segment data to `path`.
void writeSvgPathDataToPath(String svg, PathProxy path) {
if (svg == null || svg == '') {
final SvgPathStringSource parser = new SvgPathStringSource(svg);
final SvgPathNormalizer normalizer = new SvgPathNormalizer();
for (PathSegmentData seg in parser.parseSegments()) {
normalizer.emitSegment(seg, path);
/// A receiver for normalized [PathSegmentData].
abstract class PathProxy {
void moveTo(double x, double y);
void lineTo(double x, double y);
void cubicTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double x3,
double y3,
void close();
/// Provides a minimal implementation of a [Point] or [Offset].
// Takes care of a few things Point doesn't, without requiring Flutter as dependency
class _PathOffset {
const _PathOffset(this.dx, this.dy)
: assert(dx != null),
assert(dy != null);
static _PathOffset get zero => const _PathOffset(0.0, 0.0);
final double dx;
final double dy;
double get direction => math.atan2(dy, dx);
_PathOffset translate(double translateX, double translateY) =>
new _PathOffset(dx + translateX, dy + translateY);
_PathOffset operator +(_PathOffset other) =>
new _PathOffset(dx + other.dx, dy + other.dy);
_PathOffset operator -(_PathOffset other) =>
new _PathOffset(dx - other.dx, dy - other.dy);
_PathOffset operator *(double operand) =>
new _PathOffset(dx * operand, dy * operand);
String toString() {
return 'PathOffset{$dx,$dy}';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is _PathOffset && other.dx == dx && other.dy == dy;
// TODO(dnfield): Use a real hashing function - but this should at least be better than the default.
int get hashCode => (((17 * 23) ^ dx.hashCode) * 23) ^ dy.hashCode;
const double _twoPiFloat = math.pi * 2.0;
const double _piOverTwoFloat = math.pi / 2.0;
class SvgPathStringSource {
SvgPathStringSource(String string) : assert(string != null) {
_previousCommand = SvgPathSegType.unknown;
_codePoints = string.codeUnits;
_idx = 0;
SvgPathSegType _previousCommand;
List<int> _codePoints;
int _idx;
bool _isHtmlSpace(int character) {
// Histogram from Apple's page load test combined with some ad hoc browsing
// some other test suites.
// 82%: 216330 non-space characters, all > U+0020
// 11%: 30017 plain space characters, U+0020
// 5%: 12099 newline characters, U+000A
// 2%: 5346 tab characters, U+0009
// No other characters seen. No U+000C or U+000D, and no other control
// characters. Accordingly, we check for non-spaces first, then space, then
// newline, then tab, then the other characters.
return character <= &&
(character == ||
character == AsciiConstants.slashN ||
character == AsciiConstants.slashT ||
character == AsciiConstants.slashR ||
character == AsciiConstants.slashF);
bool _skipOptionalSvgSpaces() {
while (_idx < _codePoints.length && _isHtmlSpace(_codePoints[_idx])) {
return _idx < _codePoints.length;
bool _skipOptionalSvgSpacesOrDelimiter(
[int delimiter = AsciiConstants.comma]) {
if (_idx < _codePoints.length &&
!_isHtmlSpace(_codePoints[_idx]) &&
_codePoints[_idx] != delimiter) {
return false;
if (_skipOptionalSvgSpaces()) {
if (_idx < _codePoints.length && _codePoints[_idx] == delimiter) {
return _idx < _codePoints.length;
bool _isNumberStart(int lookahead) {
return (lookahead >= AsciiConstants.number0 &&
lookahead <= AsciiConstants.number9) ||
lookahead == ||
lookahead == AsciiConstants.minus ||
lookahead == AsciiConstants.period;
SvgPathSegType _maybeImplicitCommand(
int lookahead, SvgPathSegType nextCommand) {
// Check if the current lookahead may start a number - in which case it
// could be the start of an implicit command. The 'close' command does not
// have any parameters though and hence can't have an implicit
// 'continuation'.
if (!_isNumberStart(lookahead) || _previousCommand == SvgPathSegType.close)
return nextCommand;
// Implicit continuations of moveto command translate to linetos.
