blob: 6d45c4885182ff4f9bbb4795435257e10acdbaab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
import '../asset/build_cache.dart';
import '../asset/writer.dart';
import '../asset_graph/exceptions.dart';
import '../asset_graph/graph.dart';
import '../asset_graph/node.dart';
import '../changes/build_script_updates.dart';
import '../environment/build_environment.dart';
import '../logging/failure_reporter.dart';
import '../logging/logging.dart';
import '../package_graph/package_graph.dart';
import '../package_graph/target_graph.dart';
import '../util/constants.dart';
import '../util/sdk_version_match.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'options.dart';
import 'phase.dart';
final _logger = Logger('BuildDefinition');
class BuildDefinition {
final AssetGraph assetGraph;
final AssetReader reader;
final RunnerAssetWriter writer;
final PackageGraph packageGraph;
final bool deleteFilesByDefault;
final ResourceManager resourceManager;
final BuildScriptUpdates buildScriptUpdates;
/// Whether or not to run in a mode that conserves RAM at the cost of build
/// speed.
final bool enableLowResourcesMode;
final BuildEnvironment environment;
static Future<BuildDefinition> prepareWorkspace(BuildEnvironment environment,
BuildOptions options, List<BuildPhase> buildPhases) =>
_Loader(environment, options, buildPhases).prepareWorkspace();
class _Loader {
final List<BuildPhase> _buildPhases;
final BuildOptions _options;
final BuildEnvironment _environment;
_Loader(this._environment, this._options, this._buildPhases);
Future<BuildDefinition> prepareWorkspace() async {
_checkBuildPhases();'Initializing inputs');
var assetGraph = await _tryReadCachedAssetGraph();
var inputSources = await _findInputSources();
var cacheDirSources = await _findCacheDirSources();
var internalSources = await _findInternalSources();
BuildScriptUpdates buildScriptUpdates;
if (assetGraph != null) {
var updates = await logTimedAsync(
'Checking for updates since last build',
() => _updateAssetGraph(assetGraph, _buildPhases, inputSources,
cacheDirSources, internalSources));
buildScriptUpdates = await BuildScriptUpdates.create(
_environment.reader, _options.packageGraph, assetGraph);
if (!_options.skipBuildScriptCheck &&
buildScriptUpdates.hasBeenUpdated(updates.keys.toSet())) {
_logger.warning('Invalidating asset graph due to build script update!');
var deletedSourceOutputs = await _cleanupOldOutputs(assetGraph);
if (_runningFromSnapshot) {
// We have to be regenerated if running from a snapshot.
throw BuildScriptChangedException();
assetGraph = null;
buildScriptUpdates = null;
if (assetGraph == null) {
Set<AssetId> conflictingOutputs;
await logTimedAsync(_logger, 'Building new asset graph', () async {
try {
assetGraph = await, inputSources,
internalSources, _options.packageGraph, _environment.reader);
} on DuplicateAssetNodeException catch (e, st) {
_logger.severe('Conflicting outputs', e, st);
throw CannotBuildException();
buildScriptUpdates = await BuildScriptUpdates.create(
_environment.reader, _options.packageGraph, assetGraph);
conflictingOutputs = assetGraph.outputs
.where((n) => n.package ==
final conflictsInDeps = assetGraph.outputs
.where((n) => n.package !=
if (conflictsInDeps.isNotEmpty) {
log.severe('There are existing files in dependencies which conflict '
'with files that a Builder may produce. These must be removed or '
'the Builders disabled before a build can continue: '
'${ => a.uri).join('\n')}');
throw CannotBuildException();
await logTimedAsync(
'Checking for unexpected pre-existing outputs.',
() => _initialBuildCleanup(conflictingOutputs,
_wrapWriter(_environment.writer, assetGraph)));
return BuildDefinition._(
_wrapReader(_environment.reader, assetGraph),
_wrapWriter(_environment.writer, assetGraph),
/// Checks that the [_buildPhases] are valid based on whether they are
/// written to the build cache.
void _checkBuildPhases() {
final root =;
for (final action in _buildPhases) {
if (!action.hideOutput) {
// Only `InBuildPhase`s can be not hidden.
if (action is InBuildPhase && action.package != root) {
// This should happen only with a manual build script since the build
// script generation filters these out.
_logger.severe('A build phase (${action.builderLabel}) is attempting '
'to operate on package "${action.package}", but the build script '
'is located in package "$root". It\'s not valid to attempt to '
'generate files for another package unless the BuilderApplication'
'specified "hideOutput".'
'Did you mean to write:\n'
' new BuilderApplication(..., toRoot())\n'
' new BuilderApplication(..., hideOutput: true)\n'
'... instead?');
throw CannotBuildException();
/// Deletes the generated output directory.
