blob: 16a1ed0177d5e26c0aabafe5f1b1710edaa3760f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library googleapis_auth;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import '../auth.dart';
import 'http_client_base.dart';
/// Will close the underlying `http.Client` depending on a constructor argument.
class AuthenticatedClient extends DelegatingClient implements AuthClient {
final AccessCredentials credentials;
AuthenticatedClient(Client client, this.credentials)
: super(client, closeUnderlyingClient: false);
Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) async {
// Make new request object and perform the authenticated request.
var modifiedRequest =
new RequestImpl(request.method, request.url, request.finalize());
modifiedRequest.headers['Authorization'] =
'Bearer ${}';
var response = await baseClient.send(modifiedRequest);
var wwwAuthenticate = response.headers['www-authenticate'];
if (wwwAuthenticate != null) {
throw new AccessDeniedException('Access was denied '
'(www-authenticate header was: $wwwAuthenticate).');
return response;
/// Adds 'key' query parameter when making HTTP requests.
/// If 'key' is already present on the URI, it will complete with an exception.
/// This will prevent accidental overrides of a query parameter with the API
/// key.
class ApiKeyClient extends DelegatingClient {
final String _encodedApiKey;
ApiKeyClient(Client client, String apiKey)
: _encodedApiKey = Uri.encodeQueryComponent(apiKey),
super(client, closeUnderlyingClient: true);
Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) {
var url = request.url;
if (url.queryParameters.containsKey('key')) {
return new Future.error(new Exception(
'Tried to make a HTTP request which has already a "key" query '
'parameter. Adding the API key would override that existing value.'));
if (url.query == '') {
url = url.replace(query: 'key=$_encodedApiKey');
} else {
url = url.replace(query: '${url.query}&key=$_encodedApiKey');
var modifiedRequest =
new RequestImpl(request.method, url, request.finalize());
return baseClient.send(modifiedRequest);
/// Will close the underlying `http.Client` depending on a constructor argument.
class AutoRefreshingClient extends AutoRefreshDelegatingClient {
final ClientId clientId;
AccessCredentials credentials;
Client authClient;
AutoRefreshingClient(Client client, this.clientId, this.credentials,
{bool closeUnderlyingClient: false})
: super(client, closeUnderlyingClient: closeUnderlyingClient) {
assert(credentials.refreshToken != null);
authClient = authenticatedClient(baseClient, credentials);
Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) async {
if (!credentials.accessToken.hasExpired) {
// TODO: Can this return a "access token expired" message?
// If so, we should handle it.
return authClient.send(request);
} else {
var cred = await refreshCredentials(clientId, credentials, baseClient);
credentials = cred;
authClient = authenticatedClient(baseClient, cred);
return authClient.send(request);
abstract class AutoRefreshDelegatingClient extends DelegatingClient
implements AutoRefreshingAuthClient {
final StreamController<AccessCredentials> _credentialStreamController =
new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
AutoRefreshDelegatingClient(Client client, {bool closeUnderlyingClient: true})
: super(client, closeUnderlyingClient: closeUnderlyingClient);
Stream<AccessCredentials> get credentialUpdates =>;
void notifyAboutNewCredentials(AccessCredentials credentials) {
void close() {