if (_previousCommand == SvgPathSegType.moveToAbs) {
return SvgPathSegType.lineToAbs;
if (_previousCommand == SvgPathSegType.moveToRel) {
return SvgPathSegType.lineToRel;
return _previousCommand;
bool _isValidRange(double x) {
return x >= -double.maxFinite && x <= double.maxFinite;
bool _isValidExponent(double x) {
return x >= -37 && x <= 38;
// We use this generic parseNumber function to allow the Path parsing code to
// work at a higher precision internally, without any unnecessary runtime cost
// or code complexity.
double _parseNumber() {
// read the sign
int sign = 1;
final int end = _codePoints.length;
if (_idx < end && _codePoints[_idx] ==
else if (_idx < end && _codePoints[_idx] == AsciiConstants.minus) {
sign = -1;
if (_idx == end ||
((_codePoints[_idx] < AsciiConstants.number0 ||
_codePoints[_idx] > AsciiConstants.number9) &&
_codePoints[_idx] != AsciiConstants.period))
// The first character of a number must be one of [0-9+-.]
throw new StateError(
'First character of a number must be one of [0-9+-.]');
// read the integer part, build right-to-left
final int digitsStart = _idx;
while (_idx < end &&
_codePoints[_idx] >= AsciiConstants.number0 &&
_codePoints[_idx] <= AsciiConstants.number9)
++_idx; // Advance to first non-digit.
double integer = 0.0;
if (_idx != digitsStart) {
int ptrScanIntPart = _idx - 1;
int multiplier = 1;
while (ptrScanIntPart >= digitsStart) {
integer += multiplier *
(_codePoints[ptrScanIntPart--] - AsciiConstants.number0);
multiplier *= 10;
// Bail out early if this overflows.
if (!_isValidRange(integer)) {
throw new StateError('Numeric overflow');
double decimal = 0.0;
if (_idx < end && _codePoints[_idx] == AsciiConstants.period) {
// read the decimals
// There must be a least one digit following the .
if (_idx >= end ||
_codePoints[_idx] < AsciiConstants.number0 ||
_codePoints[_idx] > AsciiConstants.number9)
throw new StateError(
'There must be at least one digit following the .');
double frac = 1.0;
while (_idx < end &&
_codePoints[_idx] >= AsciiConstants.number0 &&
_codePoints[_idx] <= AsciiConstants.number9) {
frac *= 0.1;
decimal += (_codePoints[_idx++] - AsciiConstants.number0) * frac;
// When we get here we should have consumed either a digit for the integer
// part or a fractional part (with at least one digit after the '.'.)
assert(digitsStart != _idx);
double number = integer + decimal;
number *= sign;
// read the exponent part
if (_idx + 1 < end &&
(_codePoints[_idx] == AsciiConstants.lowerE ||
_codePoints[_idx] == AsciiConstants.upperE) &&
(_codePoints[_idx + 1] != AsciiConstants.lowerX &&
_codePoints[_idx + 1] != AsciiConstants.lowerM)) {
// read the sign of the exponent
bool exponentIsNegative = false;
if (_codePoints[_idx] ==
else if (_codePoints[_idx] == AsciiConstants.minus) {
exponentIsNegative = true;
// There must be an exponent
if (_idx >= end ||
_codePoints[_idx] < AsciiConstants.number0 ||
_codePoints[_idx] > AsciiConstants.number9)
throw new StateError('Missing exponent');
double exponent = 0.0;
while (_idx < end &&
_codePoints[_idx] >= AsciiConstants.number0 &&
_codePoints[_idx] <= AsciiConstants.number9) {
exponent *= 10.0;
exponent += _codePoints[_idx] - AsciiConstants.number0;
if (exponentIsNegative) {
exponent = -exponent;
// Make sure exponent is valid.
if (!_isValidExponent(exponent)) {
throw new StateError('Invalid exponent $exponent');
if (exponent != 0) {
number *= math.pow(10.0, exponent);
// Don't return Infinity() or NaN().
if (!_isValidRange(number)) {
throw new StateError('Numeric overflow');
// if (mode & kAllowTrailingWhitespace)
return number;
bool _parseArcFlag() {
if (!hasMoreData) {
throw new StateError('Expected more data');
final int flagChar = _codePoints[_idx];
if (flagChar == AsciiConstants.number0)
return false;
else if (flagChar == AsciiConstants.number1)
return true;
throw new StateError('Invalid flag value');
bool get hasMoreData => _idx < _codePoints.length;
Iterable<PathSegmentData> parseSegments() sync* {
while (hasMoreData) {
yield parseSegment();
PathSegmentData parseSegment() {
final PathSegmentData segment = new PathSegmentData();
final int lookahead = _codePoints[_idx];
SvgPathSegType command = AsciiConstants.mapLetterToSegmentType(lookahead);
if (_previousCommand == SvgPathSegType.unknown) {
// First command has to be a moveto.
if (command != SvgPathSegType.moveToRel &&
command != SvgPathSegType.moveToAbs) {
throw new StateError('Expected to find moveTo command');
// SetErrorMark(SVGParseStatus::kExpectedMoveToCommand);
// return segment;
// Consume command letter.