/// Typically this should be done whenever an asset graph is thrown away.
Future<void> _deleteGeneratedDir() async {
var generatedDir = Directory(generatedOutputDirectory);
if (await generatedDir.exists()) {
await generatedDir.delete(recursive: true);
/// Returns the all the sources found in the cache directory.
Future<Set<AssetId>> _findCacheDirSources() =>
/// Returns all the internal sources, such as those under [entryPointDir].
Future<Set<AssetId>> _findInternalSources() =>
/// Attempts to read in an [AssetGraph] from disk, and returns `null` if it
/// fails for any reason.
Future<AssetGraph> _tryReadCachedAssetGraph() async {
final assetGraphId =
AssetId(, assetGraphPath);
if (!await _environment.reader.canRead(assetGraphId)) {
return null;
return logTimedAsync(_logger, 'Reading cached asset graph', () async {
try {
var cachedGraph = AssetGraph.deserialize(
await _environment.reader.readAsBytes(assetGraphId));
if (computeBuildPhasesDigest(_buildPhases) !=
cachedGraph.buildPhasesDigest) {
'Throwing away cached asset graph because the build phases have '
'changed. This most commonly would happen as a result of adding a '
'new dependency or updating your dependencies.');
await Future.wait([
if (_runningFromSnapshot) {
throw BuildScriptChangedException();
return null;
if (!isSameSdkVersion(cachedGraph.dartVersion, Platform.version)) {
'Throwing away cached asset graph due to Dart SDK update.');
await Future.wait([
if (_runningFromSnapshot) {
throw BuildScriptChangedException();
return null;
return cachedGraph;
} on AssetGraphCorruptedException catch (_) {
// Start fresh if the cached asset_graph cannot be deserialized
_logger.warning('Throwing away cached asset graph due to '
'version mismatch or corrupted asset graph.');
await Future.wait([
return null;
/// Deletes all the old outputs from [graph] that were written to the source
/// tree, and deletes the entire generated directory.
Future<Iterable<AssetId>> _cleanupOldOutputs(AssetGraph graph) async {
var deletedSources = <AssetId>[];
await logTimedAsync(_logger, 'Cleaning up outputs from previous builds.',
() async {
// Delete all the non-hidden outputs.
await Future.wait( {
var node = graph.get(id) as GeneratedAssetNode;
if (node.wasOutput && !node.isHidden) {
return _environment.writer.delete(id);
return null;
await _deleteGeneratedDir();
return deletedSources;
/// Updates [assetGraph] based on a the new view of the world.
/// Once done, this returns a map of [AssetId] to [ChangeType] for all the
/// changes.
Future<Map<AssetId, ChangeType>> _updateAssetGraph(
AssetGraph assetGraph,
List<BuildPhase> buildPhases,
Set<AssetId> inputSources,
Set<AssetId> cacheDirSources,
Set<AssetId> internalSources) async {
var updates = await _findSourceUpdates(
assetGraph, inputSources, cacheDirSources, internalSources);
updates.addAll(_computeBuilderOptionsUpdates(assetGraph, buildPhases));
await assetGraph.updateAndInvalidate(
(id) => _wrapWriter(_environment.writer, assetGraph).delete(id),
_wrapReader(_environment.reader, assetGraph));
return updates;
/// Wraps [original] in a [BuildCacheWriter].
RunnerAssetWriter _wrapWriter(
RunnerAssetWriter original, AssetGraph assetGraph) {
assert(assetGraph != null);
return BuildCacheWriter(
original, assetGraph,;
/// Wraps [original] in a [BuildCacheReader].
AssetReader _wrapReader(AssetReader original, AssetGraph assetGraph) {
assert(assetGraph != null);
return BuildCacheReader(
original, assetGraph,;
/// Finds the asset changes which have happened while unwatched between builds
/// by taking a difference between the assets in the graph and the assets on
/// disk.
Future<Map<AssetId, ChangeType>> _findSourceUpdates(
AssetGraph assetGraph,
Set<AssetId> inputSources,
Set<AssetId> generatedSources,
Set<AssetId> internalSources) async {
final allSources = Set<AssetId>()
var updates = <AssetId, ChangeType>{};
addUpdates(Iterable<AssetId> assets, ChangeType type) {
for (var asset in assets) {
updates[asset] = type;
var newSources = inputSources.difference(assetGraph.allNodes
.where((node) => node.isValidInput)
.map((node) =>
addUpdates(newSources, ChangeType.ADD);
var removedAssets = assetGraph.allNodes
.where((n) {
if (!n.isReadable) return false;
if (n is GeneratedAssetNode) return n.wasOutput;
return true;
.map((n) =>
.where((id) => !allSources.contains(id));
addUpdates(removedAssets, ChangeType.REMOVE);
var originalGraphSources = assetGraph.sources.toSet();
var preExistingSources = originalGraphSources.intersection(inputSources)
..addAll(internalSources.where((id) => assetGraph.contains(id)));
var modifyChecks = async {
var node = assetGraph.get(id);
assert(node != null);
var originalDigest = node.lastKnownDigest;
if (originalDigest == null) return;
var currentDigest = await _environment.reader.digest(id);
if (currentDigest != originalDigest) {
updates[id] = ChangeType.MODIFY;
await Future.wait(modifyChecks);
return updates;
/// Checks for any updates to the [BuilderOptionsAssetNode]s for
/// [buildPhases] compared to the last known state.
