blob: 2025997bb479043847deac83dc9a161c606e2839 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:build_modules/build_modules.dart';
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import '../builders.dart';
/// Because we hold bytes in memory we don't want to compile to many app entry
/// points at once.
final _buildPool = Pool(16);
/// A builder which combines several [vmKernelModuleExtension] modules into a
/// single [vmKernelEntrypointExtension] file, which represents an entire
/// application.
class VmEntrypointBuilder implements Builder {
const VmEntrypointBuilder();
final buildExtensions = const {
'.dart': [vmKernelEntrypointExtension],
Future<Null> build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
await _buildPool.withResource(() async {
var dartEntrypointId = buildStep.inputId;
var isAppEntrypoint = await _isAppEntryPoint(dartEntrypointId, buildStep);
if (!isAppEntrypoint) return;
var moduleId =
var module = Module.fromJson(
json.decode(await buildStep.readAsString(moduleId))
as Map<String, dynamic>);
var transitiveModules =
await module.computeTransitiveDependencies(buildStep);
var transitiveKernelModules = [
(m) => m.primarySource.changeExtension(vmKernelModuleExtension)));
var appContents = <int>[];
for (var dependencyId in transitiveKernelModules) {
appContents.addAll(await buildStep.readAsBytes(dependencyId));
await buildStep.writeAsBytes(
/// Returns whether or not [dartId] is an app entrypoint (basically, whether
/// or not it has a `main` function).
Future<bool> _isAppEntryPoint(AssetId dartId, AssetReader reader) async {
assert(dartId.extension == '.dart');
// Skip reporting errors here, dartdevc will report them later with nicer
// formatting.
var parsed = parseCompilationUnit(await reader.readAsString(dartId),
suppressErrors: true);
// Allow two or fewer arguments so that entrypoints intended for use with
// [spawnUri] get counted.
// TODO: This misses the case where a Dart file doesn't contain main(),
// but has a part that does, or it exports a `main` from another library.
return parsed.declarations.any((node) {
return node is FunctionDeclaration && == 'main' &&
node.functionExpression.parameters.parameters.length <= 2;