} else if (command == SvgPathSegType.unknown) {
// Possibly an implicit command.
assert(_previousCommand != SvgPathSegType.unknown);
command = _maybeImplicitCommand(lookahead, command);
if (command == null || command == SvgPathSegType.unknown) {
throw new StateError('Expected a path command');
} else {
// Valid explicit command.
segment.command = _previousCommand = command;
switch (segment.command) {
case SvgPathSegType.cubicToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.cubicToAbs:
segment.point1 = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
continue cubic_smooth;
case SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToAbs:
segment.point2 = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
continue quad_smooth;
case SvgPathSegType.moveToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.moveToAbs:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToAbs:
case SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToAbs:
segment.targetPoint = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
case SvgPathSegType.lineToHorizontalRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToHorizontalAbs:
segment.targetPoint =
new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), segment.targetPoint?.dy ?? 0.0);
case SvgPathSegType.lineToVerticalRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToVerticalAbs:
segment.targetPoint =
new _PathOffset(segment.targetPoint?.dx ?? 0.0, _parseNumber());
case SvgPathSegType.close:
case SvgPathSegType.quadToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.quadToAbs:
segment.point1 = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
segment.targetPoint = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
case SvgPathSegType.arcToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.arcToAbs:
segment.point1 = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
segment.arcAngle = _parseNumber();
segment.arcLarge = _parseArcFlag();
segment.arcSweep = _parseArcFlag();
segment.targetPoint = new _PathOffset(_parseNumber(), _parseNumber());
case SvgPathSegType.unknown:
throw new StateError('Unknown segment command');
return segment;
class OffsetHelper {
static _PathOffset reflectedPoint(
_PathOffset reflectedIn, _PathOffset pointToReflect) {
return new _PathOffset(2 * reflectedIn.dx - pointToReflect.dx,
2 * reflectedIn.dy - pointToReflect.dy);
static const double _kOneOverThree = 1.0 / 3.0;
/// Blend the points with a ratio (1/3):(2/3).
static _PathOffset blendPoints(_PathOffset p1, _PathOffset p2) {
return new _PathOffset((p1.dx + 2 * p2.dx) * _kOneOverThree,
(p1.dy + 2 * p2.dy) * _kOneOverThree);
bool isCubicCommand(SvgPathSegType command) {
return command == SvgPathSegType.cubicToAbs ||
command == SvgPathSegType.cubicToRel ||
command == SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToAbs ||
command == SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToRel;
bool isQuadraticCommand(SvgPathSegType command) {
return command == SvgPathSegType.quadToAbs ||
command == SvgPathSegType.quadToRel ||
command == SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToAbs ||
command == SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToRel;
// TODO(dnfield): This can probably be cleaned up a bit. Some of this was designed in such a way to pack data/optimize for C++
// There are probably better/clearer ways to do it for Dart.
class PathSegmentData {
: command = SvgPathSegType.unknown,
arcSweep = false,
arcLarge = false;
_PathOffset get arcRadii => point1;
double get arcAngle => point2.dx;
set arcAngle(double angle) =>
point2 = new _PathOffset(angle, point2?.dy ?? 0.0);
double get r1 => arcRadii.dx;
double get r2 => arcRadii.dy;
bool get largeArcFlag => arcLarge;
bool get sweepFlag => arcSweep;
double get x => targetPoint.dx;
double get y => targetPoint.dy;
double get x1 => point1.dx;
double get y1 => point1.dy;
double get x2 => point2.dx;
double get y2 => point2.dy;
SvgPathSegType command;
_PathOffset targetPoint;
_PathOffset point1;
_PathOffset point2;
bool arcSweep;
bool arcLarge;
String toString() {
return 'PathSegmentData{$command $targetPoint $point1 $point2 $arcSweep $arcLarge}';
class SvgPathNormalizer {
_PathOffset _currentPoint =;
_PathOffset _subPathPoint =;
_PathOffset _controlPoint =;
SvgPathSegType _lastCommand = SvgPathSegType.unknown;
void emitSegment(PathSegmentData segment, PathProxy path) {
final PathSegmentData normSeg = segment;
normSeg.command == SvgPathSegType.close || normSeg.targetPoint != null);
assert(_currentPoint != null);
// Convert relative points to absolute points.