Map<AssetId, ChangeType> _computeBuilderOptionsUpdates(
AssetGraph assetGraph, List<BuildPhase> buildPhases) {
var result = <AssetId, ChangeType>{};
void updateBuilderOptionsNode(
AssetId builderOptionsId, BuilderOptions options) {
var builderOptionsNode =
assetGraph.get(builderOptionsId) as BuilderOptionsAssetNode;
var oldDigest = builderOptionsNode.lastKnownDigest;
builderOptionsNode.lastKnownDigest = computeBuilderOptionsDigest(options);
if (builderOptionsNode.lastKnownDigest != oldDigest) {
result[builderOptionsId] = ChangeType.MODIFY;
for (var phase = 0; phase < buildPhases.length; phase++) {
var action = buildPhases[phase];
if (action is InBuildPhase) {
builderOptionsIdForAction(action, phase), action.builderOptions);
} else if (action is PostBuildPhase) {
var actionNum = 0;
for (var builderAction in action.builderActions) {
builderOptionsIdForAction(builderAction, actionNum),
return result;
/// Returns the set of original package inputs on disk.
Future<Set<AssetId>> _findInputSources() {
final targets =
return targets.asyncExpand(_listAssetIds).toSet();
Stream<AssetId> _listAssetIds(TargetNode targetNode) => targetNode
? Stream<AssetId>.empty()
: StreamGroup.merge( =>
_listIdsSafe(glob, package:
.where((id) =>
targetNode.package.isRoot || id.pathSegments.first == 'lib')
.where((id) => !targetNode.excludesSource(id))));
Stream<AssetId> _listGeneratedAssetIds() {
var glob = Glob('$generatedOutputDirectory/**');
return _listIdsSafe(glob).map((id) {
var packagePath = id.path.substring(generatedOutputDirectory.length + 1);
var firstSlash = packagePath.indexOf('/');
if (firstSlash == -1) return null;
var package = packagePath.substring(0, firstSlash);
var path = packagePath.substring(firstSlash + 1);
return AssetId(package, path);
}).where((id) => id != null);
/// Lists asset ids and swallows file not found errors.
/// Ideally we would warn but in practice the default whitelist will give this
/// error a lot and it would be noisy.
Stream<AssetId> _listIdsSafe(Glob glob, {String package}) =>
_environment.reader.findAssets(glob, package: package).handleError((e) {},
test: (e) => e is FileSystemException && e.osError.errorCode == 2);
/// Handles cleanup of pre-existing outputs for initial builds (where there is
/// no cached graph).
Future<Null> _initialBuildCleanup(
Set<AssetId> conflictingAssets, RunnerAssetWriter writer) async {
if (conflictingAssets.isEmpty) return;
// Skip the prompt if using this option.
if (_options.deleteFilesByDefault) {'Deleting ${conflictingAssets.length} declared outputs '
'which already existed on disk.');
await Future.wait( => writer.delete(id)));
// Prompt the user to delete files that are declared as outputs.'Found ${conflictingAssets.length} declared outputs '
'which already exist on disk. This is likely because the'
'`$cacheDir` folder was deleted, or you are submitting generated '
'files to your source repository.');
var done = false;
while (!done) {
try {
var choice = await _environment.prompt('Delete these files?',
['Delete', 'Cancel build', 'List conflicts']);
switch (choice) {
case 0:'Deleting files...');
done = true;
await Future.wait( => writer.delete(id)));
case 1:
_logger.severe('The build will not be able to contiue until the '
'conflicting assets are removed or the Builders which may '
'output them are disabled. The outputs are: '
'${ => a.path).join('\n')}');
throw CannotBuildException();
case 2:'Conflicts:\n${conflictingAssets.join('\n')}');
// Logging should be sync :(
await Future(() {});
} on NonInteractiveBuildException {
_logger.severe('Conflicting outputs were detected and the build '
'is unable to prompt for permission to remove them. '
'These outputs must be removed manually or the build can be '
'run with `--delete-conflicting-outputs`. The outputs are: '
'${ => a.path).join('\n')}');
throw CannotBuildException();
bool get _runningFromSnapshot => !Platform.script.path.endsWith('.dart');