switch (segment.command) {
case SvgPathSegType.quadToRel:
normSeg.point1 += _currentPoint;
normSeg.targetPoint += _currentPoint;
case SvgPathSegType.cubicToRel:
normSeg.point1 += _currentPoint;
continue smooth_rel;
case SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToRel:
normSeg.point2 += _currentPoint;
continue arc_rel;
case SvgPathSegType.moveToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToHorizontalRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToVerticalRel:
case SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.arcToRel:
normSeg.targetPoint += _currentPoint;
case SvgPathSegType.lineToHorizontalAbs:
normSeg.targetPoint =
new _PathOffset(normSeg.targetPoint.dx, _currentPoint.dy);
case SvgPathSegType.lineToVerticalAbs:
normSeg.targetPoint =
new _PathOffset(_currentPoint.dx, normSeg.targetPoint.dy);
case SvgPathSegType.close:
// Reset m_currentPoint for the next path.
normSeg.targetPoint = _subPathPoint;
// Update command verb, handle smooth segments and convert quadratic curve
// segments to cubics.
switch (segment.command) {
case SvgPathSegType.moveToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.moveToAbs:
_subPathPoint = normSeg.targetPoint;
// normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.moveToAbs;
path.moveTo(normSeg.targetPoint.dx, normSeg.targetPoint.dy);
case SvgPathSegType.lineToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToAbs:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToHorizontalRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToHorizontalAbs:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToVerticalRel:
case SvgPathSegType.lineToVerticalAbs:
// normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.lineToAbs;
path.lineTo(normSeg.targetPoint.dx, normSeg.targetPoint.dy);
case SvgPathSegType.close:
// normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.close;
case SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.smoothCubicToAbs:
if (!isCubicCommand(_lastCommand)) {
normSeg.point1 = _currentPoint;
} else {
normSeg.point1 = OffsetHelper.reflectedPoint(
continue cubic_abs2;
case SvgPathSegType.cubicToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.cubicToAbs:
_controlPoint = normSeg.point2;
// normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.cubicToAbs;
case SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.smoothQuadToAbs:
if (!isQuadraticCommand(_lastCommand)) {
normSeg.point1 = _currentPoint;
} else {
normSeg.point1 = OffsetHelper.reflectedPoint(
continue quad_abs2;
case SvgPathSegType.quadToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.quadToAbs:
// Save the unmodified control point.
_controlPoint = normSeg.point1;
normSeg.point1 = OffsetHelper.blendPoints(_currentPoint, _controlPoint);
normSeg.point2 = OffsetHelper.blendPoints(
// normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.cubicToAbs;
case SvgPathSegType.arcToRel:
case SvgPathSegType.arcToAbs:
if (!_decomposeArcToCubic(_currentPoint, normSeg, path)) {
// On failure, emit a line segment to the target point.
// normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.lineToAbs;
path.lineTo(normSeg.targetPoint.dx, normSeg.targetPoint.dy);
// } else {
// // decomposeArcToCubic() has already emitted the normalized
// // segments, so set command to PathSegArcAbs, to skip any further
// // emit.
// // normSeg.command = SvgPathSegType.arcToAbs;
throw new StateError('Invalid command type in path');
_currentPoint = normSeg.targetPoint;
if (!isCubicCommand(segment.command) &&
!isQuadraticCommand(segment.command)) {
_controlPoint = _currentPoint;
_lastCommand = segment.command;
// This works by converting the SVG arc to "simple" beziers.
// Partly adapted from Niko's code in kdelibs/kdecore/svgicons.
// See also SVG implementation notes:
bool _decomposeArcToCubic(
_PathOffset currentPoint,
PathSegmentData arcSegment,
PathProxy path,
) {
// If rx = 0 or ry = 0 then this arc is treated as a straight line segment (a
// "lineto") joining the endpoints.
double rx = arcSegment.arcRadii.dx.abs();
double ry = arcSegment.arcRadii.dy.abs();
if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) {
return false;
// If the current point and target point for the arc are identical, it should
// be treated as a zero length path. This ensures continuity in animations.
if (arcSegment.targetPoint == currentPoint) {
return false;
final double angle = arcSegment.arcAngle;
final _PathOffset midPointDistance =
(currentPoint - arcSegment.targetPoint) * 0.5;
final Matrix4 pointTransform = new Matrix4.identity();
final _PathOffset transformedMidPoint = _mapPoint(
new _PathOffset(
final double squareRx = rx * rx;
final double squareRy = ry * ry;
final double squareX = transformedMidPoint.dx * transformedMidPoint.dx;
final double squareY = transformedMidPoint.dy * transformedMidPoint.dy;
// Check if the radii are big enough to draw the arc, scale radii if not.
final double radiiScale = squareX / squareRx + squareY / squareRy;
if (radiiScale > 1.0) {
rx *= math.sqrt(radiiScale);
ry *= math.sqrt(radiiScale);
pointTransform.scale(1.0 / rx, 1.0 / ry);
_PathOffset point1 = _mapPoint(pointTransform, currentPoint);
_PathOffset point2 = _mapPoint(pointTransform, arcSegment.targetPoint);
_PathOffset delta = point2 - point1;
final double d = delta.dx * delta.dx + delta.dy * delta.dy;
final double scaleFactorSquared = math.max(1.0 / d - 0.25, 0.0);
double scaleFactor = math.sqrt(scaleFactorSquared);
if (!scaleFactor.isFinite) {
scaleFactor = 0.0;
if (arcSegment.arcSweep == arcSegment.arcLarge) {
scaleFactor = -scaleFactor;
delta = delta * scaleFactor;
final _PathOffset centerPoint =
((point1 + point2) * 0.5).translate(-delta.dy, delta.dx);
final double theta1 = (point1 - centerPoint).direction;
final double theta2 = (point2 - centerPoint).direction;
double thetaArc = theta2 - theta1;
if (thetaArc < 0.0 && arcSegment.arcSweep) {
thetaArc += _twoPiFloat;
} else if (thetaArc > 0.0 && !arcSegment.arcSweep) {
thetaArc -= _twoPiFloat;
pointTransform.scale(rx, ry);
// Some results of atan2 on some platform implementations are not exact
// enough. So that we get more cubic curves than expected here. Adding 0.001f
// reduces the count of segments to the correct count.
final int segments = (thetaArc / (_piOverTwoFloat + 0.001)).abs().ceil();
for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) {
final double startTheta = theta1 + i * thetaArc / segments;
final double endTheta = theta1 + (i + 1) * thetaArc / segments;
final double t = (8.0 / 6.0) * math.tan(0.25 * (endTheta - startTheta));
if (!t.isFinite) {
return false;
final double sinStartTheta = math.sin(startTheta);
final double cosStartTheta = math.cos(startTheta);
final double sinEndTheta = math.sin(endTheta);
final double cosEndTheta = math.cos(endTheta);
point1 = new _PathOffset(
cosStartTheta - t * sinStartTheta,
sinStartTheta + t * cosStartTheta,
).translate(centerPoint.dx, centerPoint.dy);
final _PathOffset targetPoint = new _PathOffset(
).translate(centerPoint.dx, centerPoint.dy);
point2 = targetPoint.translate(t * sinEndTheta, -t * cosEndTheta);
final PathSegmentData cubicSegment = new PathSegmentData();
cubicSegment.command = SvgPathSegType.cubicToAbs;
cubicSegment.point1 = _mapPoint(pointTransform, point1);
cubicSegment.point2 = _mapPoint(pointTransform, point2);
cubicSegment.targetPoint = _mapPoint(pointTransform, targetPoint);
path.cubicTo(cubicSegment.x1, cubicSegment.y1, cubicSegment.x2,
cubicSegment.y2, cubicSegment.x, cubicSegment.y);
return true;
_PathOffset _mapPoint(Matrix4 transform, _PathOffset point) {
// a, b, 0.0, 0.0, c, d, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, e, f, 0.0, 1.0
return new _PathOffset([0] * point.dx +[4] * point.dy +[12],[1] * point.dx +[5] * point.dy +[13],